WOOD DEPARTMENT WOOD - " News of Wood and but . roundin. gcommunity . Edited by Wood Citizens COLD WEATUU PI TS 50 1)A Ml* KB 0?f SUNDAY SCHOOL 174 Present Lut Sunday ? Meets At 10 O'clock Next SaMay ? Kip?et Bad Weather Not To Lwim Attend ance ? Stone Steps to Cfcnrek Give* By Mr. Waters. Weill and were you one ot the 174 people who enjoyed one solid hour ot getting together, talking over the week's work, possibly saying nice things to a friend, and reciting the lesson Sunday morning In Sunday school? It you were we know you will be there with a new member or some friend who was absent last Sun day, when the bell ceases to ring for Sunday BChool Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Just think ot It ? a real cold day ? early In the morning ? the first this Autumn and our numbber was 174! Can you give an account of the reason? Was It Just to aee the new stone steps presented by Mr. Waters, or was It the zeal and interest In the work, or waa it the thought ot some Important Issue to discuss with a friend whom you did not know where to find except at Sunday school or was it the music you wanted to hear or was it that you know the church would be comfortable and a welcome awaited you, Well, If any one or all of these brought you we are glad for it makes our hearts glad to see each < f you every Sunday morning with a .!e on your face, a cheery word for ? v one and an eagerness in your f. i make some one's life more hap p; '? you could only look into the hidi:. -. ? ecesses of each of our hearts and iivcs you would find anxieties, disappointments, cares and burdens which are kept from the world ? and you would be only eager and desirous of speaking a kind word, smiling and giving a warm, hearty handshake vhich will not only lift the thoughts and heart of that person but would make you enter upon the day'B work with a heart made lighter, perhaps un recognizable to you, by having taken those few minutes to welcome or greet each other. This Is the place? our Sunday school ? where it is our aim to shake off our cares and be with one another for one hour to worship, make our lives happier and study God's word. We have so far been doing it ? and can't you with all sincerity say that you have received a blessing each and every Sunday you have been In our Sunday school? If you can't say so. we regret It, and we want you to give us a chance to do It. There is a way to do It, so let us know that we have failed and we assure you we will give you our beat to make it worth while to be one of us every Sunday. Some one has asked what effect did the cold day have upon our Sunday school. The above has been answer ed. but this we want to say to our r. embers, that we, as yet, have had no real rainy Sunday. At the present v i'Ung H-4? raining ainHt how looks as it we going to l.avo a siege o' bad ivi a?.ber hen<;e next Sunday may bs a rniny, dreary one and the streets and Tibds muddy so lets begin to equip ourselves now for that ? get our over si! oes, raincoats, umbrellas, overcoats cmtnlns to our buggies and automo biles ready so we will have no excuse for staying away. We assure you that the church will be heated and com fortable and when you get there you will be glad that you came. Didn't you think the church was comfortable last Sunday? We do, and if It waa not it was not our fault. Altho one of tbe stoves would not draw and the wind blew the smoke out In the room so that the fire had to be extinguish ed, yet the room was comfortable even In the most remote corner. It U go ing to be Juat that way every Sunday morning or the reaaon why will be made very clear to every one. We wish to thank Mr. Alex Weater for the nice load of dry nine wood which he contributed last week. Thla only goes to show that our members are willing and glad to do their part. There Is plenty off the twy best of fuel to be had any where right on oar own farms and We can easily give one day'a time toward helping make Sunday morning the most enjoyable one ot the seven tor our bright child ren and grand elderly people and par ents. Just think in what way each of us can help. We, eaoh, hay* a part to do. All may not be In a position to do the greatest bat there la some one thing we can do to help that we can do better than the other tallow. So lets aee what that one thtng la and lets do It. There la not one reaaon why we can't do It. God has glten every one of us a talent for something ? perhaps He gave more