Never Such Crowds! Never Such Good Humored, Eager, Anxiety To Secure Splendid New Merchandise in this PRICE SMASHED RAPID-FIRE DISPOSAL Men's, Women's and Childrens Hose Regular 25c value SATURDAY MORNING One hour only? 10 to 11 2!r Per to 14, values up to $10 AT ONLY $2.95 LADIES DRESSES Ladies Dresses in Poiret Twill and the very finest Serge a beautiful selection, regular price $18.50 AT ONLY $8.95 Ladies Dresses, the most beautiful dresses ever shown here or elsewhere, regular price $29.50 WHILE THEY LAST $16.50 One lot Ladies Dresses in all-wool Serge, regular price $10.00 AT $4.95 MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDRENS SHOES Ladies fine Shoes with low and medium rubber heel, $4.00 value, at .... $2.45 Boys' Shoes in black or tan, regular $4.00 value, at $2.95 Men's fine Dress Shoes in black or tan, ine