"V^ OOP D E IP A RTMENT WOOD News of Wood and sur . roundin g community , Edited by Wood Citizens PLEASE GIVE U8 THE NEWS As we wish to Make our coining live with the happenings of onr ? community and are not able to as certain the comings and go lags of every one we will appreciate It If yon will tell, phone or leave a written statement of your visits or any news Item, with Mrs. Mor ris (irltfln at the Drug Store. t t We wish to thank every one who has given us aid In any torm to make our department what It Is. We, being, entirely new in this kind of work, realize that It will be some time be fore we can make It like we wish It to be, but we hope to Improve with each issue. This week we are without one of our main helpers, she being on her vacation, but others have rallied to our aid and we thank them. Wo thank every one for their cooperation in giving us the news. Please con tinue to do so, it will help our com munity to grow better and bigger in every- way. t t lMt\"f FORGET "COME AM) SEE DAT" I t WOOD HAPTIST CJlt'RCH Pastor, to be supplied; Clerk, M. H. Gupton; Treas., A. S. J. Hamlett; i ianist, Mrs. W. D. Fuller; Deacons, J. S. Shearin, H. B. Sh^rin, G. M . "nor, E. B. Gupton, M. H. Gupton, V J). Fuller. I I SUNDAY SCHOOI. Standard Sunday School. Su Dr. H. M. Beam, ' Asso.-fatc Supts. ? Alex Wester and G. M. Kay nor . Sec. and Treas. ? W. D. Puller. Asso. Sec. and Treas. ? Nancy Gup ton. Teachers? Class No. 1, Miss Pearl Gupton; Class No. 2,* Mrs. Alex Wes ter; Class No. 3, Miss Daisy Ball; Class No. 4, Dr. H. M. Beam ;i Class No. i, Mrs. W. D. Fuller; Class No. 6, Mrs. Morris Griffin; Class No. 7, Miss Annie F. Gupton. Report for Sunday, Sept. 2nd: Class No. 1 ? teacher present; scho lars present 27, scholars absent. 13, new scholars 3, collection $1.55, ~ bi bles brought 3, visitors 1. Class No. 2 ? teacher present, schol ars present 13, absent 6, new scholars 2, visitors 2, collection 32c, bible brought 4. Class No. 3 ? teacher present, achoK ars present 22, absent 4, visitors 2, collection 29c, bibles brought 1. Class No. 4 ? teacher present, schol ars present 19, absent 3, visitors collection $2.01, bibles brought 6. Class No. 5 ? teacher present, schol ars present 21, absent 2, visitors 2, collection 55c, bibles brought 5. Class No. 6 ? teacher absent, class taught by Miss Irene Gupton, schol ars present 16, absent 8, visitors 1, collection 16c, bibles brought 3. Class No. 7 ? teacher present, schol ars present 18, absent 12, visitor 1, collection 54c, bibles brought 1. Condensed report ? officers present 5, teachers present 6, number pupils present 135, absent 56, new pupils 5, visitors 10, total present 157, bibles 24, contribution $3.10. Prom above report you will tako notice that we over aid our expecta tions last Sunday In attendance and time of meeting. 1. We expected to meet at 9:30 ? we did. 2. We expected to have attendance of 160 ? we had 157. 3. We expected a collection of $<*.00 ? we had $6.50. 4. We expected every one to bring a bible, we failed ? only 24 brought them, even failed to bring as many as Sunday before last. Lets do bettor lo this respeot next Sunday. 5. We expected to go 130 strong to county Sunday school convention at Centerville ? we did, more than that. There were more than a score of people from here who did not at tend Sunday school. 6. We expected to have a grand time ? we did, it you don't believe It just ask any one member of our Sun day school. They will agree with us. 7. We wanted the attendance pennant given by county convention ? ?we got It. It was a treat to have_Mr. 81ms and Miss Stuart, of the county convention ilepartment of State S. 8. Board with us Sunday morning. They are real live wires. Just touch them on Sun day school work and see for yourfelf. Mr. Sims said thit some of us ought to he twins as we were so large? we think he ought to be a quartette or more in regards to Sunday school for he has so much good Sunday sohoel Ideas In hib head, tho he can get more Into a few mlnutee than any we have heard ? he ought to be four or more different people so he eould 'be at more than one place