(Cootiauad from naarth Page) tionr Md snrollmeut ? We do? And we thank each of you tor your co-op eration In everything. We certainly can not be without helpers, and we surely have them here. All o( us can be lylpers, let's be! The curtain committee reported that they have, samples on hand and hope td make purchase soon. We thank them. The Bheets answer very well, but do not look as well as we wnilllt wish. . The number of bibles "brought lasT Sunday was better than before but ' we urge everyone to tie a string around your finger or do anything to make you remember that yqur Sun day is incomplete unless you bring a bible to Sunday school. <Last Sunday the Star: classes ? I 1. Attendance ? Class No. 6 ? pupils present 17. only 2 absent. 2. Bibles brought? Class No. 2 ? . Nine out of thirteen brought them. 3. ? Collection ? Class No. 4 Junior Baracas ? *2,19. This Is fine. But lets do better next Sunday. We have Mr. Sim's letter and give K to you below. We appreciate his suggestions and are going to make use of them for they are good. We have already most of them In line. We are Just waiting tor Promotion Day. the first Sunday in October, to begin the Graded Lessons. We have the blackboards and low seats under consideration and teachers confer ence meets every Friday night. We certainly want Mr. Sims and Miss Stuart to visit us again. We thank them for their encouragement and ad vice. We also give you a letter from our former Superintendent. We \ know evefj one will be glad to read what he has to Bay. Lets every one write him a letter of encouragement. Don't forget next Sunday ? 1. We will begin on time ? 10:30 A M. 2. We will meet at the church. 3. We should every one bring a bi ble. 4. We should number at least 160. 5. We should have a collection of *6.50. 6. We will be greatly benefitted by your coming. Come! Lets not forget "Come and See" Day, Sept. 30, 1923. Sept. 5, 1923. Dr. H. M. Beam, Wood, N. C. Dear Dr . Beam : - I appreciate your kind Invitation to make any suggestions that I would about the Wood Baptist Sunday school, of which you are superinten dent. 1. Let me say that the general at mosphere seemed to me to be about as keen and progressive as any school 1 have visited recently. 2. The school is up and * going, and I heartily congratulate you and the other leaders on the way you are getting the school curtained ofT, ana also on the way .the -classes seem to be organized. Now about suggestions: I am wonderi^Jf you would not find it a great heipto have low seats for the classes of small children. You will find it will help mightily to use blackboards m teaching. You could buy a regular beaver board In blackboard style and cut it up in pie ces, say two feet long and as the board is three feet wide you could turn this cross ways, tack It on the wall in each class room. Eaeh teach kt could have a blackboard three feet wide and two feet long, X do not think you are using graded lessons. If you will write the Sun day School Board, Nashville, Tenn.. telling them the size of your school, and ask them to send you suggestions on graded lessons they will do bo, and by comparing th,e new graded lessons to the uniform lessons you are pro* babiy using you will find them to b* far better tlian the lessonB you are using in the classes of children. I do not remember healing anyone say whether or not you are having a regular Worker's Council, or Teach ers Meeting, which assembles regu larly once a month to discuss school problems. You will find this will help mightily. Now, I have made too many sug gestions. Pick out those you like best, or discard the whole bunch and I am going to keep on liking you Just the same. Your* Very truly, D. W. SIMS, ) General Superintendent. Mara Hill, N. C? Sept. 6, 1923 Wood Baptist Sunday School 1 have been getting letters from people at Wood that were telling ma In each one about what wonderful work you folks have been doing. ' I get rery home sick some times ,and am longing for the time to come when I aan be In number with yon ?gain as I hare in the pest. When I get home sick though I think about something else and don't let that worry me at all. Knowing that the Sunday School and B. Y. P. U. at home- are coming up to a standard of excellence la enough to make me havpy and content. , I appreciate the let ^er you wrote to our Supt. here rery much, although Dot knowing what you told him 1 am' afraid you told him come things I Ma ?ot capable of doing. I am putting forth en effort In everything I am called on tor so far. I belong to the Berpon 1 Sunday school class which has SB members and a very good ?]asa. There are many other claaaea here. I don't know exactly how many | tart our contributions amount to "?bOBt $M or $24 each Sunday. "The B. Y. P. U. There are eight 'tinlons here. 1 belong to A union cSrWch was the