Barred Heltacr Ltedennan ku been barred from the Atlantic City beauty oODttat. . Mm vu choasn u the morn baaufllal In Alaska But ike'a BMTrtwL That leu bar owt. Bb? will corapsW to Um professional class. Mania** U M bar la that. Just a Girl? But How She Can Wallop! Ilflrry Oreb tnko? a hard punch on the J?w from t fair training partner In the ring at Mtnbuwt Long Island. wh?r? Be u preparing for his flelit with Johnny WHik.o !or the mldJlewoUht UtJe. MJsa Mary Broun, daughter ot Oro-/? cook, cos* trm |-Tftgb?rgbt a/vJ rwlntc* a wicked left. Brunswick County women cuntlnH) to take In about $75 Id cash each Sat is' day at the Women's Exchange Mar ket In Wilmington, reports the homo agent.. Soda helps burns If they are on you. i ps them ,f th?y are ?n the | ?'The b?st paying Jjb I ev?* had," said one former who selected his ae*d corn In tho field. This man Increase)] his <icro vielda tba ne*t year. If you win at the fair, don't crow; if you lose don't grouch. Find out why you did either. The judges ?will explain. WOOD HEPAKTXOT (Continued from Pago Three) ' ? _j who are turning things over for tM MWrtwr? It rnee^s with tartar Rook next time. Mr. aad Mrs. P, N Sykes. of SeveA Tuths, were visitor of relatives at OntrevHlo Sunday. , We are looking forward to "Com* and See Day" 8ept. 30. Sir. and Afro Her'->ert Lancaster and family w?r? guests of Miss Ruth Gup lon Saturday afternoon. MeidmnfB Martor OUpton, Phllir CT Sturgess. and Morris T. Oriffin. were business callers of Rocky Mount Wei ncsday. ' Edna Willis Radford left Friday a? ternoon to spend several days with grandparents. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Duke at Areola. Mr. and Mrs. Morris T Griffin left Wednesday for Edenton. where ihey will stay several days with relative*, We wish for them a pleasant vacation and an early return. They mean much to our community. The mixed quartette consisting of Miss Nancy Gupton, Nfr. and Mrs. W. D. Fuller and Dr. H. M. Beam ren dered a special selection during the revival services at Captalla Baptist church Tuesday night. Misses Irene and Pearl Gupton and Mr. Robert Gupton attended service* at Castalia Baptist church Friday night. Mrs. W. D. Fuller, Elizabeth, and Edgar Fuller spent Friday with M1m Eugenia Boone at Castalia and attend ed the services at Castalia Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Duke, Miss Eva and Mr. Mack Duke, of Areola, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. R- Rad-> ford Friday afternoon. Mrs. G. M. Raynor, Misses Irene and Pearl Gupton, Leona Raynor aad Mr. Floyd Griffin were visitors of Mrs. H. B. Griffin at Nashville Satur day afternoon . Miss Dollle Gupton spent Fridav night with Mrs. W. T. Lewis. --Mr. Robert Leonard, of Centervllle, was a pleasant visitor of Mr. and. Mrs. J. P. Leonard Saturday. Mr. G. T. Harrell of Rocky Moant. was a business visitor here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fuller went to Henderson Thursday on business. Mr. Stlss Jones, of Sandy Creek, was a -Wood visitor Saturday. Elisabeth and Edgar Fuller spent Thursday of last week with relatives near- Moulton. I Mr. Arthur A. Shearln and Lewis Neal, Centrevllle, went to Hollleter Tuesday of last week on business. Esq. John B. Denton spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. C. & Denton. Mr. W. D. Fuller went to Raleigh Saturday on business. Mr. H. Jones, of Sandy Cr?ek, ?pent a we?k with his ton, Mr. R_ P Jones here. Mr. and Mrs. Jim D. Oupton and L. C. Oupton, of White Level, were vic tors Saturday. Mr. Josh Tally, of Justice, *H a visitor of Wood Saturday, Qalte a number of our people at tended services. at White Level Thurs day night. ; t ?i'" Mr. Morris, of Justice and Mr. Lang dale, Centrevllle, were visitors Sat urday. Mr. C. G. Wood was a business call er to Rocky Mount Friday. Mr. Walters and son, of Durham, were business callers Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Jones, of Georgia, was a visi tor Thursday. Mrs. Perkins, of Littleton, Miss Eve lyn Bartholomew, Revs. Everett and Wallace, of Castalla, and Dr. E. D. I'oe, of Weldon, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Puller and family. Friday . Messrs. M. F. Parker, Logan Oup ton, T. Coleman Denton attended lite Sandy Creek MaBonlc Lodge at Laur el Saturday. Messrs. Joe