at a time. These people knew their work and, tho they mado only a few remarks to us, we were greatly Inspired and uplifted. We do wish they could come and give us a convention tor our Sunday school. We would not Intentionally be selfish, but the harvest Is ripe and we want tho latest and very hest ot reapers they can help us get It Is ?h?pe well. ?Come again? our people said they cad sit and listen to you (Or days. But U permissible ? let's use ttyelr slogan for our work. "Don't Sit up and $lt ? But Git up and Qlt." We asked these people to make crli icisma while with us Sunday and write their suggestion* and remedies when they get back. Now, we said criticisms, we meant It. We are new lu this work anil we hopo that when jOld Rip Van Winkle comes back be won't recognise us. And that is ex actly why we asked for criticisms. We I will glye them ? good or bad ? to you when we receive them. I We wish to thank those who made It possible for our Sunday school to uttend en masse the convention Sun day. It was very thoughtful "nd kind of Mr.J. Mel Griffin to leave hit family ? tho sick ? to take a truck full of enthusiastic workers. We appre ciate the kindness of Messrs. Fuller and Raynor for the use of their trucks and Messrs. J. Mel and Floyd Griffin for driving them. As you saw last Sunday the rods with a few exceptions have been put up. We thank the committee on this for what they are doing and we hope that In a tew mor? Sundays our cur tain committee will be in a position to replace the sheets with curtains. We likewise thank thoso of our 'young people who cleaned up the j church last week. They are always : ready to help In any way. We would not fail to tfike this op | portunlty of making known our ap preciation of the cooperation op the part of every one. It gladdens our hearts when on every hand we are met with such cooperation. People let's continue to cooperate. It helps every one. We. every one of us, have | a part todo. Let's do It and make our community worth living In and . the [work of the Master stronger and bet ter. Don't fail to attend the teachers' meeting in Dr. Beam's office Friday night at 7:30. There is something gdod In store for you. Remember next Sunday? 1. We begin on time 10:30 A. M. ? when the last bell ceases to ring. 2. Place ? Church. 3. We expect attendance of 160. 4. We expect collection of $6.50. 5. We expect every teacher and pupil to bring a Bible. 6. We are going to make It worth your coming. Will you give us a chance? Below id given' a letter from cur former pastor, The Little Preacher, in answer to one written him by us. We hope every one will read it and remember what he has to say. We are very glad that his new work is 1 progressing and assure him that he has our prayers and best wishes. Frultland Institute, Hendersonville. N. C.. Aug. 25, 1923. Dear Doctor: I I have thought of Wood often today as the Eervices here have been going on. Mr. Melton preached two good sermons as the opening sermons of our meeting which is just beginning. I Several reconsecrated their lives to I night. The attitude on the most part is that we are going to hare a good meeting. Mr. Melton will preach at ' night to the church and community. He has asked me to preach to the students and community In the day j services which are to be held at elev en o'clock. / I Such a place of responsibility calre for the best that I have. Please pray that I may have strength and may dc effective service for the Savior in our meeting. Somehow I believe that many there are praying for me daily, and I appreciate it. I need your pray ns, and It makes me try harder to know that others are Interested and care. ' Your letter to Mr Melton seems tc have paved the way for me here. In addition to what I have already said they have (the church) asked me to act as general director of all the young people's work in the church and school. As yet I have been so very busy that I have not written to any except those v ho have written me. So far every thing ha9 been a terrible rush. Per haps in a few days I will be able to get things well enough In hand to tnke time for