Aew Shoe.* 5 oin9m "^lope ShoePolish Makes old Shoes look" Heating Stoves Cooking Stoves Ranges I hare rewired already orer IK) stores and another Urge ship ment to follow, for this seasons supply. It will pay yon to rone to se? my stock of store* before yon buy? whether its a Heating or Cooking store. I hare them In a Tarlety of styles at prices yon can afford to pay. This Is one of the best seasons of the year to paint yonr bosses. I hare JOHX LUCAS pure palate for ontslde a*d Inside painting. * BUGGIES AM) HARNESS A store fall of good Hardware H. O. TAYLOR Hardware We Put Rubber Tiires on Buygy Wheels THIS IS A FEBBOXTAI. LETTER TO EYE BY PERSON IN FRANKLIN COUNTY, FROM L E. S co rein G. L. Ayeock K. 8. Clifton, Jr. We want every person In Franklin County to Tisit Scoggin's Drug Store, recently remodeled and made the prettiest business house In the county. We want you to Inspect our new beautiful and perfect ly sanitary Soda Fountain recently Installed in Scoggin's Drug Store. It Is constructed so you can see your drinks prepared. Mr. M. S. Clifton, Jr., is in charge at this fountain, he Is the most effic ient of any in the State. Buy your fountain drinks from him and you will be amazed to see how quickly, perfectly and politely he will Bene you. We want every person in Franklin County to buy their Turnip Seed at Fcoggin's Drug 8tore> Our Mr. G. L. Aycock is still with us to sell you Juat what you want, he has selected, bought anj.BOld you Beeds for 30 years, and have Just what you want now. 0. L. AYCOCK, MAURICE CLIFTON, J1L, L. E. SCOQGIN You Need Oeod 2 1 inotf Gingham at 14? Bi?t 32 Inch Oingham at . 86e Yard wtJe heaYy outing at ? 96e Ladtna<4e cloth at L? Stmproof tuVproof . tt? Peter Pan at - Me Bast graJe oilcloth ; , K? 3# Inch wool nixed crepe We BeauMfui line of curtain goods and drapery frofh _ lOr to fUt yard Chatham all wool Blanket* la white, plalda and eolora f7Jp to 91LM Complete line of winter underwear for women and ohlldreo Brerythlng new lo dree* gooda, trtmmlnga, aweatera, handkerchiefs, hose, cellars, ete. PRICES or FIRST CLASS Shoe Repairing Men's Half Soles $1.00 Women's Half Soles 85 Rubber Heels 50 Children* Half Soles . . .25 up If you are looking for a first class job at a fair price this is the place to get it. All Work Guaranteed Shoe repairing insures health, comfort and economy. Our Shop insures Courte?y, Service and Quality. ^ Necsc Electric Shoe Shop R. E. L. Lancaster, Op. & Mgr. j 9-14-13t To Stop a Cough Quick take*" HAYES' HEALING HONEY, a cough medicine which stopa the cough by the inflamed and irritated tliraw. A boa of GROVES O-PEN-TRATE ^ Head Coida and every bottle of HONEY. The aalve cheat and throat a Gold or Croup. Coti'i O-Pco-T tkaaklaac n-tS ? cwoltileoomtileed t "Jutt aak your . HEALING HONEY. SALE 0F VALUABLE PROPERTY Under and by virtu* r>t ?i, conferred In a certain SUfcrPfZ'T executed to me bv r r U8t at "??rDAY. OCTOBER 15 192a ?t the hour of noon sell at ??mi tion at the rnnrtiiA. j public auc burg, N c Kes?' ?? 1 ?rBssgw?a: swj iaaSJrS1? with said mS mm. ? connection rights, privilege, \?i and water properTyein a'c??| above corded in the office "of^htTT"1, r?" Of Deeds of Franklin n ? Re*,8t?r 34. page m ? i" b??k September, J923 y 9""-? F. k. ALLEN. Trustee. heal' anRpSp|^n?[ ^BLB Banner <* able and oaatul aaad book ?rer publl?h ed It mnftM 10? pacaa, ptoturloa Ud correctly a?ir? lbf*< the best and moat popular Ye?eUbl*e, Qowen and farm aropa lor the South. How and what to plant ta your yard, cardan and Bel* lor ?m> purpoaa. Bow to baat Ota boll waerll, b?an baatla and other pasta. Full natural oolor ploturea of the beat Boaaa, Glad ioli and other nowan. How to gat ? packata of aaad oC beautiful flower* traa. How mooh aaad ta required to plant a tow or acre, whan and bow to plant and ouJtlTate. Why It pan to plant food aWa and Imf to fit them u aheap or afenpar than aoduson or ordinary aaada. Jt?t wttta tor thi? |Wu^ar'1?tod?jP^ I H. 0. HAST1NM GO, ?*??*? Atlanta, th. ^ ^ Pflea Cored la 6 to 'l-4 Days Dratfbta refund mooer it PAXO OINTMENT fa to core Itching. Blind. Bleediqi or Prqfrndinf Piles. I Instantly relieve? Itching Pflea. and you can flet restful weep aflor the first SDoUcatfoo. Prtoo 60c. I Subscribe to The Fmnltlln Times Aft?r ^ on'wmi' custom that benefits every Every S?( . e^ullse8 teeth, f soothes the threat. WRKLEYS & good thing to remember Staled ia Hi Parity Packaga SALE OF STORE AND DWELLING IN YOUNOSVILLE By vlrture of a decree o f the Su perior Court ol franklin County, made in that special proceedings en titled H. B. Hatch. Admr. of P. R Hatch, deed., vs Mrs. L. Rookh Hatch, vldow and J. F. Hatch and other heirs at law of said P. R. Hatch, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, October 16th., 1923, at about 11 o'clock A. M., on the premises In the town of Youngsrllle, North Caro lina, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, the following described lots and buildings: (a) A lot on North aide of street, being that street over which the Raleigh Road leads to Wake Forest, bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of Mrs. L. Rookh Hatch, on the East by the lot of C. E Mitchell, on the South by the aforesaid street and on the West by the lot of E. L. Winston, contain ing a dwelling bouse. (b) A store house and lot, frame building, situate on the West Bide of Main street, adjoining Perry and Pat terson and others. Terms of sale: One fourth caah and the balance to be due Jan. 1 1924, with six per cent per annum interest on the balance of the purchase money from date of confirmation of sale and to be secured either by title retained or by deed of trust on the land. This 8ept. 14. 