WE WISH YOU A HAPPY THANKSGIVING And Now Comes a Far Reaching Money Saving Event in KLINE'S ANNIVERSARY SALE WE WISH YOU A HAPPY THANKSGIVING KBMKLED DIW1TT BCD turn Cm t fall iMm If 4aaMa M< POPLIS He TAKIt (,?4 qaaittj, all (?l?n *7-I*CH FASCT OCTIMJS KLA55EL* lie F.itra besrj qaallty all nl?i ? !? TABU* M-15. EJGLIHH UMW14?TH ?1.7* BOLT Hap?rt?r '{Ulltj iw hlik IlKEHS A*D APB05 <;iv;ba*.s lie TABU Bcaatlfal pattern rfceefca. plaid* aM mU4 caiar* I.IHL?. THkttlj MILK H tXtjl X?e WW* wim hark, all ?ha4e* Ladies Department kmabt dmsses Dresses at Pol ret Twill and Serge very becoming styles, fancy braid* and smbrolder 1* Wiry new trimming touch black, nary, browji. ?I*** If to 4? |U> COAT TUIIS narnosii All wool Vekror and drm plain >ne materials tar col lars and fancy embroidered modeli all sties worth op to ?2? oo mx. KlWt DUEMU All wool serge dresses smart combinations newest tailored models copied from high priced dresses Ion* steers*, all sizes HK WOMM SCITS A a I'aasaal Special la Wtan'i Smite Salts that formerly sold for several dollars more and real values at original price, made of Polret Twill ,~.nd Trtcotlne full silk lined nary, black and blue sizes 1? to it tl'M LADIES HIKE FT* COLLAJKED COATS Coats of cut Bolivia and oth er soft material pretty 'trim med and well finished flow ered linings fringe trimmed collar and cuffs all shades, sizes up to 44 tSIJhr LADIES COAT SCTTS All wool serge fancy braid trimmed new designs In black and nary all sizes worth 120 00 MM Men's Department t pasts srrrs For young men. sport and plain models tweeds. p Lai da and stripes. all aim BOYS' SCITS Sizes I to 17 made of fine caaalmere In bloc and brown stripe belted models MM BOYS' OTEWOATH Made In new belted modela In brown and nary all wool coat Ings sizes 3 to 9 BEVS OVERCOATS Halft belt models fall lined brown and grey all sires iiiii mjrs PITTS Dresa Pants all wool fancy stripes all sizes ILK BOYS' PASTS Corduroy, Moleskin. ?">.?? and woolen pasts sizes 4 to 18 the BOYS' BLOCSES Fancy striped madras also dark bine stripe all sizes Me W5*S SHIRTS Collar attached tan Pongee all slzea 14 to 17 We ? Erery article on Men's side baa been reduced for this special occasion and yon will do yourself a double benefit by looking orer oar line of SUITS end OVERCOATS. L KLINE & Satisfaction Guaranteed COMPANY or Money Refunded ?*-r*. WIDE SHEETING IS 1-te TARD Eitrm bMTj lw qnlltj CTBTADf 8CKI* 10c TAKI) >a?rj border*, Urje ?*?ort ?ent *-15. WIDE ?LE?(/HI*U l#e YARD Flae soft quality HEATT BIBBED HOSE Sic For Boy*' and Girl* all slies BOVS' OVERALLS S8c H?tj Bine Denim, all slies 3 to 16 CHILDREVS GIXJHAJL DRESSES 88c All ?lzes and wide range patterns WOOD bEPiBTVEHT (Continued from Page Three) Th<> two new dormitories will make j even mure Imperative the need of a , central heating plant. Only a month 1 ag>. v;a? l.'K'iii <:< a tZ&.Oo-J | iurn. Tbe aggregate of these need* la : $100,000, at leant, half of which must be raited within five montha, and the campaign la on. The condition* laid down by thli friend of the achool constitute a chal lenge to men of mean*, and to all who believe In Chrlatlan education, and they may be met by Individual gift*, by church contribution*, or by a drive covering territory a* wide aa It* pat roi.;.?e, now r*i';ninfc from New Jer sey to Texas, and embracing sixty three of the one hundred countle* of tbl* State. I* there a place where dollar* will go further or ring louder In the eternltle* than at thl* strategic cd'K.ttlonai center rmong the hill*. A meeting of tbe tructeea and friend* of tbe ln*t!tutlon i* called at Mara Hill on Tuesday, November #, at 10 ?. m., for tbe purpose of considering tbl* gracious offer and perfecting plan* for raising the required amount. Will not a number of people in Gold Mine township and In Franklin coun ty subscribe to this fund? Bend sub scription* to President R. L. Moore, Mars Hill, N. C. Hare you brought your load of dry | wood to the school building? I* ol HoeWty 1b High Hcfcool torn* may question what (ood we deprive from Society, Wall what If Homi one should answer, that It I* a thofoagh polishing of oar education? It IplM to smooth the rough edges of our/Unguage and fctlona when we get out pat that broad stage of society, wh## mingles so many people of dlf ferept Characters and classee. Iw Jodety we /get a glimpse of our schab?