JUE FBftNKUN TIMES iu P. JOHSSgi, Kdltar u4 bupr ?nfer*d at t\e Pout Office at Lou!?- 1 *nrg. N. C.. aa second claaa matter. Another move In European affairs baa been agreed to. Lets hope It will n1,000 Carolina, Virginia farmers MU to be increasing In all three ?tot? reached by the association as an contracts reaching Raleigh last -week war* Very evenly divided among the southern tobacco area, 10? coming from Virginia. 10* from North Caro lina and It from (loath Carolina. Five million pounds of tobacco rufcid the cooperative warehouses ?t Virginia and Weatora North Caro lina last week, according to advicaa from the leaf department at Rlch moad. Hasten Carolina Camera al so Increased their deliveries, bringing the total receipts of this rear's crop to^well overjBftee^ million pounds TIm Mfeoctaiion v4R opto nlmtiin New Prices Effective October 2, the Ford Motor Company announces the following reduced prices on all Ford Cars and Trucks: Runabout - - $265.00 Touring Car - - 295.00 Coupe - - - - 525.00 Four-Door Sedan 685.00 Chassis - - * - 230.00 Truck Chassis - 370.00 All Prices F. O. B. Detroit These are the lowest prices in all Ford history. With the recent changes and refinements that have been made in every body type, Ford Cars now oSer new values in motor transportation. Especially is this true of the new Four-xioor Sedan with its streamline body and many added conveniences. ii - _ ? The Fordson Tractor The price of the Fordson Tractor has been in creased $25-00, making the present price $420.00 F. O. R Detroit You com take advantage of these tew price* through the Ford Weekly Purchase