SERVICE 8ERVICE SERVICE That 1* mjr motto. _F1IMS AND LIKE INSURANCE I>. ploussnt every morning until eloTen o'clock, and the rot of the day will take of Itself. Place your Fire and Life Insurance with this Agency, and I will talie care of YOUR INSURANCE TROUBLES FOR YOU. This Agency Is the OLDEST IN FRANKLIN COUNTY. T. W. WATSON, AGE^T ? *- When yon think ot INSUHANCK, think of W? A? T? 8?0? If LAUNDRY GLEANING and PRESSING Don't forget we can wash your Old Quilts, Blankets, Rugs a A Washable Druggets. All wvrk sent for and delivered in town. "WE DYE TO LIVE" The Scrvicc Shop W. B. MUNFORD, Manager THONE 10S ? I l LOCISBTJRG, N. C. "ALL WORK CASH ON DELIVERY" fRESN POODS In choosing your dally table supplies, It Is of the utmost Impor tance that they be fresh, for npon this depends their worth and tas tlness. Oar Foods are always fresh. PURE ICE Pare Ice Is a most Important thing, for yon often times want to pnt it right In yonr food or drinks. Oar service Is the best to be had and at yonr command. ? ? ? ? YOUR PATRONAGE WILL BE'AI'PRECIATED. A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. To My Friends CUSTOMERS and the Public I am still in the bottom hanging on as best I can with f good !:ne of heavy and fancy groceries, hay and feed of all !? inds a specialty. Remember when you need a pair of f'hoes I have them very cheap. Every pair guaranteed as represented. Our ' .bacco market opens Sept. 18th, so brtog a load on the first day. We will do everything in our power to sati ?y you and make you happy. 5S5S9S5S^^^^S^KSE9BBS9 ; Yours truly, J. W. PERRY 1 NASH STBBCT L0~I8BUM*1I 0^ PROFESSIONAL COLUMN! 1>K. J. HERBERT FITZGERALD \ Eje, Ktr, Xom, IkiMt Will be at Dr. H. H. Johnson's otttce In Loulsburg every first Monday. En gagements ehould be made ai far In advance aa possible. DR. R. P. TABBOBOCSH Phyaiclaa aad 8 ergo# a Lonlsbarg, II. C. Office In Blckett and Yar bo rough Bull dine. Office Phone 2?8 Residence Phone IS 8. AT WOOD nWUL A UariiT -it. Law. Loulaburg, N. C. Phone No. 116 Office In First National Bank Building Geaeral Practice DB. W. B. MORTON Eye Specialist Office In Hotel Building Loulaburg, North Carolina ? I wla~h to advlae my patient* and the public generally that after the 1st ot September my buslneaa will b? on a Caah baali when work la completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNE8 FLEMING sTpTBUB^ltT! Loulaburg, N. O. Offices over Bcoggin's Drue Star*. Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m? and 4 to 6 p. m. DB. n. H. BASS. ~_1_J Veterinarian Loulaburg. N. C. Offices and Hospital East Nash St. Phone Office 335-L Residence 336-J Special Attention to Small Animals. DB. D. C. SMITH VT1CK. Leaiakarg ,~H.C. Office in the First National Bank Building on Main and Itask 8ta. W. M. FZBSON. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW Loalsburg, North Carolina Craatle* In all oourts. Office on Mate Street G. M. BEAK A ttomej-at-Law Offices over Post Office Practice in all courts, DB. J. H. uA VIS Physician and Sorgeen Loulaburg, North Carolina Office Main Street A. T- Neal Bfcldlng at River Bridge Telephone Connections 64 and 64-2 R. Hours: 8'to 1UB0 a. in. 2 to 6 p. m. B. B. White J K. H. Haleae WHITE" A SALONS LA1TTMR8 Loulsbou. %tfh Carolina Mneral practice, settlement ot ea ?atee funds Invested. One member of t ? firm always In the offlet. DR. H. G. Physician and _ Loulsburg, Ciftt Carol] ma Offices Adjoining Aydwk Drag Co. Telephones: