THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. P. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager ?TAR DROPS? ? Don't forget to vote Wednesday. ? ? ? The cold wave Tuesday reminded one of^wtnter. ? ? ? Cotton sold In Loulsburg yester day (or 29 1-4 cents a pound. ? e ?Trustees for Loulsburg Graded School will be elected Wednesday. ? ? ? Its a line little girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cheatham Alston. ? ? ? Quite a big lot of cotton and to bacco has been brought to market the past week. ? ? ? "The Life of Christ" u moving picture was shown in the Courthouse here Wednesday. ? ? ? Vote for the one you want to have charge of the education of your children Wednesday. ? ? ?The many frleends of Mr. D. O. Pearce will be glad to learn that he Is improving nicely. ? ? ? Mr. W. B. Jojuer, who has been right ill at Rex huspltal, Raleigh. ha4 returned home much Improved. ? ? ? The many friends and relatives of Mrs. B. W. Ballard of Frankllnton, will be glad to learn that she is stead ily recuperating at Rex Hospital, af ter a long illness, necesitatlng oper ation. ? Clerk ol Court J. J. Young re quests us to state that all persons who fffe llaBle to do so should file tbelr accounts with him at once. This is necessary to get the accounts straight and to save further trouble and expense. ? - ? ? Supt. Mills Informs us that there are a number of children in the dis trict who are not attending the Louis burg Graded School, and that no donbt the authorities will start some thing unless the children enter pretty quick . . ? ? ? A supposedly mad dog in the Col lege Chapel Tuesday created quite a bit of excitement. So much so that one of the girls became frightened and jumped out of a window breaking her arm In the fall. It developed that the dog was not mad. f? ??r-Vffty-# i ? As a result iof a misunderstand ing Robert Perry, colored, struck his wife, LoU Perry, a severe blow over the head Tuesday la th? Service Shop where UUla was employed as a laun dress. The causa qf the trouble has not de^tfoped. Robert was appre hended and placed under a $100 bond. Abruui Rye, $2.00 per bushel at L. P. HICKS. 10-26-lt Have you tried William Tell Flour? If not, ask your neighbor about it. 10-12-12t Pearl Onion Sets and Vetch Seed at L. P. HICKS. 10-26-lt William Tell Flour is every sack guaranteed or money refunded. 10-12-12t White Blooming Clover Seed $9.08 per bushel at L. P. HICKS. 10-26-lt Dried Apples, New Cereals and Chase & Sanborn Coffee at L. P. . HICKS. 10-26-lt TAKEN UP One black bull yearling weighing about 300 pounds. Owner can get same by paying for this advertisement and expenses. If the owner fails to call for him on or before Monday, November 26th, 1923, at 12 o'clock, then the said yearling will be sold at public auction at the courthouse door in lioulsburg, to the highest bidder for canh to satisfy costs. J. P. POTTS, Newport Road, Louisburg, N. C. 10-26-Bt TRL'STEE'8 SAL.E OF LAND IN NASH AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES* By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made by J. H. Culpepper, Z. N. Cul pepper, D. L. Culpepper and wlfi, and Mrs. Nannie T. Sykes, Doweress, to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, dated De cember 23, 1921, and recorded in Nash Oounty Registry, Book 271, page 263, and In Franklin County Registry, Book 244, pages 112-14, default having been made In the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand tot fore closure having been made by the hol der of debt so secured on said trustee and default having been made In the payment of the said debt according to the decree of the Superior Court ot Nash County In that action entitled Mrs. Nannie 1*. 8ykes, et al Vs. Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, et al, and pursu ant to the decree of said court made In Aid action; and by virtue ot or ders of resale made by the Superior Courts of Nash and Franklin Counties upon advance bids on the sales of Oct. 8 and 9th, 1928, the unoerslgned will on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 192$ at or ahobut the hour of noon In Nash ?tile, N. C., offer for sale at public anctlon to the highest bidder for cash those certain tracts or lota of land sit uate In Nash Co., In said deed of trust eonveyed and further described as follows: FOURTH TRACT. A tract of land situate In Manning's Township, Nash Oounty, which t? composed ot three tracts, separately described as fol low*: Tract (a). Beginning at a stake In Us eedl ore's corner 1b Wm. B. Will la ma line; thane* S 17 B 14$ 1-2 poles to ? pine ituapi Umbo* ? 4 W $? poi iflrif riiitiiiiiittiiii'f ri N Cqughs become dangerous If allowed to run on. Check them at once Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey. Dr. Bell's contains just the medicines the best doctors prescribe combined with the old time remedy ? pine-tar honey. Dr. Bell's loosens hard-packed phlegm, stops coughing and soothes raw tissues in throat and chest. Keep it on hand for all the family. It's a favorite with young and old. All druggists. Be sure to get the genuine. DR. BELL'S Pine -Tar Honey eg to a Blackgum; thence 8 88 E 40 poles to a stake; thence N 4 E 113 poles to a Blackjack on the. road; thence along said road to Geo. Pow ell's rock corner; thence N 4 E 163 poles to a stake near Cedar; thence N 88 W 157 poles to a Red Oak; thence S 152 1-2 poles to the beginning, con taining one hundred seventy-three and one eighth (173 1-8) acrcs. more or less. Tract (b) . A tract or parcel of land conveyed to the late B. N. Cul pepper by J. T. Webb and wife, by deed recorded In Book 73, page 62, and following In Nash Co. Registry, to which reference Is hereby made for further description, said tract con taining seventeen and three eighths (17 3-8) acres. Xract (c). A tract or parcel of land conveyed to the late B. N. Cul? pepper by J. T. Webb and wife, con taining thirty-six (36) acres more or less, by deed recorded In Nash Regis try, Book 73, page 76, and following to which reference is hereby made for further^escrlptlon . 0Ut 6f tte foregoing tracts (a), (b). (c), one hundred (100) acres has been conveyed to J. B. Jeffreys by deed re corded In Nash County Registry, Book 102, page 91 and following leaving lands now conveyed, one hundred twenty-six and one half (126 1-2) acres, more or less. And pursuant to said decree of said Superior Court In said county, by vir tue of power of sale contained In said Deed of Trust and by virtue of the or der of resale In Superior Court of. Franklin County, made after the ad vance bid on the sale of October 9, 1923, the undersigned will on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1923 at the noon recess of court at the Courthouse door In Loulsburg, N. C. offer at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following de scribed lands situate In Franklin County, C.: THIRD TRACT. This tract adjoins lands of Calvin Wiggs, H. J. Baines estate. J. J- Alford, and others, and la composed of three tracts or parcels of land which are separately describ ed as follows: Tract (a). Beginning at a stake In Gay's corner on the Tarboro road thus along said road N 59 W 160 poles 23 links to a post oak, Baines corner in Tant's line; thence S 29 E 60 poles to a pine stump, Tant's line or corner; thence N 78 E 19 poles to a pine Tant's corner; thence S 2 E 174 poles to a gum and pine in Alfoid's line; thence E 97 poles 7 links to a pine In Wiggs' line; thence N 140 poles 10 links to beginning, containing by sur vey one hundred two and one half (102 1-2) acres, more or less. Tract (b). Beginning at the cen ter of Loulsburg and Tarboro road In WIgg's line; thence N 88 W 17 poles 17 links to rock, thence N 12 1-2 E 8 1-2 poles to center of Loulsburg and TarjWo road ; thence along said road S 60 E 18 poles 1 link to beginning containing by iurvey two-flfths of an acre, more or less. Tract (c). Beginning at rock In Wiggs' line; thence N 12 1-2 E 16 poles to center of Loulsburg road; thence along said road N 60 W 85 poles 2 links to center said road, a pine on N side; thence poles 6 links to rock In Wiggs' crfmer; thence S 88 E 70 poles 19 llnkB to beginning, containing by survey flfteen and one half (16 1-2) acres, more or less, the same being the lands purchased by B. N. Culpepper from J. P. Tlmher lake, by deed recorded in Book 92 page 42, Franklin Registry , And also that tract in Cypress Creek township. Franklin county, designa ted In said deed of trust as "First Tract" which Is bounded as follows; First Tract. Beginning at a Holly and Cypress Stump on the North bank of Tar river In William B. Williams line; thence an Easterly direction with said line to a stake In said Will iams line; thence a Southerly direc tion to the said Tar river, to a corner Hickory In Williams line; thence up the meanders In said Tar river to the first station, containing One Hundred and Twenty Eight and one half (1M 1-2) acres, more or less; It being the tract of land purchased by W. K. Da vis from William Stone, deed for which Is recorded In Book 88. page ail of Franklin Registry, and being the same land purchased by B. N Culpepper from the said W. K. Davis In 1878, as will appear by reference to a certain obligation bond recorded In Book 166, page 264, to which ref erence Is hereby made. Terms of Sale ? Cash, and a deposit of 26 per cent of each bid will be re quired Immediately at the conclusion of the bidding, and If deposit Is not satisfactory to the trustee, bidding will be Immediately re-opened and Mother sale made. This Octo. >5th, 1M?. 10-2?-3t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. C > L SALE OP IMPROVED LOT8 IN WOOD. N. C. By virtue of the power of aal? ro:??| talned In that certain deed of trust made by G. M. Raynor to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, dated April 17.1920, and recorded In Kianklln Registry Book. 234. Page 109, default having been made In the payment of the debt thereby secured an I demand for fore clousure having been made by the hold ^r of said debt upon said trustee, the undersigned will, on Monday. Novem ber 19th, 1923. at about the hour of noon, at the Court House Door, In Loulsburg, N. C., offer for sale at pub lie auction to the highest bidder for cash, those lots and bulldlngB thereon, situate In the Town of Wood. Frank lin County. North Carolina, by said deed of trust conveyed and more p?r tlcularly defined as follows. Lots Nos. 50 and 51 situate in the town of Wood, N. C. on plat of pro perty formerly owned by C. G. Wood as surveyed and platted by J. O. C'alg, C E., which plat or map Is recorded in Book 192. pige 596 of Puullc Reg!? try of Franklin Ccunty. This October 19. 1923. Wm. H. Ruffln, 1G-1S ft T.-ustco. SALE OF LAND Under and virtue of the pows: and authority contained In that deed of trust executed by R. I. Mitchell and wife to the undersigned Trustee and duly registered In Book 234 at page 63 Offt?e of Register of Deeds for Franklin county, default having been made In the payments the Indebted ness thereby secured and demand made upon me to foreclose as therein provided, I "will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash on Tuesday, the 20th day of November, 1923, at or about the hour of noon, at the Court house door of Franklin County, the following described real estate situate In Dunn's Township, Franklin County, N. C.' 1st Tract: Farms Nos. 16, 17 and 18 as contained and described in a map or plat duly registered In the Of fice of Register of Deeds for Frank lin County, In Book 192 at page 522, to Trhlch reference is hereby made for full and complete description, but there has been cut off said farms and conveyed and the same are hereby excepted a lot on the corner of Je wltt Ave and Vance Street sold to K. B. White by deed recorded In Book 211 page 323JFianklln County Regis try, reference to