CLOTHING SPECIALS r at Kline's MEN'S TWO PANTS SUITS AND OVERCOATS, $14.95 sizes 34 to 44 in Nnvy and Brown, Overcoats made with belt all around full lined, regular $20.00 value. BOY'S SUITS, $4.95 Brown and Ravy F*ncy Cassi mers, all sizes 6 to 17, fancy models wilh belt. MEN'S PANTS, $2.95 Made of heavy worsted in Navy, Brown and Grey with stripe, all sizes 28 to 44, regular $5.00 values. MEN'S UNIONSUITS, $1.35 Heavy ribbed Unions, all sizo.< 34 to 16, regular $1.75 value. BOYS OVERALLS, 98j Heavy 220 Boy's F.lue Denim Ov eralls, sizes P to 16, suspender baci s MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS, 98c With or without ecllar attached, fain-.' mndrns. sizes 14 to' 27. soir.i! v orth up to $2 50. SWEATERS I or Men and Boys, slipover and coat styles, grey and combinations, sizes 28 to 46, worth up to $3.50, Priced 98c and $1.48 MEN S JAPS, 98c .f borted yM tii-rnF and ail s'i/ps, serges ?nclndiO, worth up to ^.00. L. KLINE cfe COMFY. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Louisburg, North Carolina IF YOU WANT NEW ARMY GOODS Come to See US Big lot of White House Flour just received from the mill. When you eat, ,i> EAT the BEST ft ' \ - - '' 6 pounds of Ground Coffee $1 .?? -ti'i" .. .. ? The Hudson Store Co. NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANE - i * ' V ' ' V 1 Louisburg. N. C. twt* fikx. xj- , < > rv i of taiiarM j v. ^ ^ ^ v ? ? . ? Coughs annoy unnecessarily 5"*hcioV thfrft **TTrWnt *>ft"g^>i'>|Tptn* that brine upon you unfavorable attention. Dr. luBf's New Dis covery atop* coughing quickly by gently stun ul* ting the mucous ?oonM to throw off clogging secretion*. It hu a pleasant tutc. AH druggists. Dr. KING'S NKW DISCOVERY | MANUFFACTUBEBS AND CO-OPERATIVES Have the tobacco manufacturers joined the Co-operative association? Hitherto the craft of warehousemen has seemed to have the Bupport of the great manufacturing corpora tlons In Its bitter battle against co operative marketing, and the prices on the auction floors have been we!! supported. Growers content to reap where other haver sewn have open ly blessed the co-operative associa tion while continuing to refuse to join it; satisfied that the non-mem ber has profited grtatly by the dis position of the buyers to aid in killing It off by paying top prices to non-partlclpants in every market In the three states. The association has so far ob stinately declined to die. It has In its membership a number of dogged ly persistent men, who have con tinued to resist not only the ancient craft of the auction system, which has lived fat and soft these many decades, and fights for its pleasant existence: and the Indifference, If not the active hostility, of the manu facturers; but also the inertia of the growers, so long accustomed to spend a summer's labor for a pittance from the consuming public as represented by the old system of marketing. What have the manufacurers to lose If they should decline further to aid and abet the auction ware houses ? thus In effect casting the sup port of the vast power to the co-op eratives? It is a question not so easy to answer as what have they to gain? That Is simplicity in operation of the buying side of ther business. The maker of smoking tobacco, cigarettes or plug, wishes a few thousand or a few million pounds of weed of a cer tain quality. It the business of the co-operative association is conducted efficiently, all the manufacturer has to do is to place an order for the amount needed of the specified grade; and there is no reason to believe that the business of the . association has not so far been conduced efficiently. In the past It has been necessary for the manufacturer to have a man on every r.iar'tet floor. These buyers must be fairly expert in judgment of tobacco, and their services ar& by no means cheap. The overhead of tobacco selling, the warehouse personnel, including men to canvass the district In be half of each warehouse, during the growing season, the duplication of buyers and of forces for handling the crop after It Is placed on the ware house floor, the necessity of each company maintaining storage facili ties, has been so heavy that the farm "ers would profit heavily If only the bulk of the overhead might be trans ferred to the price they receive. In theory that transfer is effected by the co-operative system, and If the manu facturers should withdraw