I hnyf a full line of the best shoes to be had at most reasonable prlceB. Can fit any member of your family, with either work or dress shoes. Come nnd look them oier. VVe will b? glad to till yonr orders for Groceries. We always liure a f'lll and fresh supply and our prices are right. Conip to see us when In Loulsburg. A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. SERVICE SERVICE That Is my motto. SERVICE FIBE AND LIFE INSURANCE b_ pleasant every morning until eleven o'clock, and the rest of the day will take care of Itself. Place your Fire and Life Insurance with this Agency, and I will take care of YOUR INSURANCE TROUBLES FOR YOU. This Agency Is the OLDEST IN FRANKLIN COUNTY. T. W. WATSON, AGENT When you think of INSURANCE, think of W? A? T? S? 0? N Try F. R. Pleasants For / Pure Drugs Properly and Carefully Compounded Oldest Drug Store In Town We Can Save You Money F. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222 J. LOUISBURG, N. 0. Everything for the Living Room The year's most popular designs, both perid and modern, are to ba seen in this present display of Living Room Furniture. And as usual, you will find our price a little lest than you would expect to pay. Everything to complete an Up-to-date Undertaking Department. W. E. White Furniture Co. WOOD DEPABTKEJT (Continued (1*910 Page Three) th? state has assumed a supervision which has stimulated within the lead ers la every county a desire to make of their advantages Among those du ties assumed may be mentioned ? Teacher training establishing of Nor mal schools for the eastern and west ern section; encouraging summer schools, giving credit and Increase In salary for attendance; assumed the certification of all techers, thereby relieving the ? County -Superintendent of many vexing problems; paying teachers according to the state salary schedule; encouraged and emphasized the Importance of rural education by consolidation of one or two teacher school; a rural and a high school In spector and a county wide plan of organization In every county. In ad dition to the above, the state has not been Idle remembering the physical condition of Its children since It has provided for Tonsil and Adenoid and Dental clinics which has a tendency to enlighten the people as to the neces sity of better teeth and as to the re tardation to growth ? both physical and mental caused by defective tonsils and abnormal adenoids. It would not be wise to fail to men tion that hand in hand with education the Bystem of better roads has meant a great deal as to the greater number of average dally attendance. When we come to consider what our county lias and is doing In mak ing the average dally attendance we must not overlook the fact that If we had not at the helm a wide awake and efficient Superintendent. our school system could hardly have reach ed what It has, for the response with which the Ideals of the state educators was met has borne results since du ring the past ten years, the average, dally attendance has doubted. Throujpfi the Superintendent, programs have been carried out with the assistant of the County Welfare Officer, Home Demonstration Agent, Moving Picture Shows at Schools, and Farm Demon stration Agent Which have enlight ened and Impressed upon the parents and children, the necessity of lending their assistant to tbeir own school. Among the thlRgs which the ad ministration of the encumbent Su perintendent has emphasized may be mentioned consolidation of schools as far as possible, better trained teach ers Assoelatloneorsdhilutawypfphyyy ers, county wide system or high school and transportation, Teacners meetings ? weekly and monthly. Parent Teach ers Association. Worn a-: s Betterment Association, longer school terms, at tractive school grounds, well equipped buildings, comfort of the teachers and pupils, cooperation of Board of Education. Superintendent, School Committee, faculty, parents and pupils. To the teachers of any county a great part of credit is and v.- 1 1 1 be due ? for with a well trained and equipped- faculty who have the fnterest of the school, community, social and religious activities and pupils fore most and teaching as a profession rather than a stepping stone, they will strive to carry out the above plans. But In ordeer for these people to be effective, the county has not been neglectful In providing a means of remunerating them ? since it provides for about 5-6 of the teachers salaries for 6 months school term and a build ing and Incidental fund and repayment of loans. The goal Is not yet reached and will not be In some time but as time progresses and men with foresight and best Interest of education fore most at the head of our adncit-onal system and competent teachers In tvery schcol, there will be grerc strides made In the next few years providing the financial status of the state remains as It has been in the T&st few years. LOCAL NEWS Misses Lucy Belle Denton and An nie G. Gupton and Messrs. George T. Denton and Sprulll Upchurch attend ed services In Baptist church, War renton, Sunday evening. Miss Eugenia Boone, Castalla, at tended Sunday school here Sunday. Mr. W. D. Fuller left Monday after noon for Norfolk, Va. It gives us great pleasure to state that Mr. Wiley Gupton is gradually Improving. ? Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Leonard and fam ily. Mrs. M. H. Gupton and Mr. Elijah Gupton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shearln and family, Rocky Mount, and Mr. Fernle Leonard who is a patient In Park View hospital there. Sunday MlBses Frye, Fogleman and Wood burn, Mr. and "lHrs. W. D. Fuller and family were Sunday afternoon guesta of Mrs. Dave Fuller, Moulton. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Gupton, White Level, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. J. Htimlett and family here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith spent Sun day with Mrs. J. C. Tharrlngton near Moulton. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Etenton and fam liy, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bellamy and family and Mr. Davis, Rocky Mount, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Benton and family. Mr. John F. Flow, Spring Hope, was a visitor here Saturday. Messrs. George Thomas Denton and Paul Galloway went to Littleton on business Saturday. Meaern P. O. and Raymond Sturgea went to Loulaburg on huaineaa Satur day. Mlaaea Annie O. Oupton and Lucy Belle Denton and Mesara. -- and rieacy Oupton attended the querade Party tn Gold-Sand ___ achool building Saturday evening. Mlaaea Woodburn. Frye and Fogl? man attended the teacher* meeting tn Loulabarg Saturday. lfoaara. W.-D. Pulley and J. P. Laoi Persistent Coughing ? waste* your strength, makes the delicate throat tissues raw ?%1> BUT YOt'K HEAVY AN 1> FANCY GROCERIES, NOTIONS, SHOES, ETC. FROM F. N. 8PIVEY. Rib side Meat 15c lb. Loose Lard 16c lb. Snowdrift Lard, 4 lb. buckct 78c ? 8 lb. bucket 11.48 Melrose Flour, 1-4 barrel $2.10 Pocahontas and Powhatan Flour, barrel $7.00 Red do? Daisy XX, per bag $2.50 Snuff 10 oz. gullets 50c ? 30c gullets 25c ? 15c gullets 13c Diamond Auto Casingc, 30 z 3 $6.90 Diamond Non Skid Casings, 30 x 3 1-2 $9.90 A few more bags of cotton seed meal, hulls and feed oat3. A MCE LIKE OF FRESH FBl'ITS AT ALL TIWES F. N. S P I V E Y NEAR THE BRIDGE Phone . 22 Louisburg, N. C. ?PROMPT DELIVERY? v $30.00 In Gold Free 1ST PRIZE? $20.00 IN GOLD 2ND PRIZE? $10.00 IN GOLD You Don't Have To Buy Anything : E tch person bringing a load of Tobacco or bale of Cotton to Louisburg, N. O. between onw and December 21st and presenting their sale ticket to U3 will be given a free ticket entitling him to a chance for tht? Gold. Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated ^ ' -tKvSgSj Lomaburf, R. 0. WUh oat t IMI loot] Hi?, eh*n*?i i. thw tor mton m ifc tow? ind U>* ramudtta 0% th? ntAmcuN rn?8