Have you shinedyour shoes today with Shoe Polish It improves your per sonal appearance and saves tne leather. For Blaek, Whhe, Tmi, Grown and Ox-Mood 9. * C mmf* I? . ? >!?> N. V. STOVES FOR EVERY PURPOSE ANOTHER LARUE .LOT JI'ST RECEIVED The Cheap Sheet Iron Hesters, for wood. Cast Iron Top and Door Heaters, plain for wood. Cast Iron Top and Door Heaters, ntckle trimmings. Cast Iron Top and Bottom Heaters, nlcltle trimmings. Solid Cast Iron Box Heaters, far wood. Solid Cast Iron Heaters. 3 sizes for coal. HOT BLAST Heaters for coal, 4 sizes, beautlfnl finish. A Heat er suitable for the strip room, bed room, dining room, parlor, school room, office, store, or any place you need heat. Also all sizes Cooking Stoves and Ranges. My Prices are very reasonable. I can please you with a stove and with the price." A store fall of good Hardware H. C. TAYLOR Hardware We Put Rubber Tiires on Boggy Wheels THIS IB A PER80NIAL LETTER TO EYBRY PERSON IK FRANKLIN COUNTY, FROM L. ?. Seoggin G. L Ajeoek M. S. CllfUm, Jr. We want every person In Franklin County to visit Scog gin's Drug Store, recently remodeled and made the prettiest business house In the county. We want you to Inspect our new beautiful and perfect ly sanitary Soda Fountain recently Installed In Scoggln's Drug Store. It Is constructed so you can see your drinks prepared. Mr. M. S. Clifton, Jr., Is in charge at this fountain, he Is the most effic ient of any In the State. Buy your fountain drinks from him and yon will be amazed to see how quickly, perfectly and politely he will serve you. We want every person in Franklin County to buy their Turnip Seed at Fcoggln's Drug Store. Our Mr. O. L. Aycock is still with us to sell you juBt what you want, he has selected, bought, and sold you seeds for 30 yeara, and have Just what you want now. We want every person In Franklin County to trade at Scoggln's Drug Store for we have everything usually kept In an up-to-date drug store. We especially aBk that you let us fill your prescrip tions, bring them to us or hace your phyBician leave them with us. Messrs. L. E. Scoggin and G. L>. Aycocke, the old reliable prescrip tion fillers, will give them. our careful attention and will make our ? prices correct and satisfactory. We thank you for past favorB and hope you all will come to see us soon. Respectfully, Scoggin Drug Store G. L. AYCOCK, MAURICE CLIFTON, JR, L. E. 8C0GGIN" Personal: I am the only Aycock In the drug business in Louis burg and am at Scogglns Drug Store; when you want Aycock to handle your business bring or send It to me at Scogglns Drug Store and oblige. Your old friend, G. L AYCOCK. You Need Good 27 Inch Gingham at 15? Bent 32 Inch Gingham at ?&? Yard wMe heavy outing at BSe Ladlassle cloth at "* Sunproof tubproof ttc Peter Pan at Be?t graJ# oilcloth ? ... tt? 38 Inch wool mixed crepe We Beautiful line of curtain goods and draper/ from., lfo te %\M jar 4 Chatham all wool Blankets In white, plaids and colore f7JS te 91 kM Complete line ?f winter underwear for women and children ' f Brery thing new In drees roods, trimmings, sweaters, handkerohlefs. ^ . hoee, collars, etc. THE IADIES SHOP Hra. ft. ft. Item*, Prop. Mn. J. A. Turner, M*r. M*in StrM* L-Wnf.M.C. PRICES OF FIRST CLASS Shoe Repairing Men's Half Soles $1.00 Women's Half Soles 85 Rubber Heels 50 Childrens Half Soles. . .25 uf) If you are looking for a first class job at a fair price this is the place to get it. All Work Guaranteed Shoe repairing insures health, comfort and economy. Our Shop insures Courtesy, Service and Quality. Neese Electric Shoe Shop R. E. L. Lancaster, Op. & Mgr. S-14-13t To Stop a Cough Qulclc. take HAYES* HEALING MONTY. ? couth medicine which stop* thenp by the inflamed and irriuttd tlssoee. A box of ?ROVtTS O-BEN-TRATE SALVE (or Chest Colds, HeJtl Colds and Croap is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES' HEAliNG HONEY. The salve should be rubb^i on the 6htmt and throat at children scfl?riog from a Cold or Ooop. Gro^^O-ft?