?\V O O I) DEPARTMENT WOOD News of Wood and sur . roundin gcomm unity . Edited by Wood Citizens PERFECT ATTENDANCE HONOB BOLL W001> SCHOOL 1st Grade ? Russell Leonard, Will iam Johnson, Evelyn Sturges. Pattle Jane King, Lorlne Gupton. 2nd Grade ? iLlnwood Gupton. Paul GriHn, Robert Grlltln, Rufus Denton, Sidney Perry Hamlett, Beity Ruth Leonard, Ruby Leonard. Anna Mao Sturtes, Evelyn Sturges, Martha Lynn Den; on . 3rd Grade? Lela Mae Lewis, Olio Marce Denton, Ned Gupton, Ma.'chei Gupton, Cooper Leonard. 4th Grade ? Wllmer Gupton, Iris <1 Upton, Doris Wester, Edna Wlckcr, Ezra Denton, Edgar Fuller, 01! io Oupton, Henry Alex Gupton, L. L\ (juiton, Maurice Wester. 5th Grade?Geneva Benton, Mabel Gupton, Leona Raynor, Mary Sturges, Freddie Thompson, Vonnle Benton, Clinton Oupton, Dolan Hamlett, Gar nold Leonard! 6th Grade ? Norman Gupton, Jettle Gupton, Freeland Green, Wilbur Ray nor. 7th Grade ? Kenneth Ayscue, Eliza beth Fuller, Hattle Belle Gupton, Thurman Gupton, Dell Pearce. ? ? ? ? ? OX GOLD-SAJID SCHOOL HONOB BOLL 8th Grade ? Nell Joyner, Reuben Gupton, Maurice Bledsoe, Harold Gar bee, Etta Harris, Klrby Gupton, David Fuller, Raymond Sturges, Floyd Grif fin, George Fuller, Oza Faulkner, Beu Burnette, Perry Perdue, Owen - ;'.:rington. :i Grade ? Alta WeBt, Sue Bledsoe, L . : .?> Parrlsh, Austin Fuller, Marie Jo. ? ? ? Fannie Gupton, Ludle Bailey. 10,... Grade ? Lola Leonard. ? ? BRILLIANTS FROM THE SCHOOL ATMOSPHEBE Extract from a written lesson: ? "The Old Oaken Bucket Is to keep us from doing wrong and drinking whis key, and was born in Mass." Miss Woodburn ? "How many eggs does it take to make a dozen?" Russell Raynor (with waving hand) "A hat full." The sentence ? The boy whistles and sings ? was being criticized from the viewpoint of a simple subject and compound predicate. "I see the compound predicate, but where is your simple subject?" objec ted the talkative boy. A smart little Miss sarcastically in quired, "How Is boy for a simple sub ject?" ? ? B. Y. P. r. NOTES Strong points: Began on time. Song and prayer service unusually good. Every part told in speakers own words except one. All attended preaching service. Weak points: Disorder. Secretary not in chair at table. One member would not respond when colled on. Shortage In envelopes. Quiz poor. Let us keep our goal before us, and remember that the group that comes out ahead gets their picture in the TIMES, and the Individual who makeB the best record gets a subscription to Biblical Recorder. Come Sunday night and learn how to be content ? how to be happy. That's our subject, and the leaders have the matter well In hand. That is the one thing everybody Is forever seeking ? contentment. Find it In the B. Y. P. D. Sunday night, 6:30. Devotional Meeting. Learning to be content. Song and prayer service. Business. Quiz, (special). Leader In charge, Daisy Gupton. Scripture, Floyd Griffin. Special music, Elizabeth Fuller. Prayer, Nancy Gupton. Introduction, Daisy Gupton. Personal opinion of six adages. Contentment and Happiness, Mrs. Griffin. Content but not Complacent, Penola Burnette. Poem, Freddie Thompson. The Beggar and the King, Leona Raynor . Worry Hinder* Growth, Annie F. Gupton. Contentment Essential to Service, Annie G. Gupton. Clipping, ''Wrinkles", by Kenneth Ayscue. President In chargw. Remarks on Subject. Song. Dismissed by President ? ? TOtTNG PEOPLE HARRY On Wednesday evening of last week a merry group of yonng people mo% tored to Centervllle to see Mr, Callle Pearce and Miss Viola Thompson mar ried. The groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Pearce, and the bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Thompson. Both young peo ple are well known In this communi ty. They are making tholr home with the parents of the groom. Among the bridal party were Misses Odell Thompson, Pearle Gupton, Ola Pearce, Bertha Burnette, Penola Bur nette, Aleen Woodburn, Ruth Oupton, Flora Frye, Messrs. Harvey Oupton, Gus Wester and