only one In the eight he one hundred per cent laet Sun *U<f. I hare been talklny with the "teS4et~*nd preeldent and we are go trft to ?flo &ar best to make A union BU' D m up here. I tuess when I. get home again the -*4fcMrch will be curtained off and look -? itm I will ndt Mel a. bit home. Bat It will be a happy time when 1 ? an walk in and akake each one of your hands. Ererj one la oar claas after tbe flnt song has * good morn Ing hajid ihikw and mikga each one of ua feel mora at home, bufstlll It lan't like looking Into the eyes of peo pie you lore. I ask the prayers of each of you that I may grow to be stronger ?plr. ltually and that I may learn some thing while here to bring back with me that I may be able to help you to build up our own community. Every morning we hear people that have been to China, Mexico and other foreign countries talk to us about the condition and it will draw you ncar er to God each time you hear such lectures. To the Junior Baracas: 1 haven't heard anything as yet from you boys. Although I am per fectly satisfied that you have a good leader and are doing your part. I wish each one of you could be here in school and get the Christian training they give Watch your step in form ing habits because now you are at the age where you will either make men or not make men. You have my pray ei-8 that you may form the right kind of habits. Your former Superintendent and teacher, . t J. RAYMOND SHEARIN. * * LOCAL JlEWS Mr. M. F. Parker went to Littleton and Vaughan Tuesday on business. Mr. Geo. Parrlsh of Centervllle, was a visitor of Wood Tuesday. Mr. A. H. Braswell, of Castalla. was In town Tuesday. ? Mrs. N. C. Gupton Is vlsitllng her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Hedgepeth at Whitakers this week. Messrs. Charles ' Buroette, Jesse Williams and Thomas Leonard left last week for Durham where they have accepted positions with the Duke Manufacturing Company. Mr. Stephen Thomas Gupton, of Rocky Mount, was In town Tuesday night. Miss Ruth Parrish, of Centervllle was a Wood visitor Wednesday. Messrs. J. P. Leonard and W. D. Fuller were business callers to Rocky Mount Wednesday. Mrs. Alex Wester. Doris and Maur ice. and Mr. Guss Wester were In Loulsburg Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Wood and fam ily and Miss Irene Gupton went to Rocky Mount Wednesday on business. Mr. June Leonard and son, Grover. near Taylor's store .were In town Wednesday. . Mr. Henderson, of Loulsburg, was a visitor of Wood Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkes, of Louls burg, were among the visitors Wed nesday. Miss Geneva Benton was the guest of Miss Daisy Gupton Sunday night. ? Mr. Ditcher Edwards was a visitor of Wood Wednesday. Rev. N. F. Britt and Miss Grace Harris, of Corinth, were" visitors Wed nesday. Messrs. Guss Wester and Sidney Gupton were Louisburg visitors Mon day of last week. Mr. EL C. Alspaugh. of Winston-Sa lem was a visitor In town Wednes day." Mr. Atlas Mitchell, of Chase City, Va. is visiting his sister, Mrs. R. R. Denton . Messrs. Forest and Ceptain Coley returned last Tuesday from a visit to their brother, Mr. Grat Coley, Macon. Bennie Melville Griffin spent Wed nesday night with Maurice Wester. Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Gupton enter tained at "chicken fry" Wednesday night In honor of the twenty-fifth birthtay of their son, Teddie. It was greatly enjoyed by every one. The only regret of the occasion was that Teddie's birthday's do not roll around more eft en. Those present were: Misses Katie Belle and Nellie Griffin, Irene Gupton, Mr. and Mtfi- Teddie Gupton, and Messrs. Leslie TharftBiP ton. Louisburg, Bryant Nelms, Sandy Creek and Masters Wllber Raynor, Thurman Griffin, Leland Gupton and Torbert Sturgess. We regret very much that Mrs. Steph en T. Gupton continues on the tick list but we hope she will soon be able to be out again. Elizabeth and Edgar Fuller spent Thursday night with Mary and Tor bert Sturgess. The Woman's M. 8. attended the opening exercises of the W- M. U. of the Tar River Association In War renton 17 In number. The Y. W. K. was represented by 5 members. Mr. M. P. Parker was a visitor ot Vaughan Friday. ? Messrs. Essie Gupton sad Ed Lan caster, near White Level, were Wood visitors Friday. Mr. Harvey Gupton was the guest of Miss Carry Hewitt Thursday night. Mr. John Yarhorough and son, of Lonisburg. jrere visitor? of W6od Friday. Messrs. W. D. Fnller, Percy Gap ton and John Heath were business callers to Louisburg Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Teddie Gnpton of Cen tervllle were visitors of Wood Friday. Mrs. Dunham Griffin, Centerville, and visitor Mrs. Cavanaugh were vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gupton Friday night. Mr. C. G. Wpo0 was a visitor of Rocky Mount Friday. Mr. Olcey Pridgen, of