T-H* * UNI VERBAL CAR $295 F.Oi E. DETROIT Ford utility, durability, andeconomy are embodied to the kill in this new Fofd Touring Car. In addition, il ie-up-to-the minute in appearance. It is finished in an enduring black, rich and deep in lustre. A high radiator, enlarge^ hood, graceful ccrwl, slanting windshield and* streamline body are pleasing details that en hance its style. With this handsome ex terior, it combines every mechanical iea tore essen tial to open car utility. LOUISBURG MOTOR CO. CAILS ? TRUCKS ? TRACTORS New Groccry I wish to announce to the people of Lonisburg and Franklin County that I have opened an Up-to-date Grocery Business in the new store of Mr. J. S. Howell in front of Allen's Garage, where 1 will have a full line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes, etc. at all times. I will appreciate your patronage. My Motto will be Quick Sales and Small Profits. Come to see me and make my store headquarters when in town. D. N. BUNN Notice ?( Sale of Land In Tie Town (X Lonliburs, N. C. For Delinrjuent Taring Anm "smentx At or about li e boar o( Nooa at tlie Court House Door In Lormtmrg, N. C. on Monday, November tbe 5th, 1923 I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, pursuant to the Laws ot North Carolina and especially the Public Laws ot 1915, Chapter 66, section 10 and acts amen datory thereto, all lands in the Town of Loulsburg, N. C. on which paying assessments for the years, 1920, 1921 and 1922 and prior thereto remain due, with Costs added as provided by law, described as follows: J. M. and W. H. Allen, Mill prop erty 8o side river 1,467.19 St. Matthias Church (colored) Main Bt Bo side river 94.54 J. A. Turner Estate Middle St 139.20 This October 6, 1923. D. C. HIGH, tax Collector. 10-5-5t J. J. BARROW, Clefk. The above sales were continued to Monday, December 3rd, 1923 at about noon. This Nov. 6, 1923. D. C. HIGH, Tax Collector. t. J. BARROW, Clerk. ' ll-9-4t NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of W. H. Perdue, de ceaaed, late of Franklin County, no tice la hereby given all persona hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or betora the 9th day of November, 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted estate will please come for make Immediate settlement. Not. 8th, 1923. T . . COLiLIER, Admr. CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 283 THAT DULL ACHING Don't worry and complain about a bad back. Get rid of It! For weak kidneys, lame and achy backs, your neighbors recommend Doan's Kid ney Pills, Ask your neighbor! Mrs. C. G. Oakley, Louisburg, says: "My back gave me trouble and morn IngB there was a steady, dull misery through my kidneys, which bothered me more as the day wore on The dull pains across my back tired me out easily; it felt like a weight tied about my waist pulling me down. Nervous, dull headaches were com mon and when I straightened after stooping, dark specks appeared bo fore my eyes. On reading about Doan's Kidney Tills I decided to try them. The first box relieved me and I kept on with Do&n's until I was entirely rid of the trouble. I have had no return of it." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't ?imply ask for a kidney remedy ? get Doarf's Kidney Pills ? the same that Mrs. Oakley had. Foster-MUburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the "flNe of C. E. Weathers, de ceased, lUte of Franklin County, no tice is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of November, 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make immediate settlement. This Nov. 8th, 1923. ll-?-flt VIRGINIA WEATHERS, Administratrix. Subscribe to THE FRANKLIN TIMES $1.64 Per Year In Advance PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DB. J. HERBERT riTZl. fcRALD Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Will b? at Dr. H. H. Jwiuson's office lu Loulsburg every flrat Monday. En. jagements should be made us far In advance as possible. DB. B. V. YARBOBOlliH l'hj niclau and Surgeon Loulsburg, N. C. Office In Hlckett and Yarborougb Building Dfflce Phone 296 Residence Phone 18 S. AT WOOD NKWELL. ittorief-lULiw. Loulsburg, N. C. Phone No. 115 Dfflce in First National Bank Building General Practice UK. W. B. MORTON Eye Specialist Office la Hotel Bulldiug Loulsburg, North