How Prunitone, tne w orld' s System Tonic Puts on Firm Flesh and Makes Yon Look Years Younger, Rounds Out Your Face and Figure With Healthy, Firm Flesh. Start Taking Prunitone Now if You Wish to Increase Your Weight and Endurance or Banish Skin Eruptions and Beau tify the Complexion Thin, Pale People Quickly Become Strong, Stout, Robust and Have Lovely Red Cheeks by Us ing Prunitone, the Wonderful FRUIT TONIC. Simply weigh yourself and take Prunltone for one week, then weigh yourself again and note the rapid In crease In weight. Continue taking Pru nltone until you have Increased your weight :he amount desired. You will very likely say that It has caused a rtma-kable change, It has Improved your looks wonderfully and any of your friends will hardly know you when your figure has been well roun ded out, as nature Intended It should bo . This tranfoi mailou la? due en tirely to the wonderful power of Pru nltone to correct the asstmllatlon of the foods you eat. The reason that Prunltone Is hav ing such an astonishing sale In Aroerl m Is due to merit alone. No Remedy inat has ever been sold In America has met with such unprecedented success In so short a time as Prunl tone, the celebrated Prune Tonic. If your Skin Is Ugly, Flesh Flabby, Cheeks Hollow or your Neck Scrawny, or if you tire easily, lack airbl'.lon, t-trength and energy, restless nights. have Indigestion or s'.omacb trouble, don't delay. Go at once to 1* E. Scog Kin and secure a bottie of Pntnltone. SPECIAL NO riCh. Prunltone li reecommo <h1 ai a flesh btUlder and reconstructive ay >'era Tcnlc, In raacy Instances It has I-roved wonderfully effect Ive In cases of Indigestion, Heahtburn, Sleepless ness, Nervousnesp and general ran down conditions. It is, however, ad visable only tot p$r4ona wishing to increase their ? eight* and renew their -Irength and energy to uso -?runltone. It may, howevrer, be borno In mind that Prunltone contains no injurious drugs but Is composed entirely of Prunes Roots, Herbs and Iron in a most palatable liquid form. More than half a million men and women have used Prunltone wltl* wonderful sue a ess, and It has befen positively pro ven that it does make thin folks fat, even where aD else has tailed. Don't say It can't be done. Try Prunltone and prove what can be done for you. adv, FOB SXLE BX L. E. SC06GIN FOR SALE 2 good (arms with good buildings in and near Wood, N. C. Easy terms. A. P. STRICKLAND, 9-7-tf Louisburg, N. C. HATE YOU EYJ.B NOTICED THAT THE MEItCHANT WHO SENDS IN THE COPT FOB HIS AD EARLY ALWAYS HAS THE NEATEST AD! Hastings' Seeds 1023 Oata log Free Wrtta today tar HuttV an IMS aaUk?. Tn win aaad tha latormaUoo U straa lUwa t d*Qy ? <fca noM .Talu ?bte ud aaatul aaad book inr pubilah ad. It aoatalM 10fl pacaa. ptotBrtn* aod oorraotlj daa Bribing tfca bast ud taoat popular fluwata ul t>ra crop* lor Qm South. How and what to >i?1 to row yard, fardaa ud Oa|d tor arary ibqhi. Bow to beat tba MB waarfl. baan baatla and other paata. Fun Batumi aotor ptotsraa ct tha beat Bum. GMad totl and other flowara. How to gat ? packets of seed at baaatCM Oowarm iraa. How nook aaad la raautred to pUat a row or aera, *hao mad tew to Plant aad cultivate. Why tt pari to ptaat food aaad* aad tew to *at th?n aa obaap or cheaper ttek aaaaasa or ordinary Mtdi. Joat wrtta tar thl* hUlip; m tut So*d Book. Itl a btnHM book and yooll ba might* gad to tea* tt to your home. It ? ItaiiMj tn* Wrtta (or It today. H. a HASTINqt Oft, ? 1/ fc- .?v ia FOR SALE We hare listed for Bale several val uable farms, amoug which are (1) about 84 acres Cedar Rock T. S. known as Cooke land, on State highway; (2) about 135 acres HayesYllle T. S. known as part of W hi taker lands. For price3 and tenua, see FRANKLIN INS. & REALTY CO. (Orer First National Dank) WmGLEYS Take it hofet to the kids. Have a packet in your pocket for an ever -ready treat. A delicious confec tion and an aid to i t*etfc, appetite, I digestion, A ^ Sealed in its Parity Package t ; MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LANI> ' Under and by virture of Jtie power of sale contained In that mortgage deed executed ontb'i 11th day o' Janu ary, 190S, by I. H. Kearney nnd wife Oza D. Kearney, recorded in Book 159, Tage 222, Registry of>Franklin 'Coun ty, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigned will offe. for sale at the Courthouse door oZ Franklin County in Loulsbt rg. N. C? at or about the hour of noon on the ICth day of September, 1923, at pub lic auction, the following described lands. A certain piece or tract of land ly ing and being in Franklin County, State aforesaid, In Frnnkllnton Town ship, and described and defl 'ed as follows, to-wit: Bounded on the North by No. 2 of S. P. Lowry lands, on th East by the road from Franklinton to Pope's Chapel, on the South by Cedar Creek, and on the Wost by Nor tnan Long land, con'alng 48 1-2 acres, and being No. 3 In the sale tor division of the lands of 8. P. Lowry, deceased, full description of which is recorded in proceedings for said sale in the office of the Clerk of Superior Coon of the said Franklin County. This the 10th day of August, 1923. J W. Saddling, Admr. of J. P. SnndllDgf. Dec'd. 8-17-4t / Pta Cetfed In <5 to 14 Days OINTMENT hli PiWrndlai PIlM. ?. PrteefK TUCKER'S HOTEL and c A f E Main Street i LOUISBDRG, N. C. The best of meals the mar ket afford* and prepared In the best of fashion. Plenty of rooms for the accommodation of all who -wish to spend the night, all well famished. J. C. TUCKER Proprteto' Habitual i put Ion ( in 14 tqf 2 1 Day: "LAX-FOS WITH prepared Syrup Toi CoDstipation. hi relieve should be I to induce n. Regulates. per bottle. specially r Habitual promptly but jr 14 to 21 day* t Stimulates and t to Take.