WOOD News of Wood and sur .roundin gcommunity. Edited by Wood Citizens B. T. P. 0. It is a great pity that we could not have a model program Sunday night to prepare us tor a good beginning on the last quarter, but Mr. Dowell want ed to preach early In' order to get back to Franklinton as soon as pos sible. Hi? sermon wag great, and so many have expressed In part the good It did them. Yet there Is nothing that can take the place of B. Y. P. U. and under no circumstances are we going to omit a program during tho new quarter. Every member of Group 2 Is especially urged to be up to date on Bible reading. A compar ison of groupB wilt be made in regard to that particular thing Sunday even lne October 7th. Don't let Group 2 score anything less than the best Lets make our record a challenge to the other four groups members group 2. Program for Sunday night, Oct. 7, 1923, 7:30 p. m. . 7 Group No. 2, Lucy Belle Denton, leader^ Subject: Coupling Christian Gifts. (Devotional Meeting.) Song ? No. 1. Chain prayer ? Group No. 2. Bible Readers Leader ? Ber tha Bumette. Scripture ? Edna WicE er, 23rd Psalm. 1. What may a Christian Covet ? Dolly Gupton. 2. Spiritual Gifts are from God ? Fannie -Coley. 3. Spiritual Gifts tor service ? Jettie Gupton. 4. God's Gifts Differ ? Viola Gupton. 5. Living a Successful Life ? Doris Wester. 6. Coveting Gifts - what ? Zelma Gupton. Song ? No. Dismissal ? Jodie Radford. 1 1 yy. sr. s. "The Deliah Circle" C'.: October l8t, at 7:30 circle 2 of the W M. S. held Its regular moot ing at the church. Those present vv< j o Mesdames Waters, leader, Col ;nan Denton, secretary, Alex Wester, N..1U y Gupton, Martin Gupton, (_'ha3. De.-.ton, Phillip Sturges, Misses Bon nie Fogleman and Pearl Gupton. Dr. Betin was a visitor. The circle wel comed Misses Fogleman, Wopdburn ?ud Frye as members. A committee of three was appointed to plan a ?'Manless Wedding" to be given at the Wood Baptist chyrch Friday night, Jctober 12. Our circle (2) now proudly bearf> the name of the "Deliah Circle" in honor of the deceased wife of Mr. G M. Raynor. Since the organisation of the society here, she remained a dutiful secretary, and decidedly one of the mqst faithful personal workers our society has ever known. She never spared her means in the cause of her community's betterment. We are grateful that our society , has known such a worker, and each one of us are, as has been said, proud for our circle to bear hername. We hope that we may be deserving of it by let ting her seed sown bear fruit in our Prayer Meeting Prayer meetlngB were held Wed nesday night at Mr. H. B. Gupton's and Mr. Major Gupton's. Below we give the program at Mr. H. B. Gup ton's. Song ? No. 16, Shall it be you. Pray er ? Alex Wester. Song No. 101, Let us work while we may. Bible read ing ? by Dollle Gupton, Proverb 2 chapter. A short talk by Alex Wes ter. Bible reading by Nancy Oupton, Proverb 25 chapter. Talk by Mrs. Alex Wester. Prayer. 23 Psalm by Je.ttle, Doris, Wllmer and Vera Gup ton. Song ? 136. Soon we'll walk the golden streets. Sentence prayer. Talk by Dr. Beam. Song ? 29, Do they think of me In Heaven tonight? Reso lutions passed that each one would do their part when called upon. To meet next Wednesday night with Mrs. Tommle Lewis. ? ? OOWF. AND SFE DAT PROO&AK OOMER TTP TO EXPECTATIONS Dr. Beam Recipient of a Beautiful Token Every one had been looking for ward to "Come and See Day" with i great expectations. "They came, they saw" and they were Impressed. The | expressions of the visitors made us feel good and Inspired as to higher Ideals and greater alma. The pro gram waa carried out aa announced and that waa Impressive to see the little toddlers as well as the larger children taking an active part In the program. Mr. Dowell of Frankltnton waa with us and In hla graotoua com ment on the way we do things he made us feel that we were In line in Christian work. He actually told us that we were ahead of Frankltnton. considering populations of both plac ea. We appreciate that, but we hope Frankltnton will grow until she will have a much greater Sunday school. Dr. Beam, our superintendent since August 1st, Is quite often springing surprises on us In the way of enter taining or In ona way or another. We appreciate him, and are glad to be so fortunate as to have him for our lead er In religious afTalrs. He has been quite an inspiration to this commun ity for quite a while, but we could not realize his wonderful merit and abil ity