Notice of Male el Lund la The town Oi Loolsbu -T, y. C. For D?lla<|UtBt l'ullag itHIIBMti At ot about U>? boar ot Noou at ibe Court Houie Loor Id Louibburg, N. C. on Monday, November the 5th, 1923 I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder tor caih, pursuant to the Laws of North Carolina and eapeclully the Pubtlc Laws or 1915. Chapter 56, section 10 and acts amen datory thereto, all lands In the Town of Loulsburg, N. C. on which paving assessments for the years, 1920, 1921 and 1922 and prior thereto remain due, with Costs added as provided by law, described as follows: H. H, Yarboro, lot Church St, 21.04 J. M. au<l W. H. Allen, Mill prop erty So side river 1,467.19 J. M. and W. H. Allen Far Co-op erative Co. So side river 108.49 J. M. and W. H. Allen, lot Church Street 98.94 J. M. and W. H. Allen lot Nash Street West 43.78 J. M. and W. H. Allen lot Main St near bridge 65.79 J. M. and W. H. Allen Main St. 8tore 9.19 J. M. and W. H. Allen, Stores and vacant lots Nash St 229.50 J. M. and W. H. Allen lot Nash Street 71.13 J. M. Allen lot Main St. 202.19 J. M. Allen lot Kenmore Ave 38.46 St. Matthias Church (colored) Main St So side river 94.54 J. J. Hayes Estate Main St 16.47 C. B. Kearney Kenmore Ave 17.02 J. C. Tucker Main St 18.68 J. A. Turner Estate Middle St 139.20 H. H. Yarboro Nash St 65.58 This October 5. 1923. D. C. HIGH. Tax Collector. 10-5-5t J. J. BARROW, Clerk. Notice of Sale of Land In The Town Of Loulsburg, N. C. For Dellnqaent Taxes. At or about the hour of Noon at the Court Hollar Door In Louloburg, N. C. on Monday, November the 5th, 3923 I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, pursuant to the Laws of North Carolina and the charter of the town of Loulsburg, N. C. as set out In the private Acts of 1899, Chapter 243, and Acta amen datory thereto, all lands In the town (A Loulsburg, N. C. on which taxes for the years 1920, 1921, and 1922 re main due, with costs added as revised by section 8009, Consolidated Statutes 1919 and amendments thereto des cribed as follows: 1920 John W. Alston 1 lot Halifax rd 27.08 Washington Davis 1 lot Kenmore Ave ? 13.70 Pinkie Green 1 lot 4.33 James Martin I tot Black town 5.20 Nathan Ruff in 1 lot "8.70 Ben Thomas 1 lot Black town 6.20 Sandy Wllliaips 1 lot River rd 17.45 Calvin Yarborough Jr. 1 lot Rlv re road 16. 27 1931 C. M. Cooke Estate War re lit on road lot 174.27 W T. Person 1 lot Ice Plant 160.80 John Alatou 1 lot Halifax rd 21.94 Washington Da via 1 lot Kenmore - A*e 9 . 81 Dprtts & Yarborough 1 lot 6.60 Wtttlam Martin 1 lot Black town 9.96 Alice Sklnnnr 2 lota railroad 15.44 P. W. Williams 1 lot River rd 15.78 Calvin Yarborough 1 lot Rlv rd. 11.48 Calvin Yarborough eat. l lot Riv er road 12.08 Henry H. Yarborough 1 lot 7.90 Matilda Yarborough 1 lot 7.14 1922 C. M. Cooke Eat., lot Wnrrenton ? road 241.41 Mrs. W. E. Bartholomew 1 lot Kenmore Ave 6.15 J. J. Hayea Estate 1 lot Main St 77.70 C. B. Kearney 2 lots Kenmore Ave and railroad 109.13 W. T. Person 1 lot Ice Plant 156.20 Ml 8. Noye Aycock Person 1 lot Middle Street 77.70 Elnora Alston 1 lot Ken Av? Joha W. Alston 1 lot Halifax rd 28.58 Eddie Bridges 2 lots Black town 11.52 Algle Davis 1 lot Halifax rd 13.44 Washington Davis 1 lot Kenmore Ave 16.72 Channey Edgerton 1 lot Black town 6.40 Percy Foster 1 lot Ta^jjoro rd 4.50 Millie Foster 1 lot Blact town 4.88 Austin Green 1 lot 11.98 Sam A. Harris 1 lot Main St 95.30 W. H. Hawkins 1 lot Main St 4?.00 Luslanna Kearney 1 lot ? 10.38 Madison Malone 1 lot Halifax rd 3.75 William Martin 1 lot Black town 12.91 Richard Skinner Sr. 1 lot Tarboro road 10.78 Chas. H. White 2 lots Henry Yar borough 21.33 P. W. Williams 1 lot River rd 19.44 G. 8. White 1 lot 26.44 Matilda Yarborough 1 lot home 12.62 Calvin Yarborough EsUl lot Riv er road 18.03 HilHard H. TTarborough 2 lots 45.04 Calvin Yarborough 1 lot Rlv rd 16.32 This October 2, 1923. D. C. HIGH, Town Tax Collector. T. W. RUFFIN, Town Attorney. 10-5-5t A TONIC drove'* Tasteless chill Tonic reatoraa Energy and Vitality by Porifyiot and Enriching tS^e Blood. When yea feel iti ivigoratlng oftct, tee bow It brings color\to the cheeks and bow H Improve* the Nagpetile, you will then appreciate Its tnwruilc value. Grove's Taftdats chhl Tonic Is simply Iron and Qrfnine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like It. The blood needs QUININE to Purify IV and IRON to Enrich It. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening Invigor ating Effect. 64c. Try F. R. Pleasants For Pure Drugs Properly and CareftiUy Compounded Oldest Drug Store In Town We Can Save You Money F. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 232-3. LOUISBURG, N. C. Everything for the Living Room . i The year's most popular designs, both perid and modern, are to be seen in this present display of Living Room Furniture. And as usual, you will find our pi ice a little less than you would expect to pay. Everything to complete an Up-to-date Undertaking Department. W. E. White Furniture Co. Woodjtem* (Continued from Page Three) our Sunday School Picnic and "Man lets Wedding" It to be a success. The following we especially thank (or getting these up: Mesdames H. R- Waters, P. O. Sturges, and BUM Fogleman, also those who cooked the barbecue, and aided the wedding par ticipations. Wood 8. 8. W. M. S. ? ? ? ? Do Yon Want To Hare Some Fan I We all love tun. If you want your share come to the Manleas Wedding next Friday night and laugh some. Then yon'U see those ladles with gray hair ad those who are yoUDKer-quIte a hunch of the tun lovers dressed In dainty costumes acting as very young ladles, going back to the days of yore and taking part In this amusement. Well, you say "Where are the men"? We will have substitutes for them. Come and see It. Then you will be furnishing fun for yourself, and helping the Sunday school, for the proceeds will be used for buying the curtains. The church will be arranged In an attractive and unusual manner and you will be sure to enjoy It. The wedding will come off at 7:30, and before that at 5:00 P. M. ttrere will be a barbecue-Sunday SchooT plc nlc, to which all are cordially Invited. m 0 HIGH SCHOOL OPENS WITH ENROLLMENT OF 4i PUPIL8 New Ford School Track Main Com fort For Pupils. 8U Graduate* of Wood Elementary School Enter on First Day. On Monday morning our High School, Ooldsand. began Its first ses sion tn the newly constructed 4 room building with enrollment ot 45, there by entitling it to the list ot state ac credited High Schools, with the ex ceptlons of necessary library and eight months 'session. There were present besides the fa culty, Supt. Best, the School Trustees and few patrons. Supt. Best spoke in approval and appreciation of the grand enrollment on the first day. The new ford school truck left on time. 7:00 o'clock from Mr. Ouptons home tearing there at 7:20 and reach ed the school building at 8.55 o'clock. Six pupils aboarded her and four at Centerrille. The number was swelled all along the road till there were nine teen in all who took their first trip on the comfortable truck to the open lng. The schedule iir all piobablllty will be definitely completed at the end of the week. Mr. Raymond Sturges has charge of the truck and reports one trip made without a single mis hap and that all seemed to be pleased with the trip. Our boys and girls Beem to be very enthusiastic about the school and Its prospects, are already talking about I the society and basket ball prospects for this coming season. They are par ticularly enthused oyer the prespects of having an excellent atheletlc ground They report that with some grading. It can be made into a very desirous one. Let's all pull together and encou rage our young boys and girls to make our high school the equal of any in the county. The following boys and girl enroll ed from here : Bonnie Griffin, Odell Thompson, Annie G. Gupton, Floyd Griffin Aus tin Fuller, Raymond Sturges. Those from Centerville : Mattle Dement, Lila Leonard, Eulls Mae Andreys, Clyde Leonard. t t Note Of Thanks We, the faculty of the Wood School wish to take this opportunity to thank Mr. J. M. Wilder for being so thought ful of our comfort, and that of the school children, as to bring the first lond of wood for our fires. Flora Frye Bonnie Dare Fogleman Aleen Woodburn Mrs. W. D. Fuller ? ? REV. and MRS. J. M. BEAM and DAUGHTER AT SUNDAY SCHOOL Promotion Day a Success ? Jilae Clas ses Organlsed^-lOO Pesent Sunday Morning ? Sunday School Barbecue This Afternoon at 6:0? Well If you were at Sunday School last Sunday, didn't you enjoy It If normal, there Is but one answer, yes. Sure, we were delighted to see so man people out On the first cold Sunday morning. And wasn't tho church com fortable It certainly was, and Is go^ Ing to be every Sunday morning, If It can be made so. In- view of the fact that quite a number of our people attended church services at other places and that se veral were kept away on account of sickness, we were elated over the fine showlngmade Sunday to the visitors who bad come from afar. Even if the Promotion Day program interrupted the usual program, we honestly be lieve the visitors were actually en thused and Inspired by the way things turned out. We understand they report our Sunday School to be Ilvlest one they have attended In some time. That Is great! How many times that has been told us during the last month It certainly makes our hearts over flow with Joy and gratitude that visi tors from afar should realise and ap preciate the efforts of our good people here. Folks, we thank you so very much for the cooperation, Interest and work you