Cleacy Gupton. ? ? Prayer Meeting at Nr. W. A. Oapton's Wednesday Evening Program .Song, 70, Glory Gates. Prayer, Mrs. Alex Wester . Song, 124, Near To Thee. Bible rrading, John 14 chapter, by Jettlo G ipton. Talk ou chapter. by Maurice Wes ter, Bible story, At the Feast, by Mrs. Tommle Lewis. Comment on Story by Dollle Gupton. Sentence prayer. Beatitudes, by Juniors. Song, 81, When the Ransomed Get Home. Dismissed by Nancy Gupton. ? ? Junior Munbcuiug Oct. 28th, 1923 the Suubeams met at tSe church at 2 o'clock with Mr). P. G. E-turges and Mrs. Callle Peace. Tbit roll of the Junior and Senior Sunbeams were called. Then the col lection was taken up so ihey coulil be carried to Mrs. Stephen iuptou ?> and Mrs. Davis' to give their program. A nice bag of fruit was cai rlen to Mrs. Davie and to Mrs. Stephen Gupton was can led 3 large bunches oi (lowers whlcb we hope that these tilings trcught Joy and love fro-u the Sun beamr- at Wood who was In tho care of Mrs. Callle Pearce, Mrs. Alet W<-a tcr, and Mrs. P. Q. Stu'ijis. Toe following program was given at Mrs. Stephen Gupton's and Mrs. Davis' Oct. 28, 1923. Program conducted by Mrs. Callle Pearce. Song. If Your Heart Keeps Right. Prayer, Jodie Radtord. 23rd Psalm, Vera Gupton. , Song, Shine, Shine Just Where You Are. Play, Where the Shadows Are Dark est. Characters: Fairy randage, Iris Gupton; Fairy Cotton, Leila Mae Lew Is; Fairy Sheets, Doris Wester; Fairy Towels. Evelyn Sturges; Fairy Check, Ruby Lewis. Song. Little Stars. Closing Prayer, Mrs. Callle Pearce. Written by Mrs. Callle Pearce. ? ? LARGE AUDIENCE GREETS BEY. H. 1* WRIGHT At Both Morn in ? and EYenlng Service A large congregation assembled in the church both at the morning and evening services laBt Sunday to hear Rev. H. T. Wright of Wake Forest College. He presented his subjects in a forceful manner and we were glad to have him with us. At the conclu sion of the evening service the church doors were opened and one addition to the church was received. Sunday Morning Scripture, Isaiah 53rd chapter, text Matt. 21:28, "Son go work today In my vineyard." Int. 1. Christ's teaching was al ways practical. 2. Analysis of text. I. Son. 1. The beauty of being sons of God. 2. If sons heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. II. Go. 1. Prerequlslts to going thru a life wholly unrestrictedly and unconditionally surrendered to ' God. 2. Know God's word and live It. 3. Keep in touch with Him thru prayer. III. Work. 1. We are saved to serve. 2. "Show me your faith with-] out work and I will show you my faith by my work." IV. Today. 1. Tomorrow does notl belong to us It belongs to God. 2. Work while it Is today. V. In my vineyard. 1. The field is the world. 2. Jesus has loft the bring Ing in or His Kingdom to His friends. 2. Wc are H!3 friends If we do what soever Ho hath commanded us. 4. Je sus lias faith in us. Sunday Evening Scripture, Isa. 9:1-9, text 1st. 9:0. Subject, "The Wonderful." Int. Many O. T. Names carried a significant meaning. I. He has a wonderful eye to see us. II. He has a wonderful ear to hear us. III. He has a wonderful hand to hold us. IV. He has a wonderful heart to love us, V. He has a wonderful word to cheer us. VI. He has a wonderful spirit to guide us. VII. He has a wonderful home in which to receive us. ? ? LAST SUNDAY BROUGHT GOOD NUKBER OUT TO SUNDAY SCHOOL" 174 Preset, 18 Visitors, Little MUmm Iloreoee and 61*'r? Harris De lights Audience With Vocal Duet; Rev. Wright Commends U*. Sunday again brought 174 people out to Sunday school Including 13 vis itors, thereby showing that 12 of our members were absent. Next Sunday we are hoping to have more out than ever. We are always glad to have visitors. Among those present were Rev. Mr. Wright who gave us a few words of encouragement and the little Misses Gladys and Florence Harris, grand daughters of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gup ton, who delighted us with a vocal duet. Their voices blended well to