to one than another yet we want to multiply what was given us. You know'** can do It. Why, Just look at tfte growth? of our Sunday school In little orer two months ? two and three quarters! It has over doubled In attendance and almost quadrupled Over the attend ance one year ago laft Sunday. If you don't think we nan do a thing when we pull together Juat ponder over our Sunday school results. Does it m?an anything to you? Didq't you help do It? Sure you Aid, there ha* been some good, hard, earnest work done and It has not been done by any one person, or two, but by every one Tou have your share of glory and we fare ours ? bat tiow lets all poll to ?? n n - n? 11 a ? ^*. * '* ? ? . -r gather thru the cold weathor. uae oar tact, means, brains and energy to ,make this fall and winter evon better than the attendance during the lum inwr mouths when the weather was more favorable. Prepare now to be present every Sunday morning. Make all plans now ! Do not let a single one of us be like the Fire Foolish Vlr rlns ? but let us hare our lamps filled^ with oli, our overcoats. oTershoes, kuraBols, horses, buggies, automobiles, lour week's duties such ae wood for 1 Sunday cut, preparation for meals on Sunday prepared on Saturday, so that when the last bell begins to ring every Sunday morning we will be in our seats and ready for one hour of Sun day school worship and get-to-gether ? the very be?t hour of any spent dur lng any week ? Sunday school. Only One Visitor Sunday There was only one visitor last Sun day and yet the attendance was 174! Doesn't that ring good In your ears, touch a pleasing fibre In your heart . one hundred and seventy-three of our own Sunday school members present? Well, if your physical, spiritual and mental powers are functioning true to nature there is but one answer ? Yes! We are always glad to welcome visitors. It makes us feel that we are doing something worth while ? that we can gain some good from them ?learn what they are doing at home thereby gain a broader conception of our duty. And remember that if you have any one who vifllts you unex pectedly or contemplates visiting you Sunday be sur? to let them know that a most cordial welcome awaits them at our Sunday school and that if they lnoist on keeping you at home to en tertain them they will make both of you miss the very best and happiest hour of the week. Lets make this our foremost thought and slogan The best hour spent Is In our Sun day school Sunday morning. Begins at 10 O'clock Next Sunday Sunday. Oct. 28, next Sunday, the last bell will ring at 10 o'clock for Sunday school on account of preach ing services at 11 o'clock by Rev. H. T. Wright, of Wake Forest College. Don't forget that at ten o'clock Instead of ten-thirty we begin next Sunday. Visiting Cards We wish to call your attention to the fact that If you intend to visit an other Sunday school that you get a Visiting Blank Card before you leave so you can have the Superintendent and teacher of the school you visited fill It out, thereby giving you credit here In our school. Also tell your visitors that we will give thein the cards and fill them out If they so de sire. Mt. til lead To Visit Us Mr. Arthur Strickland, Superinten dent of Mt. Qllead Sunday school as sures us of a visit soon by several of hla members and that he will bring -with him his choir who will delight us with several selectons. All of us" re member and appreciate the valuable service Mr. Strickland renderod us during our series of meetings this summer, and also that he Is the son of the esteemed man after whom our grand class of Calvin was named. So ,ln due honor and respect to the name ?sake of our class, mon of Calvin, pre pare each week to be present on the .following Sunday for Mr. Strickland 'has set no date ? but has given hla promise which is the equal of law. A hint to you venerable men is suffic ient. Miss Fry* and Mr. Thompson Fleeted Teachers In called conference of church after Sunday school Miss Flora Frye was unanimously elected teacher of the Senior Class No. 8 and Mr. R'. O. Thompson was likewise unanimously elected teacher of the Junior Baracas, Class No. 4. These new Instructors and leaders we welcome as associates and appreciate each and every effort they have and will put forth In mak ing their classes and our Sunday school the best to be found anywhere. Now pupils lay all your plans to make your class what your teacher hopes ? the equal or better of any