?ALB or LAND Blilf a iid Y trine of the power and tatkority contained In tkat deed of trut omuM by H. L Mitchell end wife to the undersigned Trustee and My registered In Book 234 at pace U Office of R?(l>ter of Deeds for FYaaklin coumy, default having been made In the payment of the Indebted Mae thereby secured and demand made upon me to foreclose as therein provided, I will sell at pnbllc auc tion to t?e highest bidder tor cash ?n Tuesday, the 20th day of November, 1923. at or about the hour of noon, at the Court house door of Franklin County, the following described real estate situate in Dunn's Township, Franklin County, N. C. 1st Tract: Farms Nob. 16, 17 and 18 as contained and described in a map or plat duly registered in the Of fice of Register of Deeds for Frank lin County, in Bo*>k 192 at page 622, to which reference is hereby made lor full and complete description, but there has been cut off said farms and conveyed and the same are hereby excepted a lot on the corner of Je wltt Ave and Vance Street sold to K. B. White by deed recorded in Book 211 page 323 Franklin County Regis [try. reference to which la hereby made. 2nd Tract. Situate In the Town of Bun* and comprising lota No*. 38 and 39 In block C of the surrey mads for or by the North State Development Company, which two lota front 25 feet each on the Waat aide of Main Street and run back with Montgom ery Ave South side 150 feet to an alley, and being the same lota conveyed to R. I. Mitchell by B. a Sykea and wife on the flrat day of November, 1918 by deed duly registered In Book 194 page 493 In Franklin County Registry, to which record and conveyance refer ence Is hereby mada tor full and com plete description. This the 17 day of October, 1923 Ben T. Holden, 10-19-6t Trustee. FOR SALE We have listed for sale several val uable farms, amoug which are (1) about 84 acres Cedar Rock T. S. known as Cooke land, on State highway; (2) about 135 acres Hayesvllle T. S. known as part of Whitaker lands. For prices and terms, see FRANKLIN INS. & REALTY CO. (Over First National Ilank) LOW PRICES ON HEATING STOVES, ALL KINDS COOKING STOVES, RANGES BUGGIES AND HARNESS RUBBER AND STEEL TIRED ROAD CARTS AT COST GVNS RIFLES GUN SHELLS BUILDING MATERIAL AND PAINTS A store full of good Hardware H. O. IAVLOR Hardware We Put Rubber Tiires on Buggy Wheels THIS IS A PERSONIAL LETTER TO EYERY PERSON IB FRANKLIN COUNTY, FROM L. E. Sconh g 0. L. Ajesek K. S. CUfWa, Jr. We want every person In Franklin County to visit Scoggin's Drug Store, recently remodeled and made the prettiest business house In the county. We want you to Inspect our new beautiful and perfect ly sanitary Soda Fountain recently Installed In Scoggin's Drag Store. It is constructed so you can see your drinks prepared. Mr. M S. Clifton, Jr., Is in charge at this fountain, he is the most effic ient of any in the State. Buy your fountain drinks from him and you will be amazed to see how quickly, perfectly and politely he will serve you. We want every person in Franklin AJounty to buy their Turnip Seed at Pcoggln's Drug Store. Our Mr. G. L. Aycock Is still with us to sell you just what you want, he has selected, bought and sold you seeds for 30 year a, and have just what you want now. We want every person in Franklin County to trade at Scoggln's Drug Store tor we have everything usually kept In an up-to-date drug store. We especially ask that you let us fill your prescrip tions, bring them to us or hace your physician leave them with us. Messrs. L. E. Scoggin and G. L. Aycocke, the old reliable prescrip tion fillers, will give them our careful attention and will make our prices correct and satisfactory. We thank you for past favors and hope you all will come to see us soon. Respectfully, Scoggtn Drug Store 0. L. AYCOCK, MAURICE CLIFTON, JIL, L. E. SCOGGIN Personal: I am the only Aycock in the drug business in Louis burg and am at Scoggins Drug Store; when you want Aycock to handle your business bring or send it to me at Scoggins Drug Store and oblige. Your old friend. QPL AYCOCK. SPECIALS FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS Cotton blankets We Bloomer Sateen 8o? Heavy comfort* $2.18 All silk pongee 88* Yard-wide outing 2Se Ladlaasle cloth 30* Outing Gowns <1.00 Wool finish hose 2Jc Beautiful dress patterns In chiffon velvet, velveteen, dnvetjn, moral, brocaded crepe, crepe tat In, canton crepe, all wool crepe, ?Ilk and wool crepe, charmeuse. duchess satin, polret twill, broad cloth, flannel, serge, etc. -ix > ? nw wnm brush wool sweaters ' - ? .. NEW LIKE COLORS IN 8CBATUB FABRICS t v-.'tc, fj&y* . f- " ^^BBnri"mti ft iiV -Tr ? 'h * SHOP Mm. J. A. Turner, Mgr. LouWmr*. H. O. Don't let i : ru.: ? that coLT*rh IT iv .iv prow ;vtc n c\ T"??Tic *]. ?*- r ? ! f* :? it ?? ?" \* ?* i ? ? V. IV :i*v~ r ) oiu . J st ? n ?. t - . - . r