THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. K, JVBNHON, Editor and Msaager ? TAE DROPS? ? Look out for Christmas. It will soon be here. ? ? ? The weather moderated quite a bit Wednesday. 1 ? ? ? ? Cotton sold for 32 cents a pound In Loulsburg yesterday. ? ? ? And gaBollne has dropped to 20 cents a gallon In Loulsburg. ? ? ? Great preparations for cold weath er *-1- 'tun matla U*f ri at ? ? ^ ? Quite a good number attended Armistice day In Loulsburg Monday. ? ? ? MIbs Marguerlta' Harris has taken a position with the Farmers and M,r chants Bank. ? ? ? Mr. B. W. Ballard, of Frankllnton Is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Yar borough this week. ? ? ? His many friends were glad to tee Mr. D. G. Pearce on our streets Mon day looking go well . ? ? ? Mr. W. J. Wood, an old Confeder ate veteran died at the county hom$ on Tuesday morning. ? ? ? It will be delightful news to many of our readers to know that Mrs. B. W. Ballard Is Improving satisfactory. ? ? ? Only small crowds have been in attendance upon Court here this week No Important cases have been up for hearing. ? ? ? Quite a number of people from Loulsburg attended the funeral ser vices of Mrs. S. C. Vann in Frank llnton Sundnay. ? ? ? Mr. Burt Strickland has taken I MaJ. J. B. Thomas' place as buyer on the local tobacco market, during the illness of MaJ. Thomas. e ? ? Deputy Sheriff Lancaster says there were only eight persons Includ ing Judge and Attorneys In the court room Tuesday when court was open ed. ? ? ?Mr. D. N. Bonn has opened a grocery and general merchandising business in the new store recently completed by Mr. J. S. Howell on the South side of the river. Read his an nouncemeut In another column. ? ? ? The family of Mr. J. S. Howell wishes us (o slate that the Informa tion to the effect that Mr. Howell was trying to catch the running board of Mr. Brown's car when he was struck breaking his leg. given us last week by Bome of the workmen on the build ing, was a mistake and that to the contrary Mr. Howell was trying to es cape from the car. The TIMES man not being an eye witness had to rely on the besj. Information he could get, and as Mr. Howell was In Kalelgn ho could not be consulted about the cir cumstances. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE On Friday November 30th, 1923, 1 will sell at Raynor at public auction for cash, one Ford touring car, form erly belonging to Richard Perry. The Bale Is made to satisfy a title retain ing not that has been allowed to be come past due and defaulted. J. W. Corde. ll-9-3t MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED farm lands. 6 per cent Interest. No commission, no bonus. May run for 33 years or ba paid off at option of borrower. Only a short tlms re quired to get the money. 7-14-tf S. A. NEWELL. FOR SALE One Wltte engine drag saw for cut ting off logs, wlfl sell cheap. Apply to W. J. MACON, 11-16-lt R. No. 6, Louisburg, N. C. AUCTION SALE On Saturday. December 1st, 1923, at 11 o'clock a. m. at the residence In Youngsvtlle township, we will offer for sale all the household and kitch en furniture, farming implements, stock, teed, etc. belonging to the late J. B. Allen. Term* ft. sale ? Cash. This Nov. 14th, 1923. B. O. ALLEN, ll-16-3t H. W. ALLEN. COTTON SEED FOR PLANTING 150 bushels first picking. No sign of boll weevil or red spider, 12 acres yielded 12 bales, $1.00 per bnshel. H. H. HOBGOOD, ll-16-3t Maplevllle, N. C. FARM FOR RENT A good two horse farm, adapted to cotton and corn, for rent 1924. Apply to R. H. UTLEY, 11-16-4 t Frankltnton, N. C. Better bulls and better feeding are the two main needs of the dairy in dustry In North Carolina, was the verdict of the livestock men at Hick ory last week. YOUR BODY NEEDS STRENGTH OF IRON THIRTY years ago physicians began to prescribe Guile's Pepto-Mangy..i because it pro vided a form oi iron which was easily digested a: J did not affect the teeth. Now is the season when you especially need it. Your drug gist has it, in. bo*, h liquid and tablets. Free Trial Tablets ?slue of Code's P< pto-Msngsn. writ? today for genercu* Trial Package of Tablet*. Send no money ? ju. t name and address to Id. J. Breltenbach Co., 63 Warren St., N. Y. Glide's pepto-^an^an Tonic and Blood Enricher MOTAGAGEES' SALE OF LAND Under and by vlrture of tho power contained In that certain mortgage deed executed on the 27th day of Feb ruary, 1923, by R. M. Carlyle and wife to J. H. Massey and wife, recorded In Book 254 Page 110, Registry of Frank lin County, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness secured thereby, we, the undersigned mortgagees, will at or about the hour of noon on Monday the 10th day of December. 1923, offer for sale at pub He auction to the highest bidder tor cash at the Courthouse door In Louls burg, N. C., that certain piece or tract of land lying and being In Frank Iln County. State aforesaid, in Dunn Township, and described and defined as follows ,to-wlt: Beginning at a stake In Wolf Arbor Branch, Mrs. June Massey's corner; thence Westward with Mrs. June Mas sey's line to a stake in Branch; thence down said Branch to E. D. Harris line; thence with his line to a Sweet Gum in Turkey Creek. W. E. Ander son's corner; thence up said Turkey Creek to the mouth of Wolf Arbor Branch; thence up said Branch to the beginning containing 13 1-2 acres, more or less, and known se the Etlca Lewis home i.ace. This the 8th day of Nov., 1923 J. H. MASSEY. POLLtS MASSEY. ll-16-4t Mortgagees. FOR SALE Vacant lot Corner of Nash and Elm Streets, a desirable residence loca tion. Mrs. Wlngate Underhlll, 11-16-lt Lonlsburg, N. C. FouivDoor Sedan Interior Features A cozy, attractive interior has been achieved in the Ford Four -Door Sedan. Broadcloth upholstery, soft brown with a slighdy darker Btripe, harmonizes with the lighter shade in the head lining. Silk poplin shades are provided. Ornamental interior fittings including door handles, dome light base, window regulators and shade mountings are finished in nickel. Doors are made of one solid sheet of heavy aluminum, very light and strong. Copper covered rubber door bumper prevents rattling. A water tight windshield, easy and positive to adjust, cowl ventilator, and visor are other much appreciated improvements. ?685 r.aa. dhtrott Tilt car cm k itFvrdwZtl v 9W? V/??. LOUISBURG MOTOR CO. CARJ - TRUCKS ? TRACTORS fl ?* ?' The Prices Are Right \ The Values Are Right You Arc Right When You Trade at KLINE'S SERGE DEESSES $4 98 Fine quality serge in Navy anil Brown, made in newest styls beaded ?and silk stitched effect, some have belts of same material, all sizes, worth up to $10.00. POIRET TWILL DRESSES $9.95 Direct from New York's leading manufacturers, all wool poiret twill dresses in Navy and Taupe, excel lent quality, sizes 16 to 44, latest styles including lace trimmed, wide flare sleeves, sleeves and collars t-.imniad vith black bra1 1. some lf>ncy embroidered, thrn dresses r.t<- worth up to $20.00, to go whi'e t.iey last at $9.95. ALL WOOL VELOUE, COATS FOR MISSES AND WOMEN $9.95 Newest style all wool heavy Velour in Brown and Taupe, made with belt all around trimmed with but tons, regular $15.00 coats to go while they last for this is an excep tional value. HUMMING BIRD SILK HOSE $1.50 A remarkable quality silk Hose made in season's newest shades, any wanted shade can be had in any size. See our Window Display for remarkable durability of Humming Bird Silk Hose / One Silk Stocking Holding up Heavy Rock Free to any one guessing nearest weight of Rock, a pair of Humming Bird Hose. A guess with each purchase of a pair of Humming Bird Hose. L. Kline & Company l Louisburg's Biggest and Best Department Store LOUISBURG, N. C. The QiiIiUii r hat (k>cs not Affect 1 Because of It* to TIVE BStOMO QU . by anyone without cauiLkrf nerrouinesa or rintftag is the hoed. E.VCCRovE'5 tlftaatuxc on box. 30c. 1 TO TOWN TAX PAYERS I hereby notify all tax payers of the Town of Loulsburg that the 1923 tax books have been turned over to me for collection. Ab these taxes are due the first of October you will be expected to