WOOD DEP4 R T M E 1ST T WOOD News of Wood and sur . roundin goommunity . Edited by Wood Citizens BET. D. T. BCNJf AT *T. HEBBON BAPTIST CHURCH On Saturday afternoon Rev. D. T. Bunn filled his regular appointment at which time he tendered hla resig nation as pastor having accepted a pastorate In the western part of the State. Mr. Logan Gupton was elected church clerk. On Sunday morning Rey. Mr. Har per, ot Laurel, filled the pulpit at 11 o'clock. We regret very much to lose Bro. Bunn, pastor of Mt . Heron'. We know that the field to which he goes will be greatly benefitted and blessed by having him and his saintly wife's services. May Qod'a richest bless ings rest npon them and tholr work. Bro. Bunn's notes on Saturday fol low: Element of church strength, Islah 52:1, Put oa thy strength O, Zion. The church is only a source of strength uhen It is made so by the piety and activity of tne members. There are certain elemento which the members must possess in order that the church may be strong. 1. Loyalty to the truth of God's word. It is not enough to believe the truth, the truth must be obeyed. There are those who are orthordox in belief but hectrodox In practice. The devil believed and tumbled. It is the life lived in conformity to the word that has the power for good. Actions s:pc-ak louder than words. A holy life *-?-volce, it speaks when tongue is ?nt. and is either a constant attrac t. or a continual reproof. The cl . is being judged by the dally livt.i : i its members. 2. .V.rfvity in service for G^kt. The church grows strong throug^BChrls tian activity. Slackers amqBL the membership is a source of w^^ness 1 sm-iv rhnri-h moulding the thoughts of the world as It has never done be fore in our day, leading In all great movements as It should. What a duty. Shall we perform It? In god's name I ask does any one dare let It pass. Put on thy strength O' Zion, If all christian people were united with Christ and work in obe dience to his command :t would bring peace on earth and good will to men. There is another element of church strength. Talk your church up, pray your church and pay it up. Bring ye all your tithes in to the store house. MAI) DOG KILLED IN "WOOD MONDAY MORNING Mr. Saint Leonard Kills Lanre Dog Suffering From Rabies. As Far As Known No Person or Animal Was Bitten Bj It. On Monday morning about 10:00 o'clock a large apockly hound appear ed in town, coming from towards Red Bud. having been seen tn that direc tion about two hours previously, walked down Main Street, entered the hotel continuing Its journey thru the main hall and leaving by the back entrance. Mrs. J. S. Shearln noticed the animal to be a strange dog and followed It to the back yard where she saw It have a convulsion. She notified several persons and a chase ensued continuing to our local gin where Its misery was put to an end by Mr. Saint Leonard, by the use of a shot gun. The animal was observed to be suf fering from an extreme case of hy drophobia, with all the ear marks of that dread disease. We are glad to report that we have not heard to date of a single person or animal of any description which was bitten by it. ? ? Fame of Dr. Bern's Ho'key CobUb ?M. Exhibition open to all every day. Visitors from all sections of the coun try enjoy free exhibition. Last Sunday afternoon quit* a number of visitors partook g&4he free attraction offered to all visitors in Dr. Beam's offtce. The concensus of opinion of every onlooker was that at least one the monkeys was very attractive and drew forth admiration and commendation. Among those who passed Judgment upon the free show were Messrs. E. P. Thomas and Sidney Ed ens, representatives of the Franklin Tinyss, Louis burg. Cart of Tkaaks Mrs. W. J. Galloway wishes to thank all those who so ably assisted her in making Mr. Galloway's birth day party a success.