Carolina I wish to advise my patients and :he public generally that atter the 1st )t September my business will be on i Cash basis when work Is completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLKMIN3 S. P. BURT, X. D. Loulsburg, N. C. Offices over Scoggln's Drug Store. Sours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m? and 4 to > P. m. UK. W. B. BASS. Veterinarian Loulsburg, N. C. Offices and Hospital East Nash St. Phone Office 335-L Residence 335-J Special Attention to Small Animals. DR. D. t. SM1THW1CK. Dutlsb Loulsburg, K. C. Office in the First National Bonk Building ou Main and Nash StB. ?f. EL PERSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW i.orJaburg, North Carolina tiuc? in all courts. OtJlct- on &Lxw Street. 0. 31. BKAitf Atloriicj -:it-Laiv Offices over Post Office Practice in an courts. DR. J. 15. UAllS Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolluu Office Main Street A. TY Neal Building at River Bridge Telephone Connections 64 and 64-2 R. Hours: 8 to 11:30 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. A. B. White E. B. Malonc WHITE A SALONE LAWYERS Loulsburg, North Carolina Steneral practice, settlement ot si tes funds Invested. Ona member of : - "inn always In the office. DR. n. G. PEBBY Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 287: Night 287 DB. J. E. MALONE. Lonlsburc, North Carolina s?ee In Aycock Drug Store, Market street. Office Practice Uurgery and consultation. DB. H. B. JOHNSON Physician und Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina Office over Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 J. O. NEWELL, M. D. Loulsburg, N. ?? Office In First National Bank Building Day Phone 249 ? Night Phone 249-2 Wm. H. Ituffln, mos. W. Ruffln WW. H. & THOS. W. BIIFFIN Attorney s-ai-I.aw Louisbnrg, j North Carolina General practice, both civil and crim inal, In Franklin and adjoining coun ties, Supreme and Federal Courts. Offices In First National Bank Building. I WANT TO ANNOUNCE TO MY OLD CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS That I have taken over the manage ment ot the Stegall Bros. Barber Shop I shall see that you are treated with profound respect and that you get the best Barber work possible. Be fair with your good looks and let a Real Barber do your work. Yours to serfe. OSCAR T. STEGALL. LOTJISBURG REPAIR SHOP Julins Lehman. Proprietor Next door to J. ff. Perrj'x Store Shoes repaired while you wait. We make a specialty of repairing Ladles and Gents fine shoe*. AliTj WORK OTJAJlANTHSEn Any kind of Harness made tft order. Fan Belts and Pistol Holster* made to order. Ladles Shoes, Soles tewed on S5c pr,, Gents Shoes. Soles sewed on $1.00 pr. Harness Oil Just received a nice lot of Army Waterproof Horse Blankets, to be sold at halt price. ' L* Big lot of Buggy Plush Robes and Automobile Robes. Harnea of eTery description. ARMY & NAVTSTORE J. R. BILLER & CO. SHOES! SHOES! LADIES, MEN'S and BOYS Conic in to see us ami save the money we are giving away 011 these shoes. Specials for . FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MOJTDAY Heavy Fleered l.ineil I iiion Suits Trinntrle Soft nnd Still Collars .. lie only gl.39 Men's lllne Work Shirts. only 15c Men's nnd Boys' Suits nnd Overcoats Hoys KleeeeU I'ulon Suits 79c lielon Snle 1'rlces. ARMY & NAVY STORE J. R. BILLER & CO. Where you buy the Same For Less OPPOSITE POST o'ffTcE lOUISBURG, N. C. OPPOSITE ALL EN BROS. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue ot llie power conferred upon rut> in tin? deed of trust executed on the Mh ?!;;>- of No vember, 19lt>, by S. J. M.iuliews yi:d uife, recorded in Hook 224 (.ago 4U4, Registry of Franklin County, default having been made in the payment of lie indebtedness secured thereby and demand having been made upon me by the holder thereof, 1 will otter for [Sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door of Franklin County, in Louis burg, X. C. at about the hour of noun on MONDAY, the l?th day of DECEM BER, 1923, all that tract or parcel of land situate in Louicburg township, Franklin County, State of North Car olina, and described as tollows: Com prising the two tracts or parcels of land described as follows: 1st Tract. Lying on the Louisburg Warrenton road and adjoining the lands formerly owned by F. 11. Davis and J. H. Spencer and others and be ginning in the center of the Louis burg-Warreuton road, a Cedar on the East side o'f said road near a large stump; thence S S8 E 72 poles to a stake and pointers; thence N 1 1-2 E 83 poles to a stake in F. M. Davis old line; thence N S8 \V 4:; poles 9 links to the center of said road, Davis old corner; thence along the road 6 19 \V 62 poles, S 23 1-4 W 23 poles 10 links to the beginning, containing 30 acres. 