SPECIAL PRICES? On everything in our store for the next two weeks to make space for our big line of toys and Christmas goods. 300 Barrels Flour got to be sold by Decem ber 1st. We can't handle all the flour so we handle the best. 10 Dozen Wool Army Shirts just arrived. Big bargains. Big Lot Best Shoes on the market selling fast. Everybody saving money by buying here. Men's Everyday shoe is our hobby. Every article in the store must be sold at some price. Come now and save money. Chippewa granulated salt, highest grade sold $1.05 per one hundred pounds. The Hudson Store Co. NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Louisburg, IN. C. *T~ l I TRUSTEES SALE OF FARM LANDS By virture of the power of sale coil- j tained in that certain deed of trust made by C. S. Merrit to Wm H. Ruf ftn, trustee, dated Feb. 12, 1921, and recorded In Franklin County Regis try, Book 241, Page 277, default having been made In the payment of the debt thereby secured, and demand for fore closure having been made on said true tee by the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersignd will on Monday December 17, 1923, at or about the hour of noon at the Court House door in Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the lands and chat tels In said deed of trust conveyed and therein described as follows: First Tract: Known as the "Old Merrit Homee Place", adjoining Fos ter land. Dement, Mrs. Purnell, T. H. Inscoe and Mrs. Strother, bounded on the North by the Foster land, on the East by- Francis Merritt and Mrs. Dink Pernell, on the South by Wm. Pearce and on the West by Home tract the dividing line between this tract to be North and South Bo as to leave one hundred and sixty acres herein conveyed to constitute the Home tract of Bald C. S. Merritt and the same Is expressly excepted from this convey ance, and same Is to be thirty-flve acres, The home place being devised to C. 8. Merritt by Morris Merritt. Second Tract: Known as the Pearce Tract, bounded as follows; beginning . at a stake near a pine and cedar on V old road. T. H. Inscoe's corner; thence i a 1 1-2 w 117 poles 9 links to two pines T. H. Inscoes corner; thence n 76 1-2 w 60 poles 10 links to a rock, corner of No. 2 in Inscoes line; thence N 1 1-2 E 100 poles 17 links to a rock on the '*'? old road, corner for no. 2 in Mer Y rltts line; thence along old road an Easterly direction to the beginning; j containing forty acres more or less, known as the Person or Pearce place, >'.* conveyed to C. S. Merritt by deed of 5y. E. M. Merritt. dated Feb. 18. 1809, recorded in Book 170, Page 10. Third tract: The Blckett-Kelly tract, situate In Sandy Creek Town ' j ship, bounded as follows: beginning at a stake corner for lots nos. 1 and 2, of the land formerly owned by T. W. " Blckett In Q. W. Fords line; thence V, S 78 16 E 11.78ch to a stake and pointer*; thence S 60' 45 E 20.90ch to stake and pointers, corner for said no. 2 and lot told Jas. Williams in Ford's Una; thence 8 19.40 W e.lOchs to a v big dead pine at edge of woods, Jas. ? Williams line; thence 8 10.40 E 34.10 *,?" cha to willow on Richland 9reek; *' f thence QP Richland Creak with the various coaraaa 19.60 cha to ataka and poUtera, corner tor No. 1 in Cottrell 4 ltna; thence N ?*16 W 69.12ch to the ?.j? point of beginning, coatatnlg 184.9 ? *cr?a, baing that tract conveyed to a - 8. fttarltt by T. W. Btckett and wife by <iefc0 flfted Jan. 17, 191?, and recorded jn Registry of ^Franklin County Also the following described par - sonal prcr-e ty: One black horse mule 6 years o:u named Tom, 1 black mare mule 11 years old named Queen, 1 black mare mule 8 years old, named Mag. 1 two horse Chattanooga wagon j and double harness, 1 horse Chatta- ; nooga wagon and set harness and all (arming utensils and tools. Tbts November 16, 1923. Wm. H. Ruffin, 11-16-ot Trustee COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LOUIS BURO LANDS Under and by yirtue o( the order o( the Superior Court o( Franklin Coun ty dated Not. 2, 1923, made In that special proceedings entitled J. J. Mur ray and C. B. Brantley, administra tors o( J. C. Brantley, deceased, ys. Mrs. Mavis Brantley, wodow o(, and C. , E. Brantley, et al, heirs at law, the undersigned will on MONDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1923, at about the hour o( noon at the Court House door in Loulsbnrg, N. C. offer (or sale at public auction to the high est bidders (or cash the (ollowlng de scribed tracts o f land situate in Frank liri County, N. C., and more particu larly defined as tollowa: FIRST TRACT? The lands lying on the Louieburg Rjad bounded, accord ing to said surrey as follows: Be ginning at a stake, Ransom Dodd's corner on said road, thence N 3 45 E 13.44 chains to a stake; thence N 87 30 W 8.E2 chains; thence 8 230 W 1.61 chains to ? stake; thence N 87 30 W 26.16 chains to a stake. Ransom Dodds corner; thence N 3 30 E 11.44 chains to a stake, corner (or Lot No. Z of Doner; thence 8 87 30 E 13. chains to a stake, corner (or