the writing of letters to scores of friends who txp?et them. On my class rolls are two hundred names. You understand what that means. Since coming over here I have not be?n back to Mars Hill. The roads were so terribly rough that I have a dread of facing them again. Ray, mond, Knnls and Eddie were doing fine whon I left them. Ennis seem ed a little blue, but I am sure he l i ever that long before now, With love to aU. I am Ever the same, Albert N. Corpenlng. t t ST7KBCAIT8 Junior Band ? Leader, Mrs. P. <3. Jtturgess; Pre*., Doris Wester: Vice Pres., Vera Gupton; Sec., Iris Gup ton. Senior Band ? Leader, Miss Lucy Cupton; Pres., Mabel Gupton; Vlce-i Pres.,-Leona Raynor; Sec., Jodie Rad ford. The regular meeting of the. Senior Sunbeam Band will be held lit the church Sundsv afternoon, Sept. 9, at 2:00. In the absence of the leader, Miss Lucy Gupton, Miss Neva Harper and Mrs. P. O. Bturgess will meet *lth the BariiL ' ' Pres. In charge Song ? Jesus bids us shine. Scripture? Act* 16:2643, memorlr ed by Doland Hamlett. . Chain prayer? That we may shine for Jesus, led by i-eona Raynor dol ed by Jettle Gupton Business of Band. Leader, O'linto* Gupton, In charge Program ? "Winning to Christ In our Church." Poem ? "Friends," by Freddie Thomp con and Thomas, Den ton. What I like best about crar church by Jodie Radford. Sow may we ^rln other people to collie to church? by Elisabeth Fuller Poem ? "You" by Dell Gupton. The best revival our church ha? ever had and why ? Maurice Wester. Close by repeating the Lord's pray er. Now will each Senior Sunbeam be on time and bring collection. Of the thirty-five in the Senior Band nine have pledged themselves to give five cents at each meeting, namely: Leo ua Raynor, Jettle Qupton, Wllmur Cupton, Geneva Benton, Vonnle Ben ton, Eira Denton. Mary Sturges, Fred die Thompson, Anna Mae Sturgess. Mabel Ouiton, Wilbur Raynor. The Junior Band of Sunbeams will meet the fourth Saturday afternoon in 8ept. at 2:00 for their program. The Seniors are Invited to attend the meet lng of the Senior Band Sat. Sept. 8, at 2:00. We want every member to visit cach others meetings to get new Ideas. We are going to see which Eand can have the best meeting. t t W. JL President; Vice- Pres.. Daisy Ball; Sec. and Treas., Mrs. W. D. Fuller, 1'ersonal Committee, Mrs. Morris CJrlf fln, Mrs. M. F. Parker, Mrs. P_. G frturgess; Membership Committee. Daisy BaH, Bertha HamleQt, Ruth Parker; Social Committee, Pearl Gup ton. Mrs. W. D. Fuller. Will each member of the W. M. S. please be present at" the meeting of the W. M.S. next Saturday afternoon Sept. 8th, at 4:00 at the church. Program: Phases of church work. Hymn ? Take Time to Be Holy. Scripture. Ps. 48 '9-1 4? by Pres. Prayer for Growth of Spirituality in the church. Personal service period. The local church ? Mrs. W. D. Ful ler. The Golden Hour of Life ? Neva Harper. Church Courtesy ? Irene P. Gupton The Witness of Saints ? B. Pearle Gupton. Business. Report of the meeting ot the Tar River Association W. M. U. attended at Warreuton, Thursday, Sept. t!. Closing song ? The Woman's Hymn. As we can not give an account of the meeting of W. M. U. of the Tar Elver Association in Warrenton this week we will tell you how many of us went and just what It meant to us In the next Issue. We are hoping to go 100 per cent strong ? but at this writing, there are two or three who are on the sick list who we are afraid can not attend. However, we will at tend as near en masse as possible. We are expecting a grand time! Y. W. A. s The Y. W. A. is not a new organiza tion but is the Band of G. A. workers who are climbing higher and givin% way for a new Girls Auxiliary. The Y. W. A. consist of young women from s'.xteen years of age and up until they become a W. M. S. member. The ni mber of Y. W. A. members enroll -' ed is nineteen. Officers ? Pres., Nancy Gupton; Vice Pres., Ora Belle Thompson: Sec. and Treas., Annie Rue Wood ; Leader, Vio la Thompson. The following ' Y. W. A. program will he given at the Baptist churcli 1 uesday night, Sept. 11, at 7:30 o'clock. Program ? Topic, .Watch. Hymn ? More About Jesus. Bible