* 60o I' THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. Annouqce that Mr. B. B. Perry has taken charge i>f Its insurance busnessb. Mr. Pel ry will b? clad to see his friends, and when in need of .ANY USD of Insurance, see him. Mr. Perry has had many years ex perience in Insurance, and !? prepared to (ire the public the best of service. For Insurance of any kind, write, phone Or see ? Bennett Perry THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY 00. MONET TO LEND ON IMPHOVBD form lands. 6 per sent Interaat. No commission, no boatis. Maj ran for It rwn or be paid of at option of borrower. Onlr a abort tlma ra qnlred to gat tha moowy . 7-14-tf 8. A. NBWBU,. , A TONIC Orave'*TadUleaa chill Toate teatoraa Energy apd Vitality by Purifying and Catching \he Blood. When yon foal 1U strengthen!**. Invigorating effect, ?aa hoW It brings com to\tbe cheeks and bow It ln?o?aa t\e yon wlH than Appreciate Its tra? tonic value. Grave's Taeteteei, chlll\Tonlc Is simply Iron and Qntnlne inapeoM In syrup. So pleasant e*eo ctillfUrn UMb It. Tha Mood n?e<l/i QUININE to Aplfylt and IRON te Enrich it Destroys Malarial germs and Qrlpgsrms by Its Strengthening. Invlgor a ting CVeot 60c. \ ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS A LADY Once upon a time there was a lady who agreed with her husband that he would never be sick because he played golf In the open air und ate fruits and vegetables, and so she shooed away the sick and accident insurance fellows and sniffed at doctors. But husband got something the matter with him and (ruit did not cure it. nor vegetables, nor whacking a' white pill around a goK course, and the answer was that he had a spinal bone displaced and it was pressing on a spinal nerve, and of course fruits didn't move the bone, nor vegetables, nor a rhythmic golf swing. But he found a chiropractor who could and by chiropractic spinal adjustments he got well. , DR. CHAS. BREMNER Henderson, N. C. L0UISBUR6 OFFICE IN MB. D. C. HIGH'S RESIDENCE TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, 8 TO 6 P. *. Phone III groceries Yomr order will receive the same prompt attention that yon get in person? and it .will save you the time and trouble of coming to our store. Special service gladly rendered. \ J. Allen Harris * , . y : LOUISBURG, North Carolina Pounded In 183? * Chartered In 1889 TRINITY COLUEQE . Ourtism, North CaroHmi Trinity Oollege offer* the general student the choice of a wide Tariety of coarsaa leading to tka bachelor ? degree. For iaatare students It pro vider also special groups of studies In Baslness Administration, Jtellg 1MS Training, Kngineering, Prs-msdlcal, Osneral Selene* Work, Teach tlon In all Departments. School oflng and Pre-legal. Graduate instruc Law. Wall Term b?g1n? gopt. 17, 1823. For oatala?a? Illustrated Booklet address R. L. PLOWRR*. S.or.t,ry to the Corporation F. A. ROTH COMPANY SPECIAL BARGAINS TOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY We have our fall lines of Men's and Boy's Clothing, Men's, Women's and Child ren's Shoes, Women's and Children's Millinery, Women's Dresses, Women's Coats, Children's Dresses, Children's Coats, Dress Goods of all kinds, Men's and Boy's For nishings, Women's and Children's Furnishings. Come in and look at our new fall goods, you are always welcome. . ?? s_, 38 inch Druid L L Sea Island Sheeting SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY -12y,c Yard Men's xtra heavy -weight Overalls, regular $2.00 grade SATURDAY AND MONbAY ONLY $1.19 Men's ?xtra heavy Blue Chambray Work Shirts, regular 11.00 grade SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 69c Each 36 Inch extra good quality Bleaching regular 25c grade SATURDAY "AND MONDAY ONLY 15c Yard Women's extra quality Silk Hose, reg ular $1.00 values, all colors, strictly frets SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 39c Per Pair J. & P. Coats Sewing Thread, 150 yard ?pools, all alses. black and white SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 6 Spools for 25c C2 Inch Zepher Gingham, all new tall patterns, regular 36c quality SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 24c Yard Men's and Ladies Hose, all colors, regular 25c values SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 3 Pair for 25c Men's 11.00 Dress Shirts, all colors and patterns > SATURDAY' AND MONDAY ONLY 59c Each Ladles Waists and Blouses, a large nssortment to select from SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 95c Each f . A. RQST1 COMP'Y. Louisburg's Busiest Department Store ALWAYS SELLS THE CHEAPEST LiOUISBURG, : North Carolina AS IMPORTANT AS GEOGRAPHY It 1b quite as important for your child to know the value of money as to knofr geogra phy. The best way to teach ' him practically is to open a savings account for him. Farmers National Bank Under U. Government Supervision MAIN STREET r OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE ? - ^ * .v 5 t'r * '?r Louisburg, N. O. . - . *? - >*

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