Galloway and Do.vey Madison were Louisburg visitors Mon day. Edna Wicker spent Sunday night with Leona Raynor. Mr. E. J. Fuller attended the open ing tobacco Bales at Rocky Mount Tuesday of last week. Mr. Hugh W. Egerton and son, H. W., Jr., returned Saturday to Bir mingham, Ala., after spending a week with his parents, Mr. and Mr*. H. G. Egerton, at Laurel . Mr. and Mrs. Arch House and child ion, of White Level, were visitors of Wood Monday. Miss Lucy Gupton who Is taking a commercial course at Kings Business College, Raleigh, spent tho past week end at Wood. All were glad to welcome Miss Ruth Gupton back to Sunday school last Sunday alter a period of Illness. Miss Wheless Gupton Is kept In this week because of sickness. Mr. Johnnie Leonard went to Hen derson Monday on bnsmess. Misses Pearl and Roth Oupton and KJT Q<s Wester attended Castaga preaching service Sunday night. Baptismal ceremonies of Castalla were held at Red Bud bridge Sunday afternoon. Quite a few pep?le from Wood attended the service. T*iera were about 15 baptized. Miss Neva Harper, of Rocky, Is visiting friend* here this week. Mr. C. O. Wood aad- Will Tucker were business callers of Rocky Mount Monday. Miss Hattie Wilder was the gUMC of Miss Bertha Hamlett Sunday. Mr. R. R. Radford and sons, of Oaa terville, were Wood visitors Moodrff. Mr. W. D. Fuller wss a bxslaaM caller to Castalla Monday. Mr. Ditcher Bdwards, of Cent?rvUl* attended Wood B. Y. P. V. Vunfey Bight. Mr. Dewey Madison was the xseet of Mr. Sidney Ouptpn Saturday nl^tu. Mr. Johnnie CoUy, of Holtister, Wa* Ihs guest ot Misses Lula and I.<*nh Coley Sunday. Mr. Ellas Oupton, of Whit* I-oval, was a pleasant caller of Mlea I-acy Pearce Sunday. Mr. H. B. Oobfc, of Hoi lister, was a business visitor her* Monday. Mesdames Charles and Stephen T. Lewis and children spsnt Last week with their mother. Mrs. John Shaar I*. ?? Rooky MoUnt. ? THE FRANKLIN TIMES t yOHVSO A, Editor aod Mmdmuct ?TAR DROPS? ? . ? The following item has b??n re ceived: Mrs. Mary J. Tharrlnctoa of near Loulsburgf, l?aves for Nashville 10 visit relatives, aceompan ie?l by Miss Mamie Breedlove. The following Item came from neai Laurel: Mm J. A. Smith and little ?on, Janes Wilbur, of Ep'om J flit the past week with her mcther, Mrs J C. Tharrington. REVIVAL AT MT. tllLCAIS Announcement has been .nade that tl.e revival services at Mt. Gileal Christian church Will be held from Lept. Sth to 18th. Dally servlc.s will be held from 2:30 to 8 p. m. The j.jblk: is cordially invited to attend Mr. Egerton, o? warrenton, was ihe guest ot friends at Centerville, Sunday. Mr. J. P. Davis, of Red Bud, wao here on business Monday. Mrs. W. D. Fuller rendered a vocal polo at Mt. Hebron revival meeting Tuesday of last week. Sheriff SmtthCoopey Ellis, and Mr hydock, of Henderson, were here at the Gold Mine last week on a hunt ing trip. They were visited Thurs day night by Mrs. Rydock and a few friends. Mr. John (Pat tie) O'Reiley, of Hol llster, has returned here to his post tion with the Montgomery Lumber Co., after being absent fror: duty for 3 months on account of injury. We pre always glad to see Pattle, but particularly so since his Injury was so serious. We hope his present health will continue for many a year Messrs. . O. Loyd and M. W. Harris of Warrenton, were business callers Monday. Messrs. G. W. Dlckerson. E. A. Prnltt, of Franklinton, and P. R. Ci zell, of Loulsburg, were here on bus. lness Monday. Mr. L. H. Weathertord, ot Peters, burg, Va., Is visiting Mr. Marvin, Wil der here this week. Graham and Wilbur Gupton, of Cen tervllle, were the guests of Marguer ite Leonard Sunday night Mr. Elbert Hedfspeth, Will takers, spent Sundar with hla grandparents here, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Gnpton. * Messrs. J H. and W. J. Bailey, o? near Nashville, were callers here Mon day. Mr. J. N. Egerton, of Hopewell, Va., Mr. Robert Clarke, ot Halifax, Mr R. E. Williams and son, Robert E. Jr.. of Iner, Mrs. Irwin Liproonjhe and son, of Baltimore, Md., Mr. F N. Egerton, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. J. B.' Jones and family, and Mr. Wllllan. Stalllngs, Cedar Rock, spent the day Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Hagh G. Egerton and family, Holly Grove, Luartl, . . i . . VMr< Hllliard, of Wise, was' hare fit business Monday. "(kt mixed quartette. Miss Pearle Gupton, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fuller and Dr. H. M. Beam rendered selec tions during tbe County Sunday school convention exercises Sunday la Cen terville. Misses Leora and Myrtle Swanson, Messrs. C. L. Stevens and Thomas Tomplir.snn, of Rocky Mount, and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Leonard, of Louis burg, were guests of w-s. Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith at K?d Bud Sunday. Misses Viola and Odell Thompson, Ora Pearce and Messrs. Callie and Frank Tecrce attended services at White Level Sunday right. A HABBEB, A BAXKER, asd a enters spifl "Go to the circus?" asked the ca shier of the Bank of Fentonville as he dropped back in the barber's chair for his Saturday afternoor. shave. "Yeah; I went a little while last night after I closed up. Some Circus!" "Some circus is right," said thi b-.nker, "and 't wm sopie advertising stunt we pulled. V'ou saw our big sign and heard (he ringmaster tell about mr bank, dlln't yott?" "Yeah; I saw the sign and I heard the spiel. Wouldn't have thought of It again though if vou hnd .'t Tiemiunrd It" "Pretty clever stunt wr crH It," ? MB the hankers reply. ?w^h; oU-ver for the announcer and sign painter. What did It cost you " the barber asked sharply. The question popped out so unex pectedly that for once the banker t? Id the bank's business -ifd admit ted proudly tho expense had beeo 9113. It "Bay you! Listen to n * i" benleJ the barber, a* he swung his lather brush across his patrons face and ?but off anything bo might have said furtl.?r "That guy paid $12 tor the aim and got a hundred for shouting three minutes tprlce a Juy, He does that six days a week because he flnds one In every town. In the season he mAkes more than your bank doe*. You call that advertising? You got an idea (oiks at the e!ictu bring any money to your bank because of a spiel at a three ring circus? Nothing to III They were laughing at clowns or getting nervoui about the lions. If you want to do tome advertising, yon take your ftl2 and pay the editor of The Bugle (2 a week a a loug as the money lasts. Your ads in 'he paper will tell all of those people about your bank every time they lo<-k II oyer, something different every week. It won't go in one ear an out the other. The barber was quiet for almost a Minute. The banker was quiet too. He was thinking. The barber had told him something. Then from the barber, rathar gently, ' Did that tallow deposit the >11* '? ynot bank? NoT Weil whenever you pay the e4itor'a bills ha pots the mon ey right back in circulation bar*." "!**?or hart? No? I thought you klnda scringed a little," To Cotton Growers 9t-. I take this method of announcing that I have again licensed my warehouse underthe State warehousing system and will be in position to storo all the Cotton in Tranklin County. I can store for non-members as well as members of the Cotton Aseoo<atk>n. Don't sell, but hold yonr ootton, faring it to me, where it will be insured for full value against everything ex rept price. J. S. Howell L Kline & Co. SUMMER GOODS REDUCED WITH NEW MERCHANDISE COMING IN DAILY VE HAVE CUT PRICES ON OUR SUMMER GOODS TO BJLOW COST. BUY NOW AND SAVE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY YOUR NEXT SEASON'S SUPPT Y NOW. Men's Palm Beach Suits, all colors and sizes Priced $8.95 Men's Straw Hats, any one in the store Priced $1.00 \ W ork Shirts, goodTFeavy Blue -and Khaki Priced 86c Khaki Pants, good grade, all sizes Priced $1.75 Overalls, good grade Blue Denim Priced 98c Dress Pants, Blue and Grey with stripe, regular $4.00 value Priced $2.45 J. Pongee Shirts with collar attached, sizes 14 to 17 Special 85c Men's T'niousuits, good grade pajama checks, regular frl.25 v Jue Priced 89c L. Kline & Co. Louisbnrg's Biggest and Best Department Store LOUISBURG, . NORTH CAROLINA DON'T FORGET The T ouisburg Tobacco Market open* September 18, to sell tobacco for the h'gh dollar. DON'T FORGET We ar? already open to sell Heavy and Fancy Groc eries, Notions, Shoes and General Merchandise for tkl low dollar. Give us a trial before yon bny. j . - - ? ? 4 F. N. SPIVEY HEAR THE BRIDGE Phone : 22 Loulsbnr*. % 0. MIOMPT D1LIYKRY?

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