- Dr. Beam tor his part, Mr. J. J. Lanier, Mr. Joe Shearln ' and Mr. Early Denton for getting, the pigs and cooking them and making the stew, and every one who helped to make It a succoss. t ? T. W. A. Our Y. W. A. met Thursday night at 7 o'clock with the usual attendance. W? hope to have a great branch of church work in ths Y. W. A. These gtrls sre wonderful workers, and theirs Is a wonderful Work. They are already doing great things, and we hope for them great careers. Girls, lets go to work and make this organisation go. Tha Woman's Mis stonary Society Is organising circles having public fetes and doing wonderr The 8unday school Is on the greatest boom it has ever been. e Now, girls, don't let the others get ahead of you. We know yo*>wlll not allow that. Now leta. see what you are going to do to muke the other peo ple sit up and take notice. The following program was ren dered Thursday night. Topics: The Burning Light. Devotional ? Mark 1.29-34 ? by Ber tha Burnette. Hymn ? The Unclouded Day. Introduction ? by Viola Thompson. The Ught from the Nearest Bed ? by Pearle Oupton. From the Next One ? by Daisy Oup ton. Hymn ? The Oreat Physician Now Is Near . From the Chinese Ward ? by Viola Oupton. Out ot the African Room ? by Peno la Burnetts. Prayer for all hospital activities ? by volunteers. Hymn ? I Am Resolved. Prayer. Honor Boll We are wondering If your name appears In the following list for last week's honor pupils. Look and see young people. If It Isn't won't you try next week to make the necessary average to entitle you to the honor roll. Go to work now, plan your stu dies and be on time every day. Help your teacher by doing everything In Just the proper way. The faculty Is particularly anxious to put each name each week on the honor roll. They regret to leave off a single name but If you fall to do your part they can not do It. Do not stay away a single day un less sick. Each day lost means more than you can tell. There will be plenty of comfort to be had In the Bchool building during these cold months, as the patrons are going to see that there is plenty of wood. Below we give the names of those who met the following requirements last week? Deportment 90; Scholar ship 90; Perfect Attendance: 1st Grade ? Pauline Lewis, Evelyn Sturgess, Russel Raynor, Hallle Grif fin Llnwood Griffin, Pattlo J. King, Lorlne Gupton, Russel Leonard, Rhu dolph Denton, L. -N. Benton. 2nd Grade ? Llnwood Gupton, Paul Grltfln, Betty Ruth" Leonard, Anna Mae Sturges, Evelyn Johnson, Mild, red Johnson, Wllltard Burnette, Ro land G. Gupton, Rufus Denton, Sid ney P. Hamlett, Sue Denton, Berton Burnette, Lawrence Coley, Ronald Shearln, Martha L. Denton, Ruby T. ard, Thomas Jones. 3rd Grade ? Cloice Burnett, Garland Burnett. Vera Gupton, Nannie Bell Gupton, Ned Gupton, Marshall Gup ton, Preston King, Cooper Leonard, Horace Lewis. 4th Grade ? Ezra Denton. Clee Grif fin, Wilmer Gupton, Ollle Gupton, Iris Gupton, Dell Gupton, Henry Alex Gupton, Matilda Gupton, Morris Wes ter, Doris Wester, Edna Wicker. 5th Grade ? Vonnle Benton, Clenton Gupton, Mabel Gupton, Dolan Ham lett, Reed Johnson, Wilbur Raynor Leona Raynor, Freddie Thompson, Garnold Leonard, Eula Griffin, Mary Sturges. 6th Grade? Clyde Griffin, Norman , Gupton, Freeland Green, Jettle Gup. ton. 7th Grade ? Kenneth Ayescue, Thur man Gupton, Hattle Bell Gupton, Tor bert Sturges, Elizabeth Fuller. I t Woman's Missionary Society To Meet Saturday Afternoon In Business Session All circles gather at church tor first meeting after organization of circles. A large attendance Is requested. Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock a business meeting of the Wood Wom an's Missionary Society will be held at the church. This meeting Is for a gathering together of all the mem bers of the Society to consider things of Interest to our society. This Is the ?&[ st meeting of It since organiza tion of circles and a full representa tion of each circle Is earnestly desir ed. Come out and lets get together and make our society one of the main pillars of our great church. We need each of you present to help make It a go. Lay all your plans so that you can be on time several min utes before time. All together now for the greatest meeting we have ever had. Lets get together and exchange warm handshakes, rub shoulders to gether, chuckle, smile and laugh and have the best time of our lives. We can do It. Are you willing to helpT Sure yon are. We want to be the very Drat ones to shake your hand. Give us the chance. t t Card of Thanks To you ladles of the Rebecca class aifd gentlemen of the Calvin clas? I wish to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation for the beautiful birth day gifts presented to me by you. I am Indeed grateful for the thought fulness that prompted such an act. Sincerely, W. J. GALLOWAY. ? - * DELEGATES APPOINTED TO TAB RIVER ASSOCIATION Wood Baptist Churrh Appoints