-Tr?t? tmh* thnosh the pons a f Both mdln sra packed Is ooe carton and Lh? cast at the mmlifcmi tiaatmwil to Me ? - Just ask ronr druggist for HAYES* HEALING HONEY. SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power conferred in a certain deed of trust executed to me by L. L. Whltaker, and du)y recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin Coun ty. North Carolina, In Book 23f, pace I, I will on MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1922 st the hour of noon, sell at public auc tion at the Courthouse door In Louis burs, N. C. to the highest bidder for cash, one undivided half interest In ud to the following described prop erty : & A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situate in the County ?f Franklin, State of North Carolina, ind In tlie town of Louisburg, lying Dn both sides of Tar River, and boun iled as follows: On the North by the lands of D. F. McKlnne, L. P. Hicks, and F. N. Egerton; on the East by Main Street In the said town of Louis burg; on the South by the lands of J. M. and W. H. Allen and G. W. Ford; eind on the West by the lands of G. W. Ford and F. N. Egerton, and con taining seventeen acres, more or less known as the Louisburg Mill Proper ty, and lnlcludlng the Blaqksmlth Shop, Mill Building, grist mills, cot ton cln, scales and all machinery ot every description used In connection with said grist mills ^nd cotton gin; also the mill-pond, mill dam, and all easements, water powers and water rights, privileges, powers and rights of every kind and description belong ing to or connected with the above described property Including all rights and powers reserved by or granted to the owners of said above described property in a certain agreement re corded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County In book 34, page 282. This the 13th day of September, 1923. 9-14-5t F. H. ALLEN. Trustee. RECEIVERS SALE OF VALUABLE REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty. the undersllgned Receiver of the Banner Hosiery Mills Company, a corporation, will at or about the hour of noon, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1923 In the town of Youngsvllle, N. C. of fer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, on the premises form erly occupied by the Banner Hosiery Mills Company, the following des cribed property, towlt: That lot or parcel of land lying and being situate in the town of Youngs vllle. County of Franklin, State of North Carolina, bounded on the North by Persimmon Street, on the East by Cross Street, on the South by the lands ot J. T. Wilson, and on the West by the lands of J. W. Weathers and Mrs. Emma Pearce, containing 2 acres more or less, and being tht> lot upon which 1s situate the brick building known as the Banner Hos iery Mill. And at the same time and place the said Receiver will also offer for sale the following personal property towlt: All ot the machinery, furniture, flx tures and stock of the Bsnner Hosiery Mills company situate In the bulldlag formerly sccupled by said Banner Hosiery Mill In the town of Youngs vllle, N. C., the said personal prop erty consisting of about E) Acme Kslt ting Machines. 10 Loopers, 44 Hang ers. 1 Rib Cutter, 9 Inspection Boards a lot of pullers shafting, box. waste, hose and other miscellaneous articles. Terras of Sals: Personal Property will be sold for cash and delivered up on compliance with tsnsi of bid. Real Estate will be sold for one- third cash, balance in two e^nal annual Instal ments, deferred payments to bear In terest. be secured by first lien on said real estate. Sale of real estate sub ject to approval of Judge of Superior Court This September If, 1IH. j. v. wrrcReLL, Rwtw ?-14-? Bauer Hosiery Mils (ft. I ? Fro? Flower 8eeds You vlll be glad to know that Has tings'. "The South'. I? rtsmia." wilt Civ* iwv about 1,000,000 paoksta at h<4 of the South'! mo?t popular Bow ers this spring. Thai* k* nothing la tb? hocw that ou ?mp>n with rich uulai id flowers. They brighten si ill ip and make any houM attractive. You can't plant too many Qowere and this opportunity to get Shirley Popples, ETerlmtlng Flow m, Zinnias, Coamoc and Mexican Burn tag Bujh abeulutely free. la nartalnly to t>? waloomed by all raadan of thla papar. You oen |M thtml Juat write to RiK'ngi' tor the new lflt Catalog, It talla you