- tiatas lives that Is not reveal ed fa tkelr everyday school work. We alaOu get many beneficial trainings alog| the lines of good manners and bthjnpt which liy the foundation for the iuture charnotera of our girls and fcoyi of today. Society la not 'only a polishing up 1 * ledge already gained. It many new' things that are _ In our school hooka It and opens oar minds to the orld wiere we learn to ed lore nitre than ever that beautiful and good, aa we llw and work* of famous * le nam will live In ill the agaa. jet troas Boctety Is not of an enjoyment Cor with isr?ii&a|lS3S irve tlagllng with mr pupils m they leave nm? and see it we%r a society smite. { L0CLL SEWS Messrs. :.ia/k Hajw, Justice, and William Murphy. Raleigh, were visi tors here " uesday. It gives as Indeed great pleasure to bear *o many visitors favorably comment upon our drug store. Mrs. Joyner, 80-year old granilmoth er of Mm. J. J. Smith, from near Kocky Mount wa? visiting her grand daughter here several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fuller and fam ily were visitors of Loutsburg Bun day. Our local gin fell short last week glunlng 67 bales and turning out for the largest number In a single day 22 Saturday. Up to the close of the week, Saturday nlgbt It had ginned a total of S>?7. The largest bale dur ing the season was brought by Mr. W. J. Galloway, weighing 682 lbs. Work on the blacksmith and wheel wright shop has been completed and all equipment Installed. The old blacksmith building has been torn down, hence a good view to the shop Is obtainable. Wood Is Indeed fortu nate In having such a shop and such efficient and desirable citizen In town as the man who is at all times ready to take care of repairs ra Its borders. Mr. Bryant King went to Loulstrarg Tuesday. It'a a cute little oaken chair In the school building mad* by Mr. Arch Oupton. The Wood mixed quartette was bon ored last week. While one of tts mem bar* was la Norfolk, being a guest at a banquet by the Rotary Club con elat ing of 110 present be waa Invited to ?log with twenty-nine other > on tke rostrum with Gov. Lee Trtnkle who delivered an addreaa. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Griffin and dau ghter, Hilda, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eure, Centervllle, and Mr. L,. E. Vsughan. Raleigh, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lanier and family Sunday. Messrs. Emory Denton and W. D. Fuller were In Raleigh Tuesday on business. Miss Dolly Oapton left Sunder to ? visit Misses Joyner near Rocky Mount. I There Is a fine boy born Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Cleacy Parrlsh's, Ceater vllle. Messrs. Henry benton and 0. M. Raynor were business callers In Ixrals burg. The Wood raise* quartette i SbXi ed several selections at "Miss Topsy Turvy" given 1? Holllster High School building Friday night. Quite a number of onr people have been over In Warren to see the aero plane which was wrecked at Ins I last week. Master Floyd Griffin was a guest of his brother, Thurmao Griffin, Center vllle, Saturday night. Mrs. Joe Barnes and daughters, Mil dred aad Dorothy, Raleigh, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fuller and family. It was a large crdwd rrora here that Witnessed "Miss Topsy Turvy" given In Holllster by the high school Friday evening. Messrs. Early, George Wheless an & Emory Denton were Loulsburg visi tors Saturday. Ml** Jodie and Alberta Radford and Mr. Sam Radford visited relatives at Philadelphia last week. Misses Pearl and Ruth Gupton and Messrs. Gus Wester and Corbert Cash went to Rocky Mount Saturday even ing. Misses Helen and Luclle Drake ana Mr. Robert Braswell, Castalia, were visitors here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Capps and fain* ily, Areola, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shearlit, Rocky Mount, Mr. and Mrs. I>?nnl4 Gupton, Bunn, Mrs. Robert Jones, near Loulsburg, Mrs. John aupton. Areola, and others were guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Fernle Leonard Sunday. Misses Frye and Woodburn and Cleacy Gupton were Loulsburg visi tors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith spent ths week-end with relatives near Rocky Mount. Master Thurman Griffin, Centerville visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Mattle Gupton and Messrs. Matthew and Percy Gupton were amonK Saturday's Loulsburg visitor*. Mrs. H. B. Griffin and family, Nash ville, spent the week-end with rela tive* In Centerville and here. Mr. Joe T. Jenkins, Durham spent several day* of last week with rela tives and friends here. Mr. Harvey Gupton went to Warren Plain* Sunday. Mis* Pauline Rainwater and Mes srs. Henry Powell and James