Xetlee of Sale of Lu< la The Town <>i l.uulsbw.'J, N. fi. For Dellnr|utDt I'uvlng Assi-smfntx At or nhtnt lli? hour of Noon at tlie Court House Door In Lombburj, N. C. on Monday, November the 5th, 1923 I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, pursuant to the Uwt of North Carolina and especially the Public Laws of 1916, Chapter 56, beet too 10 and acta amen datory thereto, all lands In the Town ot LouUburg, N. C. on which paving MHCsmnenta for the years, 1020, 1921 and 1922 and prior thereto remain due, With Costs added as provided by law, described as follows: H. H. Yarboro, lot Church St. 21.04 J. M. and W. H. Allen, Mill prop erty So side river 1,467.19 J. M. and W. H. Allen Far Co-op eratlve Co. So Bide river 108.49 J. M. and W. H. Allen, lot Church Street 98.94 J. M. and W. H. Allen lot Nash Street West 43.78 J. M. and W. H. Allen lot Main St near bridge 66.79 J. M. and W. H. Allen Main St. Store 9 . 19 J. M. and W. H. Allen, Stores and vacant lots Nash St 229.60 J. M. and W. H. Allen lot Nash Street 71.13 J. M. Allen lot Main St. 202.19 J. M. Allen lot Kenmore Ave 38.46 St. Matthias Church (colored) Main St So side river 94.54 J. J. Hayes Estate Main St 16.47 J. C. Tucker Main St 18.68 J. A. Turner Estate Middle St 139.20 H. H. Yarboro Nash St 66.58 This October 6, 1923. D. C. HIGH, Tax Collector. 10-5-5t J. J. BARROW, Clerk. Notice of Sale of Land In The Town Of Lonlsburg, If. C. For Delinquent Taxes. 4t or about the hour of Noon nt the Court Housj Door In Louis burg, N. C. on Monday, November the 6th, 3923 I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash, pursuant to the Laws ot North Carolina and the charter of the town ot Loulsburg, N. C. as set out In the private Acts of 1899, Chapter 243, and Acts amen datory thereto, all lands In the town of Louisburg, N. C. on which taxes tor the years 1920, 1921, and 1922 re main due, with costs added as revised by section 8009, Consolidated Statutes 1919 and amendments thereto des cribed as follows: 1920 John W. Alston 1 lot Halifax rd 27.08 Washington Davis 1 lot Kenmore Ave 13.70 Pinkie Qreen 1 lot 4.38 James Martin 1 lot Black town 6.20 Nathan Ruffln 1 lot 8.70 Ben Thomas 1 lot Black town 5.20 Sandy Williams 1 lot River rd 17.45 Calvin Yarborough Jr. 1 lot Riv re road 15.27 1921 * W. T. Person 1 lot Ice Plant '160.40 John Alston 1 lot Halifax rd 21.84 | Washington Da Via 1 kjt Kenrrrorc ? Ave g.81 Davis & Yarborough 1 lot 6.(0 William Martin 1 lot Black town 9.96 Alice Skinner 2 lots railroad 15.44 P. W. WllllamB 1 lot River rd 16.78 Calvin Yarborough 1 lot Rlv rd 11.48 Calvin Yarborough est. l lot Riv er road 12.08 Henry H. Yarboroufeh 1 lot 7.90 Matilda Yarborough 1 lot 7.14 1922 W. T. Person 1 lot Ice Plant 156.20 Ml s. Noye Aycock Person 1 lot Middle Street " 77.70 John W. Alston 1 let Halifax rd 28.58 Eddie Bridges 2 lots Black town 11.52 Algle Davis 1 lot Halifax rd 13.44 Washington Davla 1 lot Kenmore Ave 16.72 Percy Foster 1 lot Tarboro rd 4.50 Austin Green 1 lot 11.98 Sam A. Harris 1 lot Main St 95.30 Madlso^ Malone 1 lot Halifax rd 3.75 William' A.artin 1 lot Black town 12.91 Richard Skinner Sr. 1 lot Tarboro . road 10.76 I Chas. H. White 2 lots Henry Yar borough 21.33 P. W. Williams 1 lot River rd 19.44 O. S. White 1 lot 26.44 Matilda Yarborough 1 lot home 12.62 Calvin Yarborough Est. 1 lot Riv er road 18.03 Hllllard H. Yarborough 2 lots 45.04 Calvin Yarborough 1 lot Rlv rd 15.32 This October 2, 1923. D. C. HIGH, Town Tax Collector. . T. W. RUFFIN, Town Attorney. 