W O O D"DEr AR T M K N rr WOOD News of Wood and sur . roundin gco mm unity . Edited by Wood Citizens Snnday School Well, on a rainy 8unday morning and a half hour earlier than usual our attendance Sunday was only 9 less than Sunday before laBt! That In one way Bounds good, but If these nine stayed away on account of the weath er we do not feel so good about it, but if for sickness we regret it, neverthe less, we feel that our attendance was good. Lets prepare on Saturday- for a rainy Sunday and do not set at home afraid to get our feet wet. We have been on the upgrade for some time and we want to go higher each Sunday. Our collection also suffered. Perhaps the cloudy weather put a damper on our purses for we fell one dollar short. Lets do better next Sunday. Please read the condensed reports and star classes. Can't any of you other classes take the banner from classes No. 6 and 4? These have had it long enough. We are proud of them but lets all be so perfect that each will be Btar classed. No. 6 again had the banner In attendance ? only 3 ab sent. The Junior Baracas retained the lead in collection and bibles. Tea chers and officers go to the teachers and officers of these two classes and find out how they do It. It is remark able how No. 6 gets its members pres ent. Mrs. Griffin is a wonderful teach er rnd we would like to know more about her methods. Lets learn! Star classes ? 1. Attendance, No. 6, Vrs. M. T. Griffin teacher, only 3 ab 2. Bibles brought, No. 4, Junior i ras, brought 8 bibles. 3. Collec ti No. 4, Junior Baraca, good but hi. . 56 cents coming up to last Sun What t "COME AND SEE DAT," SEPT. ?0. What? "Coras and Sea Day." Where? In the Sunday 8chool. When, Sundayi Sept. 30, 1923. Why? Come and S#e. Regular Program Opening Worship. ? ? < Lesson Period. Classes reassemble. Special Program Spirit at State Missions? Pearl* Oupton. |V m ? Spirit of the Sunday School ? Nan cy Gupton. Cradle Roll Babies. leaders of Cradle Roll Babies? WU mfi Gupton and Doris Wester. Greeting ? Wllmer Gupton and Dor Is Wester. Song? "Rook the Cradle." Beginners and Primaries ? led by An na Mae Sturgess and Mrs. Morris OrlfflQ/ < ? , ? -.[..-'iLlljb' Bong ? "The Best Boole" ? Beginners ' and Primaries. Poem ? A una Mae Sturgess. Our Own State ? Junior boys. I Song ? "The King's Business" ? Jun iors. Because of Me ? a message from the Supt. ? Dr. H. M. Beam. Secretary's report ? W. D. Fuller. Announcements. 8ong. . _ T~\ ( q m IflMlll X_/ K v Ul Z D Enl I . > People lets go out to Bee what the above program sounds like. The leaders Inform us that It will be well worth your while every moment while you are there. The Invitation Is ex tended to everybody In all communi ties. This Is our visitor* day and we want our house full of people, and we Insist on every member of Sunday school being present to help welcome the visitors. Infants, children, boys, girls, young men, young women, ladles men, bachelors, afternoon sisters, par ents, grandparents, great grandpar ents: people young, middle aged,, old, .tald, grey haired. r?d headed, comely 'find ugly? everybody has a cordial In vitation! Do not stay away! You will miss the greatest treat In your Ufe^ t t Prayer Meeting Three weekly prayer meeting were held under the direction of the B. Y. P. U. Wednesday night, Sept. yith. One was conducted by Miss Flora Frye at the home of MrB. Jim Rad ford. Irene P. Gupton conducted ser vice at the hom^ of Mrs. Lit Wester. Fifteen people were present and took part In prayer and singing. Cor. 13: was read and comments offered. Thoughts were brought to bear on the love for parents, friends, enemies, neighbors, country, and God. Clos ing song Lore Lifted Me. The other meeting was conducted by Miss Nancy Gupton and Mr. Alex Wester at the home of Mrs. D. K. Gupton. On next Wednesday night, Sept 26, at the home of Mrs. Bud Gupton. The prayer meeting will be led by Dr. Beam. Come to prayer meeting, It will do you good. t t W. M. 8. Circles No. 1 and 2. The circle plan Is working beauti fully so far. Circle No. 1 was organ ized at Mrs. Council Coley's home, Sept. 12, seven people were present. Leader Mrs. Charlie Denton, secretary treasurer, Fannie Coley. They ex pect to have their first program Oct. 4th on Thursday afternoon, at 2.00 o'clock at the home of Mrs. B. B. Bur nette. ! Circle No. 2 was organized at the church Sept. 19. Six members were enrolled. Mrs. H. R. Waters leader, Mrs. Coleman Denton secretary and treasurer. Circle No. 2 will have their first program on Monday after noon, Oct. 1st, at 3 o'clock. ? Last Sunday night everybody ? ex pected a perfectly splendid B. Y. P. U. program because Group No. 3 lead and they always stand. But even they; missed the standard by having three] on program absent. Miss Annie Rue | Wood made a good lead-off though, i and we enjoyed it. Next month is the beginning of the last quarter, and as a whole, our union Is resolved to be Al. The new charts for each of the five groups will be up, and stars are ready for use. Lets see which group will be up and doing. Lets put some pep In this thing. Splzzerlnktum's