a Del ngatlnn of Five to Bopreseat It Wednesday and ^kindsjr at Pearee Church, Nash County. At a called conference of the Wood Baptist church Sunday morning after Sunday school the church letter was read by the clerk and approved. As there Is at present no pastor, Mr. W. D. Fuller acted aa moderator pro-tem Mr. J. 8. Shearln, the oldest dea con In number of years of our church was suggested as moderator. inaj or another selection was left ovli tiM thu next conference. II il Lttters from Mt. Hebron ll>u 'I1 r.hnrcil [or tfrose who came Intifj ja Wsys and means to fulfill rbe bnrch pledge i war* dlscusse 1 but j nothing definite decided upon. The following members werj ftp pointed an (lel?gates to the Tar RiTei Association which met Wednesday and Thursday with I'earce church Nash County. It Is hoped that w? can report next Issue that each of these with a large number ot others attended. ? Delegates, Dr. H. M. Beam, Mr. Alex Wester, Mesdames A. S. J. Ham lett, Alex Wester and Battle Wester. LOCAL Wfcns Misses Pearl and Daisy Gup ton. Mrs. H. R. Waters ad Messrs' Gus Waters went to Louisburg Fair Tues day evening and carried their lunch dining on the high Bchool grounds with Mr. H. R. Waters. Mr . Sprulll, o( Henderson, was a business caller here Friday. Our local gin smoke stack was dressed up last week with a coat of paint. Misses Viola and Odell Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Oupton and Messrs. R. O. Thompson and Gus Wester visited Louisburg Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gupton, Mr*. Saint Leonard and Mr. Thurman Gup ton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Pomp Turner and family, a t Skipwith, Va. Wilbur Raynor, Reld Johnoon, Ken neth Ayescue, Floyd Griffin, Will Tuck er, Raymond and Torbert Sturgeas visited Louisburg Saturday night. Messrs. C. Early Denton, J. J. La nier, Charlie Thomas Denton, Gus W<ster, M. F. Parker and Joe Rad ford went to Nashville on business Friday. Misses Aleen Woodburn, Flora Frye and Bonnie Dare Fogleman and Mr. Raymond Sturgess went to Louis burg Saturday. Mrs. M. F. Parker left Tuesday morning to visit her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Lovegrove, at Gilmerton, Va. We trust she will Have a pleasant and profitable trip. We missed her greatly from the Rebecca Class Sun day. Messrs. E. F. Thomas and S. J. Edens, of Louisburg, were visitors here Sunday. Master Edward Munford, of Louis burg, was a visitor here Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Beam and Miss Gladys Beam, of Rozboro, spent Sat urday night here with their son and friends. Miss Babble Turner and Mr. Blair Tucker of Louisburg, were visitors here Sunday. Mrs. Henry Shearln, of Rocky Mount was a guest of Mr- and Mrs. G. M. Raynor here Sunday. Messrs. J. J. Lancaster and J. J. Lanier went to Rocky Mount Wed nesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fuller were host and hostess Saturday evening to a few friends in honor ofMr. and Mri J. A. Beam, of Roxboro. Among those who enjoyed their hospitality were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Beam, Miss es Aleen Woodburn, Flora Frye, Lina Leonard and Bonnie Dare Fogleman, Messrs. Corbett Cash, Ruskln Hunt, and Currin, of Royal, and Dr. H. M. Beam. All report a most enjoyable evening. Professor B. M. Crawford, Eure" of our high school faculty arrived Thursday of last week to become ac quainted with the people and work be fore the opening Monday of this week. He is making the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Egerton his residence. He comes to us highly recommended as to his character, professional train lng and Interest in the upbuilding and uplift of our community and county. We welcome such men as leaders of our great county oducaton al enterprises. LetB all pull togeth er to make our high school the best in the state. Messrs. M. F. Parker and Joe Rad ford attended Nash county court Mon day In, Nashville. Messrs. Emory Denton and Will Tucker went to Rocky Mount Mon day. Messrs. Blllle Tucker and Collie Pearce have returned from a trip to Chase City, Va., where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mitchell. Misses Flora Frye and Aleen Wood bnrn and Mr. Cleveland Gupton and Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Griffin, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Alston, Hol llster, Sunday . Oar local gln continues to turn oat Its quota of bales each week. In all to date there have been 369 ginned here, ginning last we-k 190 bale*, averaging 31 2-S bales a day. The largest number turned ont in a sin gle day was 46, Saturday Possibly the new coat of paint to the smoka ?tack Increase*! its capacity. The many friends regret the contln ued illness of Mrs. Stephen Gupton but are delighted to know that her condition at present, tho confining her to her bed. Is somewhat Improved from a few days ago. Miss Claybourne Burnette, Center vllle. and Mr. Egerton. Warrentdn, attended B. Y. P. U. Sunday night Mrs. J. L. Benton, of Atlanta, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Harris and daugh ter, Corey, Mr. S. J. Galloway and son, Varina, Mr. and Mra. Don Qal loway and daughter, Hamlet, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galloway spent sever al days last week with parents, Mr. and Mra. W. J. Galloway A sur prise birthday barbecue In honor of their father, Mr W. J. Galloway was the attraction. It is with pleasure that we report that Mrs. W. D Fuller has gained sufficient strength, after being lAlri several days, to ???"?* w^ioaiiHW r Mepsrs. Corl and Curj friends Gold Bimk. weieolsltors here fl in day J [|?.e<nirHl?aiMlriitaiif?mMsbvtfHoaov?^ here nextlfcrifekpaMUIfllj MM h*asrfcM9t ed a position with W. D. 1IMMK | Co., as blacksmith and wheelrlght. Mr. M Parker was a visitor of Littleton Tuesday. Mr. and Mr*. A. A. Shear In, Cen tervllle. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Kaynor unday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry OrlSln, Louis burg, were visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Harris. Cary. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galloway. Ham let. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Sturgess Saturday. -\ Messrs. J. J. Lanier and E. J. Ful ler vial led Rocky Mount Monday. Work began Monday morning on the erection of a new garage building on Main street south of and next to the Service Drug Co. The bolldlng is being constructed by Mr. Will, Taylor as contractor and Mr. O. it. Rcynor as owner. Mr. Gus W?ster will take care of any and all kinds of work to be done on automobiles. Mrs. Norman Smith and Mr. Gene Stalllngs. Red Bud. vlsUed Hender son Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Currln and family of Nashville were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith Sunday. Just to show the efficiency ot our local gin, on Monday afternoon a very Important part was broken and. although It Is ten or more miles to machine shop, the gn was shut down only about an hour. We were delighted Monday morn ing to see such a line exhibition of co-operation and community splrlC when Mr. J. M. Wilder brought a fine load ot wood to the school house, thereby proving that he has the com fort and welfare of the faculty and children at heart In a large way. It gives us much Joy to know the Inte rest he Is taking In building up our school and community. We thank him. Our school enrollment here to date numbers 101. It Is growing every day We are expecting to enroll at least 130 and have an average attendance of 100. People, send your children and let's have five teachers next year. LAST SODAY MARKS BEGl>fNI?fG OF >EW QUARTER FOR B. T. P. U. The new quarter comes In with a clean slate for the B. Y. P. U. enthusi astlcs. Let us all?declare our Inten tions ttith Misses Gupton..AQd .Frye to push this particular phase of our religious work. The? (iave declared their Intentions to boost the work and to get behind the personal work which Is necessary for a live, wide awake union. The past quarter has not been all we had hoped for, but some good work has been done In spite of the fact that some of our leaders arc away. The parts union are away. The part3 which are assighned to the various members of the groups will he type written and handed out the first part of each week. If you don't know where you belong look at our new charts. They are all ex cepting the fifth one we hope to have In line by the end of the week. This Is encouraging, but the fact that one of our boosters, Mr. Bud Oupton, gave us $1.25 tor the benefit of the union shows that the material manifesta tlons tf Interest still continue to come to us. To promote the enthusiasm of the entire union and that of the Individual