THAT MMfi LAMENESS K you a ra l>? avery mo mine, and Nlir urinary Ula. thrro most ba ? oum. Oftao It's weak kidneys. To ?trtngthaa the weakened kidney* and arart mora serious trembles, oaa Doan's Kidney Pilla. Too can raly on Loulaburg testimony. W. B. Cook. prop, of general stora. Court House Square, Loulsborg, says : "My back *11 taurUox m* MM and mornings a dull ache set tled serosa the small of my back an! 1 1 fait Urad. Mv kidneys aetad too ifraely ?.duriag the night and had me up several times, so I loat my rest. 1 didn't allow this to go on very tar. as I purchased a tax of Doaa*s Kid ney Pills at Pleasants* Drag Store, and they soon relisvsd ma of the trouble. I hare used Doas's on dif ferent occasions and always with the same good relief." Price 60c, at all dealers. Dont simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills ? the same that Mr. Cook had. Fostsr-Mllbura Oo, Mfrs., Buffalo, ft. T. TRVSTKKTo. SAC'i", nu" LAND Under and by virture of the power conferred upon me in that deed of trust executed on the 16th day of May, 1903, by I. H. Kearney and wife Oxa D. Kearney, recorded In Book 145 Page 98, Registry of Franklin County, default having been made In the pay ment of the^ indebtedness secured thereby and demand having b*en made upon me by the holder thereof, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the Courthouse door of Franklin County in L tlaaa ot carton Row* mi (M4 an da. bulb* aad ptoota, aad atoa to fall at balptal laConaatloo tfctf to andid aim oat dallj to vraiy to?tlia beatu It*i tfaa Bsaat Taiuabla WM toak Mt pobitobad and roa will ba MM roa*Ta cot It. Jmm a'lMa Mtt tor tfca aaw Oataiof. M. ?. HAVTMMftjM, Atanta, Mb. HATE TOU EVKB HOTICED THAT rHK JUBCHANT WHO SENDS IM THE COPT FOB HIS AD EARLY ALWAYS HAS THE NEATEST ADt ? A A universal custom AttCr that benefits every - Every ^ ' Aids digestion, cleanses the teeth, y soothes the throat. WMGLEYS & good thing to remember Sealed in its Pirily Package _ THE. FLAVOR LASTS Never sing at the table. Food is too high to sing about. You can't get it (or a song. O Pick the bones out of the fish. It is bad table manners to pick them out of your neck. Keep your elbows off the table. This is so comfortable you are liable to eat too much. Difference between lunch and lun cheon is lunch may be food while lun cheon may b? a salad. NOTICE Having ? qualified as Executor of the estate of L. 0. Taylor, ' de ceased, late Qf Franklin County, no tice la hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on ot before the 3rd day of August, 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar of their rocovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make immediate settlement. This August 2nd, 1923. 8-3-6t H. E. LONG, Extr. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of C. J. Ward, de ceased, late of Franklin County, no tice is hereby given ail persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of August, 1924. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make Immediate settlement This Aug. 16th, IMS. 8-17-St R. B. WHITE, Admr. TUCKER'S HOTEL and CAPE Main Street LOUISBURG, N. C. The best of meal* the mar ket affords and prepared In the beat of faahlon. Plenty of rooms for the accommodation of (ill who wish to spend the night, all well furnlrtied. J. C. TUCKER Proprietor Habitual Conmpatlo/ Cured in 14 to 21 Dap* ? "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN/ is a spedaUy pre pared Syrup Tonlc-Laxrfive for Habitual Constipation. It relievf* promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action./ It Stimulates and Regulates. Very PleaAnt to Take.* 60c per bottle. j THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. Announce that Mr. B. B. Perry has taken charge uf Its Insurance busnessb. Mr. Petry will be (lad to see his frlenda, and when Jn need ot ANY KINS of Insurance, see hlnv Mr. Perry has had many years ex perience in Insurance, and is prepared to give the public the best of serrlce. For Insurance of any kind, write, phone or see Bennett Perry THE ERANKLIN INS. AND REALTY 00. MONEY TO LUND ON IMPROVED | farm lands. g per cent Interest. No commlaalon, no bonus. May ran tor St years or he paid off at option of borrower. Only a abort tlma re quired to get the money. 