gether and showed training . Next Sunday we begin at 10 o'clock sharp as preaching services begin at 11 o'clock. - ? I. Com* on time! Mr. Arthur Strick land has promised to bring a truck load of people from his church. Leta all be present to help them alight from their conveyance and welcome them to our place of worship. ? Report for Sunday, Oct. 28: Calvin Class No. 1 ? Miss Pearle Ouptoa, teacher, present, No. pulpls prenetit?35. absent 19, new pupils 1, visitors 6, collection $2.81, Bibles 2. Rebecca Class No. 2 ? Mrs. Alex Wester, teacher, present, No. scholars present 17, absent IS, visitors 3, col lection 95c, Bibles 7. Class No. 2 ? Miss Daisy Ball, teach er, present, No. pupils present 13, ab sent 2, new pupils 1, collection 65c, Bibles 4. Class No. 4 ? Mr. R, O. Thompson, teacher, present, No. pupils present 11, absent 5, collection 11.56, Bibles 2. Class No. 5? Mrs. W. D. Fuller,! teacher, present, No. pupils prosent 18, collection 83c. Bibles 7. Clam No. (5, Mr?. Morris Griffin, teacher, present, pupils present 22, collection uOc, Bibles 2. Clasc No. 7? Miss Annlo F\ Oupton, teacher, present, No. pupils present 7, absent 3. collection 6c. Bibles 1. Class No. 8 ? Mlsa Frye, teacher, present. No. pupils present 6, absent 8. visitors 3. collection 35c, Bibles 4. Class No. 8 ? Miss Woodburn, teach er, present, No. pupils prosent 5, ab sent 1, collection $1.15, Bibles 3. Class No. 10 ? taught by Mrs. Arthur Oupton, No. pupils presont 14, collec tion 23c. Total No. teachers and officers pre?- I ent 13, total No. pupils present 148, No. visitors 13, total No. present 174, total collection 19.71, Bibles 34. Av erage collection per class 97c. Report for Sunday a year ago: No. teachers and officers present 5, No. pupils present 41. collection 46c. Average collection per class: Cal vin Class No. 1, 11c; Rebecca Class No. 2, 6c; Class No. 3, 4c; Class No. 4, 14c; Class No. 6. 6c; Class No. 6, lc; Class No. 7, lc; Class No. 8, 6c; Class No. 9, 21c; Class No. 10, 2c. ? ? RET. HURLEY C. LOWDER WAKE FOREST Will F1U Pulpit at Mornlng ?nd Even ing Services Next Sunday, at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. The morning and evening services in the Baptist church next Sunday will be conducted by Rev. Hurley C. Lowder, Wake Forest. The services will begin at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. His subject for the morning service will be: A Message From the Cross, text St. John 19:26, When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple stand lng by, whom he loved, he salth unto his mother. Woman, behold thy son! At the evening service he will use The Triumphant Christ as subject, and text St. John 19:30. When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, lie said, It Is finished: and bowed his head and gave up the ghost. LOCAL NEWS It was a treat to listen Sunday mor ning; and evening to ttie selections rendered at the church by little Miss es Gladys and Florence Harris. These children have good voices and showed good cultivation. We predict for them a life of usefulness for the Master. We hope they will visit us again and entertain us as before. They are tlie grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gupton. Messrs. J. S. Shearln and J. H. Radford went to Loulsburg Tuesday on business. * Mr. George Wheless Denton was the Sunday afternoon guest of Miss Fan nie Coley. Mrs. Arthur Gupton and RJiss N. Rue Gupton were visitors of Louis burg, Tuesday. Mr. J. Mays, Oxford, was a visitor here Monday. Mr. Saint Leonard went to Louis burg on business Monday. Messrs. Arthur Gupton, C. E. Den ton and C. G. Wood were business callers to Rocky Mount Monday. Miss Ethel Dorsey and Mr. Pope Nicholson, of Holllster, were visitors 'here Monday. The many friends of Mrs. L. E. I Murphy are glad to leara that she is [gradually recuperating from an In jury which she received by falling last week. It Is with pleasure that we note that the new road machine is being put in