16-5-5t j TAKEN UP One black bull yearling weighing about 300 pounds. Owner caR get same by paying for this advertisement and expenses. If the owner fallB to call for him on or before Monday, November 26th, 1923, at 12 o'clock, then the said yearling will be sold at public auction at the courthouse door in Loulsburg, to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy costs. J. P. POTTS, Newport Road, Loulsburg, N. C. 10-26-5t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? A TTOINIC drove's Tasteless chill Tonic teeter? Energy and Vitality by /Purifying and Enriching the Bkxxy When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see bow It brings color to toe cheeks and how it Improves the / ajfpetite, you will then appreciate its trpaOonic value. Grove's Tasteles^ chill Tonic Is simply Iron and Qulnhre suspended in syrup. So pleasant even/children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Parity It and IRON to Enrich It. ,Destrays Malarial germs and Grip gfirmt by its Strengthening. Invigor ating Effect. 60c. Try F. R. Pleasants For Pure Drugs Properly and Carefully Compounded Oldest Drug Store In Town We Can Save You Money P. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBURG, N. C. Everything for the Living Room The year's most popular designs, both perid and modern, are to be seen in this present display of Living Room Furniture. And as usual, you will find our price a little less than you would expect to pay. Everything to complete an Up-to-date Undertaking Department. W. E. White Furniture Co. Night coughing ? exhausts you so that you are more tired in the morning than when you went to bed. Dr. King'* New Discovery stops coughing by gently stimulating the raucous mem branes to throw off clogging se cretions. It has an agreeable/ taste. All drug-\ guts. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by vlrture of the au thority contatned In the deed of trust executed and delivered by W. F. Mltchlner and wife of Franklin Coun ty to G. W. Beam, Trustee, and re corded In Franklin County Registry In Book 241 at page 600, and default having been made In the payment of notes thereby secured and upon demand and request of the holders of the said notes described therein, I will on Monday, November 26, 1923] at or near the hour of 12: o'clock M at the court house door of Franklin County at Loulsburg, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described tracts or parcel of land situate In FranWlnton Township, Franklin County. State of North Carolina, and described as follows. First Tract: Beginning at a stake, now a pine stump, Mrs. Fannie Haw^ kins corner in line of the Perry land; thence by survey of W. N. Fuller of about 1873, N 100 poles to a small dead pine, A. C. Perry's corner In Gill's line; thence S 88 1-2 E 22 poles 14 links to a large red oak, Gills cor ner; thence N 1 W 43 1-2 poles to a rock in Gills line; thence E 126 poles to a stake in A. F. Mltchtner's line; thence a new line S 24 1-2 W 109 poles 17 links to a stake In the field; thence S 16 3-4 W 36 poles, 14 links to a stake, a new corner; thence S 85 E 34 poles, 10 links to a stake, a new corner; thence 84 W 7 poles to a stake in Mrs. Fannie Harrison's corner line; thence along her line about N 87 W 60 poles, 6 links to a stake, form erly called a forked pine; thence about N 84 W 81 1-2 polsB to the be ginning, containing 100 acres more or less, being the land conveyed to W. F. Mltchlner by deed duly record ed in Franklin County Registry, In Book 213, page 293. Second Tract: W. F. Mltchlner 's four fifths undivided interest in and to a certain tract of land defined as follows: Beginning at a sweet gum on the Lick branch, corner for J. A Mltchlner, 11 poles north-westward from a small pine, corner of J. F. Mltchiner's; thence 9 2 W 161 poles to an Iron stake, J. F. Mltchiner's corner In the line of 8. A. L Rail way Co's. right-of-way; thence along said right-of-way 40-ft from the cen ter of the tract eastward to the cross ing of the line of that part of the JefTreys land assigned to Jno. Jef freys: thence along that line N 19 W 13 poles. 