the word! There is talk of the Un ion giving a social In honor of the star group at the end of the quarter. Are you a loyal member? Then get to work. Do what ever your captain asks you to do It will help jfou and all concerned. And don't forget your bible reading. Help the quiz leader and she will help you. Each member of the Union Is re quested to be at Castalla Saturday evening at 7:30 September 29, for the purpose of getting suggestions and Information that will beneflt as and cause our work to advance. Means of conveyance will be provided for all who wish to go. t t An We Appeared to a Member #f Oar Faculty The sun was gradually reclining low In the west whea I was invited to alight from a coupe to Join a merry group gathered around a table In one of the village home. After having met the people, 1 was seated- at the table which was loaded -with many dellcloug eats, In a short while after supper, I went to the church where I heard a worth while B. Y. P. U. pro gram given by the younger people of the surrounding community. Judg ing from the visit in thle home and churoh. I expect to receive much en joyment in the other homes and In stitutions of Wood. t X Prof. Wills at Community Picnic As announced our community gath ered last Thursday on the school campus at 9 o'clock to enjoy a picnic. There was quite a gathering of both old and young to partake In this affair which meant a getting together of the peopifi in social < enjoyment. Oames and. yells ware lBdnlgad.ln.br quite a number and they were net all left to the children, but older people aa well forget their number of years, and en gaged heartily in playlqg until the hour approached for lnnch . - This was quite a feature of the afternoon, for who Is It that does not enjoy food far more It ipread on the ground and with appetites whetted by the fragrant smell of a picnic lunch. The eats were excellent and In such abundance that probably the health of some of us was endangered. Howeverj the oontlnued health of the people seem to prcnr* that some of ue at least are accustomed to eating qnlte an amount. It was very thoughtful of a few of the ladle* to suggest sending a bog of good things that were not needed there, to a sick lady, Mrs. Rosa Oup ton. It was done, ap4 that added a great deal to the enjoyment of the evening After this (east while the moon was playing hide and seek behind the clouds we gathered in a bunch on the lawn, where Prof. Mills ot Loulsburg High School after Introduction by Dr. Beam, master ot ceremonies, delivered to Miss Frye, as representative of the school, pictures of Miss Boone and Miss Harper of the former school fac U|'T. to be hung In the school bond ing ? After the delivering of the pic tures we enjoyed an address by Prof. Mills, Interspersed -by his timely wit. He expressed his approval of the meeting; Bald it meant cooperation and - good will; the people working together for a common end. In an effort to Improve the schools we meet the man who wau^a things to be as they were a generation ago. Then the roads were rough and not Improved, means of travel and com munication were Inadequate. It took the news of the Battle of Lexington and Concord a month to reach Char lotte. The schools of that time were poorly housed, poorly equipped and of short terms. Often the teachers were -men and women of splendid worth. Today all of this has changed: Im proved roads, better means of travel, transportation, and communication; the telegraph, the telephone, wireless telegraphy, the Radiophone, the dally newspaper. Shall the schools keep up with the procession? ^hall the schools fit bo>-B and girls to live the happy and abundant life in this wonderful age? There is no thoughtful person who will reply in the negative. Ht>w must this be done? By aban doning the one- room, short term school. Building consolidated schools with better houses, better equipment, longer terms, and a better trained teaching staff. The high school work will need to be done in a central high school with sufficient population In the surrounding districts to furnish enough patronage to BUpport a high scho'ol. High school work In the two or three teacher high school Is as a rule poorly done "find Terribly expen sive. To bring all of this about, there must be cooperation and lots of work. There must be people who are wilting to lay aside selfish gain for the com mon good. Leaders with -vision are needed. Leaders who have the con fidence of the community, ' leaders who are not easily discouraged. Below we give a description of the | picnic as it appeared to one of our young ladles. We appreciate her ex pressing it as she does and wish to j encourage her and others to write short pieces for us at any time. | On Thursday evening at 5 o'clock, I We had a picnic at the school build ing. There was a large crowd pres ent. Every one enjoyed themselves splendid. Supper was put together and served on the ground and it was enjoyed by each and every , one. It was so nice ot the people that took ? supper for thqm to think of a aji-if friend and relative. A nice box was fixed and