THE FRANKLIN TIMES . ? . ? L lr. JOHN SOU, Editor ui llucu ?m i?i 11. m Mtgfct Months l.M Mouths 75 Ftu Months M ] .Torelgn Adverllelne Rrpreeentetjve 1 \ THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION | Onf*TMl ?> Ihn Print Office at LOUlS >srt, N. C., as second class matter. Washington reporters seem to think that the coptest for President next year will be between McAdoo and Coolldge. The Sixty-eighth Congress of the United States convened Monday at noon. The" progressives succeeded In throwing a wrench in organisation machinery and blocked the organisa Oon. The Business Men's Association of Louiaburg would do well to direct its efforts toward the estaolishment of some manufacturing enterprise tor Louiaburg. An overall factory, a cot ton mill, a foundry or most any es tablishment that will employ labor will be of great benefit to the town. CHRISTMAS SEAL A HEALTH BAROMETER / In loo kins over the health activi ties ol the various counties and cities of North Carolina, it is interesting to find that the communities that are the most vigorous In fighting disease and promoting health within their boun daries are the ones that have the lar ger sales of Christmas Seals. These little health stamps seem to have more than a fund raising value. They car ry the Christmas spirit; they educate for health; they inspire to action. The interest of the people In an ac tive health program seems to be shown by jjhe number of seals they buy. The^arger the Seal sale In a county, thi more vigorous la the tu berculosis campaign that follows ? not entirely because more funds are available, but because public Interest has been aroused through a campaign that has reached every home. It might fairly be said that the com munity that does not sell Its quota of the Christmas Seals is below par in the scale of community health. It has been weighed in the balance and found wanting. The Christmas Seal barometer indicates the health ahead and this Is confirmed by the mortality and mobldlty statistics which cannot be disputed. Mrs. M. S. Clifton, our local chair man, tells us the Seal Sale was begun here on Thanksgiving Day. Plans have been perfected for a large sale In our town and community, and we believe the people are going to pur chase more liberally of the Tubercu losis Christmas Seals this year than ?ver before. To Those Who Give at Christmas This Christmas, which should bring happiness to every boy and girl. Sods one In ten children menaced by a dis ease that may sentence them to year* of sickness and may even rob them of their lives. In the schools and homes of this city are thousands of children doom ed to bitterly unhappy years unless we can reach them quickly. They are the undernourished children, whose thin, hollow-chested bodies are fertile soil for the most dread or all diseases ? tuberculosis. can prevent this calamity to child hood. You ho'ld in your hands the means of buying health for children. We are selling Christmas Seals that annually provide money to light tu berculosis. With thatmoney we can buy the most precious gift In the world ? health ? as a holiday offering to children whose day Christmas real ly is. The Seals are -one cent each. Buy all you can. Each time you put a Christmas Seal on a letter or package, you are piling up health for little chil dren. Sincerely, Mrs. M. S. Clifton, Chairman. Rural homes are lighted, modern outhouses bnilt, crop yields increas ed. boys and .girls trained Into lead ers and people work together for the common good in those counties where the home and farm agents of the State College and Department of Ag riculture are located. MADE THE SAME AS THIRTY YEARS AGO FOR SO years physicians bays prescribed Glide's Pepto- Man ga n because it contains a form of iron which is readily absorbed, does not upset the stomach or affect the teeth, and is a splendid tonic and blood enricher. At your drug gist's, in both liquid and tablets. Free Trial Tablets T?r 'THuTf value of Gude's Pepto-Manjr*n. write today for genrroui Trial Package of Tablet*. Send no money? Just name ami addreaa to M. J. Breitenbach Co.. 63 Warren St., N. T. Gudc's Pepto-^angan Tonic and Blood Enricher WOJLAVS CLUB AT POPES We are sorry to say that we haven't been meeting regular on account ot the school house being out of order since the consolidation of schools, tho we will soon have It ready again for our regular meeting place. We made a Memory ^allt which we sold and It brought us a net sum of $30.35, also chicken salad $6.34, and barbecue $5.45 at one time. So we are not quite gone into win ter quarters. We are still for the bet terment of our county and community. THE FRANKLIN TIMES $1.60 Par Tear in Adraaar DOINGS OF THE DUFFS GEE, I FORGOT My KEV-I BELIEVE I COULD CLIMB UP THAT LATTICE And CRAWL INTO OUR, BED Room with out DORIS KNOWING 1T 'n BY ALLFAN WHV SHOULD I GUESS IT WAS VOO WHEN I SAW SOME MAN CRAWLING IN V/WWl MV THIRD FLOOR BEDROOM r'V\W WINDOW? You NEVER. CAME IN THAT WAV BEFORE- WHV DIDN'T VOO ASK WHO VT WAS BEFORE "VOL> THRE^v EXTRAORDINARY The DECEMBER SALE at the store of the MeUHEE-JOYNER CO., Franklinton 's Biggest and Best Store is the most extraor dinary mercantile event Franklin County has known in many years. Thousands have taken advantage of the unusual bar gains. Don't miss it. Every dollar you spend gives you a chance at $110 00 in cash money. See the big circulars. At the drawing Saturday evening JAMES CRUDUP WON FIE ST PRIZE. . . .