Lesson? The First church, Acts 2:41-47 ? Dolly Gurton. Prayer for the 29,000 r Lurches of the Southern Baptist Convention. The church the mainspring ? Hat lie Wilder. Everybody Moving ? Viola Thomp son. The Golden Hour ? Bertha Burnetts Prayer for Lost Friends? Volun teers. Hymn ? Jesus Loves Even Me. Winding the Watc h to Win ? Ola l'earce. Special Song? Viola Gupton, Aunio Rue Wood, Nancy Gupton and Leah Coley. ___ Our D?Jjtro the Timekeeper ? Mam ie Gupton. Hymn ? Where He Leads Me. It Pays to Co-OPERATE. X t MISSION f^TUDY CIRCLE The Mission S^udy Circle met at church. Aug. 31, at 4.00. The book for study "All the World In all The Word" taught by Miss Pearl Gupton leader. The topics for discussion ?were Missions and election compris ing the third, fourth and flfth chapter of same book. Six members were present. All agree that ire are proud ot the leader who led the discussion so beautifully, adding new thoughts to those found In the study. The next meeting will be held at church Sept. I, at 8:00. You women who are staying away uninterested are miss ing something goodl The members who stay away are falling short of * seal for their certificates. Those who don't have a caitlficate come on and join. Yon can get one at the com pletion of the first book you take in the circle, and then a seal for each book taken Utter that. We want 12 at the next circle meeting. Don't forget the time, Sat. afternoon 3:00. Sept. 8. The sixth, seventh and eighth chapters for discussion next meeting. We shall complete the book at two more meetings and then after examination we are ready for anoth er book. Be on time and ready for a good meeting. t t <;iRL'H A I X 1 1. 1 A It Y Miss Neva Harper will meet all the girls between the ages of 12 nnd 16 at the church Sunday afternoon, Sept. 9, at 3 o'clock to organize a new Girls Auxiliary. Don't fOTget, girls age 12 16, time Sunday afternoon at 8:00. Come to organlte your own new Band. I "('0*K AM) DAY," HKPT. #0. B. V. k U. Officers? Pres^ H. M. Beam; Vie?> Prns , Jodie Hn-lford; Recording Sec , Ann{e Rue Wood; Corresponding Sec., Viola fiupton ; pianist, Miss Pearl Gupton; Chorister, Eftlcabeth Full?r; Bible Reader's Leader, Miss Lucy Grtp toti, - - ? , i Aim? standard Al. Time 7:30 P.' M. Sunday n'ght. Place? Baptist ?. turch. i'togram ? Sept. 16. 1923. Third Sun day night, by Group No. 1. Viola Thompson, leader. Subject. (Special Lesson), The Pro clamation of Our Baptist Principles. Song? No. 67. ? 4:-haln prayer ? Group No. III. Bible readers leader ? Bertha Bur nette. Scripture by Mary Sturgess ? Jude, Terse-3; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17: Titus 2:1. 1. Some principles peculiar to Bap tlsts ? Ida Coley. 2. We must proclaim our princi ples ? Hattle Bell Gupton. 3. Baptist truths taught at homo ? Torbert Sturgess. 4 Principles proclaimed in church ? Lela Mae Coley. Poem ? Mary Sturgess. 6. Missionaries carry our messag es ? Iris Gupton. 6. Preaching ln the proper spirit ? Freeland Green. 7. Our own agencies for our work ? Sidney Oupton. 8. Let us live our principles ? Pearle Gupton. Program Sept. 23, 1923. Group No. IV. Raymond Sturgess, leader. Sub ject, (Doctrinal Meeting), What kind of work may I expect the Holy Spirit to help me to do? Rom. 8:14, 26; Acts 1:8; 2:1-4. Song ? No 2. Chain prayer ? volunteers Bible readers leader ? Bertha Bur nette. Scripture lesson ? Wilmer and Clin ton Gupton. John 15:26, 27; 14:17. 1. Helping like a true teacher ? Annie Rue Wood. 2. W.ays In which the Holy Spirit helps ? Alberta Radford. 3. Our Helper In dally tasks ? Ber tha Burnette. 4. Our helper ln Christian service:' (1) Old Testament examples ? Daisy Ball. 1 21 New Testament examples ? Wil mer Gupton. 5. Helper in the work of witness ing? Atten Gupton. 