make settlement at once. Attend to this Important matter now and save costs and embarrassment. D. C. HIGH, ll-9-3t Tax Collector. TAKEN UP A small red sow pig weighing about 30 pounds. Owner can get same by paying for this advertisement and ex penses. J. O. WILSON, ll-9-2t R 1, Maplevllle JJ. C. b7 rid of thatTche If you are a sufferer with lams back, backache, dizziness, nervous ness and kidney disorders, why don't you try the remedy that your own neighbors recommend? Ask your neighbor? Mrs. D. C. High, Nash St., Louls burg, says: "I was nearly down with my back and at times I could hardly get around my back pained so. I read about the good Doan's Kidney Pills were doing for others, ?o I procured a supply at Scog gin's Drug Store. About six boxes of | Dean's cured me and my back has never felt lame slnoe. I can recom mend Doan's highly." The above statement was given Jane 14, 1918, and on Doc. 17, 1911, Mrs. High added : "Whenever 1 have the least sign of kidney disorder I resort to Doan a Kidney Pills sad always with the same benefit I gladly confirm my former state ment." Prloe fOc. st all dealers. Don't ?Imply ask for a kidney remedy ? get Doan's Kidney Pills ? the same that Mrs. High had. Foster-MUburn Go, Mfrs., Buffalo, N. T. "Ta TONIC Grove's Tasteless chill Toole restores Energy aiVl Vltallt/ by Purifying and Enriching fbe Bloo A. When yoa feel Its mrrndtbenlHtt. Inylftnratlng effect, see how It brings ooLAo the cheeks and how It ajwm Ule appetite. yw> will th?B sppreclste \\J tine tonic value. Grave's .\ chili Tonlo Is limply Iron sad QAlnine \uapended In iynip. So i? children like it The bleed NINE toVurify It and IRON to tnncn ml Miuojiiyiaitnai germs Grip gs/ins by Its SUpngthenhi New Grocery I wish to announce to the people of Louisburg and Franklin County that I have opened an Up-to-date Grocery Business in the new store of Mr. J. S. Howell in front of Allen's Garage, where I will have a full line of Henrx'nnd Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes, etc. at all times. I will appreciate your patronage. My Motto will be Quick Sales and Small Profits. Come to see me and make my store headquarters when in town. D. N. BUNN Notice of Sale of Land In The Town Of I.oolsbii ,-<f, N. C. For Delinquent raring AsMKKinents At or about the hour of Noon at the Court House Dcor In Loulsburg, N. C. on Monday, November the 5th, 1923 I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, pursuant to the Laws of North Carolina and especially the Public Laws of 1915, Chapter 56, section 10 and acts amen datory thereto, all lands In the Town of Loulsburg, N. C. on which paring assessments for the years, 1920, 1921 and 1922 and prior thereto remain due, with Costs ad<l?'l as provided by law, described as follows: J. M. and W. H. Allen, Mill prop erty. So side river 1,4(7.19 St. Matthias Church (colored) Main St So side river M.S4 J. A. Turner Estate Middle St 139.20 This October 5, 1923. D. C. HIGH. Tax Collector. 10-B-6t J. 3. BARROW, Clerk. The above sales were continued to Monday, December 3rd, 1922 at about noon. This- Nov. 5, 1923 . D. a HIGH, Tax Collector. J. J. BARROW. Clerk. ll-?-? for rntfr class job printing PHON? m NOTICE | Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of W. H. Perdue, de ceased, late of Franklin County, no tice Is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of November, 1924, or this notice will be plead tn bar ot their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will pleas* come ward and make Immediate settlement. This Nov. 8th, 1923. U-9-et J. L. COLLIER, Admr. NOTIOB Having qualified as Administratrix ot the estate ot C. B. Weathers, de ceased. late of Franklin County, no tice 1s hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned am or before the 9th day ot November, 1MM, or this notice will be plead fa bar M their recovery. All |H? lllrttll to said estate will pleaae tow for ward and make Immediate settMrnt This Not. 8th, 1928. U-Mt VIRGINIA WRATOTR8,

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