taken /to her (Mrs. Stephen Gupton) by Misses Nancy Gupton and Qertha Burnette and Mr. Floyd Grif fin. Friends, it pays to remember i the sick. It gladdens their hearts to i send them a nice box flowers, or even 'go read or sing, for them. | It was a pleasure to us to have I Professor Mills of Loulsburg with us, he made a splendid talk on schools, j Every one enjoyed it and wish to have Prof. Mills with us again. Two ot our former teachers that taught school here last year has presented their pictures to Wood school. They were given to Miss Frye on the night of the picnic to be put up in the school rooms. The children were happy as they played games, it has been a long time since they played at the school building. At the closing "Ho for Car olina" was sung by all. Lead by Miss Pearl Gupton. We hope to have an other picnic soon. viola GuDton. ? ? Wood School Opens With Good Attendance The Wood school opened Monday morning at 9 o'clock with an unusual ly large number of pupils, parents and friends present. The attendance was largely due to tha Interest of the folks In the re marks Mr. Best was to make. In ad dition to Mr. Best's talk the audience enjoyed words from Dr. Beam, Mr. Puller and Mr. Raynor. They all ex pressed the general sentiment of every one In regard to the development of a bigger and better school "What oft was thought, But ne'r ao well expressed." The Idea of the importance of regu lar attendance was on the hearts and mhtd* of every one. The decision of the part of the commit ten and parents to begin school tfarller and close at 2:46 In the afternoon shows that the Interest of the children Is foremost In their hearts. This provision for gath ering crops and keeping the children In school is proof that a strong spirit of cooperation exists In the commun ity. The Increase in the enrollment of stndents from eighty-three on Mon day to eighty-nine on Tuesday is truly encouraging. We must not let our goal be less than an average of one hundred children. It would mean much to oar children if they had the advantage of a larger number of teach era. Let us work together to keep the children we have qnd get others t? Join onr ranks. "" 8upt. E. I> Best spoke along the following lines: Why the High School was established for the Sandy Creek-Gold Mine District. Ho stated that the Board of Education was sim ply doing for this district what it was doing for the other seven districts in the connty, giving the boys and girls of this district a high school to at tend six months. He stated that all cost of running this school six months would come from the general county tnnd Just as the general county fund pays for the six month high schools In the other districts. That the coun ty was shpply carrying out a mandate of the Constitution requiring the K.iaril at Education to provide high I school Instruction for all the boys and Mrls In the county. He announced that the high school would begin the &th of October. Supt. BeBt urged up on the people of Wood the Importance of cooperating with the Wood faculty tils year In questions of attendance and discipline and Insisted upon the parents visiting the school during ^he school hours . Graduates of last years school: The students who flnlsned the sev enth grade last year were Ida Coley, Knnis Gupton, Annie Gupton. Floyd Griffin, Odell Thompson. These, w^th some others who finished eighth grade are eligible to attendance at the high school. We are hoping that all of these who are not already enrolled In high schools will be sure to enroll on Cct. 8th in our high school. Those who received the most stars last year ? one star signifying a week's perfect attendance? were. Annie Gupton 30. Hattle Belle Gupton 27, Ida Coley 26, Austin Fuller 26. Elizabeth Fuller 22. It Is hoped that there will be many pupils this year to male perfect at tendance records. Let all pupils aim for no less than the honor roll each week. Commentletts Did you attend the opening exercis es ot our school Monday? If you did, didn't you enjoy It? Wasn'tt It thrill ing and inspiring to 4eg do many chll dren. so many parents and so many well wishers present. We understand from the chairman of the schcool com mittee, who has been a member for 12 years, that this was -the largest at tendance on the part of parents and well wishers during that time. Shoald n't we feel elated oyer the fact? But we should not stop at that. Lets^et to work and continue to patronlze'our school. Last Sunday with a moment's no tice our pianist got together a mixed quartette In Sunday school composed of young people who had never sung together before. And It was fine! We urge these people to favor us again real soon with another selection. We also urge the Juniors to get up solos, duets, trios, (luartettes, quintette*) and sextettes and present them to us_ on any and all occasions, for they are our very own citizens and we wish to encourage and inspire them to higher and loftier things, believing by these means we are doing so. It was a pleasure to have Supt. Best with us at the opening exercises wherein he explained to us about the nature of our high school. It vai made more plain by him and it en lightened all who were present. He informs us that our high school opens Oct. 8 with an excellent faculty of two who have had some experience and come well recommended. He as ' sured us that a truck with modern ' conveniences, In charge of a careful [ and responsible driver will start on that day and operate on schedule time thruout the school term. By this Means oBr children will nave a safe and sure way of getting to "and from the high school. He said that the schedule and driver will be announ ced later. He did announce the (ac uity as follows: Principal. B. M. Crawford, Eure. N. C.. A. B. Wake Forest College, member of church. 