until during the past two months since he has come out of his shell, as it were, in the work, of the church. Under his able leadership the Sunday school tuui grown by leapt and bounds. (Note the reports In another column . of now and a year ago.) No effort Is WOOD DE P A R T M E N T too groat.. and no amount of coat too much for him to put on boosting our Sunday school. Not oury la he a> efficient medical adviser but to every branch of commuqlty upbuilding he la a foremost figure, and no one la al lowed to exceed him In either effort or expenditure. JUie value of such a fine character In"" the community can never be fully realized, but as an ap preciation of hla wonderful work here? both religious and secular ? the Calvin class, a One bunch of men of all ages, met and when the question came up of showing tbelr love In a material way lor Dr. Beam, they will I lngly contributed until they were able to purchase a lovely watch as a token of their esteem for him. His birth day came last week, mid on Sun day morning all unexpected to him at the close of the "Come and See Day" program this beautiful watch and chain was presented to him In a very fitting way by Supt. E. L. Best, of Loulsburg. When It was passed over to Dr. Beam, there was no speech necessary *for his face showed plainly the thanks and appreciation of the good feeling of the community, and the act In Itself so filled him up that he could only say "Thank you." Per sonally, as a teacher of the Sunday school, this was the "most enjoyable part of the program. t t Exhibit of Monkeys We haven't heard what Mr. Dowell had to say about the three monkeys he saw in Wood Sunday. Dr. Beam took him and Mrs. N'erve Gupton and Mrs. Joe Shearin out to his office to see them. If a normal kind of fellow he certainly like one of them. Go In some time and express yourself. t t MISS HARPER IS CARRIED A MUX r WITH "HOUSE BEAUTIFUL" Woman's Training School Far E\.. ceeds Her Expectations? Jforth C4r ollna W. M. U. .Sends Apples This Year. The following letter has been re ceived from Miss Neva Harper: W. M. U. Training School, 334 East Broadway. Louisville, Ky. Sept. 23, 1923. Dear S. S. and B. Y. P. U. Polks, My heart Is full of love and grati tude to you for the thoughtfulness you showed toward me in having two bright cheery letters to greet me on my arrival here. You can't imagine just how much they mean to me. They have given me a still greater desire to do iny best here this year. To know that you. the people whom I so much love, are backing me up with your prayers, is such a help and inspira tion to me, and even though I am away, I believe that you know that my heart is with you in your work, for the Master. Q May I tell you a bit about ttic Train lng School, which is also called "House Beautiful"? The school richly deser ves its name, for it Is indeed beauti ful, both inside and out. A modern well equipped building in every res pect. But something far more Im pressive than the building, is the spir it of love and loyalty shown among the students toward each other and toward the faculty. Although the school is a busy place, it seems that no one Is ever too busy to do a kindly deed for someone else. It would do your hearts good to see the dear white-haired couple here, whom we call grandmother and grand father Eager. They have been con nected with the school for a number of years, and we are all their adopted grandchildren so they have quite a large family. To me, one of the sweetest times of all the day here, Is in the early morn ing. when we gather In groups for "morning watch," when we lift our hearts to God In thankfulness for all his goodness toward us, and asks his guidance through the day; nor, do we forget to ask is blessings on the dif ferent organizations of our churches back home. Of course, you already know that the Training School is supported by the W. M. U. of the South, and various states send different things to the school. Last year a Kentucklan sent enough chickens for dinner. We hope he still raises chickens. Another per son from Kentucky sent a barrel of rabbits. Some of the states send rice some potatoes, and one state sent tur keys, They tell me that North Caro lina Is sending apples this year. Now, I nevter have cared much for apples, but we had some the other day. and I ate some too, because I thought they might be from North Carolina. Although we are very busy people here, we do not hare to sit In straight rows with folded hands, as