#e Will Sell the BEST SPECIAL Until Tuesday, October 2nd. ; A FRESH OEOTOD doi'irtl, ? pounds f. *1.00 r 35c COFFEE, 4 pounds $1.00 12 CAKES IVORY SOAP ... J . : SOC C - 3 12 CAKES P & G SOAP, 7 cent siie .TTT 60c o STAR NAPTHA WASHING POWDER, 12 packages 50c If you are interested in a- musical instrument see us and save money. ? ; ? ? ? ? ? ... The Hudson Store Co. NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS' BANK Louisburg, N. C. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Farmers National Bank At Loulsburg, In the State of Norjth Carolina, at the close of business on | September 14, 1923. , RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, accep tances of other banks, and foreign bills ot ex change or drafts sold with Indorsement ot this bank - ? lOS.SM.**] , Overdraft! secured, $1,506.62; unsecured, $1.414.20 ... ? Deposited to secure circulation (U. 8. bonds par Talue) 25,000.00 All other United States Government securities 300.00 Other bonds, stock, securities, etc. Furniture find fixtures ? " * Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank ... ' Cash In vault and amount due from national banks ? ! Amount due from State banks, bankers, and trust companies in the United States : . Total Of Items 9, 10. 11, 12 and 18 _ *4, 150.84 l J Miscellaneous cash items ? _ " . Redemption fund with U. B. Tree*. and dtte from U. B. Treas " * Other assets, if any? Expense ; Total : ... r-'-JFiw, wi.tr LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in ? $ ^5, 000. 9# Surplus fund 1^.000.00 Circulating notes outstanding -- _ zS,0M.4$ Amount due to Federal Reserve Bank (deterred credits) Cashier's checks outstanding ; 1_: ^ Total of fteqia 21, 22, 23, 24 and 26 $1,493.28 , , , Individual deposits subject to check ; 14.825.12 Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) 1 3, #12. 87 Other time deposits 31,035.60 MM r, Total of time deposits subject to Reserve -. $44,049.47 Bonds and securities, other than United State*, borrowed 250.00 Bills payable (including all obligations representing money bor rowed other than rediscounts) 4,880.24 Notes and Mils redlvounted. Including acceptances of other banks and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with Indorsement "of this bank JU& ? J9.674.97 ( Total i $ 1(0,178.1$ ? State of North Carolina. County of Franklin, sa: 1* H. m. 8 to vail. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swsar ***** the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. If. STOVALL. Cashier. T. H. \ K- K Subscribed and sworn to before me this lfth day of Sept . 198$ WM. D. JACKSOf. Notary Public. I My Ootnmlsslon expires March 17. 1924. TRUSTEE'S SALE OK LAND Under and by rirture ot the HOW conferred upon me In thai dead pf trust executed on the 3rd day at Jane, IMS, by I. H. Kearney and wife Oxa P Barney. recorded in Boofctfi; *\ Page 115, Registry ot Franklin Coun ty, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness secured thereby and demand havlnf bee* made upon me by the holder thereof, I '#111 offer for MJ4 at public auction Iter cash at the courthouse door of Vnnk lln county. In Loulsburg, N. C. at or about the hour ot noon on the lKh day of October, lit*, ate tracts or pcrbels ot land, situate In Franklin County,. Franklinton Townahlp, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: LThe Levlster place, containing 61 Stiff U: and described ln deed from C. S. Wil liams to L M. Kearney. ...u 2. The H. H. Sherrod place con taining 45 ??i, adjoining T. JL S. Mitchell and others, and fully describ ed In deed' from C. M. Cooke. Commls tloner, to L H. Kearney. 3. The Martin place cnntalnlng 19 acres, adjoining the J. S. Moore place on North Bast and West, and B.H. Winston on Bouth, described la deed from Martin heirs to I. H. Kearney. 4. The Cheatham lot In Franklin to* on Hlllr.boro Street adjoining N. Y. Oulley and B. W. Ballard, and deheri ted In deed from J. L. Mitchell, less lot sold td B W. Ballard. 5. The Fdller lot frotrttng on HOW boro Street In Frankllnton, idjoinint W. L McOhee oh 'North, I. H. Kear ney, H. K. Pearce, 8. C. Vang ud K. A. Fuller on, South, described in deed trotn A. O. Faller. > ?' ? ?. The .Press White place In Frank, Union, being corner lying bet***' the old Hlllsboro Road and the jhw part at Hlllsboro Street recently OfM* WinstoB lot This the lKh day of Sept., 1911. ?-21-4t R. B. WHITE, Trust*#, ?sw#es. oe. Haring q?lSW adminfstA* of the estate of C. J, .Ward, !?> ceased, late of Franklin County, 'M>' tloe Is hereby glrea all persons Ml Ing claims against said aetata to yre or tils notice will he plead ln bu ot their recorery. ATI person. lhlijlM to said s state will please .come for ward and make ha media t> gettleniMt. This Aug. l?th, lHi. ?-17-?t ' B. B.fpnTB, Admr. Aril* Joom, McCauley. 