8ALB OF LAND Under and vlrlne of the to?n.- nnd Mihorlty contained In that deed of trut executed by R. I. Mitchell sad wile to th? undonlgnad Trustee and duly registered In Book 214 at pace ?3 Office of Register of Deeds for Franklin county, default having betn made In the payment of the Indebted ness thereby secured and demand 'Bade upon me to fnrerlnsa at therein provided, I will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash on Tuesday, the 20th day of November, 1923, at tir about the hour of noon, at the Court house door ot Franklin County, the following described real estate situate In Dunn's Township, Franklin County, N. C. 1st Tract: Farms Nos. 16, 17 and 18 as contained and described In a map or plat duly registered In the Of fice ot Register q( Deeds for Frank lin County, in Book 192 at page 522, to which reference Is hereby made for full and complete description, but there has been cut off said farms and conveyed and the same are hereby excepted a lot on the corner of Je witt Ave and Vance Street sold to K. B. White by deed recorded In Book 211 page 323 Franklin County Regis try. reference to which Is hereby made. ?ad Tract. Situate In the TOTOk ot; Buna and comprising lot%Nos. 3| and 39 in block C of the surrey made for ot. by the North State Development Company, which two lute front 25 feet each on the West side ot Main Street and run back with Montgom ery Ave South side 154 feet to an alley, and being the same lots conveyed to R. 1. MllclicH by U. B, Sykfts and wife on the first day of November, 1918 by deed duly registered In Book 194 page 493 In Franklin County Registry, to which record and conveyance refer ence is hereby made for fuTT and com plete description. This the 17 day of October, 1923 Ben T. Holden, 10-19-5t Trustee. FOR SALE We have listed for sale several val uable farms, among which are (1) about 84 acres Cedar Rock T. S. known as Cooke land, on State highway; (2) about 135 acres Hayesvllle T. S. known as part of Wbltaker lands. For prices and terms, see FRANKLIN INS. & REALTY CO. (Over First National Bank) LOW PRICES ON HEATING STOVES, ALL KINDS COOKING STOVES, RANGES BUGGIES AND HARNESS RUBBER AND STEEL TIRED ROAD CARTS AT COST GUNS ? RIFLES GUN SHELLS BUILDING MATERIAL AND PAINTS A store lull of good Hardware H. O. TAYLOR Hardware .We Pnt Robber Tiirea on Buggy Wheels THIS IS A PEBS01UAL LETTEB TO EYEBT FEBSON 15 FBAKKLEf COCWTY, FBOH L E. 8t?nki 6. L A J cock K. 8. Clifton, Jr. We want every person In Franklin County to visit Scoggln's Drag Store, recently remodeled and made the prettiest business house In the county. We want you t? Inspect our new beautiful and perfect ly sanitary Soda Fountain recently Installed In Scoggln's Drug Store. It Is constructed so you can see your drinks prepared. Mr. M. S. Clifton, Jr., is In charge at this fountain, he is the most effic ient of any in the State. Buy your fountain drinks from him and you will be amazed to Bee how quickly, perfectly and politely he will serre you. . ? We want every person in Franklin County to buy their Turnip Seed at Pcoggln's Drug Store. Our Mr. Q. L. Aycock is still with us to sell you just what you want, he has selected, bought and sold you seeds for 30 yeara, and have Just what you want now. We want every person In Franklin County to trade at Scoggin's r Drug Store for we have everything usually kept in an up-to-date drug store. We especially ask that you let us fill your prescrip tions, bring them to us or hace your physician leave them with us. Messrs. L. E. Scoggin and G. L. Aycocke, the old reliable prescrip tion fillers, will give them our careful attention and will make our prices correct and satisfactory. We thank you for past favors and hope you all will come to see us soon. Respectfully, Scoggin Drug Store 0. L. AYCOCK, ' HAUBICE CLIFTON, JIL, U E. SCOGGIN Personal: I am the only Aycock in the drug business in Louls burg and am at