THE FRANKLIN TIMES m m ijS? ? ? ? i A. *. JOHHSOK,* E*lUr u4 JUufW ? ?ae I Mr fl.M Bigtt Muaiht ? l.M BU Mentk* H I?ir XMtka M Advert I vine RtprmntaOv? 1 DEAXlLERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION ) dktond at the Pout Office at LouU fcurg, N. C., as second claaa matter. 9; It .Will T55 perfectly proper for everybody in Franklin County -to at tend the unveiling of?lbe Memorial to the Stars and Bars to be held In Louis burg on next Wednesday and Join In doing honor to the ingenuity of Frank lin County's noble heroes. With the effort that is being put for ward for the Louisburg Tobacco Mar ket this year there is no reason that we can see why Louisburg should not - receive at least five million pounds . louisburg is certainly the logical point for delivery. It begins to look as if it Is time for the Town Commissioners to make preparation for the election of Grad ed School Trustees for Louisburg. The law says they must call the elec tion, to be held In October, and if a new registration is to be had thirty days notice muBt be given before closing the registration books. Now that the Business Men's Asso ciation has so successfully organized the tobacco market for Louisburg, we believe it will do well to turn its en ergies towards some kind of manu facturing that will produce* neatpay roll each week." We have said Be fore and still believe that It would pay the merchants of Louisburg to organize and operate a cotton mill. The increase in business on account of the weekly pay roll would justify the investment even though no divi dends were ever received. Think .it over. The proposition can be floated I in Louisburg. It has recently come to our atten tion that Mr. George L. Cooke, Cash ier of the Citizens Bank, of Franklin ton, has promoted and successfully established the growing of cantalopes for a commercial crop around his town. The first year it seems the product of this section received the blue ribbon for the excellency of flav or, being a good deal above those from other sections, which has made of thenj a favorite on the northern mar kets. He lias/ so we Team, promoted the raising of cabbage with a like success. He 1b now placing the re sources of his institution behind tb? growing of dewberries for market, and he feels confident of a large mea sure of success with this crop. Mr. CooM is the type of citizen that builds any community. He Is not waiting for some one to bring a proposition to him, but is taking the Initiative in these: campaigns of progress. Prank lin County would be much better off, financially, if It had many more citi zens like Mr'. Cooke. We extend to him our congratulations and best wishes for the success of each and 1 every one of his ventures. PROGRAM KRAN KLIN COUNTY CN IO>' MEETING To be held at the Baptist Church, j CaBtalia. Saturday and Su-nday, Sep- : tember 29th and 30th. Saturday Morning Session 10:30 Devotional ? D. C. Pearce, Cas talla. Roll call of churches. Ap- ' polntment ot committees and busi ness. ? 11:00 Christian Literature ? Its Past Achievements. Rev. G. W. May, Cen terville. ItB Present Needs, Prof. O. C. Buck, Castalia. Its Future Ho0e, Prof. T. H. Sledge. Cedar Rock. 12:30 Adjournment! Saturday Afternoon S*wl?? . ? 2:06 Devotional ? Maurice Parrish, Mt. Zion church. 2:20 Special Music. ^ 2.30 Christian Education? Its Past Achievements, Rev. C. B. Howard, Youn^sville. Its PreSfent Needs, Prof. E. C. Sfciton, Justice. Its Future Hope* Rev. J. R. Everett, Castalia. 4:00 Report of committees and ad journment. Saturday Evening Session The Franklin County B. Y. P. U. 8:00 Devotional ? Miss Lillie Har per, Laurel . 8:20 Solo ? Miss Ora Holden, Ix>uls bury. 8:26 "Boosting the B. Y. P. U.? Dr. H. ML Beam, Wood. 8:40 Special Mualc? Castalia B. *'? M "How We Make Our B. Y. P. U. Qo' t*re?tden t Castalia Union. 8:* Special MurIc Wood Mtied Quartette. 