use. Supt. E. L. Best, of Loulsburg, was a caller here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Strickland and son, Wyatt. of Durham, were visitors here last Thursday. Mr. Garland Gupton, of Rocky Mount was a visitor of friends here Thurs day. Messrs. W. H. Taylor and C. G. Wood went to Nashville on business Friday. Misses Frye, Fogleman and Wood burn were guests of Miss Ruth New ton, of the faculty Red Oak High School, Friday evening. Mr. Marcellus Smith, of Rocky Mount, spent several days last week with his son, Mr. Norman Smith. Mrs. Major Gupton, G. M. Raynor, Leona and W ft bur Raynor and Floyd Griffin were visitors of Loulsburg Saturday. Mrs. N. C. Gupton, Misses Pearl and Ruth Gupton and Mr. Konneth Ayes cue visited Rocky Mount Saturday ?rening. Misses Fogleman. F"rye and Wood burn, Mrs. J. P. Leonard and family went to Rocky Mount on buslneB* Sat urday afternoon. Mr. Worth Dodd, of Raleigh, was a ?isltor here Monday. ? Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith, and son. Nelson, visited Mr. Walter FJr&na at Rocky Mount, 8unday. Miss Daisy Ball and Mrs. W. D. Fuller went to Loulsburg Monday. Mr. J. P. Leonard visited Raleigh Thursday . Mrs. W. D. Joyner and daughters. Misses Mary and Annie Mae, of near Rocky Mount, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith here Sunday. Mrs. Dave F"uller and family, of ' Moulton, were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. lTuller. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Harris and family, of near Youngsvllle, and Mr. H. T. Wright, of Wake Forest, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Oupton and family. Misses Ruth, Dolly and Annie Qup ton and Meaare. Cleacy and Thurman Oupton attended the box party given In the White Level school building Friday night. I<a?t week with the rainy weather on hand our gin did not reach Ita number of the week before, ginning only 102 during the week and the high eat number In a single day 34. To date It haa turned out 7R9 bales. The many friends and relatives of Mr. F"ernle Leonard are elated over the fact that hla condition continues to Improve. They await hla return home with pleasure. W . D Fuller and Co. are erecting .a * building to De usca ror a black ? "?ilth and wheelwright shop adjoin In.' the old shop and house used tor furniture anil funeral supplies. The work Is being rushed and Its com pletion will be within a short while. The dimension of the blacksmith part are 20x24 ft. and wood work 16x 66 ft. which will amply take care ot a4t work coming here. We are in Hied gl&d 10 have a place -where at all times any one can have their horse* shod and buggies and wagons repair ed. Work also on the garage building continues. Its completion will not be long oft. f ENTERY1LLE *EWS Miss Lena House, ot Sandy Creek, risked Misses Lucy and Mattle De ment Sunday. Mrs. Worth Dodd and daughter, of Raleigh, are spending this week with Mrs Dodd's sister, Mrs. J. H. Wood. Mr. DeWitt Phillips, of Rocky Mount was a caller at Mr. Dements Sunday. MIbs Winnie Cheaves, of Bunn, visited her sister, Mrs. Teddle Guptou last week. Misses Lucy and Mattle Dement, Mrs. Jodie Gupton. Messrs. Rutus Gup ton and Jesse Williams visited at Mr. Dave Ayescue's Saturday night. Rev. G. W. May filled bis regular appointment at Philadelphia Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Louis Neal visited at Seven Paths Sunday. Mr. and, Mrs. A. A. Shearin and Master Donald Griffin visited Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Griffin of Nashville Sun Miss Etta Radford Is spending this week with relatives In Wendell. Mr. Edwin Alston, ot Henderson, made a business call here Tuesday. Messrs. Clinton Nelms and Ivery Gupton, of Laurel, were callers here Saturday night. Free Flower 8eeds Ton wfll b? glad to know that Hat Unci', "The Booth'* Swdauo," will glre away about t, 900,040 jtobU of **ed of tk? South'* moat popular flow ki thla spring. Than to nothing to th* bom* that can