1 year's experience as principal. Miss Lillle Harper, Laurel, N. C., 3 1-2 yrs. at Meredith College, high school cer tificate Class A. Four years exper ience, member church. It pleased us Monday morning at the school opening to hear the mana ger of our local gla make the an-| nouncement that be would be delight ed to have the children inspect the gin with the faculty or their parents but asked that unless they were with these as chaperotre* that they not en danger their lives by coming In con tact with the machinery while in op eration. We think It would be an excellent Idea If some one organized aBetteS Aent association, Woman's club, or Parents association. Wouldn't Itmean a great deal to our community? We are striving to make our community the best to be found anywhere, so don't you think an association or organiza tion of this kind would be a benefit? Think It over. It Is very gratifying to learn .that a large namber of our young people have enrolled as members of Mrs Ful ler's music class. There were 18 who gave their names Monday thereby de claring their intentions of improving their usefulness to the master and community. We feel that there could not nave been a better Instructor la ramie obtained arid that a more ap propriate occasion acquired. We are oxptciln* great things of theso youug people in a musical line, (or tbv la Btructor Informs us sne h'tsl ne?s and we know our young pcop*a aro hi If ht and can learn easily and ult? mtan business. We are expect ing a rfcital or entertainment bora tliein ?? < n. Let us encomn them ui eiferv via y possible. "Musi: reaches un rten other things (an Lets us. tul'lvate our musical talent*. Supt. Best's suggestion as to pre paring now to r winter nr..? i.. ? ? . school was excellent. Lets begin right now to All up the wowl i.. with the best of wood to make It com fortable (or our (acuity and children. They can do more efficient and great er work when they are com(ortable. We owe It to our community to make our school house as comfortable an our own homes. We can do It. Tfcero Is plenty o( good wood In this com munity and enough willing and glad owners to supply it to the school. The point brought out Monday mor ning during the opening exercises of school by the faculty and Mr. Beat In regards to the (act that the school Is ours and the (acuity, trainers ot oar children was well taken. Supt. Best (Grcably impressed that as parent* we should visit the schcool o(ten to sea how our children are being trained. Talk to the teachers &bont them and encourage their efforts. He forcibly brought to mind the comparison of ha ring a bird dog trained by an ex perienced trainer. How often wo would catch up with our work and occasionally let the bread bum, cotton (Continued on Page Four) SERVICE DRUG CO. Wood, N. C. ANNOUNCES Tluit it has just received and displayed a full, com plete and new line of Drugs, Medic'nes, Toilet Articles and all articles usually carried in a first class up-to date drug store. Entirely new fixtures have been in stalled and your needs can be as well taken care of here as anywhere. Come to see us when in need of anything usually carried in a first class drug store. G. M. RAYNOR, Manager, THE BOLL WEEVIL IS HERE And Cash Will Talk We are ginning cotton for toll and giviing the bag ging and ties. We are buying cotton and seed at top market price. We are trading cotton seed meal for seed pound for pound. We are drawing drafts on the Cooperative Associa tion and can cash your draft. We are selling Shennandoah Patent flour for $6.00 and self rising for $6.25 per barrel. We are selling Swifts fresh meat for 14 cents and Jewell Compound for 15 cents per pound. We have caps and hats ? one a piece for everybody. We arc pricing from 25 cents up to $5.00. We defy Mr. Stetson or anybody else to make or wear anything bettor -than some of these at any price. We have shoes for $1 00 per pair and up to $5.00, the same hat state ment applies to the shoes also. Suits and Overcoats $5.00 and up, and when we say up we mean to have the quality up higher than the price, you will be the judge. We have a full liine of shoes, shirts, ties, hosiery, belts, work shirts, overalls and almost anything you need. Cash speaks louder than print. Come to our store and look fer yourself. We propose to sell goods just as cheap or cheaper than anybody for cash. W. D. Fuller & Co. wood, n. c. .