W OOD DEPARTMENT WOO D News of Wood and but .roundin gcommunity. Edited by Wood Citizens CIVE US the news We are anxious to make this Wood Department a real live Interest to our community, so we need the help of all the community In securing the news that Is of Interest. So when you hare company, go any where, or know of any one else's visits or visitors, please tell us about it, or leave at Dr. Beam's office. You High School pupils and elemen tary school pupils we appreciate ar ticles and write-ups that you may be able to contribute and make this de partment interesting to the commu nity readers. ? ? HKBECCAS AM) CALVIN 8 IS SINGING CONTEST Rebeccas Victorious ? 1M Attended Sunday School ? Visitors E 11 j oj Be in* Willi U s ? Suggestions for Christ mas to Be Considered. "To be sure," it was a large audience that attended Sunday school last Sun day, but not as large a number as we expected. There were several visi tors present who gave us their word of honor that the sight of so many out to Sunday school was amazing to them and that they enjoyed every minute. "Didn't we tell you so?" "That the cow Jumped over the moon." Sure we did, but It was this time that v.e could have a real live, wide-awake, th while Sunday school if we ? '??> up, shook ourselves, rubbed our i put on our working clothes, roll <- our sleeves, put on our thinking ca; :d used our slogan, know you luv :./? gotten it "Don't Sit up and Sit But Git up and Git" "Yes, we have no bananas" but we have got n real sure enough Sunday school caused by the above slogan with thought and care of the efficient cooperatives of our community in the four, of officers and teachers and pu pils. but we certainly had to go to work and work we have and work we wist do from now on. When ever we le: up in our work there is a notice in the enthusiasm the following Sunday. How about it? Can't you tell the dif ference when you have not invited some one out to enjoy an hour on Sun <'ay morning? Just try it one time. Ask some one each day. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, Fri day, Saturday and Sunday morning to meet you at 10: SO at the church and see if you, yourself, do not feel bet ter. work better and have higher and more noble aspirations for your weeks toil. Nature has endoipec us with a wonderful nervous system ? perhaps wireless. It seems, whicn controls our well being ? physical ana mental ? and when outward manifestations present themselves we respond. So. now by asking, writing, boosting our Sunday school we expect nothing but results. We thank every one for what they have done and are doing to make our Sunday school "worth Its salt" and assure you we appreciate every effort on your part and ask you to continue, to put on a drive for a larg er average attendance between now and Christmas. Let's do It. We can with your help. SO ALL ABOARD! SO ALL ABOARD! for the grand wlndup of this year ? with what? a ChristmaB tree, you say? Well, what of It? Have you thought of it? You should and express your self. It may be the greatest thing we can do if we work it right or it will be a failure If we do not put forth an ex tra effort. 8o kindly be thinking over It and consider everything from every angle. Why can't we do It? We can If we want to and try hard enough. But we must begin now to make our collections better ? rather more each Sunday. Last Sunday tt was only |9.00. we should do better thso that. Put In a tenth. Now, can't yon Imag ine the smiles and delight Our child ren will have when their name* are called and they receive a nice large sack of goodies, toys, candles or what ever Is possible to give then? Don't you like to have your name called, march up and get a present or have It brought to you? To have your name called to know that you htve been thought of will produce a pleasant In ward feeling even If you try not to admit It. Now, how much mora pleas ure will our children receive when their names are called and they re ceive something. Try It and aee. In deed It will mean a great deal to Make Our Children Happy Make Our Children Happy Make Our Children Happy by remembering thefn fh some form or other Christmas, That this may be accomplished We must begin to open our hearts first; then untie our parse strings and ooatrlbate each and every Sunday freely, generously and gladly. WE CAN DO IT. Mat Sunday the Mar classes ware: 1. Attendance ? I?thfuls Who av eraged 8 present. Bright Jewels 2nd averaged 7 2S-M present. 