P. O. n. $ FULLY DETROIT | ^ / 1 9 EQU1PP?D Hie Lowest Priced Sedan rfj~ the -Tudor Sedan a an open view in every wholly new Ford body direction, make lor saier type 4s offered American driving and greatenmotor mocanats. ing enjoyment It i? distinguished by a A( $5< ^ (hi, fa comp^ roomy body, two ev? plaoed wide doors opening ?ar- ? ? ? * L wwd, and losing right on the Amertcn nurkeL front scat. It is ? car of broad appeal Large windows affording and- compelling value. L0U1SBURG MOTOR CO. See My Shoes And Save Money Be sure and look over my stook of Shoes before you buy. I am selling them very cheap and eVery pair is guaranteed to be as represented or your money back. I have a good line of Hosiery, Overalls, Shirts and -ants and anything in groceries and feedstuffs you want. We have got a good tobacco market. Bring your t ibacco to Louisburg and get the best prices and make my store headquarters while in town. Yours truiy, J. W. PERRY NAW STREET LOTISBURCh N C. LAUNDRY 0 LEANING and PRESSING Don't forget we can wash your Old Quilts, Blankets, ?? Rugs a id Washable Druggets. All rk sent for and delivered in town. "WE DYRTO LIVE" The Servicc Shop W. B. MTJNTOKD, Manager PHOHR mill LOCISBCBQ, it. c. "ALL WORK CASH 01? DELIVERY" NOTICE Hiving qualified u Administrator of the estate of W. H. Perdue, de ceased, late of Franklin Conntjr, no tice la hevabr given all persona hold ing claim* against Mid estate to pa** sent them t? the undersigned on or before the Kfc dajr of November. 1914, or this notlee will bo plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said eststa will plsaae some for ward and make immediate settlement. Thla Not. gth, ^ HNH3SMNAL COLUMN DB. J. HERBERT FITZGERALD Eye, Ear, Mom, Throat Will be at Dr. H. H. Johnson's offloe In Loulsburg every first Monday. En. gagements should be made as far In advance as possible. DB. R. F. l'ABBOBOUGH Physician and Sarceen UiblMri, H. C. Office in Blckett and Yarborough Bull din*. Office Phone >96 Residence Phone IS 8. ArWOOD HBWKLL. AtUmi-itlni. Loulsburg, N. C. Phone No. 115 Office In First National Bank Building General PracUen DR. W. B. MOBTON Bye Specialist Office in Hotel Building Loulsburg, North Carolina I wish to sdvlse my patients and the public generally that alter the 1st of September my buslnesa will be on a Cash basis when work li completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLKMINO 8. P. BUST, M. D. Loulsburg, N. C. Offices over Soogsln's Drag Btdta Hours 11 a. m. to I p. m, and 4 to 5 p. m. DR. W. R. BASS. Veterinarian Loulsburg; N. O. Offices and Hospital East Nash St. Phone Office 3S5-L Residence 335-J Special Attention to Small Animals. DB. D. f. SMITH WICK. Dentist. kenlsknrg, H. C. Office In the First National Bank Building on Main and Nash Sts. WwKtnRSOX. ATTORN HY-AT-LAW Loulsbncc,: North Carolina (Taatten In alt.eoarta. OB?? on Main Street. G. M. BEAM Attoraej-at-Law Offices over Pont Office Fraction in ail CMrta. DR. J. tj. nAV18 Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina Office Main Street . T- Neal Building at River Bridge Telephone Connections 64 and 64-2 R. Hours: 8 to 11:30 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. |JU.B?;WWt? E. H. Salons WMITB * MAL0N1 LAWYERS Lonlsburg, North Carol In* ?eneral practice, settlement of ?? Mm rfOBda lnvatod. Ona member of -*? Arm alwayi in the office. ML IL G. PERK I Physician and Snrgeen Lonlsburg, North Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock Drag Co. Telephones: Day 287; Night 287 DK. I. E. BALONE. Lonlsburg, North Carolina ?ee.ln Aycock Drag Btore, Market Street. Office Practice Surgery and consultation. DB. H. H. JOHNSON Physician aid Sargeon Loiiabug, North Carolina Office orer Aycock Drag Co. Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 J< 0. NlWKLlii Mi D< t Loalsburg, I. ?. Office In First National Bank Balldlng Day Phone 149 ? Night Phone 249-1 Wm H. Ratlin, ihos. W. Baffin WB. H. * TH08. W. BtJFFIN Attoraeys-at-Law Lealsharg, I North Carolina General practice, both drll and crim inal, In Franklin and adjoining coun tlee, Sapreme and Federal Courts. Offices In First National Bank Balldlng. I WANT TO ANNOUNCE TO MY OLD CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS That I have taken over the manage ment of the Stegall Bros. Barber Shop I shall see that yon are treated with profound respect and that you get the best Barber work possible. Be fair with your good looks and let a Real Barber do yonr work. Tours to serfe, OSCAR' T. STEGALL. LOUISBURO REPAIR 8HOF JMttw Lehman, Proprietor X<it door to J. W. Perrj's Store Shoe* repaired while yon watt. Wo make a specialty of repairing ladles and Qenta fine shoes. ALL, WORK GUARANTEED Any kind o 1 Harness made to order, Fan Belts and Pistol Holsters made to order. Indies Shoe*, Soles sewed on R5? pr. dents Shoes, Soles sewed on $1.00 pr. Harness Oil Just recelyed a nice lot of Army Wate*tro?f Hnre* Blankets, to be sold at haU price. Rift 'tot ot Daco Plnah Rob** and Automobile Robes. Hemes ot ?T?ry denrrlptton. BILLY SUNDAY UR SIX WBH8 FOR $1 Every sermon delivered by the world's greatest evangelist daring the six weeks' revival mm pulgu he will open In Charlotte December M*? wHl be printed In full In the Issue following Its delivery. Billy Sunday's thrilling phraseology, Mb striking gestures and platform antics, and the man ner In which his sermons are received by the tteasands who will Jam the specially constructed tabernacle, will be duly recorded by an Obserrer staff reporter. The fact that The Observer Is a morning paper will enable It to give a more complete report of the services than any other. Charlotte newspaper. In addition to the complete Billy Sunday reports. The Observer will carry every piece of news developing In North and South Carolina, the local news handled by a large corpe of reporters, and the world news gleaned from a complete Associated Press service. Features, comics, spec ial articles of general Interest and on editorial page second to none In the Suoth, make up a po per that is more than desirable. SPECIAL RATE OP ONE DOLLAR TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS FOR THE SIX WEEKS IF SENT IN BEFORE DECEMBER 20. ? SEE THE NEW MODEL STAR CAR Now On Sale At BECK'S GARAGE The Lowest Price Sliding Gear Car Sold _r Many changes in body and equipment. Including Packard Shape Radiator. It's a real pretty car at low cost. Come in to see this car or let us bring it to you. BECK'S GARAGE Phone 311 Louisburg, N. G. Star Durant Service Exide Battery Service Frequent Headaches Thedfonfs BUCK-DRJUIIHT HATE TOC KT*? NDOTCSD THAT ran mcHjuir who sends hi THK COPY FOB HIS AD EABLT AliWATW HA? THK REATEHT ADI ^THHMntANKIJN TIMES TRUSTEE'S SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me In that deed of trust executed ion the 8th day of No vember, 1919, by S. J. Matthews and wife, recorded in Book 224 page 404, Registry of Franklin County, default having been made In the, payment of he Indebtedness secured thereby and demand having been made upon me by the holder thereof, I will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash at the Courthouse door of Franklin County, In Louls burg, N. C. at about the hour of noon on MONDAY, the 17th day of DECEM BER, 1923, all that tract or parcel of land situate In Louisburg township, Franklin County, State of North Car olina, and described as follows: Com prising the two tracts or parcels of land described as follows: 1st Tract. Lying on the Loulsburg Warrenton road and adjoining the lands formerly owned by F. M. Davis and J. H. Spencer and others and be ginning In the center of the Louls burg-Warrenton road, a Cater on the East side of said road near a large stump; thence B 88 E 71 poles to a stake and pointers; thenoe N 1 1-2 E 83 poles to a stake In F.J*/ Davis old line; thence N 88 W 48 poles ? links to the center of said road, Davis old corner; thence along the road. 8 It W 62 poles, S 23 1-4 W 10 poles 10 links to the beginning, ooutalnlng 30 acres. 2nd Tract. Lying just back of the foregoing and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake .ooaoat of . the above desarlbed tract In the old Davis line; thence B1 1-i W-U, poles to a stake, corner of the above traot; thence 8 88 E 10S. .poles to a Poplar, 3. K. Spencer's olA corn**; thence N 1 B 88 poles to a stake and pointers In old L. H1 Jones line; thence N 88 W 106 poles to ths beginning, containing 54 8-4 acres, leas the three acres con veyed of said tract to Boston Allen by deed March 28, 190 ? , and recorded in Book 181 at paa* lit, Registry o t Deads for Franklin County. The two tracts hereby conveyed aggregating 81 W acres and baiag ths identical laad conveyed to 8. J. Matthews by deed of J. L. Spencer and wife of this date. This the 14th day of Nov., 1*11. 11-16-44 E. H. MAJUQHA Trustee. RE-SALE OP VALUABLE LAND Whereas the lands hereinafter des cribed were offered for sale by the undersigned commissioners on Mon day, June 25, 1923, under an or<Ja* of Court In that Special Proceeding en titled ",Mary Jane Foster et als vs M. T. Hawkins", and whereas said sale was never confirmed and a decree of Court has been entered ordering a re sale of said lands, the undersigned commissioners will on MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1M8, at or about the hour of Noon at: the Courthouse door In Loulsburg, Frank lln County, N. C. offer for sale to the highest bidder that certain tract or parcel of land situate In Haytaville township, Franklin County, State of North Carolina, described as follow*: Bounded on the North by the lantix bt the estate -of J. A. Hawkins, <m the East and South by the lands ot Mat thew t. Hawkins, and oa the WnHw the lands of the estate of J. A.,a?w klns and W. O. Mitchell, contalnpg-f acres more or less, and being th? tract of land upon which Thomas H. Haw kins resided at the time of his death ? Terms of Sale? One-third cash; balance payable In two equal annual Installments, payable in one and two years, respectively, bearing lntef*at<at six per cent per annum from dale of deed until pail .and secured by j mort gage or deed of trust on above-d#? crlbed lands. This 17th day of November, 1M8. W. H. YARBOROUQHt H. H. MALONB. ll-26-6t Commissioners The lady who recommended ? Tell to you was some friend ?* ??"*"* Don't yon think T Well, if you've tried it. FOR

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