said dower lot; thence N 3 30 E 8 chains to a stake, tho corner (or said dower lot; thence 8 87 30 E 16.34 chains to a stake; thence N 8 E 3 chains to a stake in Henry Jones line; thence 8 83 E 7.1ft chains to a stake, corner for Henry Jonea and the Dower lot No. 1; thence 8 87 E 6.44 chains to a stake on the road, corner for Dower lot No. 1 on said road; thanes along said road N 26 E 2.26 chains to a stake lu said road; thence N K V 1 chain to n stake; thence N It E 6.30 chains to a stake; thence 8 87 E 6.44 chains to a stake corner for said DowM lot No. 1 In Baldy Rice's line; thence 8 3 46 W 41 47 chains to a stake; thence N 84 W It. 50 chains to the point of begin ning, containing 110 acres, more or less, by surrey of Pittman Stell, Sur veyor, Nov. 16, 1922. Bnt from this Tract there was sold under a Mortgage made by said Intes tate, dsted Jul. 1, 1922, Mid recorded In Book 24$, page 629,-> Franklin Reg istry, to Spring Hops Mfcply Co., 41.60 acres which Is not In said mort gage described by mete* and bounds but which Is correctly defined by met es and bounds as follows; reference *? * ? ' ' leaae ioaee to burg road said Ransom Dodd'fl cor ner; thence with his line N 87 1-2 W 148 poles to a stake; thence N 2 3-4 E 45 1-2 poles to a stake; thence S 87 1-2 E 148 poles to a stake, W. H. Brantley's corner; thence with his line S 2 1-4 W 45 1-2 poles to the be ginning, containing 42 1-2 acres, more or less." And therefore there is now left available for sale in this proceedings I only 67 1-2 acres, more or leas in said | tract. SECOND TRACT ? Situate on Crook ed Creek and bounded as follows: Be ginning at a stake, corner thence N 6 E 27.80 chains to a stake and stump; thence N 44 W 1.25 chains to a Holly; thence N 76 W 77-100 chains to a stake; thence N 85 E 2.20 chains to a stake; thence N 75 3.50 chains to a stake; thence N 35 E 2.20 chains to a stake; thence N 40 E 1.80 chains to a stake; thence N 82 E 1.20 chains to a stake on Crooked Creek; thence cross ing said creek S 16 E 30.12 chains to a stake; tlience S 70 30 W 19 chains to the point of beginning, containing 35 1-2 acres, more or less. And also the reversion III' Dower of Mrs. Mavis Brantley, here-to-fore al lotted, which is bounded as described as follows: Lot No. 2 ? Beginning at a stake and pointers in the Dodd line, corner of William Evans; thence along the Dodd line 8 3 1-2 W 8 chains to a stake in said Dodd's line; thenoe 8 86 1-2 E 13.66 chains to a stake In a drain; thence N 3 1-2 E 8 chains to a stake in William Evans' line; thence along said EJvsns' line N 86 1-2 W 13.66 chains to the beginning, contain ing 11 acres, more or less, including the dwelling house known as the Ed. Holland Place and other buildings and Improvements thereon, and remainder of which after the life estate or dower of Mrs. Mavis Brantley expires Is of fered for sale. V This Nov. 2, 1923. ll-2-5t WM. H. RUFFIN. Com'r. PIOS 18 PIG8 I have them at 15 00 eacht Nice home raised pigs 8 and 9 weeks old. Bring your box or bag to L>onMbnrg Saturday, Nov. 17th and get them. 11-16-lt F. B. McKlNNB. Subscribe to The Franklin Times To Stop ?'.Cough Quick . Uka* HAYES* HEAlJNG HONEY. >1 * *' HAfl should I ofH of > chest HAYES" I NOTICE or SALE OP VALUABLE LAND UNDER AUTHORITY OP DEED OP TRUST By virtue of authority contained la a certain Deed of Trust executed to the undersigned trustee by Lee In scoe and wife Carrie Inscoe on the 7th day o( March. 1981, to secure certain Indebtedness therein describ ed, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured. The undersigned trustee will on WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1923 between the hours of 12 Noon and 1 P. M. at the courthouse door In Louie burg. Franklin County, N. C. otter, tor sale, and sell to the highest bid der (or cash the following described real est:.te situated in Cypress Creek township and more particularly de scribed as follows: One tract ot land In Cypress Creek township, Franklin County, N. C., bounded as follows: On the north by the lands of BUlle Bowden, on the east by the lands of Sallie Holllngs worth. on the south by the lands ot W. A. Mitchell and Pearl Holllngs worth, on the west by the lands ot Frank Hbllingsworth containing thlr ty-three (33) acres more or less and known as the Carrie Inscoe share of the late John Hollingsworth estate. One other tract of land In Cypress Creek township. Franklin County, N C. bounded as follows: On the north by the lands of Carrie Inscoe, on the east by the lands ot W. A. Mitche'J, on the west by the lands of J. E. Wil der, on the south by the lands of W. A. Mitchell and being known as the land of Pearl Hblllngsworth and be ing part ot the late John Hollings worth estate, containing fourteen (14) acres more or less. This the 29th day of Oct.. 1923. ll-2-4t C. C. MARTIN, Trustee. SALE OF STORE AND DWELLING IN YOUNGS VILLE, N. C. Under and by virtue of a decree of sale made by the Superior Court of Franklin County. In that special pro ceedings entitled