one of the girls told me she thought before she came. I am quit# sure you will not find a happier bnnch of girls any where than at "House Beautiful." They ssem to realize that. "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." Back to the B. Y. P. U. and Sunday school for a moment, t hope by now you are not having a single part read In B. Y. P. U. You can hare every part spoken, so why not* Set your heart on becoming A-l this coming quarter, and reach your goal, with the Master's help. As I open the Frank lin Times. I shall look eagerly to see what the 8unday school Is doing, but I feel sure It Is still going forward, for by taking Ood as your guide, and glrlt)? your able and loyal superinten dent' your hearty support you are bound to go forward, for there Is no such thing as standing still. Yours In the advancement of His Kingdom. NEVA HARPER. ? ? Radford -Thompson I,ast Friday night a surprise wed ding was sprung upon the citizens of EhTir comrtlftfllty when Mr. Charlie Radford, son of Mr. *?d Mrs. J. H. Radford took unto himself. Miss Ora Belle Thompson, the charming daugh :er of Mrs. Minnie Thompson. The :eremony was performed by Magls rate A, A. Shearln, Centrevllie, at '-SO p. m. Witnessed by a few close Iriends, Ml.a Jodie Radrord, Mr. Sam Rudford. brother and slater or the sroom. and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra D<;nton For the present the newly weds are making their residence in the home of the father of the groom. To these young people we extend best wishes for long successful, happy and use ful lives. t t WR. HIM 8 THINKS WOOD DEPABT jlejit a "Hrr* Say* Six Pol?t System and Grmde4 Levions Good? Will Visit If? Ait-1? Wfcen Opportunity Affords. Sept. 25, 1923. Dear Dr. Beaxn: Your letter of September 11th was duly received but I hare been out on a trip of field work almost constantly and have not had a chance to answer until today. You certainly know how to write a good letter and say a lot of nice things and while you may be short on some other qualifications (though I do not know that you are) you are long on one of the most important things for a Superintendent, to have ? ENTHUS IASM. , - I am glad you are going to put in the Six Point System and Graded L?s sons. You will find both very helpful. You asked what I thought about the "Wood Department" In the Franklin Times. Seems to me you or someone have made a hit in getting the man agement of the Franklin Times to carry such a department It gives an opportunity, not only for the general news of Wood, but also the church and Sunday school news, and inci dentally it seems to me this would be a real help to the people, for It gives the human interest and personal side about what is going on around Wood. I thank you for your invitation to visit the school again, and If opportu nity presents Itself it will be a pleas ure, though we are keeping pretty busy i? Conventions. I am always glad to hear from you. Yours truly, D. W. SIMS, General Superintendent. * t T. W. A. The following committees have been appointed. Please note which one you are a member and lets pull together for a greater and bigger Y. W . A . Membership ? Bertha Burnett, Chair man, Ola Pearce, Annie G. Gupton, Annie F. Gupton, Zelma Gupton. Program ? Viola Thompson, Chair man, Daisy Gupton, Leah Coley. Social? Pearl Gupton, Chairman, Daisy Ball, Ora Bell Thompson Personal Service? Dolly Gupton Chairmaif, Monlta Denton, Penola Bur nett, Hattie Wilder. Booster ? Viola Gupton, Chairman, Ida Coley, Odell Thompson. % ? Beware the Coming of Winter Just a word to the members of our Sunday school. Cold weather Is be* ginning to set in and we are extreme*, ly de8irious that our Sunday school shall not be affected by it. So far each Sunday has been beautiful and so we trust that when a rainy dreary Sunday comes we will not stay at home. We have set out with a de termination that when each one of us enters the church he will find it as comfortable as his home. Mr. Major Gupton has already brought a load of good pine wood, sawed the right length and Mr. Alex Wester of his own free will and accord, is going to put another there this week, so If any one stays away It will not be on ac count of the church being cold and uncomfortable. We are going to make It pleasant and profitable for you during the cold months. So now let each one make the necessary pre parations for rainy and cold days. We can do it. If we let cold weather put a damper on our