Holt, Balelgh, were among the visitors here Sunday. Misses Annie O. and Viola Gupton and Mesvri. Robert Leonard and Thar man Gupton went to RJocky Mount Sunday. Glad tiding* was It to the many friend* of Mr. Saint Denton when It wa* learned that hi* condition was so Improved a* to permit hi* being about again. Mr. L. L. Capehart, Oxford, was a visitor here Friday. Mr. C. A. Council, Roanoke Rapids, wa* here on baalne** Thursday, Mr. Matthew Oupton went to War renton on bu sines* Thursday. Mr. A. W. MeNair, Ttrrtroro. was a business visitor here Friday. | Mr. Corbett Cash, Loulsburg, visited friends here Wednesday evening. Messrs. Q. M. Raynor, Marvin and J. M. Wilder and Misses Hattie and 'Minnie Wilder, were In Loulsburg on business Thursday. Mr. Marcellus Smith and son, For nle. Rocky Mount, were among the visitor* here Thursday. Mr. Eben O'Bflen, Henderson, was here on business 'Thursday* V 1 ' The appearance W new ForJ's and Stars Is on the Increase In our sec tion. The well house and part of the school building haven't been painted In nnnthsr column frfMtttt Ing a paper on larger school atteud an':-: by one of o-ir faculty prepared for the teachers meeting In Loulsburg. Last week ? printed one on the sacse subject and one on Large High School Attendance by two other members of our facutly. We give taese words to you with pleasure with the hope that the patrons and pupils of our school should know what Is being done tor education and the part to be tak?n by every one. We also give In another column * paper cm Means of Society la Hlga School by one of the Gold-Sand High School pupils. We present this with a great deal of Interest since It Is our desire to create within our young peo pie a longing and yearning to multi ply their talents along educational lines. We are glad that this topi? li discussed since such glowing aceoafcia are given by the pupils of the su i?hh of the Friday afternoon society In Oold-Sand High School. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Waters and Ml** Pearl G upton went to Warren ton Kid! nesday. Messrs. M. F. Parker and Cleacy Oupton were Littleton visit'** Wed nesday. Mr. O. M. Raynor went to VtmMmrf Tuesday on business . Messrs. Jeff and Robert Bnutmn/tl, Castalla, were visitors here W*4ai*? day. Mr. Spruill Upchurch, LMMfewg. was a visitor bare Wednesday. Mr. W. D. Puller returned fr?w * business trip to Norfolk, Little Miss Francaa IMtmr, has been visiting grm4p*r?*<* Mr and Mrs. W. J. Oalloway, rwbwnuvf ftv I her home In Hamlet Friday 1 Miss Mary Galloway tm4 Mm* Mr J. Oalloway left Friday mm * to visit relatives la H*wW Messrs. Moaea laaoe Www Strickland, ML Ollead, were ?M**? ?M' friends here Thursday e*?**Nr Mr. Matthew GopOva burg visitor Friday Mr. M. P. Park*T w?w (,a?wW burg Thursday. Cranberries. CM*ry, New Cocoaouta 11-28-lt at L F MUX*. Lost, utratki/ rm wimMtt I On# blark ss4 li1H? {Hound, with brata it ? Ttry tow prlca. Mm id* tbara with roar coop*. W. P. HAYMAN Crackeri, Oratcrattea and _Meat new ... . M* li-jt .j, mam, S re-sale or valuable la.vd Whftrsas ".h* lamia hereinafter des !crtb?d xere offered for *a.Ie by the ' onder:*:?ned crjmmlasTOTieTS on Mad [day, Jane 2S. 1?J3, under an ord^r of ; Court in that Special PTocesdfn* ?n | titled ".Mary Jan* Frwtei r confirmed aa/f a . innraftUtitr If '***e* sm?* ?. fftw K5w* il! hi* d?wh , ' T?^u? Wtl ttrnfMOmnavfA, wtKln [?, m? ami Mm r?*r* ifArt^j-nnVMj'v vvwm* *t ??* #** **tw in?f *rtttnw (Vf *ww Hliuta t? ? c. IiMmMW.' ffflWM. vhteh to if Hi 7 ra?ta Prt itoMr #* *? pt(? M7, office [irtlf toiM a# ftamfa of rraakltn Conn ^ WW(m? dmni1 bom maf? la tha i!?iWW*W Af ffca aotaa thereby ae??ired 4*w*4 waif* apon me to fof? ?Mis*#, f. *. C. Holden, Trnatee, will ?*W ** ?nWV anrtlon to the hffheet lUHWU* (w *??h at tha ronrthrrata door ?M Pfumlrttn Comity, on MtfWM, nCTKMBER ?, 1*11 )#* #*??>** tb* tumr of noon that carta I H M ?ffl? tMHf'MS, tlH III# east by the land* tlf W A: OB the wetrt by lh? l*Bft* ?f 1 W Wll* d mr. oa (h? smttlt to Ids inHft* ?t W. A. Mitchell ami IlKlHff kfiMWH MM Mta lud of P??rl MMlllHdKWMfMt Ktttl bit tag part i nf IHf lt?l? JmHh MiiIIImM* worth estate, WmtMltllHg flHtPlSSR (U) acre* mure tjr l*M: This I He Mth (1 H? Hf n ?-4> e, c MAtt'ftw, ymman, ?V?F|T ??WH ttltli mrnnty In N: P: In nail ttwtllh unrt A ?- >: I el ? It i Wilis (IF P?|l no M tv HIWWM,, 4H , Hmhi'IhI H?i? raaanutlve, The PFOVlrtanj Mfe ??d Ai('l4?tiy ?? 0. H WiWI'UN, H 4, Uuli buri, N, (1, U-#Mt A TONHi Ta?l? rMWW rtfyln? and you toi lla I effocl, (M how *nd how will ttMot