Cat? rt at t hm Po"t Office at Louls fcatf, W. C.. u second class matter. From the number of names suggest ~ eouisburg on business Tuesday . Mr. M. F. Parker went to Louis burg on business Thursday. Mr. W. E. Humphrey, of Rich mond, was among the visitors here Thursday. Mrs. J. H. Radford and son, Sam, were visitors of Loulsburg Thursday. Misses Odell and Viola Thompson and Messrs. Elijah Gupton and Cal lie Pearce worshipped with the con gregation at St. Delight church Wed nesday evening. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wood Wednesday, a girl, Mr. Norman Plttard, of XJUleton, was the guest of Miss Viola Oupton Sunday. Miss Viola Gupton, Mr. Wllner. Hew ey, of Littleton, Mr. D. Bobbltt of Rn field, were visitors of Miss Vera Shearin, Castalla, Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Morgan and Bllile Mae Gup ton, of White Level were visitors of Wood Sunday. Mr. and Mra. R. H. Brown and family, of Vaughan. were Wood visi tors Sunday. Friday night quite a number of girls and boys went on a hay ride near Warrenton. They were Misses Flora I Frye, Aleen Wood born, Ruth, Pearl, Viola and Dollle Gupton, Messrs. Ous Wester, Kenneth Ayesoue, Raymond Sturges. Cteacy, L. H., Thurman Oupton and Floyd Griffin. All re l port a grand tlms. Messrs. Oallle Pearce and Bllile ' Tucker left Sunday for South Hill, Va r to speed several days with Mra. Tuck er's brother. ? Mr. Charlie Pearce Was a Wood , visitor Monday. In another column will be found < . Utter from Miss Mm* Harder. w< I will be gla4 11 every <*? *111 read V carefully several times. She has meant a great deal to our community. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Harris and family, Inez, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Puller Sunday afternoon. Miss Bonnie Dare Fogleman and Mrs. Arthur Oupton visited Louis burg Thursday. Miss Lucy Qupton, Raleigh, was home this week and on -account of Illness. We are glad to report that she was able to return to school Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Teddle Oupton and family visited relatives In and near Bonn Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Henry Vaden of near Warren ton, visited friends In Centervllle Bun day. Mr. Owen Qupton, of Spring Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Gupton Saturday. Mr. Jack Egerton and Mr. Mmah, Warrenton, were visitors In Center vllle Sunday. On Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Arch Oupton gave an Ice cream supper to the younger boys and girls. All re port ( grand and good time. The fol lowing people enjoyed greatly the hospitality of the host and hostess: Misses Minnie and Claudto Collins, Mr. Mlnter Gilliam, Cedar Rook, Miss es Berth* and Panola Burnett*, Lucy and Oracle Baraette, Rne Oupton, Mr and Mrs. Charles H. Denton, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Deaton, Mrs. Arthur Onp ton. Mr. "John Bumette, Mrs. Mlnale Thompson, Buddie Thompson. "Tkese Bats Woslds't Eat My Best Oral a," Says Fred LaiaK "It's hard to keep rats out of a feed ?tore. Tried for years. A neighbor ing store sold me some RAT-SNAP. It worked wonders. Oatbered tip dead rats every morning. Bought more RAT-8NAP. Haven't a rat now. They wouldn't eat my best grain when I threw RAT-SNAP around." Three stsee, SSc, 6 Sc., $1.15. Sold and guar anteed by Cash Grocery and Market. WANTED Good tobacco grader at reasonable price, white or colored. Apply at oMe to V. HARRIS, Jfc v LeelWwr* H *. New Line of Shoes I have just opened a new line of Shoes. Be sure to see thorn before you buy. I might save you some mon ey. A good line of Men's overalls, shirts and pants and most anything to work in. Seed Rye, Clover and Oats. Anything in groceries and feed you want. Try our Tobacco Market. We-are trying to have the best market in the State. Come to the Fair and bring all the family. And be sure to come to see me when in town. Yours truiy, J. W. PERRY NASH STREET LO~ISBTJR0, N C. LAUNDRY CLEANING and PRESSING A Don't forget we can wash your Old Quilts, Blankets, Bugs a/id "Washable Druggets. .v'All ,*v.rk sent for and delivered in town. "WE DYE TO LIVE" The Service Shop W. B. MTJNTORD, Manager PHONE 104 t I I L0UI8BCKC, N. C. "ALL WORK CASH QN DELIVERY" Tei fRESH FOODS In choosing jour dally table supplies, It Is ot the ntmost Impor tance that they bo fresh, for upon this depends their worth and tas tlness. Our Foods are always fresh. PURE ICE Pore Ice Is a most Important thing, for yon often time* want to pat It right in your food or drink ?. Onr serrlee Is the best to bo had and at jour command. . ; , YOUR PATRONAGE WILL BE'APPRECIATED. A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. SERVICE SEE VICE SERVICE Tint to *j actio. FIM AHD LIFK HV8UR1HCB B? plaaaant mrj morning until alarm o'clock, and the roat of tha day will taka eara of ltaelf. Place roar Tire and Ufa Inatiranca with this Agency, and I will take care of TOUR INSURANCE TROUBLES FOR TOU. Thl? Agency la the OLDEST IN FRANKLIN OOUNTT. T. W. WATSON, AGENT W*e? yen think e< IK8UKAVCB, tthktf