Scogglns Drug Store; when you want Aycock to handle your business bring or send It to me at Scogglns Drag Store and oblige. Your old friend. G. L. AYCOCK. SPECIALS ? ??? . FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS | Cotton blanketH 98e Bloomer Sateen 85e Heavy comfortB >2.18 All silk pongee _ Pto Yard-wide outing 25e LAdlassle cloth 80e I Outing Qowns 11.00 Wool finish hose fie Beautiful drese patterns in chiffon velvet, velveteen, duvetj-n, b morel, brocaded crepe, crepe satin, canton crepe, all wool crepe, " silk and wool crepe, charmeuse, duchess satin, polret twill, broad Cloth, flannel, serge, etc. teL, H*W 8HIP*EHT BRUSH WOOI, SWEATERS NEW USE COLORS I* SCBATirB FABRICS Mrs. R R. Harris, Prop. Mr*. J; A. Tomer, Mgr. Mxin 8tTMt Louitbnrg, N. 0. Men's Half Soles $1.00 Women's Half Soles 85 Rubber Heels =30 Childrens Half Soles . . .25 up If you are looking for alirst class job at a fair price this is the place to get it All Work Guaranteed Shoe repairing insures health, comfort and economy. *ir~" Our Shop insures Courtesy, Service and Quality. Neese Electric Shoe Shop R. E. L. Lancaster, Op. & Mgr. 9-14-13t TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND IN NASH AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES By virtue ot the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made by J. H. Culpepper, Z. N. Cul pepper, D. L. Culpepper and wife, and Mrs. Nannie T. Sykes, Doweress, to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, dated De cember 23. 1921, and recorded In Nash County Registry, Book 271, jpatfe 263, and in Franklin County Registry, Book 244, pages 112-14, default haying been made In the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for fore closure haying been made by the hol der of debt so secured on said trustee and default having been made in the payment ot the said debt according to the decree of the Superior Court of Nash County In that action entitled Mrs. Nannie T. Sykee, et al Vs. Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, et al, and pursu ant to the decree of said court made in said action; and by virtue of or ders of resale made by the Superior Courts of Nash and Franklin CounUee upon advance bids on the sales of Oct. 8 and 9th, 1923, the undersigned will ""SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 192S at or abobut the hour of noon In Nash Tllle, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash those certaia tracts or lots of land sit uate In Nash Co.. In said deed of trust conveyed and further described as follows: - . ? FOURTH TRACT. A tract of land situate In Manning's Township. Nash County, which is composed ot three tracts, separately described as fol lows: . Tract (a). Beginning at a stake in Breedlove's corner in Wm. B. Will lams line; thence S 87 E 148 1-2 poles t, a pine stump; thence S 4 W 86 pol es to a Blackgum; thence S 88 E 40 poles to a stake; thence N 4 E 113 poles to a Blackjack on the road; thence along said road to Geo. Pow ell's rock corner; thence N 4 E 163 poles to a stake near Cedar; thence N 88 W 157 poles to a Red Oak; thence 8 152 1-2 poles to the beginning, con taining one hundred seventy-three and one eighth (173 1-8) acres, more or less. Tract (b). A tract or parcel of land conveyed to the late B. N. Cul pepper by J. T. Webb and wife, by deed recorded In Book 73, page 52, and following in Nash Co. Registry, to which reference is hereby made for further description, said tract con taining seventeen and three eighths (17 3-8) acres. Tract (c). A tract or parcel of land conveyed to the late B. N. Cul pepper by J. T. Webb and wife, con taining thirty-six (36) acres more or less, by deed recorded in Nash Regis try, Book 73, page 76. and following to which reference is hereby made for further description. Out of the foregoing tracts (a), (b), (c), one hundred (100) acres has been conveyed to J. B. Jeffreys by deed re corded In