which Is hereby made. 2nd Tract. Situate in the Town of Bunn and comprising lots Nos. 38 and 39 in block C of the survey made for or by the North State Development Company, which two lots front 25 feet each on the West side of Main Street and run back with Montgom ery Ave South side 160 feet to an alley, and being the same lots conveyed to R. I. Mitchell by B. B. Sykes and wife on the first day of November, 1918 by deed duly registered In Boek 194 page 493 in Fraaklln County Registry, to which record and conveyance refer ence is hereby made for full and com plete description. This the 17 day of October, 1923. Ben T. Holden, 10-19-5t Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virture of the power conferred upon me In that deed of trust executed on the 15th d&y of November, 1919, by Walter Holland and wife Annie Holland, recorued in Book 224, Page 417, Registry of Franklin County, default having been made In the payment of the Indebted ness secured thereby and demand hav ing been made upon me by the holder thereof, I will offer for sale at public auction for cash at the Courthouse door of Franklin County, In Louls burg, N. C., at or about the hour of noon on Monday the 5th day of No vember, 1923, that certain tract or parcel of land situate In T^oulsburg Township, Franklin County, State of North Carolina, and described as fol lows. Bounded on the North by the lands of John W. Alston, on the East by the lands of Sam Kelly, on the South by the lands of Sam Kelly, and on the West by the road leading from the Halifax road by J. B. McKenzles and known as the Massenburg road, lon talnlng seventeen acres, more or less, and being the Identical tract of land conveyed to James I. Cooke by deed of B. T. Holde and wife dated De cember 9, 1916, and recorded in Book 217 Page 113, Registry of Deeds for Franklin County, N. C., less that por tion of same conveyed to Sam Kelly by deed of James I Cooke and wife dated January 26, 1918, and recorded In Book 217 at page 295 Registry of Franklin County, N. C. Reference be ing herd made to the deeds and re cords herein referred to for a further description. This the 2nd day of October, 1923. E. H. Malona 10-12-4t Trustee TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me In that deed of trust, executed on the 4th day of June, 1921, by I. H. Kearney and wife recorded In Book 224, page 627, Reg istry of Franklin County, default hav ing been made In the payment of the Indebtedness secured and demand having been made upon me by the holder thereof, I will offer for sale at public auction for caah at the oourt house door of Franklin County, in Loulsburg, N. C., at or about the hour of noon on MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1923 the following tracts or parcels of land, situated In Frankllnton Town ship, Franklin County, State of North Carolina, described as follow* : 1. That tract or parcel of land con talnlng 144 acres and being the tract of land conveyed to I. H. Kearney by deed of Mrs. B. A. Ballard, dated April 28, 190S, and recorded In book 128, page 194, Registry of Franklin ooujity. I. vThat tract or parcel of land con taining 100 acres, more or lesa, and ^ Dm! trtkM (UaapIKmI Im !'"< Hi" iirm t r w I UHm.rniwi in 'jwwb of T. O. Fuller et als, recorded in books its. MI M7, 146 page 411. in Judge Us By Our VALUES There isn't a store in our vicinity that can beat oor prices, and only a few that can come anywhere near equaling our values. We make this statement without qualification, and depend on our merchandise to back it up. t YOU BE THE JUDGE COMPARE OUR PRICKS 36 in. Sheeting best grade 12VjC yd 36 in. Bleecliing, extra fine quality 19c Heavy Shirting, all colors.... 19c 19c value Dress Ginghams .... 15c 25c value Dress Ginghams beautiful patterns *r . . 19c Longcloth, extra fine quality, soft finish, 10 yd pieces $1.39 $1.25 value all wool Serge in Navy, Black and Brown . . . 