In the coun try. " You can do It, by pulling to gether. t Classes Have Perfect Attendance Last Sunday there were S classes with perfect attendance, as follows: Classes Nos. 4, 8 and 9. Excellent! Look and see whose classes they are. How about nine classes having a per Ifect attendance next Sunday T ^Average contribution ? total $14. SO. Calvin class 21 cents. Just (lance below at the average contribution for Sunday by the differ ent classes and you will so* what oar people are firing on the average to our work. The Calrln class, the men, averaged 2ic. Junior Baracas 15c, [Class No. 8 15c, Junior Phtlathens 11c, I Rebeccas Tc, Class No. 8 Sc. Nos. 6 and 1 6 2c e&eh, and No. T lc. This Is grand and In order to realise what all this means frftu most understand whet ages the claases are composed of. No. 7, the beginners, one oert each. Vine. The collection fall below Sunday before last, but we are steadily on the In crease. Class No. 9, best average Bibles. Claas No. I needed only 3 more Blblea brought to be perfect In this regard. RDw do you people do ftt Show and tell us how. The Rebeccas came n?*t with over half of their members bringing Bl blea ? 9 out of 15 brought them. The other classes are somewhere behind but there Is room tor Improvement . Remember our requirements for a Standard Sunday school Is breed upon our Bfbles brought as one of the points. Report for Sunday, Oct. SI: Claas No. 1 ? Miss Pearl Gup ton, teacher, present. No. scholars present 30. absent 19, collection $6.41, Bibles ?. Class No. .2 ? Mrs. Alex Wester, teacher, present. No. scholarn pres ent IS, absent 11< collection $1.21, Bi bles 9. ? Class No. 8 ? Miss Daisy Ball, teach er, present, No. scholars present If. absent 1, new scholars S, collection $1<9T. bibles 1. Class No. 4 ? H. M. Beam, teacher, present. No. scholars present 11. ?!* Itors 1, collection *2.02, Bible* I. Class No. 6 ? Mrs. W. D. Fuller, teacher, present. No. ccholara present 31, absent 3, new scholars 2, collection 78c, Bibles 6. Class No. 6 ? Mrs. Morris Griffin, teacher, present, No. scholars pres ent 24, new scholars 1. collection 46c, Bibles 2 . Class No. 7 ? Miss Annie Onpton, tencher, present, No. scholars present 8, absent S, collection 6c, Bibles 1. Class No. 8 ? Miss !"? ye, teojher. present No. scholars present 15, col lection 64c, Bibles 12. Class No. 9 ? taught by Miss Wood burn, No. scholars present 7, collec tion SI. OS, Bibles 3. Total No. teachers and officers pres ent 14, total No. scholars present 168, visitors 1. total present 174, total col lection $14.60, Bibles 47. Condensed report for one year ago: Teachers and officers present 4, schol ars present 50, collection 69c. ? ? ... MB. FIRJilE LEONARD SEVERELY I If JUKE I) IN ACCIDENT Sustain* Fractured Thigh and Injury To Shonller? Wednesday Condition Favorable. Mr. Fernie Leonard, Centoryllle, last Wednesday about 3 o'clock was thrown from a bale of cotton In hii wagon at Griffin Bros, gin when his team of mules became frightened at exhaust of steam and ran away. In falling Mr. Leonard received a com minuted spiral fracture of the left fa mur in the upper third near the hip Joint and a rupture of the capsule or portion of the head of the left hum erus. For some time after the acci dent his condition remained serious on account of shock and cardiac con ditions, tho medical aid was obtained within an hour. He was removed home Immediately and only after sev eral hours until his condition improv ed was an attempt to set the limb made. He rested as well Wednesday night as could be expected and was removed to a hospital in Rocky Mount the following day where he Is at pres ent. Reports from the) physlcans In charge are favorable and his early re turn home and duties are sincerely hoped. Mr. 'Leonard has many relatives and friends who will await his arrival home with' Joy . ? ? Wood School Enrollment Continues To Crow Up to the present the enrollment has increased to 110 with an average attendance of 85. This is good but there are several not in attendance who should and it is to be hoped the parents will soon see that they at tend. It Is essential that pupils be gin as early as possible and continue | up until the very last day. We have an excellent faculty who I are striving in every way to make our school maintain the high standard which it has during the past few years and our part is cooperation. So tar the spirit of cooperation and pull ing together has been