Nash County Registry. Book 102, page 91 and following leaving lands now conveyed, one hundred twenty-six and one half (126 1-2) acres, more or less. And pursuant to said decree of said Superior Court in said county, by vir tus of power of sale contained in said Deed of Trust and by virtue of the or der of resale in Superior Court of J Franklin County, made after the ad vance bid on the sale of October 9, 1923, the undersigned wBl on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1923 at the noon recess of court at the Courthouse door In Lonlsburg, N. C. offer at public auction, for cash, to I the highest bidder, the following de | scribed lands situate In Franklin County, ? C.: THIRD TRACT. This tract adjoins lands of Calvin Wlggs, H. J. Balnea estate. J. J. Altord, and others, and is composed of three tracts or parcels of land which are separately describ ed as follows: Tract (a). Beginning at a stake In Oay's corner on the Tarboro road thus along said road N 59 W 160 poles 23 links to s poet oak, Balnes corner In Tant'S line; thence 8 29 E 60 poles to a pine stump. Tant's line or corner; thence N 78 B 18 pole* to a pine. Tant's corner; thence 8 2 E 174 poles to a gum and pine in Alford's line; thence E 97 pole* 7 links to a pine In Wlggs' line; thence N 140 poles 10 links to heglnalnx. containing by sur vey one hundreu two and one half (102 1-2) acre*, more or less. Tract (b). Beginning at the ren ter of Loulsburft and Tarboro road In Wlgg's line; thence N 88 W 17 poles 17 links to rock, thence N 12 1-2 E 8 1-2 poles to center of I-oulsburg and Tarboro road; tbence along said roid 8 60 E 18 -pole* 1 link to beginning, 'containing by survey two-fifths of m i MEN'S TWO PANTS SUITS AND OVERCOATS, $14.95 Suits in sport and rgular models sizes 34 ta44 in Navy and Brown, Overcoats made with belt all around full lined, regular $20.00 value. BOY'S SUITS, $4.95 Brown and Navy Fancy Cassi mers, all sizes 6 to 17, fancy models with belt. MEN'S PANTS, $2.95 Made of heavy worsted in Navy, Brown and Grey with stripe, all sizes 28 to 44, regular $5.00 values. MEN'S UNIONSUITS, $1.35 Heavy ribbed Unions, all Bizo.< 34 to 16, regular $1.75 value. BOYS OVERALLS, 983 Heavy 220 Boy's Elue Denun Ov eralls, sizes fi to 16, suspender bad s MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS, 98c With or without collar attached, fani? mndras, sizes 14 to IV. sornu v orth up to $2 50. SWEATERS I or Men and Boys, slipover and coat styles, grey and combinations, sizes 28 to 46, worth up to $3.50, Priced 98c and $1.48 MEN S JAPS, 98c Afborted p.iiiL>rnF and ail sires, .Tl".'? serges nuludiU, worth up to $2.00. L. KLINE & COMFY. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Louisburg, North Carolina acre, more or legs. Tract (c). Beginning at rock In Wiggs' line; thence N 12 1-2 E 15 poles to center of Louisburg road; thence along said road N 60 W 85 poles 2 links to center said road, a pine on N side; thence S 53 poles 6 llnkB to rock In Wlggs' corner; thence 8 88 E 70 poles 19 links to beginning, containing by surrey fifteen and one half (15 1-2) acres, more or less, the same being the lands purchased b? B. N. Culpepper from J. P. Timber lake, by deed recorded in Book 92, page 42, Franklin Registry. And also that tract In Cypress Creek township, Franklin county, designa ted in said deed of trust as "First Tract" -which Is bounded as follows: First Tract. Beginning at a Holly and Cypress Stump on the North bank of Tar river In William B. Williams line; thence an Easterly direction with said 'line to a stake In said Will lams line; thence a Southerly direct tion to the said Tar river, to a corner Hickory in Williams line; thence up the meanders In Baid Tar river to the first station, containing One Hundred and Twenty Eight and one half (128 1-2) acres, more or less; it being the tract of land purchased by W. K. Da vis from William 8tone, deed fot which Is recorded