enthusiasm it may take unusual measures to thaw us out next Spring. All together to have the biggest average attendance for any winter term. We thank these gentle men mentioned above for tnelr thou ghtfulness. They are really worker! and are true blue citizens, worthy to live in any community. Card of Tkuki Words cannot Impart to you mem bars of the Calvin class Just how much I appreciate the token of esteem yon presented me On last Sunday. I as sure you that my every effort has been to the upbuilding of our Sunday school and community and will con tinue to be. To the following who so willingly contributed I express my appreciation and exhort you to con tinue with the great and glorious work you hare started. Great good has come to our community thru your influence snd more will cope. May God richly bless each of ycm is my prayer. S. T. Leonard, E. J. Fuller. J. P. Oupton, J. P. Leonard, Wm. Co ley. Q. W. Raynor, W. J. Galloway, A. 8. J. Hamlett, John Heath, John J. ?Lanier, S. P. Denton, M. F. Parker, C. K* Lewis, Johnnie Griffin, J. S. Shearln, Bryant King, Charlie Rad ford, Taylor Gupton, Dewey Madison, Martin Gupton, H. B. Shearln, Romie Weeter, X-.lt Wester, Matthew Gupton, Allen Gupton. Bud Gupton, Ben Gup ton, Charlie Denton. J. G. Johnson, H. R. Waters, Geo. Coley. T. C. De& ton, W. D. Puller, R. C. Gupton, P. O. Sturgess, Battle Wester, R. P. Jones, R. O. Thompson, Alex Wester, Arthur Gupton. Logan Oupton. Morris Orlffln, Major Gupton. Cleveland Oup ton . Slhcerely, ' H. M. BEAM. ? ? Honor Roll Beginning with this issue we are publishing a weekly honor roll. This week the only requirement for the honor roil Is perfect attendance ? no absences or tarriles. After this week there will be three requirements, per fect attendance, o grade of 90 or more on deportment, and an average of 90 on dally recitations. Now. children we want to see how many will put forth enough effort to make these re qulrements. It Trill ^eally^ mean "culte an honor to liave your name] on the honor roll. | It will be Interesting to see who of, you will kceii your name continually! on the honor roll. You cu do It with dllllgent study and attention to all the ? requirements. The honor roll for last week follows: 1st Grade ? Pauline Lewis, Evelyn 8turges, Russel Raynor, ? Pattle Jane King. Liorlne Gupton. Lorine Radford, I Russel Leonard. L,. W. Benton. Wil liam Johnson, Lucille Johnson. 2nd Grade ? Llnwood Gupton, Paul GrllTln, P.ubort Griffin. Betty Ruth Leonard. Ruby Leonard. Anna Mae Sturges, Evelyn Johnson. Mildred Johnson. Jesse Johnson. Wtllard Bur nette. Roland Orey Gupton. Rufus Denton, Sidney Perry Hamlett. Sue Denton. Berton Burnett. Lawrence Coley, Rhonald Shearin, Martha Lynn Denton, Ruby Thomas Shearin, Ruby Lanier. 3rd Grade?Garland Burnett. Vera Gupton. Nannie Bell Gupton, Ned Gup ton, Marshall Gupton, Mamie John son. Preston King, Cooper Leonard. Lela Mae Lewis, Ruby Lewis. Horace Lewis, Alta Medltn, Elma Radford. 4th Grade ? Eugene Denton, Ezra Denton, Edgar Fuller, Wllmer Gup ton, Ollle Gupton. Frls Gupton, Hen ry Alex Gupton. L. E. Gjipton, Matil da Gupton, Hubert Hamlett, Morris Wester, Doris Wester, Edna Wicker. Callie Thompson. 5th Grade? Geneva Benton, Vonni# Benton, Clinton Gupton. Mabel Gup ton. Dolan Hamlett, Reed Johnson, Wilbur Rayor, Leona Raynor, Prod die Thompson, Garnold Leonard, Mary Sturges. 6th Grade ? Norman Gupton. Free land Green. Jettle Gupton. 7th Grade ? Kenneth Ayescue, Thur man Gupton, Hattle Bell Gupton, Tor bert Sturges, Elizabeth Puller, Jodie Radford. Thanks to the Fair Helpers We wish to thank every one who helped In any way to make our parade oa Wednesday a success. We appre ciate every suggestion and aid render od by, each person. To the following we especially wish to extend our thanks. Mr. Will Taylor for making the Log Cabin; Messrs. J. S. Shearin, Gus Wester, L.. E. Oupton, Raymond and Torbert Sturges for securing the pine poles; Mr. G. M. Raynor for the u9e of his truck in hauling the poles; Mr. E. J. Fuller for furnish ing the boards for the top; W. D. Ful ler and Co.. for nall9; the school faculty nd Mrs. M . T . Griffin for their suggestions and making of the caps and ties for the school children; W. D. Fuller, G. M. Rayno? and C. G. Wood for the use of their trucks in transporting the children and exhib its to and from the fair. ? * Sunday School Yes sir, Sunday again passed our expestatlons. It was a beautiful Sab bath morn, a special program to be presented, but