are doing. Continue, God will bless you.' We were delighted to have with us last Sunday, Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Beam Roxboro. Supts. of Person County Schools, and their daughter, Mis* Gladys Beam. Bach of themr made a few remarks, saying that our Sun day School showed that we were real alive. We trust that these visitor* will come again. Mr. Beam began his Interesting talk by comparison ot the course of Continued to page 8 DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? ? Ifa a Ilea of tick kidneys, especially If the kidney actios la die ordered. passage:] scanty or too fre quent Don't wait tor more serious troubles. Begin using Do&n's Kidney ntttr Read this Louliburg testi mony. H. P. Cranford, garage foreman. Church St.. says: "Last winter I had a terrible time with my kidneys. For long spells my kidneys failed to act at all and when I was able to paaa the accretions they were highly col ored and burned In misaia Mr back nearly killed me with pain and I oouldn't turn In bed without a knife-like pain stabbing through my kidneys. It was almost impossible to bend and I certainly was in mis ery. Mornings my back was aa sore aa a boll and so still I couldn't stoop to put on my shoes. I dcctored, but didn't get satisfactory results. Doan's Kidney Pills gave me more benefit than any medicine I had taken. I haren't had a spell with my kidneys since." 60c, at all dialers. Foster-Mllbum Co, Mfrs. Buffalo. Y. FRANKLIN IN9. * REALTY CO. LOAMS AND INSURANCE 7-21tf Habltnai Constipation Cured In 14 to 21 Days ? "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared Syrttp Tonlc-i-axative for Habltnai Constipation. Itrjlieve* promptly but should be taken rejOlailj fss 14 to 21 days to tadoce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulatra. Very Pleasant to Take, e SOe per bottle. TOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE MO. 183. MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED term landi. 8 par cent Interest. Ne commission, no bona*. May ran for U years or be paid off at option of borrower. Only a short time re quired to jet the money. 7-14-tf 8. A. NEWELL. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Haying qualified as Administratrix c. t a., of the estate of Richard O. Ayecue. deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this Is to no tify all persons having claims againa'. ?aid estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before September 7th, 1924, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. A11 per lmmedlate settlement with the under signed, or either of them. Mrs. Cathellne L. Ayscne, Admrx c. t. a., of Rlchd. O. Ayacue, dec'd. R. 6, Henderson, N. C. Wm. H. & Thoa. W. Ruff In, Attya. Loulaburg, N. C. K-7-6t HONEST Are 70a treating your talents with due credit when yon bare to buj an automobile every few years when yon can have a deep well drilled with pure water, that will stand for ages, or ha?e lights or water Installed that will last a life time. We furnish those things that go to make np a permanent con venient for home comfort. White Pump & Well Company, Inc. Well Drillers and Wa ter Supply Contractors. Norlina, N. C. LOUISBURO REPAIR SHOP Jalixu Lriiman. Proprietor ?*t door to J. W. Perry's Store Shoes repaired while you wait. We make a specialty of repairing Ladle* and Oents fine ahoea. Ali. WORK OUAiRANTRHCD Any Mad of Harne** made to order. Pan Belta and Platol Holster* made to order. Ladles Shoe*, Soles eewed on 86c D*. Oents Shoe a. Sole* eewed on $1.00 pr. Harness Oil Ageats (or Cownle Tanning Com pany. W* oan have any kind of skins or far tanned for yon. Sewing Machine* and Talking Ma chines repaired. Stock and Poultry Spice, 8 pack ages for Uc. To Our Customers And Others Wbo will become our customers ah soon as they Investigate and see that we will give you Just as food bargains for lens money. We hate a new line of Men's Work and Dress Shoes, Overalls, Shirt*, Robber Boots., We also carry the best grades of Heavy and Fancy Groceries. A nice line of fresh fruit at all times. Remember I bay on time and sell for cash which gives yon lower prices and gives ns bigger profits. F. N. S P I V E Y NEAR THE BRIDGE Phone :-22 Louisburg, N. C. ?PROMPT DELIVERY? THE UNIVERSAL CAR New Prices F. 0. B. Detroit Effective October 2, 1923 Chassis $230 Runabout .... $265 Runabout . ? . . $350 Wtth Starter And Demountable Rims Touring Car . . . $295 Touring Car . . . $380 With Starter and Demuuntoble Rims Truck Chassis . . $370 Coupe $525 Four Door Sedan . . $685 Tractor ..... $420 These are the lowest prices of Ford Cars in the history of the Ford Motor Company Louisburg Motor Co PENCIL and TABLET / 5c Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated

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