Day 287? Night 287 OB. J. B. ?AIiOHS. Loulaburg, North Carolina In Ay cock Drag Store, Market Street, Office Practice Surgery and consultation. DK. H. H. JOHNSON Physician and Surgeon Loolsbnrg, North Carolina Office over Aycock Drug Co. Telephones : Day and Night both No. 10 I. 0. NEWELL, a. D. Loolsbnrg, H. Office In First National Bank Building Day Phone 249 ? Night Phone 249-2 Wm. H. Ruffln, fhos. W. Raffln WM. M. * THOS. W. BIJFFIlf Attorueys-at-Law Loalsbarg, t North Carellaa General practice, both civil and crim inal, In Franklin and adjoining ooun tlea. Supreme and Federal Courts. Offices In First National Bank Building. jI WANT TO ANNOUNCE TO MY OLD CUSTOMERS AND FR1END9 That I have taken over the manage ment of the Stegall Bros. Barber Shop I shall see that you are treated with profound respect and that you get the best Barber work possible. Be fair with your good looks and let a Real Barber do your work. Yours to serfe, OSCAR: T. BTBX3ALL FOR SALE 35 acres of splendid farming land Just outside of Frankllnton, known as the I, H. Kearney home, has $5,090.00 worth of building on It, and Is one of the best small farms in Franklin 'County. See or write B, H. MALONE, Loulsburg, N. 0. 7-17-tf HORSE SHODING I wish to announce to my many friends and customers In Franklin County that T have opened a black smith shop on Spring Street, with a complete new outfit, and can shoe your horse hi the beat manner with the beat material at reasonable prices. Also "repairs wagons and buggies. Come to see me. 8-24-St WILSON BILLS. To Stop ? Cougk Quick take* HAYET HEALING BOOTY, ^a ooogh m heating t . A 0"PETM*ATE SALVE tor OLt ObUd Heed Golds and .Ooopto eoefDMdrwita jrmy beetle of of chlldrso HEALIMO Subscribe to/ The Franklin Times It plajtt diseases troubled your gar den auirTruck crops this Tear, learn how to control them by writing the editor, Agriculaural Extension Ser vice, Raleigh. N. C., for a copy of Ex tension Circular No. 138. It's tree for the asking. FOR SALE We have listed for tale several val uable farms, among which are (1) about 84 acres Cedar Rock T. 3. known as Cooke. land, on State highway; (2) about 135 acres Hayesvllle T. S. known as part of Whltaker lands. For prices and terma. see FRANKLIN INS. & REALTY CO. (Over First National Ilank) Have you ever heard this: "That lellow is full of Ideas. If someone would alt on him and make blm hatch a few. both would g*t rich." Have you ever tried to sit on one of these human idea layers? It costs a lot of money to keep clean In a middle western industrial town. No Worms in a neaJtby Child All children troubled with Worms ktre u nrv roJe, then ta perfect he*Kh. Pleasant to take. Mc per bottle. GROVE'S for two or prove the eninjTonJ throw off < N. C Law Says Stop! Before Crossing We Say Stop Look and Listen Before Buying -n ) 7 ~ We are giving especial attention at this time to Flour, Lard, Sugar and Coffee. We receive our flour direct from the mill and carry from Vanco to Melrose and White House brands. Don't buy from us until you get the other fellows price. The Hudson Store Co. Jf NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Louisburg, N. C. MONEY TO LOAN ou CITY PROPERTY or FARM PROPERTY EASY TERMS Address P. 0. BOX 356, Louisburg, N. C. ALL SMJNS FOEST ttf THE SAME DIRECTION tto* AS I v*s SAtHQ oou t* wweAT ANP 5tt CENT HOG 5*" aiKT 6(^k" te rtoi so?*itf asfbattort akd - elc. - eTc / /

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