2. Bible*? l?t Harpers, 1#0 per cent. 2nd Rebecca* ? per cent Collection? 1st Calvin ?8.0?. 2nd jtebeccae This Is tait fln?1 But can be re minded only by the Harpers, dene i folks and make 100 per cent In every department According to the depart' ment the Stars go In 1. Attendance ? to the Primary de partment. 2. Bibles ? to the Young Peoples department. 3. Prepared Lessons ? to the Inter mediate department. Rebeccas Win Out In Une-.p?cted Singing Contest "While the Secretary was preparing his report a contest in singing was sprung upon the audience between the Rebeccas and Calvins ? even they themselves did not recognize they were in a contest ? but they really opened their mouths, exerted their vo cal cords and rendered sotr.e soul stir- I ring music. It was so good to oee and hear these grand people sing. They lire great people r.nd we love every one of them and when they res pond who could help but feel that tho it may seem tbat the world is cold and cruel and the sunshines but sel dom in our hearts and lives life is worth living after all. We thank these people for what they mean to our community and Sunday school and wish that God's richest blessings rest- upon each of them. Now, don't forget Rebeccas and Calvins that you may be called upon again soon to have another try. In mentioning the singing we must not forget the Juniors, keep up their pace and wrare proud of them. We wish to call ypur attention to the report by classes and also by the departments. Please note any change and where you can help to make it better. Kindly note the expectations Sun day, Nov. 25 ? next Sunday, j 1. On time ? 10:30 exactly at. 2. 180 attendance. 3. 1-2 people with Bibles. 4. $12.00 collection. I 5. 90 per cent Prepared Lessons. 6. A grand hand-shake and good time for all. I A word about those visiting us Sun ;day. There were visitors from afar I who delighted us with their presence I ? but our hearts were made lighter ; and our spirits cheered by the pres i ence of some of our elderly people j who were with us for the first time, j particularly the father of one of our | most efficient and faithful co-workers. I Come again people. WTe are always I glad to welcome you., 1 Report by classes for Sunday. Nov. j 18th : j Calvin Class No. 1 ? Miss Pearl Gup ton teacher, present, scholars present ?80. absent 20,' visitors 2, collection $3.06, Bibles 9. i Rebecca Class No. 2 ? Mrs. Alex Wester teacher, present, scholars pres ent 18. absent 13, new scholars 1. vis itors 1, collection $1.0*?, Bibles 15. Albert Class No. II ? .Miss Wood burn teacher, present, scholars present 4, absent 4, collection 15c. Bibles 3. Harper Class No. 4 ? Miss Krye, tea cher present, scholars present 9, ab sent 9. collection 34c, Bibles 9. Raymond Class No. 5? R. O. Thomp son teacher, present, scholars present 10. absent 6, collection 3?c. Bibles 5. Dorcas Class No. 6 ? Miss Daisy Rail teacher present, scholars present 12. absent 8. visitors 2. collection 33c. Bibles 5. Willing Workers Class No. 7 ? Mrs. W. n F'.iHor t?nch^r i>r -??*ii|. scholars present 14, absent 7, visitors 1, col lection 42c. Bibles 6. - Faithful Class No. 8? Mrs. M. H. ^Guptnn teacher present, scholars pres 'ent 12, absent 2, visitors 2, collection 20c, Bibles 8. '? Bright Jewe.ls Class No. 9 ? Mrs. Morris Griffin teacher present, schol ars present 23, absent 5. collection 16c, visitors 1. i Sunshine Class No. 10 ? Miss Annie , Gupton teacher present, scholars pres ent 9, absent 4, collection 8c. General Report Qeneral officers ? No. enrolled 16, absent 1, present IB, on time 15. Bi bles 8, No. contributing 13, offering $2.78, prepared lessons 12. Adult Dept. (classes l and 2) ? No. enrolled 82, absent 33, present 48, on time 47, Bibles 24, No. contributing 37, offering $4.16, prepared lessons 24. Young People's Dept. (classes 3 and 4) ? No. enrolled 26, absent 13, pres ent 13, on time 13, Bibles 12, No. <f>n tiibutlng 18, offering 49c, prepared lessons 11. Intermediate Dept. (classes 5 and 6) ? No. enrolled 36, absent 14, pres ent 22, on time 22, Bibles 10. No. con tributing 21, offering 72c, prepared lessons 20. Junior Dept. (classes 7 and 8) ? No. enrolled 85, absent 9, present 26, on time 26, Bibles 14, No. contributing 22. offering 62c, prepared lessons 81. I Primary Dept. (class ?)