6 links to the center of the old road; thence along Bald old road N 70 E 6 poles 17 links; N 64 E 36 poles, 10 links to a rock in the road, the Jeffreys corner; thence along the Jeffreys line N3 E 13 poles 6 links to a rock and post oak, Mrs. Emily Banks coraer; thence N 2 E about 133 poles to a stake in Mrs. Banks line; thence N 88 W 76 poles to a stake on the Lick Branch; thencce up said branch as it meanders to the beginn ing, containing 100 acres more or less Third Tracct: W. F. Mitchiner's cue-half undivided interest 'n and to a certain tract of land, bounded as follows: On the N by the lands of Smith Brothers and J. M. Allen; ou the east by the lands of J. M. A!:en, on the south by the lands of J. R Jones and the S. A. L. Railway: and ci. the west by the lands of Dr C. H . Banks, which is a part of th3 Ellis tract, containing 101 3-4 acres more or less, by survey or M. S. Davit>, Sur veyor, February 16, 1917; it be'ng that part of the Ellis Tract bought bv John F. Mitchiwer and Dr. C. H. Banks of A. C. Ellis, which in divi sion of the same was conveyed to Dr. C. H. Banks and wife to John F. Mltchlner by jleed dated March 9 1917, and recorded In the Registry of Franklin County, to which deed reference Is had for the metes and bounds thereof. This the 22nd day or 0?t., 1923. G. M. Beam. ? ? Trustee. William Tell Flour is every sack guaranteed or money refunded. 10-12-12t HOGS FOR SALE I have a fine lot of Barbecue Shoats also pigs and porkers at a very low price. Come or write to me for any thing you need. W. P. HAYMAN, (Near Justice) R 2, Spring Hope, 10-26-tf N. C. FARM LAND FOR SALE Valuable farm consisting of 36 acres more or less located ?t)out four miles from YoungBVllle for sale For fur ther Information write Mrs. J. D. Tharrington, 612 Vlckers Avenue, purham, N. C. 10-22- 2t Have you tried William Tell Flour? If not, ask your neighbor nbout It. 10-12-12t Habltuai Constipation Cured la 14 to J I Days ( "LAX-FOS VlTTH PEJSIN" is a specially prepared Synk) Tonic An xntivn for Habitual Constipation. Y It nilevee promptly but should be takm regllarly for 14 to 21 days to Induce regular n# inn It Stimulate* and Regulates. Vefcr SMeasant toTake.*60o pec bottle. V Inactive Liver "I have had trouble wttfc aa Inactive liver," wrote Mr*. 9. Nlchoh, d ? 4*t2 Spencer 3t, Houston, Texas. "Whaa I would get constipated, I wonid leal a light, dizzy feeling hi my head. To gel up S the norning with a Ughtaess in the heedaad a trembly feeling la often a sign that the stomach la out of order. For this I took Thtdjard't Black- Draught, aad without a doubt can say I have never found lis equal la aay tWer medicine. It act oaly deem the liver, but teavee you ia such a good condition. I have used It a long tine, whea food -does not seem to sat well, or the stomach Is t Mttte soar." I Hitka't Thedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT Utt H?dkiar Don't deny your stomach ? use only the best It's William Tell. 10-12-12t NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Alex Cooke deceased late of Franklin County, notice Is here by given all persons holding claims against said estate to uresent them to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of October 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This Oct. 18, 1923. Euralee Smith, 10-19-61, Admrx. The Q slain TBal Dm rcot Affect Tto Iks * Bjicaw of lt> tonic u4 Ik TIVX BROM 0 QUININ % Ctr> You should be able to purchase a sack of William Tell from any retail grecer, as the Loulsburg Grocery Co. who are wholesale distributors carry it In stock. 