6. Examples for our encourage ment; (1) Peters great sermon ? Beulah Coley. (2) and (3) Philip and the Ethiopian and Paul in Europe ? Clinton Gup ton. , ... Please note from the above that we are giving you your parts at least two weeks ahead. Cut these out if you are on the program and help your leader make a 100 per cent perfect program. You have able, enthusiastic leaders who are anxious to make their parts count for the most. Support them by your presence and by what ever means you can. Miss Harper is with us for several days and she will be very glad to -gtve-you any help she can. So do not fall to call upon her. You know she is a capable leader from the fact that It was she who thru personal dally contact and work made with your help our Union Standard A-l. Don't fail to call upon her. It was a pleasure to have with ua last Sunday night our former "Quiz" | Leader, Miss Lucy Gupton, yet we have to admit that the rendition of the program did not meet wltb our ap proval, but let's hoj>e that when ?he comes again, no matter when, sho will find us as we once were ? perfect In respect to program and attend ance. We urge our young people to at tend the weekly Prayer meetings. These are vital parts of our work and can be made to mean a great deal to our community and Union. Talk It up and let's see who can have the most attendance. By the kindness of one of our for mer members, Miss Neva Harper, we have a picture of the State B. Y. P. U. on hand which will be presented to the Union next Sunday night. It has on It our former pastor, The Little .Treacher and our former President, Miss Harper. Come out next Sunday nlpht and take a look at it. It Is good to see in that it gives us an Idea bow the people look who are doing things for our young people. Come out Sunday night. Group No. 1 leads. It has a good program tor you. Their leader informs us that she is going to give us a perfect, a sure enough perfect program. Below we are giving you a letter from another of our teachers. This letter with those of the other teach ers completes the chain ? of three loyal teachers who have given us their intentions of making our Union stronger in every way and our com munity one In which to be proud to live In. We are looking forward to their coming with open arms and hearts. Lets give- them our full co operation. We can do It. Weet End, N. C., Aug. 87, IMS. Dvar Miss Guptoa: You can't Imagine how good your kind invitation to your community and B. Y. P. U made me feel. A wel come such as the people of Wood ex tend to the new teachers coming Into the village Is rare and lnsares a hear ty cooperation In the regular school work. I am Tooting forward to work ing with you all for the general good of the community and Its organiza tions I believe the people of Wood have a (roe conception of real char acter-building, and I am expecting to profit by the close contact with them. I trust that your B. Y. P. D. will b? able to keep the high standard which untiring work and Interest won for It, Very sincerely. Flora Frye. t t LOCAL JEWS The Wood "Baptist Sunday school attended the /County Sunday school oonventlon In Surepta Methodist church at CentrevtHe Sunday 150 strong. It won the attendance pen nant which was based upon the atten dance of pupils above 16 years of age ard mileage. Wood had 59 members above the age limit The community was well represented since there were at least a score or more thero who did not attend Sunday school. The convention was well attended es pecially Sunday ? an estimate of one thousand has been made by several. The convention has some strong, cap able, earnest and entertaining leaders (Continued on Page Five) SERVICE DRUG CO. Wood, N. C. ANNOUNCES "That it has just received and displayed a full, com plete and new line of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles and all articles usually carried in a first class up-to date drug store. Entirely new fixtures have been in stalled and- your needs can be as well taken care of here as anywhere. Come to see us when in need of anything usually carricd in a first class drug store. G. M. RAYNOR, Manager We Have Our Gins in Atlanta Will Have Them Here In a ? * '* Few Days Same as New Remember we are always in position to handle your needs. We shall run our store strictly on a CASH basis this fall and expect to priee goods so cheap that you cannot help but tell your neighbors. WATCH OUR AD AND COME A*D SEE W. D. Fuller & Co. WOOD, N. C. x