9:#0 "Our Problems" ? Discussion lid by Miss Pearl Oupton, Wood. I:M "The B. Y. P. U. as Assistant Pastor" ? Rev. J. R Everett, CastaMa. (losing Devotional and Dis mlmi. Handaj Hknlif Session 11:0? Devotional ? Forreat Joynqr, ? Creek Church. Chriatlan Missions ? Ita Past jenta, Rev. J. C. McGregor, it Needs, O. M Beam, Louts Future Hope, Rev. D, T. inoements and Adjourn al" ?yr sews and better equlp followed a demonstration with for boss In Psrqulmana Coun to Advance ? A FAMILY REUNION - ? ' ' ? On August 1$, 1923 the J a*. C. Wtll - lams. or batter known as "the Crudup Williams" family, held their annual - H'uuluu ?t IB. -7. ? Bali's ? mu Youngsvllle; N. C. ? Mrs. Nannie Will iams the aged. widow was unusually well and cheerful sitting up nearly all day and enjoying the dinner and meeting with friends and relatives. The children were all present as follows: Mr. T. L. Williams, of Spring Hope. Mrs. E. T. Ball. Mrs. W. T. Young, Mrs. J. W. Young, of Youngs ville, Mr. V. C. Williams, of Louia hurg, Mr. Clem Williams, of Hender son, Mrs. Rosa Qrissom, near Kittreft, Mrs. Williams has thirty-two grand children, eighteen were present, two great grandchildren, both present. Others enjoying the celebration were Mr. R. C. Underwood, wife and two children, of Y'oungsrille; Mr. R. E. Williams, wife and two children, Mrs Carrie Strickland and two children, Mrs, Dinkie McGbee, Mr. Will New ton and. wife, Mr. and Mrs. Pieasapts, Mr. W. H. Hudson, wife and one child Miss Drille Haley, Mr. George and Mr. Joe Haley, Mr. J. L. Pearce^and family, Mr. Earnest Hall and perhaps others not now recailel^^r Mrs. Williams is 82 years old, and when those present were counted, it was found to correspond with her age, exactly 82. The table literally groaned with good things to eat. After dinner an hour of singing was enjoyed, then came a feast of watermellons. Then goodbyes and a hoping for another such day next year. NEW RECORDS Production of Pord Motor Company continues to move i.p to new records. During the week ending Tuesday. July 17, domestic assembly plants turned out 40,803 Cars and Trucks, The Ford News announces. The new record is 428 better than the previous high mark which was 40.375 for the week ending Tuesday. June 19. Fordson Tractor production for the week was 1,131. The Lincoln division of the company also set a new record for the week ending Tuesday wiith a total of 206 cars. 9-14-lt TO ADVANCE $60 A BALE Raleigh. September 11. ? General Manager Blalock of the North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative Associa tion authorizes the announcement that a fiat advance of $60 a bale will be made on all cotton delivered to the Association ? this is the latest an nouncement and made by order of the Board of Directors. It takes the place at the order announcement of $50 a bale. Members that have already re ceived the advance of $50 a bale will receive checks tor the additional ad vance. The advance applies to all bales weighing 400 pounds or more and on bales weighing less than 400 pounds he advance will be at the rate of 12 cents a pound, basismiddling. RECEIVER'S. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue ofli decree of the Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty. the undersllgned Reeeiver of the Banner Hosiery Mills Company, a Corporation, will at or about the hour of noon, on MONDAY. OCTOBER 15. 1923 in the town of Youngsville, N. C. of fer for sale at pnblic auction to the highest bidder, on the premises form erly occupied by the Banner Hosiery Mills Company, the following des cribed property, towit: That lot or parcel of land lying and being situate In the town of Youngs ville, County of Franklin, State of North Carolina, bounded on the North by Persimmon Street, on the East by Cross Street, on the South by the lands of J. T. Wilson, and on the West by the lands of J. W. Weathers and Mrs. Emma Pearce. containing 2 acres more or less, and being the lot upon which is situate the brick building known as the Banner Hos iery Mill. And at the same time and place the said Receiver will also offer for sale the following personal property towit: All of the machinery, furniture, fix tures and stock of the Banner Hosiery Mills company situate in the building formerly occupied by said Banner Hosiery Mill in the town of Youngs ville, N. C., the said personal prop erty consisting of about 52 Acme Knit ting Machines, 20 Loopers, 44 Hang ers, 1 Rib Cutter, 9 Inspection