? Nd. en rolled 18. absent 5, present ?8. on I time 82, No. contributing 12, offering 16c, prepared lessons 6. Beginners Dept. (class 10)? No. en rolled 18, absent ?, present t, on time 8, No. contributing 8. offering 8c, pre pared lessons 7. Total No. enrolled 284, absent 78, present 167, on time 164, Bibles 69, No. contrHrattng 126, offering |?.00, No. prepared lessons 101. Grand to tal present 164. Iter. A. ft. (nrpealn* Inrlted t? PrMril Thanksf-lila* Sermon Mr. A. N. Oorpenlni, ear former paator. but now of Frultland Institute Hendersonvllle. N. C.. has been Invit ed to preach In the Baptist church on Thanksgiving night. I ThU new* will be Joyfully received by this community. We feel oo nil dent that ha will accept the Invitation elnce he la scheduled to preach at Red Bod at I : SO p. In. of the aame day. farther announcement will be made Sunday at Sunday school. % ? e There Is a part of the top of the School woodhouae that need* repair. U would be a tood Idea if soma one volunteers to At it In order that the wood nay he kept dry, WOOD SCHOOL MAKES GOOD AVERAGE i'011 ssi> MONTH Mr. Best Givr* Pictures Mr. Elijah Guptun Irame*. We wish to thank Mr. E. L. Beat for pictures given to the school for the beautifying of the rooms. We want to thank Mr. Elijah Gupton for mak ing frames and giving for the pictures. The average attendance for the sec ond month of the school term which i*nded last Friday was 94. The pres ent enrollment Is 107. That la good attendance folks! beta keep It up Wood Elementary school perfect at tendance roll. 61. on list for laat week second grade still leading. 1st Orade ? Russel Raynor. Kusstl Leonard, L-. N- Benton, William John < ii, John LW.rr Jr., Tbotvii* Jones, Pauline Lewis. Evelyn Sturges, Pattle Jane King. Louctle Johnson.. 2nd Grade ? Llnwood Gupton, Paul Orlllln, Robert Griffin, Berton Bur nette, Roland Grey Gupton, Rufua Denton. Sidney Perry Hamlett, Jesse Johnson, Troy Wilder, Cleo Tucker, Betty Ruth Leonard, Ruby Leonard, Anna Mae Sturges, Mildred Johnson, Martha Lynn Denton, Rufcy (Lanier. 3rd Grade ? Vera Gupton. Ruby Lew 1b, Edna Lanier, Clolce Burnette, Ollle Marce Denton, Ned Gupton, Marshall Gupton, Monice Johnson, Preston King Cooper Leonard. 4th Grade ? Wllmer Gupton, Iris Gupton, Doris Wester, Ezra Denton, Edgar Fuller, Henry Alex Gupton, Hu bert Hamlett, Maurice Wester, Collie Thompson. 5th Grade ? Mabel Gupton. Leona Raynor. Mary Sturges, Freddie Thomp son, Vonnle Benton, Thomas Denton, Cllton Gupton, Garnold Leonard. 6th Grade ? Jettle Gupton, Reed Johnson, Norman Gupton, Freeland Green. 7th Grade ? Elizabeth KMlIer, Hattle Belle Gupton, Kenneth Ayscue, Dell Pearce. ? ? 30 ON GOLD-SAND HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROLL ? INCREASE OE 6 OVER LAST VTEEK Basket Ball Court Completed and Prac tlee Beifun Tuesday ? To Have Good Team ? Society Proving Beneficial. Thirty made the honor roll of Gold Sand high school showing an Increase over lust week of six. This is about the largest number on the honor roll at any time which goes to prove that interest and hard work Is being man ifested by the pupils. Interest In the Friday afternoon ex ercises increases each week. This society Is proving extremely Interest ins and beneficial to everyone pres ent. We are exceedingly glad to have such leaders who by their lives and willingness to work can Inspire 111 their pupils the desire to increase their knowledge and whet their Intel lectual powers in such a manner. The basket ball court was complet ed Monday. New baskets, balls and boards have been acquired r.nd every thing in readiness for practice which bpRan Tuesday. Those who reported i for practice showed that the& have knowledge of the game and that with the proper amount of training should gK'e any team of like standing a good snappy game from the very beginning Success to you Gold-Sand! Since the opening of our high school interest of the faculty, patrons and pupils has steadily grown. It gives us Indeed great pleasure to see that our people are giving the faculty their support. Lets all pull together for a larger and better high school each month, why not? 8th Grade ? -Beulah Burnette, Maur ice Bledsoe, Julia Brewer, Alice De prlest, George Fuller, David Fuller, Kirby Gupton, Annie aupton, Floyd Griffin, Etta Harris, Clement Harper, Maude Harris, Ada Harris, Nell Joy ner, Harold Garbee, Raymond Sturges, Annie Tharrlngton, Odell Thompson, Victor Joyner, Reuben Gupton. 