H. B. Hatch, Admin istrator of P. R. Hitch, deceased, vs Mrs. L. Rookh Hatch, widow of J. F Hatch, et al, heirs at law of said P. R. Hatch, the undersigned commis sioner will on MONDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1923 at about two-thirty o'clock P. M. on the premises in the town of Youngs* vllle, N. C., offer for sale at publto auction to the highest bidder the fol lowing described buildings and lots: (a). A lot and dwelling situate on the E side of Cross Street, being that St. over which the Raleigh road leads to Wake Forest, bounded as follows: On the N by the lot of E. L. Winston, on the E by the lands of Mrs. L. Rookh Hatch, on the S by the lot of C. E. Mitchell, and on the W by the aforesaid Street, containing a one story dwelling house. (b). A store house and lot. frame building situate on the N side on Main St.. adjoining Perry Patterson, et al. Terms of Sale: Cash upon the con flrmation of the bids, or upon Jan. 1, 1924, at the option of the purchasers This Nov. 2, 1923. WM. H. RUFFIN, ll-2-5t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of terms and provisions contained in that Deed of Trust, executed on the 21st day of April, 1920, by J. D. Hines to S C. Holden, Trustee, which Is duly regis tered in book 236 at page 567, office of Register of Deeds of Franklin Coun ty. Default having been made in the payment of the notes thereby secured and demand made upon me to fore close, I, S. C. Holden, Trustee, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door of Franklin County, on MONDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1923 at about the hour of noon that-eertaln lot or parcel of land lying on the North side1 of Franklin Street In the Town of Louisburg, North Carolina, bounded "as follows:' On the East by the Strother lot now owned by C. T. 8tokes, on the South by Franklin Street, on the West by the lands of E. Odom, dee'd., and on the North by the lands of L. J. Pernell, formerly owned by 8. C. Holden, and being the lot on which there 1* a large Oarage building. This the 80th day of Oct., 1S23. 11-2-Bt 8. C. HOLDEN. Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the 8uperlor Court of Franklin county made In the special proceeding enti tled, Joe West, Executor, vs. Emllle West and others, the undersigns* Commissioner will on MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1938 at about the hour of noon at the court house door of Franklin County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of parcel of land situate in Gold Mine township, Franklin County, North Carolina, bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of Arch Gupton, on the East by the lands of John Burnette, on the South by the lands of Dr. Buck Williams, on the West by the lands of Henry Alston and T. E. Hagwood, containing <5 acres more or lesa, but there Is excepted and will be reserved the home house and out buildings and ten acres of land nround said home house for and during tin life of Emilia West, wid ow, but at her death the same to pass to purchaser. This October 80, 1988. BEN T. HOLDEN. ' ll-2-5t Commissioner. A Lady la Chicago Telegraph* for Hat-Rasp Read Mrs. Phillips' wire: "Youell'a Exterminator Co., Westfleld, N. J. Rush $8 worth of RAT-SNAP." Latei ree'd following letttfh" "RAT-8NAP arrived. It rid our house of rata In no time. Just moved hare from Pa., where I need RAT-SNAP with great results." Three sizes, 815c, ?5c, 8125.! Sold and guaranteed by CASH OROC ERY AND MARKET. Adv. ' ' * FOR PI ROT CLJUM JOB PRINTING ? ~ PHONB m t? ll . A. Tonkel's LOUISBURG'S NEWEST STORE The Store of Better Values Just returned from New York, and new goods arriving daily, and we offer special prices on the entire new fall stock. Ladies Coat Suits, One Piece Dresses and Coats, prices ranging from $4.95 up Men's, Women's and Childrens Shoes and Oxfords at SPECIAL PRICES Our Dry Goods Department is complete and we offer BIO BARGAINS Men's and Boys' Clothing and Overcoats GREATLY REDUCED You will find our Millinery Department in the latest fashions and Lowest Prices A. Tonkel Next Door to H. C. Taylor's Hardware Store Louisburg, .. : 1 N. C. THE CONVENIENT BANK Right, in the Heart of Louisburg, juat across Main Street from the Court House - B ing us your tobacco and cotton checks for cash or deposit, and make drafts through this bank for $60 per ba'o cotton advance. Call on us for any kind of banking Mrvtoe. Make the Fanners National YOUR Bank, you will lika it. Our customers have always been able to g*t at. jommodations here just when need ed, and if you hava not been banking with us, give us a chance to talk it over. We are prepared to render good service in any department of banking. Farmers National Bank ?i . J. M. Allen, President T. H. Dickens, V-Pref. H. M. S to vail, Cashier E. M. Parhaaa, Asst. Cashier Under U. S. Government Supervision ~ { ^ MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE V Louisburg, H. 0.

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