$5.00 G. T. WH1TAKER WON SECOND PRIZE. . 3.00 The McGhee=Joyner Co. FBANKLINTON'S BIGGEST & BEST STORE PHONE 47 PHONE 47 Gifts For Every Member of The Family Useful Every Day in the Year FOR THE WOMEJf FOB THE Pretty Crockerv Stlrer Knives & Forks Electric Iron Percolator 5 Ice Clock Scissors Cooking Range Thermos Bottle Shot Gun Hunting (oat J)rWIng Glores Bazor and Strop Flue Lap Bobe Flash Light Pocket Knife FOB THE GIRL FOB THE BOY Skates Bicycle Doll Carriage Tea Sets Toy Trunks Velocipede Kiddle Car Scissors Air Rifle Pocket Knife Drum Bicycle Flash Light Skates Harp Velocipede Automobile Wagon Watch Wheelbarrow Hr- TAYI n D hardware ? W ? IM ? L?w 111 LOUISBURG, North Carolina PHONE 305 TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me In that de3d of trust executed on the 28th day of April, 1905, by I. H. Kearney and wife, recorded in Book 137, page 110, Registry of Franklin county, N. C., default haying been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured thereby and demand baying been made up'>n me by the holder thereof, for foreclosure, 1 will otter for salo at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door of Franklin county In Louisburg, N. C., I at or about the hour of Noon on MONDAY, DECEMBER 81, 1923 those certain tracts or parcels of land situate In Franklin county, North Car olina, described as follows: First: The three lots known res pectively as the Winston lot, Young lot, and Brinkley lot, said lota being described in a certain deed of trust from I. H. Kearney to R. B. White, re corded in Book 119, page 371, said Registry. Second: The Oin lot In Franklln ton between Main Street and Railroad described In deed from the Masonic Lodge. . Third: The Odd Feifows lot on Hlllsboro Road In Fr^.nkllntoh des cribed In deed from Odd Fellows Lodge. Fourth: The 8. 8. Sevier Store lot Main Street, desert boo in deed from W. W. Vass et als, reference being here made to tho abov* mentioned deeds and records in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin Coun ty for a more complete description. This 1st day of Dec., 1928. 12-7-41 R. B. WHITE, trustee. Subscribe to T ft* Franklin Time* SANDY CREEK NEWS Rev. George May preached a very Interesting sermon at church at elev en o'clock Thanksgiving. Miss Carlelle Allen visited friends In Henderson this week-end. Dr. Prank West, of Roanoke Rapids visited relatives during the holidays. Misses Julia Brewer and Pearl Bar tholomew visited Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Brewer In Henderson this week-end. Mr. O. T. Woodllef, of Frankllnton, visited hli cousin, Mrs. D. N. Nelms during the holidays. Misses Mary and Florence Spain spent Thanksgiving at their home In Mlddleburg. We are very sorry to hear that Mr. Reuben Allen had the misfortune of (having his foot severely cut while rid ing a motorcycle. We hope for him a speedy recovery. On Tuesday evening, November 27, a community meeting was held at the school building. A short Thanksgiv ing program was rendered by the pu pils followed by discussions on "Ed ucational Investments and Dividends" and "The Improvement of Our School". | We hope to see our building complet ed In time for our play and Christmas Trse which will be given at the close of school for the holiday*. The teachers and pupils of the school wish to express their many thanks for the nice load of oak wood sawed, ready for tbe Moire, given by Mr. J. P. Pleasants. At the same time they wlah to thank Messrs. D. C. Gup ton, H. W. and Eugene Burnett? and Masters Bronln and Robert Burnette for sawing wood for the school. o ANNOUNCEMENT I We wish to advise the good people of Franklin and adjoining counties that we have opened a general repair and garage business In the New How ell Building on South Main St. oppo site Allen's Machine Shop, where we are prepared to give all our former customers, as well as new ones, the very best of service on short notice. We are not strangers to the trade as both were formerly connected with the Hudson Oarage. But are now W new quarters where we have plenty of room and much better prepared to serve you. Service Is our motto. Your friends, l2-7-2t LEONARD & MEDLIN * HOGS FOR SALE I will be In Loulsbnrg on Friday and Saturday of this week with a car of pigs and shoats, also a few ffct pork ers for sale at a very low price. Also wish to announce to the public that after this week my home and business will be at Justice, N. C. 12-7-lt W. P. HATMAN FOR SALE Ford touring car In good condition. Apply to J. L. Collier, a( 8. A. I? DePot 12-7-lk^ THE fauJULIir TIKES afcouM ** t? rnr htm. ifrnmm* ?*** striker, be im. (Ml k fNf ?*** sertptkm ui bel> as U btf* ??* ? bf (tor

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