2nd Tract. Lying just back of the foregoing and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake corner of the above described tract in the old Davis line; thence S 1 1-2 W 83 poles to a stake, corner of the above tract; thence S 88 E 105 poles to a Poplar, J. K. Spencer's old corner; thence N 1 E 83 poles to a stake and pointers in old L. H. Jones line; thence N 88 W 106 poles to the beginning, containing 54 3-4 acres, le3s the three acres con veyed of said tract to Boston Allen by deed March 23, 190 ? , and recorded in Book 132 at page 119, Registry of Deeds for Franklin County. The two tracts hereby conveyed aggregating 81 3-4 acres and being the identical land conveyed to S. J. Matthews by deed of J. L. Spencer and wife of this date. This the 14th day of Nov., 1923. li-16-Gt B. H. MALONE, Trustee. Weak Back * MA. Mildred Plpkta. of R. P. D. 8, Columbia, Tenn., **jk "My experience with CBrtM ba$ covered a number at fear*. Mkaateen years ago .. . got dowa with wnk back. I w* we-dowa and *o weak and aattow I had to stay In bed. I read of CARDUI Tie Woman's Tonic and am* tor It. I took only on t botta at that time, and It he! pad ?a; aapied to atraagthaa and htdid raa right lap. So that Is boar I flnt knew of CardKI. Mar Mt, . , . when I bran to gat weak tad 'ao aecotaf, I ant nghtj tor Cardui, and K never MM to help ma." I you are weak aad suffering fcoaa woaaaasdy ailments, Cardui M be Just what you need. TMn CdrdaaL M has h4f?d ft. isd ought to hatp | NOTICE I By virile of a Mortgage Deed held by :i5i- V. sii. h is long past due, and ; v. !;k !i is rviordccl in the Register of ! IVed.x o.'.lv- ci Franklin County in jl'oofc I'll) ut page 3S2, I will sell foi jca:*h nt public auction to the highest 1 hi. lor v.L the courthouse door in Louis N. C., on the 3rd day of De cember. 1923, at about the hour of Noon the following described tract of land: ISoumknl In* the lands of Cal lic Uowdvii, Charlie Wliel63s and oth ers the same being a part of the Hodge Coppedge land containing Twelve and one-half acres, default in payment has been maue and as the owner of the Mortgage Deed securing the amount Ion lied I will sell the said land as per. terms mentioned above ?, This October the 29th, 1923. 10-2-3t SIDNEY HARRIS, Mortgagee. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OP PER SONAL, PROPERTY The undersigned administrator of E. L. Pippin will offer for sale at pub lie auction to the highest bidder for cash at the late residence of the said E. L. i'ippin In old Bunn, Franklin County, N. C., on Saturday the 24th day of November, 1923, at ten o'clock A. M. the personal property belonging to tho estate of said decedent con sisting of household and kitchen fur niture, the remainder of the stock of general merchandise owned by tha decedent at the time of his death, one one-horse wagon and harness, farm ing implements of various kinds, etc. This October 25th, 1923. J. A. PIPPIN, Adm'r. of "ll-2-4t E. L. Pippin, deceased. THE FRANK LIT," TIMES Sl.Bu Per Year in Advance. See My Shoes And Save Money Be sure and look over my stock of Shoes before you buy. I am selling them very cheap and every pair is guaranteed to be as represented or your money back. . a I have a good lino of Hosiery, Overalls, Shirts and -ants and anything in groceries and feedstuffs you want. We have got a good tobacco market. I3ring your t )bacco to Louisburg and get the best prices and make my store headquarters while in town. Yours truiy, J. W. PERRY NASH STREET LO"ISBURG, N O. LAUNDRY ? CLEANING and PRESSING Don't forget we can wash your Old Quiets, Blankets, Rugs a .d Washable Druggets. All , vrk sent for and delivered in town. $ ? >, '*? "WE DYE TO LIVSHW \ V'.; , -x .. ||?| ? The Scrvicc Shop W. B. MUNFORD, Manager PHONE 106 I t t r LOHlSnTIBfl, N. C. "ALL WORK CASH ON DELIVERY"