Boards a lot of pullevs shafting, so*, waste, hose and other miscellaneous articles. Terms of Hale: Personal Property will be sold for cash mid delivered up on compliance with terras of bid. Real Estate will be sold for one-third cash', balance 4n two equal annual Instal ments, deferred payments to bear In. terest, be secured by first lien on said real estate. Sale of real estate sub ject to approval of Judge of 8uperlor Court. This September 18, 192S. J. F. MITCHELL, Receiver ( 9-14-5* Banner Hosiery Mills Co. SAfcE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power conferred in a certain dead of trust executed to me by L. V. Whltaker, and duly rtcorM In the office of tha Register of Deed* of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, la Book 234, pace 8, I will on MONDAY, OCTOBBR IB. 1*23 at the hour of noon, sell at public auc tion at the Courthouse door in Louls burg, N. C. to the highest bidder for cash, one undivided half Interest In and to the following described prop erty : " - _ A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situate in the County of Franklin, State of North Cgrolina, and In the town of Louisburg, lylnf on both aides of Tar Rlrer, and boun <*ed as follows: On the North by the lands of D. F. McKlane, V. P. Htc^s, And P. N. Bgerton; on the East by llain Street In the said town of Loots bare; on th* Sopth by the lands of J. M. ?ud W. H. AUea and Q. W. Fort; and on the West bj the loads of Q. W. Ford nnd F. N. Egerton. and con taining Borenttten acre*, more or less known ae the Louisburg Mill Proper ty, and inlcludt&c the Blacksmith Shop, Mill Building. (Hat mills, cot ton cln, scales and til machinery of every description need in connectltar wlth said grist mills und cotton gin; also the mill-pond, mill dam, and all easements, water powers and water rights, privileges, powers and rights of every kind and description belong ing to or connected with the above deecrlhed property tnrlmilny oil rlghia and powers reserved by or granted to the owners of said above described property in a certain agreement re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County in book 34. page 282. This the 13th day of September, 1923 . 9-l?-6t F.^H. ALLEN, Trustee. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DR. J. HERBERT FITZGERALD Eye. Ear, Nose, Threat Will be at Dr. H. H. Johnson's office In Louisburg every first Monday. En. gagements should be made as far In advance as possible. DR. R. F. YARBOROUGH Phjslclan asi Hargecs Louisburg, N. C. Office In Blckett and Yar bo rough Building. Office Phone 296 Rssldence Phone U & AT WOOD HI WILL. Atterae/'At-Lsw. Louisburg, N. C. Phone No. lit Office In First National Bank Building Oeaeral Practice DR. W. B. MORTON Eye Specialist Office in Hotel Building Louisburg, North Carolina I wish to advise my patients and the public generally that after the lat of September my business will be on a Cssh basis when work Is completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNE8 ^FLEMING 8. P. BURT, M. D. Louisburg, N. C. Offices over Bcoggln's Drag Btare. Hoars 11 a. m. to 1 p. m? and 4 to 6 p. m. DR. W. R. BASS, VeUriaariaa Louisburg. N. C. Offices aad Hospital East Nash St. Phone Office 335-L Residence 335-J Special Attention to Small Animals. DR. D. f. SMITH WICK. Mrtntl.C. Office tn the First National Bank Building on Main and Hash Sts. W. M. PERSON. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW Louisburg. North Carolina thUm la all oomrta. Office oa Mala ? ' Street. CL *. BEAM , Attornej-at-Law Office* over Post Office Practice In ail courts. UK. J. B. uiYU Physician ui Sargeon Ltibkirti Worth Carolina | Office Main Street A. T- Neal Building at River Bridge Telephone Connection! 