1923. uu UiCVUUU Win uc In perfect health. Pleasant tojUke. 60c per bottle. NOTICE North Carolina, In Superior Court Franklin County. Before the Clerk. Joe West, Executor of Haywood West, Dec'd. V? : Emilie West, Joe West and wife Laura West, Harglanna West, Matthew West and wife Rosa E. West, Ada Hagwood and husband T. E. Hag wood, Roxanna Boone and huBband 'Robert Boone, Pinkie Richardson and husband James Richardson, Dafe Perry, Percy Boone, Billy West, Joe Perry, Ella Perry, Rebecca, Per ry, Julius Perry, Georgiana Perry, Johnle Perry, Sissie Boone, Hay wood Boone and Handy Boone, the) last nine named being minors. I The defendants Matthew West, Rosa I West, Pinkie Richardson, James Rich ] ardson, Pattie Richardson, Enoch Rich I ardson, Biliie West, Dafe Perry, Joe i Perry, Ella Perry, Rebecca Perry, Julius Perry, Georgian na Perry, John ie Perry, Percy Boone and Handy Boone, above named will take notice that an actios or special proceeding entitled as above has vbeen commen ced in the Superior Court of Franklin County, for the purpose of selling certain lands owned by Dock West at thp"tlme of his death to raise assets K) pay the debts of Dock Wost, de ceased, which lands are situate In Franklin County, State of North Car olina; and the said defendants are proper parties thereto: and the said named defendants will further take notice that they are required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County on Monday the 8th Har of October, 192S at the Court Houae of said Coun ty In Loulsburg, North Carolina and answer or demur to the complaint and petition filed In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 14th day of Sept. 1828. 9-il-4t J. J. YOUNG, C. 8. C. NOTICE OF SALE Under and I n virtue of the power and aathorlty contained in a certain Judgment made by the Judge of the Recorders Court in the case of W. H. Griffin Co. vs. Mrs. Carrie Moore, the undersigned Commissioner wHi on MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1928 about the hour of noon at the court house door In Uie town o' boultburg. Franklin County, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bid der tor cash the life Interest and es tate af Mrs Canle Moore one-half un divided Interest of fifty acres of land devised to the said Mrs. Carrie Moore by her mother, Battle StalAngs, lying in front of the plaee occupied by Mrs. Carrie Moore, known as the Bettie Sunings home place adjoining the lande of M. Ramseur, R. V. Cooley and others ettaate In Cypress Creek Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, also the following personal property: One white male, one top buggy and harness, one horse wagon, two horse wagon, two O. C. plows and harness, Guano Distributor, two ?ingle trees, one Chat, plow, one I. B. cultivator, one Globe cultivator, two S. W, plews, cotton hoe. pair of bal Thls the 18th day of Sept., 1?23. BEN T. HOL.DHN, 9-21-St Commissioner. ? |TIHT~ M&M WISPTOK Work is proiffo*Uos? nicely oa Lh? new high school building. Lets all pull together and make this one of the 'beat country schools In the county. Messrs. Garbeo and Brad shaw are the contractors. Mrs. T. J. Fly *nd children, of Rocky Mount, aro visiting her sister Mrs. W. T. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Oarbee made a business trip to Rocky Mount last, week. Mr. J. D. Alston is building a new store house In our Tittle village, which adds tjuite a bit to the appear ance. Mr. G. C. Parrish and MK 8. C. Foster spent Sunday with their wives who are camping at~Panacea Springs. Mr. Percy Murphy visited Frank, linton Sunday. We will have two cotton gins run ning at Gupton this season, one by J. D. Alston and the other by Orris Murphy and J. E. Gupton. Miss Llllie Harper and Miss Louise Parrish in ia to 21 Days ? "LAX-F08 WTlJl PEPSW to a specially - prepared Sfrep Tonic- Laxative for Habitue I Constipation. It relieve* promptly but shoald be taken regalarly for 14 to tt days to ladnce tegaiar action. It Stimulate# and Regulatea. Very Pleasant to Take.* Wo per bottle. FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONB VO. lit FORD FOR 8 A LB One Ford Teurtng car In first class repair, equipped with self starter. Cord tires, disc wheel* motor horn, shock absorbers, for tSBO.OO cask. See me at Hudson's Oarage . 9-21-tf H. O. LEONARD. NOTICE! NOTICE! At ? meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners on Rapt, the 8fd, 1923 It was ordered that the time for ad verttaement of property for Taxee and Street Assessment* would be post poned till Oetober the 6th. IMS, for Mdvertlsemant and those not paying, their property will be eold on the 1st Monday In November, 1828. On ac> count of th* stringency of money ?n(* the Inability to meet these Taxes at ?his time of this year, this postpone* ment w*s mad*. This Is th* last ?*" tenalon of time and the Towfl expect ? all to get ready by that tlm* to m*?t the payment on Taxes aad BtrMt As sessments. This September the ?