how to got flower aaoda free. It haa 100 pagee of bsautlful photo graphic pictures and correct descrip tion* of garden flower aad field aeedi. bulb* aad plants, and also Is full of helpful Information that to needed aim oat dally ta erery Southern home. It's the moat rahjable seed book *r*r published and yon will b* mlgkty glad you're got tt Just writ* and ask for th* new Catalog. H. ?. HASTINM CO, Atlanta, ?UL Drattliu rcftrof moacrjg P, to cure Itching, t'lind, Bfccx" lQM*.ntJy relief ItijllioJ restful ueep aftfr Un first PIlos (urcd In In 0 to 14 Days 'Mvklo ointment f.n. Subscribe to The Franklin Times WMGLETS Take it borne to the kids. Have a packet in your pocket for an em-ready treat. A Mfetoos confec tion and ai iid * i fte tuth, ippitite, K Atest'on. A SALE OP STORK AND DWELLING IN Y OUNQS VILLE Br Tirtura at a decree ol the Su perior Court of Franklin County, nude in that special proceedings en titled H. B. Hatch, Admr. of P. R. Hatch, deed., va llri. L. Rookh Hatch, widow and J. F. Hatch and other heirs at law of said P. R. Hatch, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, October 15th., 1928, at about 11 o'clock A. M., on the premises In the town of Youngs yUle, North Caro lina, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, the following described lots and buildings: (a) A lot on North side of street, being that street over which the Raleigh Road leads to Wake Forest, bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of Mrs L. Rookh Hatch, on the EaBt by the lot of C. E. Mitchell, pn the South by the aforesaid street and on the West by the lot of E. L. Winston, contain ing a dwelling house. (b) A store house and lot, frame building, situate on the West side of Main street, adjoining Perry and Pat terson and others. Terms of sale: One fourth cash and the balance to be due Jan. 1 1924, with six per cent per annum interest on the balance of the purchase money from date of confirmation of sale and to be secured either by title retained or by deed of trust on the land. This Sept. 14, 1923. Wm. H. Ruffin, 9-14-Bt Commlssiioner MONEY TO LOAN on OITJ PROPERTY or FARM PROPERTY EASY TERMS Address . P. 0. BOX 356, Louiaburg, N. 0. ,.,f # ?.*? ..r.u. ... r ? FUCKS 00 CP NOYEKBEB let, IMS Ey&ybody I* rushing to Hb ecrtbe for their favorite mag ailnee b?for* that date, aa price* on many popular mag ailne combination* will be raised. . . 8m me and gat Information On aingl* or combl nation *nb acrlptlona, aa I can give you t&e eame prlcee offered by publisher*. Will appreciate your order*, give each prompt attention, and (aye you the worrt of writing. MRS. J. A. TURNER Lemlibn, >? C. (I pedal Beyreee'tattre NOTICE OF AN ELECTION OF THE BOAKD OF GRADED SCHOOL TRUSTEES BY THE VOTERS OF LOUISBURG GRADED SCHOOL | DISTRICT Notice Is hereby given that. In ac cordance with provision of a n Act of the General Assembly of North Carolina. Htouse BUI Number 419. 8enate bill Number 581. entitled "An Act to Provide for the Election of the Board of Trustees of the Loulsburg Graded School District by the people" adopted by the session of 1923, the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the Town of T^inlshiirg rtn hereby order an election to be held on Wed nesday, October 31st, 1923, at which there shall be submitted to the quali fied voters of Loulsburg Graded School District the question of the election of a Board of Tru?lMs o( the Loalsburg Graded School District. The member who receives the high est vote at such election shall serve for a term of six years; the three members who receive the next high est vote at such election shall be elec ted to serve for a term of four years and the remaining three members so elected shall serve for a term of two years. The Court House in Loulsburg is hereby designated as the polling place; and B. B. Perry is hereby ap pointed Registrar, and E. F. Yarbor ough and R. H. Davis are hereby ap pointed Pollholders and Judges of Election. No new registration is required; but the Registration Books shall be kept open each day at the office of B. B. Perrv In the First National Bank bull ding, Loulsburg, and at the court house on each Saturday