64 and 64-2 R. Honrs: 8 to 11:30 a. m. J to 6 p. m. t. M. White K. H. Halone WHITE * MAX05E LAWTKB8 Loulsbarg. North Carolina ?? al practice, settlement of ea ?tee fundi lnveetod On< member ot a* Arm always In the oSee. H. 6. PEBBY :lan and Surgeon Loulsburaf North Carolina Offices /Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telepht^es: Day 287; Night 287 J. K. HAXONR. rg, North Carolina See in Afeoek Drag Store, Market Btreat, O^ge Practice burger? and consultation. DH. H. n. JOHNSON Physician and Surgeon Louiabarg, North Carolina Office over Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 1. O. NEWELL, M. D. Lenhhurg, If. Office In First National Bank Building Day Phono 241 ? Night Phone Ml-l Nm H. Kuflln. rboa. W. Hoffln WB. M. * TH08. W. BAFFIN itUrMTMt-bw Lnlitwg, > Hertk Carollaa Smral practice, bath dTll and crim inal. In Franklin and adjoining conn ties, Baprsme and Federal Oonrta. Offices In Flrat National Bank Bo 11 din*. I WANT TO ANNOUNCE TO MY OLD CU8TOMER8 AND FRIENDS That I hare taken orer the manage ment of the Btegall Broa. Barber bhop I n>i*u aee that 70a are treated with profound reaped and that you get the best Barber work poaalble. Be fair with your good look* and let a Real Barber do your work. Yours to serf*. OSCAR- T. 8TBOAU* FOR BALA 85 acrea of splendid farming land Just outside of Franklin tofi, known as the I. H. Kearney home, kaa 15,000.00 worth of building On it. and la en of the best (mall farms In Franklin County. See or write B, H. MA LONE, Loulnburg, N. 0 7-!7-tf The boll weerll call* for some posi tive changes In the sericulture of Eastern Carolina. Small grains, le gumes and winter gardens are In or der for this fait . ' ? PRICES OF FIRST CLASS Shoe Repairing Men's Half Soles $1.00 Women's Half Soles 85 Rubber Heels . . . 50 Childrens Half Soles. . .25 up If you are looking for a first r lass job at a fair price this is the place to get it. All Work Guaranteed Shoe repairing insures health, comfort and economy. Our Shop insures Courtesy, Service and Quality. Neese Electric Shoe Shop R. E. L. Lancaster, Op. & Mgr. 9M-13t To Stop a Cough Qulcji uka* HAYES* HEALING I and Croup U endoMd i HAYES HEALING ] ibwMbenbbrfoG imadtlM tYEf 80,820 INCREASE IN MEMBERSHIP | a*l?tch, September 10 ? Aocorflinf to reportt received from the twelve Cotton Cooperative Organisation* in the Southern atatea, the total member - ?hfe September let, wu 223, m an , ln<5reaee M 80,810 ?U>ce January l?t Final report* ere yet to be made by i Nofrth Carolina and Mlealulppl where (the campaign conUnue* through (hie .. ????> i vV month, Texas reports having received to date 31,353 bales of cotton or five times as much as had been delivered to tike Texas Association at the same d&twof last year. The twelve state associations expect to handle over 1,250', 000 bales the present season. I - __________ Crimson clover, corn, pasture and 3' cows make a good living for a farm 'er near Liberty in Guilford County. Mrs. Keaeh Tells How She Got to Know Bat-Snap "Have always feared rats. Lately uotlced many on ray (arm. A neigh bor said he Just got rid ot droyes with HAT-SNAP. This started Tne think ing. Tried RAT-SNAP myself. It killed 17 and scared the rest away". RAT-SNAP comes In three sizes, 35.:. CEc, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed bv Cash Grocery and Market. T TNBQUALLBD vJ kift, incJocBug ntiiilialiuu oaf our men, nwkb it powJbl* with their quantity pr.???w w the loilMt prioo ?vor mwilMlt an aUotrio light plant Installed. And ? it is Uihljr iznportadL bj pW chasing toy lighting plant mat fin know tha instmlUJ prioa. The installod price for the mo?t popu lar size DeJoo- Light plant tnorad** oot only the plant itaell ? it ioolodas the freight | it include* the actual Install a ?L&,&?HSl< Terms So Easy Yon Cannot Afford To Bo Without On m v To mabe h niy lot m M M ytmt P.liill*j,Fy fflftlftl JWT : V ?r?t payment ud maoa dw terai rtff mgr. Hp lew! Dmw 1.1 pH m? a will ,-?* 1 explain thmt terras to ytb A liberal fcwbt allowed lor aA. ' Similar Outfit With SnutUmr Six* Plant, - -? i The World's Largest Farm Light Pkmt Manafactarer ) NOW makes it possible Par yoa to get your j DElfflilGHT DELCO-L.IGHT - - ? ^ PRIIITT 4 MAYES, Oxford. N. C. Help 'Em Grow Quicker The early maturing bird is the profitable bird. Early broilers bring m?ro money. Early maturing pullets make heavy egg production in winter. Purina Chicken Chowder builds big bodies, feathers, blood and vital organs quickly. ...... P. H I C K S 1 P u r i rta - Headquarters for

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