9th Grade ? Ludle Bailey, Sue Bled soe, Mattle Dement, Austin Fuller, Irene Gupton, Fannie Gupton, Louise Parrlsh, Alta West, Marie Joyner. 10th Grade ? Maurice Nelma. * * CAR STOLEN DURING NIGHT FROM MR. M. F. PARKER Thief Kneapes and Trades For New Ford. Last Monday night a negro named Powell took; the liberty to go to Mr. M. F. Parker's home, enter his garage and drive his Ford touring car away. Mr. Parker had, during the day been carrying this negro around on busi ness and when he found that his car was gone, Immediately susplcloned thl? negro. Powell was from Warren county, but had been working recently at Warsaw, N. C. and had Intimated his intention to return there, but after hooking the Ford he set out for Little ton and Immediately traeed with Lit tleton Mo?<i? Go . securing a new F>ord touring car. He made use of Mr. Parker's license tag, \ heavy lap robe and all tools to uae In the new Ford, r He cam* back to wltlttn two miles of Wood to see his best girl, and show hat his new Ford and then beat It to Holllater and Marmaduke, where he thought he had hidden his Identity but was caught where he was abiding with his relatives. Mr. Parker located his car on Tues day night and went to Littleton on Wednesday and brought It back home minus the tools and lap robe. Powell waa brought here on Thurs day by Chief of Police of Littleton, and Mr. Parkar Joining them he was taken to Loulsburg and put In Jail, being unable to give a bond. e ? Have yon found out yet In what way you could help Improve our school building and grounds? If so. do It. !f\ ? I V ' CWPTON -P* A RTF ^On SunOay. Nov, 4th. U>e_peo|>UHo quite a surprise whan lftaa Lucy Pearce became the bride of Mr. Ellas Gupton. The contracting parties left unbe knowlng to all, except perhaps a few friends for Mr. Bud Stowes where they were united in marriage In the pres ence of only a few close friends. Miss Pearce Is the charming and much beloved daughter of Nfr. and Mrs. George Pearce of oar community. For the past few months she has been teaching the Pearce School near Red Bud. The groom Is a successful planter of White Level community. To these young people their hosts of friends wish for them nothing but a long, happy, succeMful life of useful ness. Do you know how much the school Is In debt? LARGER SCHOOL ATTENDANCE (Miss Flora Frye) The public school records for the past cine years show a favorable change In the attendance throughout the county, state and nation. This increased interest on the part of our children and their parents for educa tional advantage gives us a glimpse of the silver lining In the hopeful to morrow of our Natloltal life. We may rightfully think that this change Is due to Improved roads, better-trained educational leaders and a general public with a broader vision. It Is impossible for us to fully ap preciate the Influence the Improved roads have been and continue to be. They have made consolidation of schools possible and beneficial, short ened long miles, and placed the rural schools and communities on an equal footing with the rest of the world. The better-trained educational lea ders have also been of untold value In making this advance toward the goal as rapid as It has been. The oft-respeated quotation: "The heights by great men reached and kept, Were not attained by sudden flight," has. been the comfort of the patient Nad ers along the tiresome road. The work of an army of broadmlned lead ers has not been wasted. The effect of the work will be permanent both directly and Indirectly. Then too, the Increased vision of the masses of jeople has had Its place. This Is a part of the effect of Inventions and various improved con ditlons throughout the country. The more a people see of better conditions the more they crave them for their own. So It has been with education. The parents who have not had the golden opportunity to obtain for them selves the higher education, or a foun datlon for