Gnawed by the teeth of the storm ! EVERY downpour grind* ytror car between the jaws of water and of mud. Rain-fanga bite through the varnish from above. Mudfangs ? grit and pebbles ? slash and rip their Way to the metal from below. Rust be gins, and eats hungrily at the beauty and endurance of your car. Devoe Motor Car Finish will thwart the ravages of th&.elements by pre venting their fury from reaching the metal. And in addition to sound protection it will add shining beauty to the car. McKINNE BROTHERS Louisbura:, N. 0. iVW Yutr Cmrl Uu: D?voo Motor Ctr Finish Deroe Auto Leather DrHiis| Deroe Auto Top Dressing TURNIP SEED We have just received a fresh shipment of Turnip I Seed, which we are selling for a very low price, any as sortment you want. For the next two weeks we will sell : Swamp Root, large size, for 85c Swamp Root, small size, for 45c Let us fill your Prescriptions, our drugs are pure and fresh. We will save you money. > F. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-J. * LOUISBURG, N. C. Everything for the Living Room The year's most popular designs, both perid and modern, are to be seen in this present display of Living Room Furniture. And as usual, you will find our piice a little less than you would expect to pay. Everything to complete sn Up-to-date Undertaking Department. W. E. White Furniture Co. A Wish "1 lava takaa Cardal lor n?> dowa, wora-oat ooadlttoa, nerroueoeee and ilnptaMM, aad I wu weak, too," aayt Ma. SBvIe Eatee, ofJaaaUap, OUa. "Cardui dM me tuat Mi of good? ao muck that I gara It to nijr daughter. She oom plalaedolaaoreaeeeialieretdee and back. Sha took three botUaa o# CARDU1 The Woman's Tonic aad bar conditio* waa much batter. "We hava U*ad here, aaar Jennlngt, for 29 yeare, and bow wa have ourowa boma la tows. I hava bad to work pretty hard, aa thle country waaa't buftt op, aad It made It hard for ua. -I WISH I could tall weak wouaa o4 Cardul? tha medicine tkat balped gtva bm tha atreegth topioa aad do my work." W m TRUSTEE'S 8ALB OF LOTS IN WOOD, N. C. By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust made by James Smith to Wm. H. Ruf fln. Trustee, dated Dec. 7th, 1913, and recorded In the Registry of Franklin County In Book 21S, pace 441, default having been made In the paytfaent of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of the In debtedness so secured, the undersign ed will, oA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1923 at the noon recess of Court, at the Courthouse door In Loulsburg, N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the property In said deed of trust conveyed and there described aa follows : "AH that tract or parcel of land ly ing and situate and being In the Coun ty of Franklin and the State of North Carolina, In the town of Wood, and being lots No*. 7 and 8 in Colored sub division, second addition on plat of land formerly owned by plat of which i* on record In Franklin County, Register of Deeds office in Book l (of Mapa) page 86 to wjileh plat for a more perfect description reference Is hereby made. This August 17, 1?M. 8-17-M WM H. RUFFIN, Trusts*. . fEEL ALL USED UP? Lots of Loulsburg People Da. Does .your back ache constantly? Do you have nharp twinges when itooping or lil Ling? Feel all u-el u|. ? as if you oouM Just go no farther? Why not look to your kldneysT Why not use Doan's Kidney PlllaT Loulsburg people have done so. They tell you the result. Mr*. ?. U A#liU. Mala St., Loole burg, says: "My cne slic and espe^ tally through nfy kidneys, hurt ?ie badly. Every time I llfteu a oroom to sweep or did any dusting, a lharp twinge shot through my side. I did ttot rest well, because of this miaery and dizzy spells and headaches add ed to my rouble. I procured Doan's Kldnoy Pills at ihe Aycock Drug Co., and they remo\ed the trouble." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't nply ask for a kidney remedy ? gei \n's Kidney Pills ? the same thai Ashley had. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y. FRANKLIN INS. * REALTY CO. LOANS AND INSURANCE 7-21tf SALE OF DWELLING AND I.OT By virtue of tne power of sale con tained in that certain deed ot t*ust made by Ernest Steed to Win. H. Ruf fin. Trustee, dated- May 1, 1919, and recorded in Franklin Registry In Book 234, page 73, default having been made in' the payment of the debt thereby scoured and demand for fore Closure having been made on said tlustee by the holder of the indebted ness thereby secured, the undersigned mill, un MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2>, Vt2" at the noon recess of Court, at the Courthouse door In Loulsburg, N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash the property In said deed of trust conveyed and there described as follows: 'That lot of land Bltuate In Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, near to the town at Louisburg, and known and desig nated according to the Map and Sur vey of Liberty Heights as Lot No. 1 on Granite Street which map Is ot re cord In the Registry of Franklin Coun ty in Book 199, page 169 reference to which is hereby expressly made for a further description of the same, on said lot being situate a dwelling house It being the land formerly occupied by Dock Perry and wife conveyed to Franklin Land Co. by Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee and conveyed by said Land Co. to said parties of the first part. This August 24, 1923. 8-24-5t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. Colds Ca une U rip ?nd Inftoeaza LAXATIVE BROIIO Q)^!ta(ETablett nuwi th. esnae. There U -*fcly ooeTaromo Qnlnio*." R. W. GROVE'S oo ha?>?Cc. HONEST Are yon treating yonr talents with dne credit when joa hare to bnjr an automobile erery few years when yon can haie a deep well drilled with pnre water, that will stand for ages, or hare lights or water Installed that will last a life time. We famish those things that go to make np a permanent con renient for home comfort. White Pump & Well Company, Inc. Well Drillers and Wa ter Supply Contractors. Norlina, N. C. LOUISBURO REPAIR SHOP J all on Lehman. Proprietor Ifaxt WORK (JUAiRANTHBD Any kind of Harnnaa made to order, Fan Belt* and Pistol Holster* made to order. Ladle* Shoe*, Bole* ^aewad on S6e pr. Oenta Shoe*, Sole* sewed on $1.00 pr. Harnea* Oil Aetata for Cownle Tannin* Com pany. W* oan have any kind of skin* or tor tanned for you. Sawing Machine* and Talking Ma chine* repaired. Stock and Poultry Spice, t pack age* for |Ec. THS rUHELU TOUS h rw *???> ? m ?crmr, k* ?M> tat MtrtpttoB U? |d| M ?cttar m- ? THS nuKXUN (Ui 1 cNow Easier Than Everted Own a 'through the ? will enroll you and start you on the way to owner ship. We will put the money in a local bank, at in' terest. Each week " make an additional payment. Soon yourpayments plus trre interest paid Dy the bank will make the car yours. So plan, to get out into the fields and woods ? doyfn to the beach or stream ? the family and you ? in the Ford Sedan. It is ready for business or pleasure anytime you step into the driver's seat and put your foot on the starter button. It is a car for all weather with real comfort for everyone And now it is within your reach. Come in today ? get full details. & || Louisburg Motor Co. ^>5 LOtnSBCKG, North Carolina 1802 1922 LOUISBURG COLLEGE A Junior College for Young Women With a Standard Preparatory Course of Four Years Faculty of specially trained, consecrated Christian teachers. Health Record Unsurpassed. Home-like Atmosphere. Soclil Life Carefully Guarded. Athletics. In addition to the regular college courses, Classical and Literary, 'attention Is called to the departments of Art, Business, Education, Expression. Home Economics, Music (Piano, Voice, Violin, Theory, ctc.), and Religious Education. Bates as low as consistent with good service. Send for free Catalog. For further information writer A. W. Mohn, President, - Louisburg, N. C. School Opens Soon BUY YOUR Pencils, Tablets and Other Supplies FROM Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated