FREE! To the KIRST 95 Ladies en tering our Store SATURDAY MORIJiG, DECEMBER 8, wUl receive 5 Yards of 25c Bleaching FREE! EXTRA Special! SATURDAY, I)E('E JTBF.K S, J. A P. COATS Sewing Thread White, Black, and all Color* 6 SP00^ 10c One boor only, 10 to 11 A COLLOSSAL SALE--WHERE VALUES SPEAK LOUDER THAN PRINTER'S INK! An Unconditional Surrender of High Prices. Positively the Biggest Broadest, Legitimate Price Slashing That Has Ever Taken Plac? in This Section oi North Carolina. F. A. ROTH CO. LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA Its the End - The Climax - The Finish THE fINAL SMASHING WALLOP! Sale Positively Ends Saturday Night, Dec. 8th JKZr" Every Value and All PRICES SHATTERED HI G H and Wide Final Cuts on Everything That Will Sweep Counters, Racks and DRY GOODS SPECIALS 25c Dress Gingham 15c Yard Druid L L Sea Island Sheeting, 20c val ue . . . . . 12c Yard 20c Aprong Gingbam ...... 9 l-2c Yard 9-4 Bleached or Un bleached Sheeting 75c value 48c Yard 35c Canton Flannel Per Yard 19c 25c Outing Flannel .... Per Yard 15c IJickory Shirting 15c Yard Heavy Cotton Plaids 9 l-2c Yard $1.50 all wool Serge 36 inch wide 65c Yard 29c Romper Cloth 15c Yard 25c Bed Ticking 15c Yard 35c Dress Gingham Per Yard 19c . t , Oil Cloth, best grade - 25c Yard Extra heavy Feather Ticking. 35c Yard 25c Longcloth 15c Yard Shelves Like a Buzzard It Will be a Landslide of Bargains If ever Equalled in This Section Come Now or Regret Later! MEN'S SUITS IN BLUE SEBGE AND ? WORSTEDS $15.00 VALUES $6.95 MEN'S SUITS or Overcoats ?1HJJ0 VALUES $9.95 Ladies' Coats In the tery Latest Models Regular Price $1EU>0 To Close Ont at This Sale $8.95 Ladies' Dresses The Tery Latest Styles Polret Twill and Serge Regular $12-?0 Dresses ? ut They Go $4.95 For the Whole Family at Almost Given Away Prices MEN'S SHOES Men's $8.50 Shoes $6.95 Men's $7.00 Shoes $4.95 Men's $6.00 Shoes $3.95 Men's $5.00 Shoes $3.45 Men's $4.00 Shoes $2.95 Men's $3.50 Shoes $2.45 BOYS' SHOES Boys' $5.50 Shoes $3.95 Boys' $5.00 Shoes $3.50 Boys' $4.00 Shoes $2.95 Boys' $3.50 Shoes $2.45 Boys' $3.00 Shoes $1.95 Boya' $2.75 Shoes $1.65 LADLES SHOES Ladies $6.50 Shoes .. $4.95 Shoes .. $4.45 Shoes $3.85 Ladies $4.00 Shoes .. $2.85 Shoes .. $2.45 Ladies $6.00 Ladies $5.00 Ladies $3.50 CHILDREN'S SHOES Childrens $4.00 Shoes $2.85 Childrens $3.50 Shoes $2.45 Childrens $3.00 Shoes $2.25 Childrens $2.75 Shoes $1.95 Childrens $2.50 Shoes $1.75 Childrens $2.00 Shoes $1.25 Childrens $1.75 Shoes 95c BOYS' EXTRA HEAVY FLEECED AND BIBBED UNION SUITS, REGULAR $1.36 VALUE 85C Men's Ball Brand Rubber Boots Regular $6 Boots SPECIAL $3.95 $l-.50 Bed Room Shoes, all colors Men, Women and Children Extra Special 79c Per Pair MSN'S BLUE SERGE AND WORSTED SUITS, ALL COLORS, REGULAR 18.00 VALUE $7.95 r Ladies Ready-to-wear Bargains $18.00 value Lndios Coats, all this Reason's coats . . i , $9.95 $25.00 value Indies Coats, all the very latest styles . . . $12.45 $.'<5.00 value Ladies Coats, nothing newer mado . , $14.95 I>adie8 $12.50 Dresses . . . $4.93 Ladies $18.50 Poiret Twill Dress . $9.95 Toadies $35.00 heavy Poiret Twill Dresses, all colors . . $16.95 MEN'S, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S HOSE, REGULAR VALUE 25c, ALL colors 9c Per Pair Ladies extra heavy Vests and Pants Men's extra heavy Union Snits 45c 89c MEN'S EXTRA HEAVY BLUE SERGE AND ALL WOOL WORSTED SUITS, ALL COLORS AND PATTERNS, REG * ULAR 540.00 VALUES . . . $24.46 * LOUISBURG, North Carolina F. A. ROTH COMPANY LOUISBURG, Forth Carolina