811*> I Fountain. ?!or new the wbool building . Mr. Rosier Taylor and Mrs. Carrie MrTauley report an InetmrllTe and profitable session of the tummer hoIwoL at,tb? Bute Collfga tor moo, Where Mr. Taylor was one at tBrfteficftrs. - M ia Irene Taylor, one of Lruli burg's beauties, was at the formal opening ot school Saturday and ming ling with old )i<Mn? friends. Mf?. Kate "WUdir Itymar. of Spring Hope; and Mra. Ruby Bartholomew PtrWifc of Uttltlin, Wt*e$rreatw aa sets to the sohg service during the revival some days past. Their splen did trained voices were charming and Inspiring. '?ann Thomas, one of bur leading Colored farmers, lost a barn full ot tobacco Friday, and Saturday Mr. Nat Finch had one burned. The fields are whitening with the fleecy stajple and soon tbq picking will be in full swinig, but because of unfavorable weather madltion* late cotton has deteriorated ana the yltlt will be below the once looked for bar (ftttnitaift'dyw, iWiil* otrf the line, who was a faculty member here, but now ot Cedar Rock, wera among those wlto vara at the opaa* aWS& 8SfV,?AO:' tor In their school. . Rev. Mr. Everett has been called to the paklorate Of Urt~Bkt>tlst cfcurcM here and at Red, Bad, fccrp^s the How In Franklin, and 'Ma ministerial du-1 tldn and talk. . ?PLAIN TOM. i (The above were tfceetved too late'l for last weal. ? Ed.) raws FBOJf 8KTES PATHS The 6. y..p, U. in progressing nice, now. *l"he Junior B: T. P. U. meets ' 'every Sunday moraine at 10 o'clock. The Senior O.-opps. meet at. 7:30 In the evening. We Invite everybody. to frttWd. j We have a splendid Sunday school with a good attendance moat every Sunday. The total enrollment la 172 members. There ' arte 10 tfffcanlaed Masses' with a sufficient number & officers for each class. It makes us (eel good to see so many come out ?very Sunday especially the older people, Last Sunday the classes de cided to tohttfbate something to 4?-' 'fray expenses and send our Superin tendent M. T. Lamm as delegate to the State Superintendent's Confer ence held at' Puna this week. This was i surprise for hfil and he 1* an ticipating a delightful trip through ' Miss Hlnda Altord, of "Spring 'Rope' visited Bliss Pattle Lamm several days last week. , , , Mr. and Mrs. Glen Medley and two children, Mr. UMf Mrs. Lfnwood Edwards of Rocky, MounL apent the Week end with ' patients Here . Mr. C. E. Deb nam visited relatives at Bunn Saturday night and Sunday. Misses Qlennle Wilder and Lena Siy went several days in Rocky Ount last Week with Mrs, Glen Med ley. Miss Ruth Alford of Bunn, Mlas a Alford of Pilot. apwit Satnptey -M and Wottday with Miss Patfl* avkr 'Miss Bert Qay, who Is teaching at Pearces, spent last Week-end at home. Wsl are very sorry to know Mr*i Alice Gay has been slcjt tor some time. We hope her a speedy recoV> ? >1 Miss Pearl Hopkins, one of the high school teachers at Justice, spent the week-end with Jtfr. and Mrs. M, MKlf? ft. Moeeley^hras k visitor fi the community last Wednesday Mgtft. Mr. and 3. Mr Sykes spent Sunday With their daughter, Mrs. Wilson Qa^v Mesdames J. M. Lamm and B, C. Strickland spent Thursday aftMool with Mrs. Alios Gay. Mr. L. G. Turnage and family id MlM\pernlce Strickland went to H^tfrsn.' Johnnie Neat and Mrs. Henry Griffin ot Centervllle, vlskei thelr sleUr, Mrs. P. M. Sykes Thursday, , ? _ , , jB/nhd Mrs. B. 0. ' Strickland meat Bandar With Mr prfrenU, Mr., *'^nslr,BettleMMow1un Shnday to attend school at Bonn. She will be greyly ^nlwed^at Sunday school - Mrs. J. M. Lamm and daughter.! Pattle, visited Mesdante ST. U. anil Y-AS9JS" ssa noon In Oranvllls. f "tfHtfttoW *?? tor last week'. ? Ml.) ?#ter-. New Line of Shoes I have just opened a new line of Shoes. Be sure to see them befofe you buy. I might save ^ou some mon ey. A good line of Men's overalls, shir fs and pants and most anything to work in. Seed Eye, Clover and Oats- Anything in groceries and feed you want. Try ou^ Tobacco Market.' ? We arb trying to have the best market "Tn the State. *) _ _ ' Come to the Pair and bring all thi? family. v And be sure to come to see me when in town. A ToIitb trtiiy, J.-W. ffi?RRY NASH STREET LO"ISBtTEG> N 0. ' *. GLEAN tNG and PRESSING i at Don't forget we can wash your Old Quilts, Bla Hugs a. id Washable Druggets. All <7v.rk sent for and delivered in town. t "WE DYE TO LIVE" The Service Shop " W. B. MUkjtORD, Manager PHONE 104 ? l l L0CISBURG> N. C, "ALL WORK CASH ON DELIVERY" FRESH FOODS If* ~ Ik eheoilnf jear daily table supplies, It la of the utmost Impor tance Out they be freak, far a pea this depends their worth and taa Uaeaa. Oar Feed* are alwayi fresh. PURE ICE is P?r# Im U a HMt lapvttut thing, for yon often times wait to fit 1* rlfkt la jtmt fool or irlaki. Onr g?rvlee Is tt? fcoot to he k*< Hi at yrar eoaauni. _ j i- vjf TOtTK PATtOKiGS tmt BFAPPRECIATED. tlti it, JS A. S. WIGGS I NASH STREET LOUISBURG, Nf fHRVICZ 8XRVX0K v rmuwHm?u.

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