unsurpassed in this community and folks let's put on an added effort by our visiting the school, encouragement of the faculty and children and help In any way pos sible to lay the foundation for a new modern school^bulldlng and a corps of teachers exccelled by none in a like community. We can, right now, by cooperation, encouragement of the faculty, committeo and children In still Into their mlndB our desire for the very best advantages for our boys and girls. All together now! ? * B. T. P. p. HAS GOOD MEETING Mis* Viola Thompson's Group Success _fuL Hurrah for group No. 3. If you missed B. Y. P. U. Sunday night you are the loser, for the program wai Quite an Improvement on the last few programs. Miss Viola Thompson, through her untiring efforts last week, had her group in place at the front and All garts spoken except one and that $6e wm late In getting her part. We are glad to see the B. Y. P. U. going forward again. Lets keep It up young people and put forth our best efforts towards greater work. Sunday night Group No. 1. ? ? BEV. IL T. WRIGHT, OF WAKE FOREST COLLEGE At Baptlat Charefc Kext Sunday ? Ser vice# 11 A. M. u< 7 itO P. M. ? Ai ?mmm Subject aid Text*. Re*. H. T. Wright of Wake Forest College will be with us Sunday and preach both morning and evening. Services to be at 11 a. m. and 7:S0 p. m. Rer. Mr. Wright cornea to us well recommended and we hope that every one will come out to hear him. Hla text at th? morning services will be taken from Matthew 21:28 (last clauae) "Son go work today In my vineyard." For the evening eerrtce he will hare as his subject The Wonderful, using the following text: lalah 1:6 ? For unto os a child la born, unto ua a son ta given: and the government ahall be upon hla shoulder, and hla name shall be called Wonderful. Counsellor, the mighty Ood, the ever lasting FathAr, the Prince of Peace. He wtl) be here for Sunday school and will bring visitors Com* and bear htm. ? ? Card of Thanks We the members of Wood Baptist church and Sunday school wish to express to Mr. H. R. Waters, one of our agteemed cttlsens, our sincere appreciation and thanks for1 present ing the substantial and beautiful ?ton* stans for our church. We also Wish to Blend our gratitude to him for puttlnjfthem up and to Mr. W. D. Fuller for inllng them from Loula burg and tq^ose who so willingly and kindly assnbed last Saturday af t **/ - ? ternoon In putting them up. Wood Baptist' Church . Wood Baptist Sunday School. ? ? ? MiS.S IUESE r.CCPTO* STILL FAITHFUL TO 8U??AI SCHOOL 15 5EW FIBLD Working Toward A. B. DegTe? Trinity I allege ? WaaU Fraafclla Cant; .school System Ceatrmllsei Below we five a letter received by our Sunday school from one o( our young ladles who has been a teacher and pupil in our Sunday' school and a faithful and loyal worker in all church organizations and community enter prises. We are always glad to hear from our young ladles and men. We hope they will write often and tell us how things are done elsewhere. Durham. N. C.. Oct. 14. 1923. Wood Sunday School: I am really very anxious to see last several we?ks paper to see what you are doing but 1 (eel confident that you are even progressing yet, after the mucfi success accomplished before I left home. Some of the leaders and teachers may feel some times that their labor Is not a success but In that case It is only a sign of progress. I hope each member can create an ap preciation for your good Sunday school for It Is something for whlih to be proud. Comparison and con trast is one of the things which show that you are alive spiritually, men tally and physically. I appreciated the letter you sent me though I am not deserving, 1 o a people who aspire to nothing but the best, I know you are Interest ed In your school which Is one of the foundations to growth and accomplish tnent. Not many days ago I talked with a member of the Board of Edu cation In this county, Durham, and he said their plan Is to consolidate the schools of every township Into a cen tralized high school. It has been done In nearly every town Bhtp in Durham county already. Lets do It In Frank lin, for we can! The school In which I teach Is a consolidated school of two townships. The children are sent In from the different schools on a bus line. Beside my work teaching the fifth and slxTh grades, I am work ing on an A. B. Degree at Trinity Col lege. I am talcing a science course which consist of one hour lecture, one hour quiz and four hours