some lntereated persons have ottered to have a picture ot the croup In the FRANKLIN TIMES, that has the most perfect programs during the quarter, and give a subscription to the Blblcal Recorder to the Individual showing the greatest Improvement and a sub scription to the FRANKUN- TIMES to the one next In line. * * Program for October 14th, 1923. Subject>^BlbIe Study Meeting ? The Silent Boot. group No. 1 ? Nancy Gupton leader. Song No. 26 ? Love Lifted Me. Chain Prayer ? Group No. 4 Business ? Quartette ? Sidney Gupton, Austin Fuller, Elizabeth Filler, Jettle Gup ton, 1st Cor. 7:32-38 Annie May Sturges 1 dm. 5: 11-16 Morrlce Wester. Bible Readers Leader ? Berthea Bur nett. Introduction ? Nancy Gupton. 1. Summary ? Thomas Denton. 2. Salutation ? (a) The Writer and (b) The Date, Mabel Gupton (c) The Selectp-Lady, Hattle Wilder. 3. Commendation ? Jodie Radford. 4. Exploration ? Austin Fuller. 5. Warning ? Wilbur Raynor, Tho mas Denton. ? Song ? No. 55 ? More About Jesus. Dlsmlsslal ? Elizabeth Fuller. ? ? Program For October 21, 1983 Subject ? Doctrinal Meeting ? What Is My Duty Towards Those Who An Not Christians? by Qroap No. 2 Song ? No. 11, Rescue The Perishing Sentence Prayer ? By Volunteers Business ? Quartette ? Leona Raynor, Clinton Oupton, .Viable Oiipton. Wllmer Gup ton. Bible - Readers? Bertha Burnett*. Leader. Scripture ? Matthew 4.19, John 1:35 45 Minnie Johnson Introduction ? Viola Thompson No. 1 ? The Personal Equation In This Question. Pearle Oupton No. 2 ? Doing My Duty. Ida Coley No. 3 ? Other Scripture Selections. Mary Sturges. No. 4 ? How Can I Do My Duty Toward The Lost? Be A Soul Winner Lets May Coley. No. 4 (2) Pray Definitely For The Lost Sidney Qupton. No. 4 (3) Speak Personally to the Lost. Ials Oupton No. 4 (4) What to say to a Lost Per son. Cleacy Oupton. No. 4 (5) What H I>am not Good Enough. Torbert Sturges Song ? No. 52 It Your Heart Keeps Right. * Dismissal ? Wilbur Raynor. ? ? >"ote of Gratitude We wish to thank every one who by their suggestions, donations, con tributions, presence and help In any way who are making It possible for Continued to page 7 SERVICE DRUG CO. Wood, N. C. _ <S ^ ?' Mr. Morris Griffin has entered onr business to be at your ser vice at all times. Come to] see him when in town. Yours for service, G. M. RAYNOR, Manager. W. D. FULLER C. B. KEARNEY The Big Store With Small Prices Come and See We are prepared to sell you for cash at surprisingly low prices, having made heavy purchases before the rise, Flour, Meal, Lar l, Meat, Sliipstuff, Red Dog, Sugar, CofT-e and all kinds of Can Goods. Puits, Overcoats, Dress Goods, Shoos, Shirts, Hats Caps, Collars, Ties, Hosiery, Belts ar.vl Suspenders. Tinware, Alurninumware, Hardware and many ether thngs you wdl need fi>? your self, fatuity, livestock and farm. We carry a complete line of Coffins, Casket? and funeral supplies. We trust you will not haVe the misfortune to want anything in this line, but if you should we are in position to render you our faithful and efficient service at a price you will be sur prised at and able to pay. IJ9' We are getting our part of the crop of cotton to gin and the reason we hetieffiehtg we ln . . ....flalD'JOT* 30^1/* crfl do the work in the right manner. We gin for toll and give bagging aMniiflB. <* ? b nwo Ion 078 eoniiod 9191IW" buy cotton and seed at top market price the day yoftifrrtU. ?i Wertrwd* nMtl anck luukb > J ofl yJIniimrnoi ?l oMntlaij for seed. We store cotton for the Coepararfchrts AnfiowrtiuH aa*i!eBn^a8toqp?rtir"d**ffc?j^r| ? orn i:n T>w?nc ,*ob Ilud no) '' ,f^tnlw bloo n at tdf qoio ?>ril ?"io| We will haul your cotton* t<l from yx>i?r^boai^>atoywhff?w trp'lovtWWB i ] Hfnuflr// ;'"w bns b*rrota ylt^qoiq i IT utlrfiiRf'*! orfT ol 9ift*08riirg r.?ftA/bh m t *?o*l ?>a H red miles. drop us a card ^telling utfWhetaj and how nmny wont ua to r.oine for and - noo. Ill* | boos iilootl *111 vii ta?loo3ua Jo ortol odl nl llul *>l J Bd3 nolnlqo adl io ?l 9d 1 ml qoo3 W9n ? ?! .IdT ?nnh Ham tk <U m wUMllm ll ")iuq ol #l(f? <><1 blrroifn noY i 3 <n .amWnl 1'vffvv"lw r,? I1'" V? mc;?! PH 0 M*' ''ltK) 5 1 " " < IX aistH 7l J li Imi t?toI? I JO ?T> allow bslomoiq nt?)?o*jiS UmlhraHd l'a ?? tiB9j owl )aal orfl atiliub ?rjul| ' no Joq iaiL*qfflK> ?rft )o linn tonlb 1 >m troM .?mil imdt jnhub aoltoM ildj nl IMMt

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