In Book 33, page 311 of Franklin Registry, and being the same land purchased by B. N Culpepper from the said W. K. Davis In 1878, as will appear by reference to a certain obligation bond recorded In Book 156, page 264, to which ref erence is hereby made. Terms of Sale ? Cash, and a deposit THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY 00. Announce that Mr. B. B. Perry has taken charge of its Insurance busnessb. Mr. Pet ry will be glad to see hid friends, and when !n need of AlfT KIND of Insurance, aee him. Mr. Perry has had many years ex perience In Insurance, and Is prepared to give the public the best of service. For Insurance of any hind, write, phone or see Bennett Perry THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY 00. ?t 26 per cent of each bid will be re quired Immediately at the conclusion of the bidding, and if deposit is not satisfactory to the trustee, bidding -will be immediately re-opened and another sals made. This Octo. 25th, 1923. 10-26-3t WM. H: RUFFIN, Trustee. TRUSTEE S SALE OF LAND Under and by vittue of the power conferred upon me in that deed of trust executed on the 7th day of Au gust, 1919, by W. W. Shearon, record ed in Book 232 Page 317, Registry of Fraklln County, default having been made In the payment of the Indebted ness secured thereby and demand hav ing been made upon me by the holder thereof, I will offer for sale at public auction for cash at the Courthouse door of Franklin County in Loulsburg, N. C., at or about the hour of noon on Monday the 12th day of NolVmber, 1923, that certain tract of land lying and being In Frahkllnton Township, Franklin County aforesaid, and more particularly described and defined as follows. Fields No. 1 and 6 in map of Wil liams Farm, as surveyed by Richard G. Ball, C. E., said map being record ed In Book 1 Page 77, of the Regis try of Franklin County. This the 12th day of October, 1923. E. H. Malone, Trustee. MONEY TO LOAN on CITY PROPERTY or FARM PROPERTY EASY TERMS Address P. 0. BOX 356, Louisburg, N. 0. I GIVE YOU The same single or combination prices on ail magazines that are offered by the publish ers, and will appreci ate your orders. MRS. J. A. TURNER Lonlnbarff, IV. C. Local Representative for all Magazines Piles Cu ryf lo 6yto 14 Days Dni*gi?t? rtftmdqAMT It PXZO CMNTMEHTfafle to care ItchLnfl. Band, Bleeding or Protrodinf PUee. Instantly relieves restful sleep after the 1 ? t OF IMPROVED LOTS IN / WOOD, N. C. By virtus of the power ol aale con tained in that certain deed of trust made by Q. M. Raynor to Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee, dated April 17,1920, and recorded In Franklin Registry Book, 234, Page 109, default haying been made In the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for fore clousure having been made by the hold er of said debt upon said trustee, the undersigned will, on Monday, Novem ber 19th, 1923, at about the hour of noon, at the Court House Door, In Loulsburg, N. C., offer tor sale at pub 11c auction to the highest bidder for cash, those lots and buildings thereon, situate in the Town of Wood, Frank lin County, North Carolina, by said deed of trust conveyed and more par ticularly defined as follows. Lots Nos. 50 and 51 situate in the town of Wood, N. C. on plat of pro perty formerly owned by C. O. Wood as surveyed and platted by J. O. C'alg. C. E., which plat or map 18 recorded In Book 192, pnge 696 of Puolic Regis try of Franklin County. This October 19, 1923. Wm. H. Rulfin, 10-19 5t Trustee. Subscribe to The Franklin Times FRANKLIN INS. * REALTY CO. LOANS AND INSURANCE |7-21tf Cold* Cause riflp and Influanza LAXATIVE BROftfO c/jrNrNF. Tablet* remove the reuse. Thi-re la cfcly ooe "Brono Ontoine." E. W. GROVE'S thuftm on box. SOo. After Every Meal Rave a packet in yoir poeket .far ever-ready refreshment. Aids digestion. AHaye thiol. *ootha? tfie threat. For Quality, Flavor and A Uio Set ltd Paokan.