laboratory work all on Saturday. You see my time Is taken up on things literary during the week, but I have not miss ed a Sunday Agoing to Sunday school. Last week I attended an Evangelistic service by Horn Ramsey In Durham. It was- certainly inspiring. I can not write a personal letter to as many people at home as I should like to, so I hope you will pardon the personal message In this. You may ever be sure of my intense Interest in any phase of church work at home. Wishing you every success. Yours truly, IRENE P. G UPTON. ? ? A Word of Grutitnde We wish to thank each and every one who has so kindly given us any assistance whatever In making these columns what (hey are. We especial ly wish to thank those who hare Wrtt ten articles for us and theme who/ by their thoughtfulness have giveiy/ us news Items so that we may -keep the life of our community alive and inter esting and those who by their Inspl ratons. suggestions and words of cheer have caused us to put forth an extra effort to help make our com muritty one In which WP are proud to live and one which is deserving of the best thought, work and love any one can give. We ask that you con tinue tn render this valuable asslst ance and think of new ways In which each of us can belp make the advan tages and opportunities of our young men and women the very best to be had in any similar community. We again, thank you for the >ooperatlon which exists here and exhort each of you to not lessen In the good work. Hoaor Roll ? Wood Elementary School 1st Grade ? Russell Raynor, Russell Leonard, L. N. Benton, William John ston, -Pauline Lewis, Evelyn SturgWJ, Lorlne Gupton, Lorlne Radford, Lun elle Johnston. 2nd Grade ? Linwood Gupton, Paul Griffin, Robert Griffin, Rt>land Grey Gapton. Rutus Denton, Jesse John ston, Betty Ruth Leonard, Ruby Leon ard, Anna Mae sSturgea, Evelyn John ston, Mildred Johnston, Martha Lynn Denton. 3rd Grade ? Marshall Gupton, Pres ton King, Cooper Leonard, Lela Mae Lewis. 4th Grade ? Ezra Denton, Edgar Ful ler, Wilmer Gupton, Ollle Gupton, Iris Gupton, Dell Qupton, Henry Alas Qupton. Maurice Welter. Dorta Wav ier. 6th Grade? Clinton Gupton, Mabel Gupton. Leona Raynor, Mary 9turgea? Freddie Thompson . 6th Grade ? Norman Gupton. Jetti* ? GOpton, Freeland Green, Reed Jotw son, Wilbur Raynor. 7th Grade ? Elizabeth Puller, Hattl* Belle Gupton. Thurman Gupton, Radford, Torbert Sturges. ? ? Honor Boll ? Gold- .H*a4 Hcbo*l 8th Grade ? Reuben Gnpton, Mtorlea Bledsoe. Harold Garbe-.Etta Harris, Clement Harper. Minnie Griffin. Dav id Fuller, Raymond Sturgess, Annla Gupton, Odell Thomps n, Floyd Grif fin, George Fuller, Nora Rowe, Beulah Burnette, Charlie May, Owen Thar rlngton. 9th Grade ? Sue Bledsoe, Austin Ful ler. Lila Leonard, Marie Joyner, Fan nie Gupton, Swannie Rowe. 10th Grade ? Lola Leonard. ? < ? THIJKEBS It was Indeed thonghtful of some at our patrons to put wood at the school house for this cold snap. It is, always a good plan to keep the comfort of our faculty and children foremost in mind. Each one of the pupils and faculty can do much better work when com fortable. And wouldn't it be a good idea, aa some one has suggested, to investi gate and install new equipment ill the school building If possible. Continued to page 7 SERVICE DRUG CO. Wood, N. C. Mr. Morris Griffin has entered our business to be at yonr ser vice at all times. Come to see him when in town. Yours for service, G. M. RAYNOR, Manager. W. D. FULLER C. B. KEARNEY WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE ARRANGED TO HAVE A BLACKSMITH AT OUR SHOP REGULAR FROM NOW ON This man is MR. JAMESJ. SMITH, who will be glad to see his friends. Mr. Smith has about 25 years experience in shoeing horses and general repair work. He will shoe your horse or mule any time you come and furnish shoes for $1.00, all other prices accordingly. This we think will be a great - convenience for the community generally. p If you want your cotton ginned in the right manner bring it to our ginnery. The best equipped one in the south where you will find men in charge that know how to do the work in the best manner. If you want to purchase anything for yourself, family, farm or livestock, come to our store where you will find any thing you waut ?>t the right price. Come and see is all we ask arid be one of our many friends and customers. W. D. Fuller & PHONE 1505 tfe .3 j , a **k;Vfeth ? .v.'tH 4 "U X

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