beginning Saturday, September 22nd, and clos ing Saturday, October 20th, 1923, for the registration of those electors who have become qualified since the last registration, In said Graded School District. Those voting at such election shall cast a ballot upon which there shall be written or printed the names of those seven members of said Board of Trustees for whom they desire to rote. By. order of the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the Town of Louls burg, N. C. ' This September 17, 1923. ?L. L. JOYNER, Mayor. I. J. BARROW. Clerk. r. W. RUFFIN, Atty. 9-21-4t No Worm* in a nMltbjr Child AH chUdna troubled wfch Warn* haee eaun baskky color, which lodlcdtea poor blood, adui tale, there U mora or Idas tmnarh distarfea&ca. GROVE'S TASTELESS cXTtOMIC Una renlartr lot two or tkraa wtekl tf ill 4rich the Mood, fan ?rar* tha dt?f?tWm. mdact A a General Strenjth enlni Toole to the whol# BjKem. Nature will then throw off or dispel tha rani, and the Child will be la perfect health. Pleaslat to take. 60c per bottle. NOTICE North Carolina, In Superior Court Franklin County. Before the Clerk. Joe West, Executor of Haywood West, Dec'd. Vs. Emllle West, Joe West and wife Laura West, Margianna West, Matthew West and wlf$ Rosa E. West, Ada Hagwood and husband T. E. Hag wood, Rozanna Boone and husband Robert Boone, Pinkie Richardson and husband James Richardson, Dafe Perry, Percy Boone, Billy West, Joe Perry, Ella Perry, Rebecca Per ry, Julius Perry, Georglana Perry, Johnlfe Perry, Siss^e Boone, Hlay wood Boone and Handy Boone, the last nine named being minors. The defendants Matthew West, Rosa West, Pinkie Richardson, James Rich ardson, Pattle Richardson, Enoch Rich ardson, Blllle West, Dafe Perry, Joe Perryi Ella Perry, Rebecca Perry, Julius Perry, Georgianna Perry, John le .Perry, Percy Boone and Handy Boone, above named will take notice that an action or special proceeding entitled as above has been commen ced In the Superior Court of Frankllif County, for the purpose of selling certain lands owned by Dock West at the time of his death to raise assets to pay the debts of Dock Wost, de ceased, which lands are situate In Franklin County, State of North Car olina; and the said defendants are proper parties thereto: and the said named defendants will further take notice that they are required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County on Monday the 8th day of October, 1923 at the Court House of said Coun ty In L>out?burg, North Carolina and answer ?r demur to the complaint and petition filed in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said com plaint. This the 14th day of Sept. 1923. 1 9-21-4t J. J. YOUNG, C. 8. C. NOTICE OF BALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In a certain Judgment made by the Judge of the Recorders Court In the caae of W. H. Orlffln Co. Mrs. Carrie Moore, the undersigned Commissioner will on MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1923 about the hour of noon at the court house door In the town r' Louisburg, Franklin County, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bid der fer cash the life Interest and es tate of Mr*. Carrie Moore one-half un divided Interest of fifty acres of land devised to the said Mrs. Carrls Moore by bar mother. Battle Stalling*, lying In front of the place occupied by Mrs. Carrie Moore, known aa the Bettle 8talllngs home place adjoining the lan4* of M. Ramseur, R. T. Cooler and others situate In Cypress Creek Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, also the following personal property: One white mule, oM toy buggy and harness, one horse wagon, two horse wagon, two O. C. plows land harnes', Ouano Distributor, two ratngt* trwroB* CEU tfoyf, on* t B. 1 6ultlvator, one Olobe cultivator, two S. W. plows, cotton hoe. pair of bal Thls the lltk lay of B*pt.. BEN T. HOLDEN. Mi-n O*#*. GAINS 25 POUNDS IN 30 DAYS Remarkable Experience of P. C. Lake Build* Up Weight Quickly "I was run down," writes P. C. Lake, "I had to quit work I was bo weak. Now, thanks to Prunltone, I look like a new man. I gained 25 pounds In 30 days." "Prunltone has put ten pounds on me In 14 day*/' Stated Wm. Br?ck. "It has made me sleep well, enjoy what I ate and enabled me to work with Interest and pleasure." If you would like to put on a few pounds of good solid flesh Just try Prunltone, It will surely surprise yon. For sale by L. E. Scoggln. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I take this means of saying we all know the cotton crop is a short crop of cotton and we want the best results when it comes to ginning. I am bet ter prepared than I ever have been to serve you. We will unload and load your wagons. Will haul your cotton If you want us to. Will exchange meal for seed and will pay market price at gin for cotton and seed. We want- your business and all we ask is a trial. Watch for our advertisement for opening In new store. A full line Star Brand and other shoes for men,*' women and children, some No. 13 for men, some No. 9 for women and sbme thing Red and Blue for the baby. A full line underwear for men, women and children which we will make It to your Interest to look at. Ladles and children sweaters a specialty. We don't pay town tax and we will try to make you feel at home when you come to Oupton. Cotton Is going to bring a good price, and lets pull together to make 1923 as good as 1920 was bad. I am here to stay and when I can serve you It will be a real pleasure. JOHN D. ALSTON, 9-28-tf Gupton, N. C. APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF ED GUPTON Application will be made to the Got ernor of North Carolina for the par don of Ed Gupton convicted at the May 1923 Term of the Superior Court of Franklin County for the crime of distilling and sentenced to roads for a term of twelve months. All persons who oppose the grant ing of said pardon are Invited to for ward their protests to the Governor without delay. This the 15th day of Sept. 1923. 9-28-2t TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by vlrture of the power conferred upon me in that deed of trust executed on the 3rd day of Jnne, 1905, by I. H. Kearney and wife Oza D. Karney, recorded in Book 187, at Page 115, Registry of Franklin Coun ty, default having been made In the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby and demnnd having been made upon me by the holder thereof, I will offer for sale at public auction {or cash at the courthouse door at Frank lin county, In Loulsburg, N. C. at or about the hour of noon on the 15th day of October, 1923, six tracts or parcels of land, situate In Franklin County. Frankllnton Township, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: 1.The Levlster place, containing 51 acres, being share allotted to C. S. Williams in division of Levlster land, and described in deed from C. S. Wil liams to I. H. Kearney. 2. The K H. Sherrod place con taining 45 aeres, adjoining T. H. S. Mitchell and others, and fully describ ed |n deed from C. M. Cooke. Commls tloner, to I. H. Kearney. 3. The Martin place containing 19 acres, adjoining tho J. S. Moore place on North East and West, and B. H. Winston on South, described In deed trom Martin heirs to I. H. Kearney. 4. The Cheatham lot in Frankllnton cn Hillsborft Street adjoining N. Y. Gulley and B. W. Ballard, and descrl ted in deed from J. L. Mitchell, less lot sold to B. W. Ballard. 5. The Fuller lot fronting- on Hills lioro Street in Frankllnton, adjoining W. L. McGhee on North, I. H. Kear ney. H E. Pearce, S. C. Vann and M. A. Fuller on South, described in deed from A. G. Fuller. 6. The Press White place In Frank linton, being corner lying between the old Hlllsboro Road and the new part of Hlllsboro Street recently ope" ed, .bounded on South by I. H. Kear ney, and known as George- Winston lot. This the 15th day of Sept., 1923. 9-21-4t R. B. WHITE, Trustee. THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. Announce that Mr. B. B. Perry has taken charge of Its Insurance busnessb Mr. Pet ry will be clad to see bla frlenfo, and when la need of AJ1I KIND of Insurance, see him, Mr. Perry haa had many year* ex perience In Inaarance, and la prepared to dye the public the beat of aerrloe. tfor Insurance of any kind, writ*, phone or aee Bennett Perry \ THE FRANKLIN IKS. AND REALTY do.