98c CANTON CREPE In Satin or plain Canton Crepe in Brown, Navy, Tan and Black CREPE DeCHINE 40 in. wide all silk three throw crepe *11 shades Honeydew, Copen, Jade Green, Navy, Brown and Black POIRET TWILL Poret Twill in suit and dress weight 56 in. wide, all wool CHILDRENS STOCKINGS 25c All sizes 7*4 to 11, heavy ribbed Blapk for boys or girls HUMMING BIRD HOSIERY $1.50 A brand of hose that gives excep tionally long wear made of pure thread silk, made extr? length, with high heel, double sole and very elas tic, extra heavy garter tops, and ankles are trim and snug fitting. All wanted Fall shades and plenty of Blacks,^, ... 2 NEW PUMPS AND OXFORDS FOR FALL, $5.45 Brye color suede low and medium heel Oxford and one strap with new ladder cutouts low heel with rubber heel, Oxford has medium heel, reg ular $8.50 values. STAR BRAND & H. C. GODMAN OXFORDS AND PUMPS $2.95 Brown and black kid Oxfords aad Pumps with stripe, rubber heels, sizes 3. to 8, worth up to $4.00pall solid leather. All other shoes priced very low for quick sale includes Endicott Johnson, Star Brand, H. C. Godman Queen Quality, Beacon and Walton shoes. Evry pair solid leather or a new pair of shoes to replace. . , . t. Kline & Company Louisburg's Biggest and Best Department Store LOUISBURG, N. C I page 288, 1S6 page 402. 148 page 456, and 173 ,pa?e 65, Registry of Frank lin Couaty. Reference being here made tp. said deeds and records (or further description . This (he 28th day of Sept., 1923. 10-S-4t E. H. MALONE, Trustee. NOTICE ' Having qualified as administratrix of tho'eBtate of Alex Cooke deceased late of Franklin County, notice is here by given all persons holding claims against said estate to nresent (hem to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of October 1924. or this notice will be plead In bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This Oct 18, 1923. Euralee Smith. 10-19-6t Admrx. | ADMINISTRATORS NOTICB .. 'flic undersigned having duly <;uaii f.v i as administrators upin the PR t.ttc! of Hiliiard H. Yarborouj;ii, Oe cfrTPed, nil peicons holding claims aijainst the state of said dec.-dent are hereby notified to present 'he sanio to the nnd.)rs)ftr.ed on or beforj 'he 19th day of Or.lcber 1924, er this no tice will be plead In bar of fh^'r re covery. A1J persons Indebted to I lie Bald estate will please come forward and make Immediate paym-?<it. This Otiober 19|h, 1923. W. M. Alston Henry C. Yarborough, Adm'rs. of Hilliard H. Yarborough, deed. W H. Yarborough. Atty. 10-19-6t| Hastings' 8eeds 1923 Oatalog Free Wrtte today for Hastings' aew 1M? ?atato?. Im iflt oeed the tatorolettoqri , it fi*m atmo* daily ? Um moet vat* able book rrerasblVsb and oosieuMf ?eeorlbti!?*u? ?eata?4 wrn cwope |w Dm South how aat wita* to ptoat ia row jmK,| farda? aad (MM tar every purpoea. I Bow to ton toe bell mrlt beaa beetle aatf oHwr pesto M aataral entor ||Kmm of the be* Boaaa, Ota4 ton aa4 ether fknreee. How to get I peokeU <f seed ?t tnHW' fknrsre free. How an?h seed I* reeubred to 9laM ? >?? er aera, wbea aai how to tfato m4 itotfuu W*r ft P"C* to ItaMiMt m*ud haw to to to* Jmi wtoe to tote kliMa u&M ' Itto Seed Book. V aln iJtf heo? THE CONVENIENT BANK Right in the Heart of Looisburg, just across Main Street from the Court House B :ng us your tobacco and cotton checks for cash or deposit, and make drafts through this bank for $60 per ba'e cotton advance. Call on us for any kind of banking service. Make the Fanners National YOUR Bank, you will like it. Our customers have always been able to get accommodations here just when need ed, and if yeu have not been banking with us, give us a chance to talk it over. We are prepared to render good service in any department of banking. Farmers National Bank J. M. Allen, President T. H. Dickens, V-Pgw. H. M. S to vail, Cashier E. M. Parfaan, Asst. Cashier Under U. S. Government - ; Supervision MAIN STREET, OPt>OSITE COl v ; K 'vC 1 v j r Louisburg, If. 0,

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