octapere with rich oolored flower*. They brighten oa all up and make a ay hou?a attract! re. Tou can't plant too many fkrw*r? and thla opportunity to ?et Shirley Popple*, Hrwrlaitlng Flo-w en, Hani**, Coamoa and Mexican Bum lag Btuth abaolutely tree, la oartalnly to be weloomed by all i ?ad?n of thl* paper. You can get them! Jut write to Hut'ng*' tor the new HIS Catalog. It tells you how to get flower *eed* tree. It h&s 100 page* of baaotlfal photo graphic picture* and oerreot descrip tion* of garden Oowar and field aeeda, bulb* and pinnta, and aleo la full of helpful Information that la needed almoet daOy tax erery Soethern home. If* the moat Tmluabte *eed book war publUhed and you wffl be "*'gMr glad you're aot it Jnet write *o4 ggk for ?M new Catalog. H. ?L HAITI N?? OO, daf . Mr^and Mrs. W. J Dtrice and lH'.le son. of Jackson, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Neal last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Leonard and family, of Wood, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hob Leonard Sunday. The following Items were received to late for publication last week. Misses Lucy and Mattle Dement. Messrs. Jesse Williams^ and Roby jMarlow ristted friends "at HoHlater Saturday night. Mr. Marshall Holllday, of Youngs ville, was a visitor In Centervllle Sun day . Mr. Roger Griffin, of Nashville, vis ited his mother. Mrs. R. H. Griffin, Sunday. Misses Mattle and Lucy Dement and Mr. Jesse Williams motored to Wendell Sunday and reported a nice time. Mr. and Mrs. Willla Andrews and family and Mr. May, of Wendell, were visitors In the home of Mr. W. A. Radford Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Woodllef, of Klttrell and Miss Williams and friend were callers here Sunday. THE FBAJULLl.l TDUB Utlli to la ??v kMM. If ;n an ?ot a ??*? icrltor, to aaa. Sem4 la jtmt ?aW KrlptliD aa 4 kelp ai U to*at tar a better ? aawllf. HAVE TOC EYEK NOTICED THAT the merchant who sms IJJ THE TOPY FOB HIS AD EAKLI ALWAYS HAS THE NEATEST AD1 Wearisome coughing ? need noc be endured lon?. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey will atop it quickly by clearing away thi heavy phlegm and reducing in flammation In your chest and throat. It combines jusr such mod ern medicines as your doctor pre scribes ? with the soothing pine tar honey that generations nave relied upon to break up coughs. Keep Or. Bell's on hand for all the family. Ad druggists. Be June Co get the genuine. DR. BELL'S Pine-Tar Honey Subscribe TO THE FRANKLIN TIKES 11.50 Per Tear In AdTmnca. SERVICE DRUG CO. Wood, N. C. is an organization to serve the public. Come in and let us serve you. We cater to the wants of the people and assure you polite and courteous treatment whenever you come to see us. Come to us for high grade drugs, perfumeries, sta tionery, etc., and also be served at the soda fountain. In our grocery department we also carry a full line of the best pure foods. COME AND INSPECT G. M. RAYNOR, Manager W. D. FULLER C. B. KEARNEY WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE 8BB2K&133 arranged to have a BLACKSMITH AT OUR SHOP REGULAR FROM NOW ON This man is MR. JAMESJ. SMITH, who will be glad to see his friends. Mr. Smith has about 25 years experience in shoeing horses and general repair work. He will shoe your horse or mule any time you come and furnish shoes for $1.00, all other prices accordingly. This we think will be a great convenience for the community generally. If you want your cotton ginned in the right manner bring it to our ginnery. The best equipped one in the south where you will find men in charge that know how to do the work in the best manner. If you want to purchase anything for yourself, family, farm or livestock, come to our store where you will find any thing you wfu't r> * the right price. Come and see is all we ask and be one of our many friends and customers. W. D. Fuller Co. PHONE 1505 WOOD, N. a1! ? :

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