10-12-12t THAT MORNING LAMENESS If you are lame every morning, and suffer urinary ills, there must be a causa. Often It's weak kidneys. To strengthen the weakened kidneys and avert more serious troubles, use Doan's Kidney Pills. You can rely on Loulsburg testimony. W. B. Cook, prop, of general store, Court House Square, Loulsburg. says: "My back was hurting me some and mornings a dull ache set tled across the small of my back and I felt tired. My kidneys acted too freely during the night and had me up several times, so I lost my rest I didn't allow this to go on very far, as I purchased a box of Donn's Kid ney Pills at Pleasants' Drug Store, and they soon relieved me of t^e trouble. I have used Doan's on dif ferent occasions and always with the same good relief." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ? get Doan's Kidney Pills? tho same that Mr. Cook had. Foster-Mllburn Co, Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED farm lands. 6 per cent Interest. No commission, no bonus. May run for 33 years or be paid off at option of borrower. Only a short time re quired to get the money. T-14-tf S. A. NEWELL. LOTJISBURO REPAIR SHOP Julius Lehman. Proprietor Next doer to J. Tf. Perry's Store Shoes repaired while you wait. We make a specialty of repairing Ladles ard flents line shoes. ALL WORK CTUARANTEED Any kind of Harness made to order. Fan Belts and Pistol Holsters made to order. Indies Shoes, Soles sewed On 85c pr. Hi nts Shoes, Soles sewed on 11 00 pr. Harness Oil We buy green hides and furs at top market prices . Sewing Machines and Talking Ma chines repaired. Stork and Poultry Spice, 3 pack ages for 25c. heaters: SHEET IRON HEATERS? Nickel Plated Screw Draft Cast Iron Legs and Lined. $1.s Sow RYE and improve your land We have both Abruzzi and Win ter Rye. McKINNE BROS. PAY CASH and PAY LESS Sell Your Tobacco and Cotton IF LOUISBURG ANN BUY YO IB HEAVY A_\D FANCY GROCERIES, NOTIONS, .SHOES, ETC. FROK F. N. SPIYEY. Rib side Meat 15c lb. Loose Lard 16c lb. Snowdrift Lard, " 4 lb. buckct 78c ? 8 lb. bucket $1.48 Melrose Flour, 1-4 barrel $2.10 Pocahontas and Powhatan Flour, barrel $7.00 Red dog Daisy XX, per bag $2.50 Snuff 10 oz. gullets 50c ? 30c gullets 25c ? 15c gullets 13c Diamond Auto Casings, 30 x 3 $6.90 Diamond Non Sltld Casings, 30 x 3 1-2 $9.90 A few more bags of cotton seed meal, hulls and feed oats. A SICE LISE OK FRESH FRI ITS AT ALL TIMES F. N. S P I V E y NEAR THE BRIDGE Phone ; 22 Louisburg, N. C. ?PROMPT DELIVERY? Free $30.00 In Gold Each person bringing a load of Tobacco or bale of Cotton to Louisburg, N. C. between onw and December 21at and presenting their sale ticket to us will b* given a free ticket entitling him to a chance for this Gold. 1ST PRIZE ? $20.00 IN GOLD 2ND PRIZE? $10.00 IN GOLD Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated < ' ? why wait tixj, the last day TO SEND THE COPY IN FOB AN ADVERTISEMENT WHEN T1IE AD MAN CAN GIVE YOU A HU')H BET. TEH JOB IF YOU SEND IT IN SOOJTEB' DON'T FOBGET IT. Without a food local paper, what channel ia there (or the new* of tk* town and the ?urroen41ng ?oantryT THE FRANK IJN TIMES ll.W Pei iw I? AdftsM