Creek, was among the visitors of Wood Friday and Saturday. ' ? ( Messrs. St. Denton carried his sons 8t Thomas, Ollie M., Hterbert P. with him to Rocky Mount last Friday when he sold tobacco. This was their first visit there and report a grand time. Each was rewarded with a pocket knife. Mr Llnwood Weatherford was s guest of Misses Nancy and Annie F. Gupton Thursday night. Miss Pearl Gupton and Mrs. H. R. Waters were visitors of Lonisburg and Royal Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Bart and family Louisburg, pased through Wood Thurs day on their way to visit realatlves at Areola. Mr. Jessie Griffin of Red Bud, was a visitor. of Wood Saturday, , Messrs. Dewey Madison and Ray mond Stunts Were business callers to l>ot?lsl)urk' Friday Evening. Mr. UApard and son, W11J irtqr . lard, were In Wood Saturday.- ? . l^uua Karnor was (Beat o t Ellsa beth fuller Wednesday night. Mrs J 37 Sheartn. Mi*. O. M. Ray 11 or, Leona and Ruasel Rayaor Floyd. Robert and Paul Griffin spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. H. B. Sheartn. Messrs. Charles Burnettr and Hay wood Gupton passed through Wood Saturday. Messrs. Meadows and T. C. Dor sey, of Hollister were visitors Satur day. Mr. Jim Collins, of Sandy Creek wns iht* giu>Ht of Mr. und Mrs. N. C. Gupton anil family Saturday after noon . We are very glad to learn that Miss Wheless Guptbn '8 out again after being kept In for quite a while on ac count of sickness. Messrs. Cleveland Foster and Phil lips of Louisburg were visitors of Wood Saturday. Messrs. Lewis Smith, son and Doc Gupton. Red Bud. were among the visitors here Saturday. Mrs. J. W. Swanson and son. Wal ter. his wife and family of Red Oak were week-end guests of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. J. Hamlett and family. Mrs. Swanson is a sister of Mr. Hamlett. Mrs. H. C. Radford and son, Gra ham. were week-end guests of Mr. C. Early Denton last week.* Messrs. George G. and Joe Wood, Red Bud, were among the visitors here Saturday. Master Freeland Green has return ed from an Extended visit to his grand mother, Mrs. Wells, near Henderson We are glad to welcome Freeland back to our community and B. P. U. Mr. Marlon Parker was the guest of Mlsa Daisy Ball Wednesday night. We regret to learn that Mr. Cleacy Gupton is confined to his home this week on account of illness. We hope to be able to report next Issue his re turn to duty. Leland Gupton, Centervllle, was week-end visitor of Torbert Sturgess In another column we are giving an account of the series of meetings at Mt. Hebron church by one of Its mem bers. Miss Bonnie Griffin. We thank her very much for favoring us with It and assure her and the good people of her church that we enjoyed and received great benefit from worship ping with them. Rev. D. T. Bunn the pastor, preached strong, uplifting and Instructive sermons which struck deep and left our hearts and souls in a better and stronger mood to strive each day to get In closer touch with the Master. We hope he will com* again to see us soon. Miss Irene Gupton and Mr. H. B. Cobb were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harris. Roval. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Neal, and Mrs. Henry Griffin, Centreville, spent Thursday with their sistefc, Mrs. P. M. Sykes, Seven Paths.' Mr. Arch Alston and son, Cheatham were Sunday afternoon visitors ot Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fuller. Messrs. Corbett Cash and Irvin Gil> liam Royal, were guests of friends Sunday attenoon ..and evening. j Misses Ruth and Pearl Gupton and Cleveland Gupton were Sunday after noon visitors of Miss Lanice Horton, Bunn. Messrs. W. D. Fuller and Robert Gupton and Olcey Prldgen, were Louis burg callers Monday. Messrs. M. D. Smith and son, Fur ney. of Rocky Mount, and Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Griffin and son, George Irving, of Louisburg were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith Sunday. Miss Annie Harper, of Rocky Mount 1s the guest of Mrs. M. T. Griffin and Miss Irene Gupton this week. Messrs. Dorrls Llverman and Jotyl| Robert Montgomery, Aulander, w ere visitors ot friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brett, Raleigh, Mr.-"and Mrs. W. D. Fuller and Dr. H. M. Beam were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Neal, Centervllle Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tharrlngton and family, Holllster, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Wood and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Shearin and Mr. and Mrs. Bobble Shearin and fam ily of Rocky Mount spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Shearin and fam ily. " Mrs. "Lacy Reynolds, daughter Lull* sons, Thomas and Nelson Reynold* spent Sunday here with relatives. Mif Irwin King and Mr. and Mrs. J. Bry ant King and family. ' Master Thurma Griffin, Centerfill* was guest ot mother, Mrs. G. M. Ra/ nor Sunday. Mr. Bonnie Nicholson, Miss Mary Galloway, cf Hi. iliater attended Wood B. Y. P. U. Sunday night. Mr. and Mr?. W. T. Benton, Mfj' and Mrs. W. L. Bellamy, Mr. anA Mrs. Foy Mosley, Mr. Doris, Mrs, Walker, Mr. Roach and Miss Theatug Bellamy of Rocky Mount were vist' tors ot Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Bentog Sunday. Miss Geneva Benton Is visiting rel atives at Rocky Mount this week. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Griffin havg Just returned from sn automobile trip to eastern counties where they vlslteA relatives at Hertford and Eden ton. We are glad to have them back In oar community. We have missed thill very much In our Sunday school and B. T. P. U. and the. editing of thedfe columns. i. Messrs. Sidney Gupton and Flo/d Griffin were visitors of Holllster Sua day. Mr. R. B. Wicker, of Sanford is visiting relatives, Mr. and Mrs. W. P, Leonard and Edna Wicker this week. Master Edward Stovmll, Ixralshurg, arrived Monday to spend several day* this week as the guest of Master Bid gar Fuller. - , _ Rev. and Mrs. May, Mrs. Arch RS4 ford, Miss Clayton Burnette and Mfg. A. A. Shearin of Centervllle W. M. f. at t fended the W. M. U. of the Ta* River Asoclation held In the Baptist church ot Warrentoa on Friday of last weci.. Messrs. Dunham Qrifffn and ,T<M Williams of C'entervllje were visltorS of Wood Monday; * T Misses Dollfe, AWOJe " Otipton anld l^cy Sldn^r truptoa. QuM Wmur, Floyd Griffin w?r? rliHwi ot WktU LeveLCedar Rock sad CuuIIa dun day iISAoob Ml i? Kathlyrn Tharrlugton. Ho)lt?? ter, U ? porting thU week with Miss Annie line Wood here. Last week the Louisburg manage ment of the Home Telephone and Tel egraph Co., made It possible (or us to communicate rreely with outside world. For several months the line has been In poor shape but the man ager assures us now that with the In stallation ot new wire and the fixing of phones he feels sure we will have better service. As citizens of Wood we wiiE to thank them ror this ser vice and we trust the present service will continue. On last Sunday night the Castalla B. Y. P..U. gave a demonstration program before the Hed Bud B. Y. P. U. The program was perfect In every respect, no flaw to be found aud was enjoyed by the large audi ence. The mixed quartette rendered excellent selections and each member on the program spoke their parts per fectly. Rev. O. C. Qravette, who Is supplying for the church was present aud highly commended the Castalla B. Y. P. U. upon the splendid work they are doing and wished them "to bring another such program for the wonderful Influence for good it Is do ing. SALE OF STORE AND DWELLING IN YOUNGS VlLLE By vlrture of a decree ot the Su perior Court of Franklin County,! made in that special proceedings en- 1 titled H. B. Hatch, Admr. of P. R. Hatch.decd., ts Mrs. L Rookh Hatch, widow: and J. F. Hatch and other heirs at law of said P. R. Hatch, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, October ISth., 1923, at about 11 o'clock A. M? on the premises in the town of Youngsvllle, N6rth Caro lina. offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, the following described lots and buildings: (a) A lot on North side of street, being that street over which the Raleigh Road leads to Wake Forest, bounded as fol lows: On the North by the lands of Mrs L Rookh Hatch, on the East by the lot of C. E. Mitchell, on the South by the aforesaid street and on the West by the lot of E. L. Winston, contain ing a dwelling house. (b) A store house and lot, framtf" building, situate on the West side of Main street, adjoining Perry and Pat terson and others. Terms of sale: One fourth cAsh and the balance to be due Jan. 1 1924, with six per" cent per annum Interest on the balance of the purchase money from date of confirmation of sale and to be secured either by title retained or by deed of trust on the land. This Sept. 14. 1923. Wm. H Ruff in, 9-14-5t Commissioner Subscribe to The Franklin Times NwmCmkmJ To be uncommonly ambitious To be uncommonly frugal To be uncommonly careful To cnlttivate your Bank ac count and your Bank* credit Is to become Uncommonly Successsful and i.- a Common Sense suggestion c.f Uncommon Sense. The Farmers & Merchants Bank One Half Barrel White House Flour FREE / * * THIS IS OUE OF THE HIGHEST GRADE FLOURS MADE This flour will be given to the person making the highest average for a load of not less than 500 pounds of tobacco on the Opening Day of the Louisburg Tobacco Market, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1923 * -T ? X The Hudson Store Co. *> NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK. Louisburg, N. C. ***** *?,T- * t, r

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