7-14-tf 8. A. NHWBDL. O IN I Or ova' a Taitekki chill Energy and Vlt llty by Enriching the Bt mL ?trengthening. Ini gorating it bring* color i > the It hnprorea the appetite, appreciate iu (irora'a Taatala?? Iron and Quinine ?l?asant even i.eMs QUININE Karich It " Grip germ a ting Effect la almply syrup. So The blood and IRON to germs and ilng. In vigor ALWAYS ATM TO HAVE SOMETHING ON HAND Health should be- treated like a bank balance. Always aim to have something on hand. Many treat health as they would a bas ket of apples. They keep taking from the basket until it is all gone. The litt'e strains of life, the falls, the tumbles, the twists of awk ward and relapsed sitting and standing positions, all take some thing fro health, by helping to throw the spinal joints from prop er alignme nt. When a spinal Joint Is oat of alignment it causes rressure cn spinal nerves and this means disease. It takes chiro practic spinal adjustments to restore alignment and the conditions ? ? health. C'chiropl i ctic spinal adjustments remove the cause of disease in aihnenls of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs, heart.- stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and lower organs. DR. CHAS. BREMNER Henderson, N. C. LOCISBCRG OFFICE 15 SB. D. C. HIGH'S RESIDENCE TUESDAYS A5D FRIDAYS, 2 TO 5 P. M. Phone 1 1 1 GROCERIES Your order will receive the same prompt attention that you get in person? and it will save you the time and trouble of coming to our store. Special service gladly rendered. J. Allen Harris LOUISBURQ, North Carolina Poundtd In 1939 Chnrt?r?d In I9ft9 TRIINITY COUUEOE \^DllflUim( North Carolina Trinity College offers the general student the choice of a wide variety of conraee leading to the bachelor ( degree. For mature atudenta it pro vides also special groups of studies In nualneaa Admlolatratlon, Relig ions Training, Engineering, Pre-medlcal, General Science Work, Teach tlon In all Departments. Hrhool oflng and Pre-legal. Graduate lnstrue Layr. Fall Term begins Sept. 17, 1928. . . For catatagne and illustrated Bjcklet address ' R. U m.OWwXSfiSSsfcry to the Coronratlfllf F. A. ROTH COMPANY SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY We have our fall lines of Men's and Boy's Clothing, Men's, Women's and Child ren's Shoes, Women's and Children's Millinery, Women's Dresses, Women's Coats, Children's Dresses, Children's Coats, Dress Goods of all kinds, Men's and Boy's For nishings, Women's and Children's Furnishings. Come in and look at our new fall goods, you are always welcome. 36 inch Druid L L Sea Island Shooting SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 12y,c Yard Men's -.xtra heavy weight Overalls, regular $2.00 grade SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY ? $1.19 Men's ..xtra heavy Blue Chambray Work Shirts, regular $1.00 grade SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 69c Each 36 Inch extra good quality Bleaching regular 25c grade SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 15c Yard Women's extra quality Silk Hose, reg ular $1.00 values, all colors, strictly f rsts SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 39c Per Pair J. & P. Coats Sewing Thread, 150 yard spools, all sixes, black and white _ SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 6 Spools for 25c S? inch Zepher Gingham, all new fall patterns, regular 35c quality SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 24c Yard Men's and Ladles Hose, all colors, regular 25c values SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 3 Pair for 25c Men's $1.00 Dress Shirts, all colors and patterns SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 59c Each Ladles Waists and Blouses, a large cfcsortment to select from SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 95c Each F. A. ROTH COMP'Y. Louisburg's Busiest Department Store ALWAYS SELLS THE CHEAPEST LOUISBURG, : North Carolina Home O EVERYBODY wants a home, but to get a home takes not on ly love and hard work. It takes money. Pot your money in the Bar ings account of this bank and yon are planting the seed that will grow into a home. Farmers National Bank Under U. S. Government Supervision MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE Liouieburg, a. O. ? V i