there were one hund red and ninety six people out to hear the Sunday school lesson taught We were elated over the fact that so many people made their p!:ins fc be pres ?nt even If the time was one halt hour >arller than usual. There might tare" been a reason for the large attend ance ? possibly a secret ? but they came and our hearts filled with joy. We are elated over the fact that so many came. You know "we told you that the cow would swallow the grind stone," didn't we? Well. know you enjoyed, being there an4 we were glad to have you. Come again regu larly^ We need jour presence and inspirations. The Star Classes Sun. day, 1. Attendance ? Class No. 5 Mrs. W. D. Fuller, teacher. Every one prevent, not a single absent member. 2. Collection and number ot bibles brought, Class No. 4. Junior Barasas, {5.41 contribution and 12 bibles brought. Fine! excellent for both classes. We certainly commend both classes. Next Sunday la Promotion Day. We call your attention again to the ages ot each class and also to the tact that each member Is expected to remain In the class assigned them until promoted by the teacher of their class. Come on time nekt Sunday ? bring a good contribution and a Bible. All together as we enter our new year. Report for Sunday. Sept. 30: Class No. 1 ? teacher present, No. scholars present 30, absent 14, visi tors 5, collection $2.38, Bibles 4. Class No. 2 ? teacher present. No. scholars present, 22, absent 7, new scholars 4, visitors 6, collection 84c. Bibles 6. Class No. 3 ? teacher present, No. scholars present 19, absent 11, visi tors 2, collection 69c, Bibles 4. Class No. 4 ? teacher present. No. scholars present 15. absect S. m9W sctiotars I, visitors 1, MllWUW H.u. Bibles 12. Class So. i ? t?aci>ar pf ssat. No. scholars present 14, absent not any. new scholars 1, visitors J, collection $1.37, Bibles 9. Class No. 6 ? teachers present. No. scholars present 17, absent 7, new scholars 2, collection 71c. Btblea 2. Class No. 7 ? teacher present. No. scholars present 22. absent 12, now scholars 2, visitors 3. collection 25c. Bibles 1. No. teachers and officers ? present 12. No. scholars present 184. No. vis itors 20, no scholars absent 50, total present 196. total collection (12.00. Condensed report for 1 year ago: Officers and teachers present 5, schol ars present 35, scholars absent 70. total collection $1.87. Condensed report one month ago: Teachers and officers present 12, pu pils present 119, pupils absent 57, neir pupils 12. visitors 3, Bibles 33, collec tion $5.50. Condensed report 1 week ago. Offi cers and teachers present 10, schol ars present 138, scholars absent 61. new scholars 2, visitors 6, Bibles 34. collection $6.00. Last Sunday closed the first two months under the supervision of the new officers. We wish to call your attention to the following facts: For these two months the average attend ance has been 145, average collection (Continued on Page Four) SERVICE DRUG CO. Wood, N. C. Mr. Morris Griffin has entered onr business to be at your ser vice at all times. Come to see him when m town. Yours for service, G. M. RAYNOR, Manager. W. D. FULLER " C. B. KEARNEY The Big Store With Small Prices Come and See We are prepared tr> sell you for cash at surprisingly low prices, having made heavy purchases before the rise, Flour, Meal, Lar l, Meat, Snipstuff, Red Dog, Sugar, Co?ne and all kinds of Can Goods. >euits, Overcoats, Dress Goods, Shoos, Shirts, Hats Caps, Collars, Ties, Hosiery, Belts and Suspenders. Tinwa i(\ Aluminumware, Hardware and many ctLer thngs you will need io: you> se'.f, family, livestock and farm. We carry a complete line of Coffins, Casket? iijrid funeral supplies. We trust you 'v:'ll not have the misfortune to want anything in this line, but if you should we are in position to render you our faithful and efficient service at a price you will be sur prised at and able to pay. We are getting our part of the crop of cotton to giu and the reason we believe is we do the work in the right manner. We gin for toll and give bagging and ties. We buy cotton and seed at top market price the day you sell. We trade meal and hulls for seed. We store cotten for the Cooperative^Association and can cash your drafts. We will haul your cotton t<> and from your house anywhere up to (100) one hund red miles. Just phone or drop us a card telling us when and how many bales you want lis to come for and then 'watch our service. W. D. Fuller & Cqgj PHONE 1505 * . WOOpyjSo.