It. see that It Is the best thing to be coveted for their children. We believe then that the greatly in creased attendance has been due in a large measure to these three factors. They are not the only ones worthy Of mention, but they have probably had as much Influence as any others. T a We are boosting our school, are you? Subscribe to The Franklin Times MR. RAYMOND SHEARIX SATS WORK HERE WONDERFUL Commend* Work of Re?e?ca.s, Enclos es Letter of Appeal. Below we present letter from one of our boys at Mars Hill College. It Is always with pleasure that we hear from any of our number away from us and -to learn of their successes. We think the object which he men tioned in his letter worthy of thought and contribution. Let us see if we can't help. Mars Hill. N. C., Nov. 11. 1923. Wood Baptist Sunday School: You people are doing wonderful work I'm sure. I am eager each time the TIMES arrives to see whether or not the attendance is increasing or decreasing. I saw where several of our women had taken a program to Mrs. Harris', also Mrs. Gupton's last Sunday. I am sure you get a lot of pleasure out of doing Just such work for the Mas ter. You can't do a thing that will be of more pleasure to you and I am sure that I am proud of every one of you. If you continue to grow as you have In the past few months you will soon have a town that will beworth living in. In fact you already have that but I mean it will attract people from a distance. Now, I notice the attendance for Nov. 4 has dropped ofT Just a little. Be there next Sunday and And out what the one point is that you lack and and be. sure to not keep your Sunday school back. Maybe Just one will keep It from being standard. One Sunday up here Just one boy kept our B. Y. P. U. from being one hundred per cent and he said If he had been the only one and had known it be sure would have been there. So 70a lee can't ever tell whether you keep the 100 per cent down or not. Always be there and then you know that your part Is done and you will not hare any thtng to worry over. I am enclosing a letter written by our President, which 1 am sure each of you will think over and try to de cide to give something for thla great need. People, If you could rlalt the college and see Just what the children get here In Christian training you would want your child here and also would give something to keep It go ing. Raymond Shearin . A friend and benefactor of Mars Hill College, living In a far distant state, proposes to glv; $50,000 for a lorml tory for young men provided a like amount may be raised for ? dormitory for young women by April 1. 1924. During the present session 451 stud ents have been enrolled at Mars Hill, 70 of whom came from other states and three foreign countries. Every room In the three dormitories was en gaged long before the opening of the session, and though evury building was crowded beyond its reasonable capacity, many who knocked at the doors could not be received. (Continued on Eighth Page) THANKSGIVING Come to our Grocery Department for your Thanks giving Dinner. ALL KINDS OF GOODIES We don't advise you to overeat, but if you should do so by mistake, we can supply your wants in drugs To make you well again, so you will be already to go to Sunday School by the following Sunday. SERVICE DRUG CO. Wood, N. C. W. D. FULLER C. B. KEARNEY WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE ARRANGED TO HAVE A BLACKSMITH AT OUR SHOP REGULAR FROM NOW ON This man is MR. JAMESJ. SMITH, who will be glad to see his friends. Mr. Smith has about 25 years experience in shoeing horses and general repair work. He will shoe your horse or mule any time you come and furnish shoes for $1.00, all other prices accordingly. This we think will be a great convenience for the community generally. If you want your cotton ginned in the right manner bring it to our ginnery. The best equipped one in the south where you will find men in charge that know how to do the work in the best manner. If you want to purchase anything for yourself, family, farm or livestock, come to our store where you will find any thing you want at the right price. Come and see is all we ask and be one of our many friends and customers. W. D. Fuller** Co. PHOWllBOB .

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