their sup port from the auction people, It will be proof conclusive that the theory works out In practice. It will mean that the manufacturers will get their stock cheaper. In all probability, which is not vitally Important to them Blnce they have so far been able to =A. Tonkel's _ LOUISBURG'S NEWEST STOKE Hat beem preparing far weeks for their fall opening which ktartod Thursday, October 4th We take pleasure In showing the most wonderful end complete tall stock of Dry Goods. Men's and Boy's Clothing, Shoes, Ladles' Ready-to-wear and Millinery that has ever been on display In Loula burg before. The entire stock baa been purchased In the last 80 days, and you will find styles the very latest in each and every de partment. .The most Interesting part to you will be our low prices. Now be wise and make your shopping headquarters at A. Tonkel!>._ We have got the merchandise for the buying public and we are al ter the volume of business. In order to get it, we are offering the people of Louisburg and Franklin county the best chance to secure their fall and winter wearing apparel at these remarkably low prices 50 bolts of 36-in. Unbleached Sheeting, a real fine quality and heavy weight that sells for 20c. During Tonkel's fall opening sale while It lasts per yard 14 8-4c About 15 pieces of the late fall patterns dress ginghams in fine checks and big plaids, fast colors, worth strlckly 20c, during this fall opening sale, per yard ? 16c 3 cases of Men's real piod every day Work Shoes, scout style, black and tan, $2.95 value, Just think tor this fall opening sale, they are marked down to, a pair while they last $1.95 About 10 dozen Men's fall shirts and drawers, that sell for 95c each, will be offered during the fall sale at, each 69c BEAD CABEFCLLY^THE VALUES OFFERED IN THE DBT COOD8 DEPABTMENT The Ladles Ready-to-wear Is the most important department for you to visit. One rack of 25 all wool serge Polret Twill fall dresses, values up to *10.00, during this sale, special $4.95 each $15.00 Dresses of the very latest fall Btyles. Material fine Polret Twills, Trlcotlnes and all other new materials during this sale M0.W You will find an extraordinary line of Sweaters for Men, Women and Children at Special Prices. Here Is for the Men and Young Men the biggest line of Clothing ever shown in Franklin county and the prices will speak for them selves ? $19.50 Men and Young Men's Suits, during this sale $12X0 BE WISE AND ATTEND TBIS GBEAT FALL OPENING A. Tonkel Next Door to H. C. Taylor's Hardware Store Louisburg, : N. c. pasa along the whole bill of the cost to the consuming public. It will mean 1 that of the actual coat of raw material the grower will get a much larger portion ? which Is vitally important to him, snce he has so tar been un able to find any method of taxing the consuming public for his relief ? Greensboro Dally News. FOR SALE One Oil cook stove. Florence four burners and baker; also one wood heater. Miss Mary T. King. 10-26-lt Loulsburg, N. C. HOUSE FOR RENT On Main street one bfbck from Court House, eight rooms, very de sirable. Can be leased from Decem ber 1st, $60.00 per month. Hornaday & Faucette, Rental Agts. Ill West Martin Street. 10-26-lt Raleigh, N. C. HOGS FOR SALES I have a fine lot of barbecue Shoots also pigs and porkers at a very low price. Rome or write to me for any thing you need. W. P. HAYMAN. (Near Justice) R 2, Spring Hopet * 10-26-tf " N. C. New Mackerel and New Packed Her rings at L. P. HICKS. 10-26-lt FARM LAND FOR SALE Valuable farm consisting of 35 acres more or less located about lour miles from Youngsvllle for sale. For fur ther Information write Mrs. * J. D. Tharrington, 6X2 Vlckers Avenge, Durham, N. (X? 10-2|-2t Navy Beans, New Prunes, Evapo rated Peaches at L. P. HICKS. 10-2#-lt FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONB 203 . . Just Arrived - *,A Car of STAR Touring Cars The Bent Value Ever ? Offered For The Money $515.00 Delivered Buy Now While You Can Get One A?k the following owners how they like the STAR Car* MR. J. 8. WINSTF.AO KB. W. E. HALL MR. FORK ST OLJHWOW MR. E. A. K0CIBR8 MR. 8. M. BOONS MR. J. 0. 8LBD0R WR R. B. PIERCE MR. I- H. 00TTREM, MR. JAMES KINO MK. fl. W. MAT Mfc E. C. CREWS MR. GEO. Mt:RPHY JIB. W. A. WHELEHH MB. L. W. (llJPTOJf Service Station? Exide Batteries The Long Life Battery ( Beck's Garage, 1 T2S&*. Louisburg's Oldest Oarage iJL ? *?