' i Lady Gains 26 Lbs. By Taking Tanlac Tanlac Increased my weight [wen ty-Ave pounds la leas than six weeks' Ha?. entire] j overcoming two year* amrltma rtt?cfc trouble." recently declared O. O. * lanaana. 212 fibaUk Dawson St.. RaMcfc. N. C. "About (our years t|o stomach trou We, with severe Indigestion and con stipation. had me In a terribly run down condition, and my nerves were ao unstrung I couldn't keep still. Everything I would eat soured on my stomach, causing gas, bloating, se vere headache* and such dlxxy spells that I could hardly stand up. Pain around my heart and between my shoulders made me roll ud toss nights so I KOt bat Uttl* sleep. ?Tanlac quickly corrected all this, put me to eating and sleeping flue, quieted my nerves, did any with headaches, pains and constipation, and built me up so I hardly knew my self. When feeling run-down I still take Tanlac. and soon R?l rolled. Tan lac has no equal." Tanlac Is for sale by all good drug gists. Accept no substitute. Over 37 million bottles sold. Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills. BAT* TOO BTtJt KOTICID THAT THE HEBCHAHT WHO SENDS tt THE COPT FOB HIS AD EAKLT ALWAYS HAS THE NEATEST AD I Subscribe to THE FRANKLIN TIMES 11-50 Par Tear la Umcc LOW PRICES ON HEATING STOVES, ALL KINDS COOKING STOVES, RANGES BUGGIES AND HARNESS RUBBER AND STEEL TIRED ROAD CARTS AT COST GUNS RIFLES GUN SHELLS BUILDING MATERIAL AND PAINTS A store fall of good Hardware H. O. TAYLOR Hardware We Put Robber Tiiree on Boggy Wheels THIS IS A FEKSOXIAL LETT** *0 ITXKT R1MI Of F&AHKLDI COCHTT, FlOX L E. Soaggln 8. L. ijeMt X. S. Cllftw, Jr. We want every parson In Franklin County to visit Scocgln's Drug Stora, recently remodeled and made the pnttleK buaineea houae In the county. We want yon to Inspect our now beautiful and perfect ly sanitary Soda Fountain recently Installed In Scocgln's Drux Store. It is constructed so yon can aee your drlnka prepared. Mr. 11. S. Clifton, Jr., la in charge at thia fountain, ha la the moat effic ient of any in the 8tate. Buy yoor fountain drtnka from him and yon will be amaied to aee how quickly, perfectly and politely he will aerve yon. We want every person in Franklin County to buy their Turnip Seed at Pcoggin's Drug Store. Our Mr. O. JU Aycock la still with ua to aell you Just what you want, he has aelected, bought and sold you seed* for 30 yearj, and have Just what you want now. We want every person in Franklin County to trade at Scqggln'a Drug Store for we have everything usually kept in an up-to-date drug store. We especially ask that you let us Oil vnnr nr?^-r11 know the cottow crop la a ahort crop of cotton and wa waat the beat reaalu when It camea to glnalag I am hat ter prepared than I ever have bean to serve you. Wa will unload and load your wagoaa. Will haul your cotton If 70a want aa to. Will wrbl?|i meal (or aeed aad win pay nht price at (la for cottoa aad seed. Wa want year boslosss aad all wa aak la la trial. Watch far oar advertleemeat for opeaiag la aaw store. A fall Baa | Star Braad aad other ahoea tor men. I Children, soma No. It Cor No. t for waiaaa aad aoai thins Bad aad Blaa tor the baby. A full line udervMr for nitn. vobcq aad children which wa will make It to yo or lntereat to look at. Ladtee aad children sweaters a specialty. We doat pay towa tax aad wa will try to make yoa fee! at hone when yaa eaae to Gapton. Cottoa la going to brlag a good price, and lata pall together to make 1923 aa good aa 1(M waa bad. I am here to stay aad whan I can serve yoa It will be a real pleaaare. JOHN D. ALSTON, J-28-tf " Gnpton, N. C. wni Toa Spead Me Oa Eat-Snap to Save flMI One C5c pkg. can kill 40 rata. The average rat will rob you of $10 a year la feed, chicks aad property destrnc tlon. RAT-SNAP Is deadly to rats. Cremates after killing. Leaves no smell. Comes In cakes. Rata will paaa up meat, grain, cheese to feast on RAT-SNAP. Three sizes, 35c, 65c $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Cash Grocery and Market. FOR SALE We have listed for sale several val uable farms, among which are (1) about 84 acres Cedar Rock T. S. known as Cooke land, on State highway; (2) about 135 acres Hayesvllle T. S. known as part of Whi taker lands. For prices and terms, see FRANKLIN INS. & REALTY CO. (Over First National itank) X No Worms la a nealtby I AH children trovbtrd with Worm! healthy color, which Indicate* poor t rale, tbera is men or leas rtomeaft disturbance. MOVES TASTUXfc chill TONJT Oven retnlartv lor two or three weeabwOI eu^th the blood, tm )W? the ijiarinn. eds act wre General Screnfth nlalToak to the whole ?ewrra. Nature will thea throw oB or dbpel the worms, and theCblld will mm ta perfect heakh. PI I to take. ?0c per bortla THE ERANKLIH INS. AND REALTY CO. Announce that Mr. B. B. ferry has taken charge ut lu Insurance basnrssb Mr. retry will be clad to see his friends, and when In need of AMI MM) of Insurance, see him. Mr. Perry has bad many years ex perience la Insurance, and Is prepared to (Its the pnbllc the beat of serrlce. For Insurance of any kind, write, phone or sea Bennett Perry TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me In that deed of trust executed on the 28th day of April, IMS, by L H. Kearney and wife recorded in Book 1S7, page 110, Reg istry of Franklin County, default hav ing been made in the payment of the Indebtedness secured and demand having been made upon me by the holder thereof, I will offer for sale at public auction for cash at the court house door of Franklin County, in Louisborg, N. C., at or about the hour of noon on MONDAY. OCTOBER 29, 1923 the following tracts or parcels of land, situated in Franklin County, State of North Carolina and descrlb p* as follows: 1. Being the tract described as Tract No. 2 in said deed of trust nnd being the W. A. Foster land, fully described in deed recorded In Book 128 page 418, Registry of Franklin MONEY TO LOAN on CITY PROPERTY or FARM PROPERTY EA&Y TERMS Address P. O. BOX 366, LonUbnrg, N. 0. I GIVE YOU The ium single or combination prices on ell msgeztnee that ere offered by the publish ers, end will appreci ete your orders. MRS.. J. A. TURNER *. c. Local [Representative (for ell Megs rinse Effective October 2, the Ford Motor Company announces the following reduced prices on all Ford Cars and Trucks: Runabout - - $265.00 Touring Car - - 295.00 Coupe - 525.00 Four-Door Sedan 685.00 Chassis ... 230.00 Truck Chassis - 370.00 -f All Price* F. O. B. Detroit These are the lowest prices in all Ford history. With the recent changes and refinements that have been made in every body type, Ford Cars now offer new values in motor transportation. Especially is this true of the new Four-door Sedan with its streamline body and many added conveniences. The Ford son Tractor The price of the Fordson Tractor has been in creased $25.00, making the present price $42000 F. O. R Detroit. Yom cam take advantage of these mew prices thromgh the Ford WeeUy Purchase