WO OP L) h: 1 3 A RTMENT IT WD BArTIoT 8UNDAT SCHOOL ? AC43C8T OTH, \9tt Condensed Report, when now officers took charge, Aug. 6, 1923. 1. No. officers present 5, absent S. 2. No. pupils present 75, absent 76. 3. Totul number enrolled 151. 4. Collection $1.30. 6. Bibles, not recorded. 6. Cradle Roll, none. Home Dept., none. We wish to thank every one who has helped us by their suggestions, criticisms and contributions to make these columns worth while. We feci that they have been worm while since In a way It has given to our people a better and larger Idea of what we can do If we try besides adding local In terest to our place. We feel that the Sunday School has been greatly bene fited by It ? using these columns to stimulate Interest. While we wish we could make It more Interesting we are gratetul to the Editor ot the TIMES (or hlB suggestions and his pa tience with us ? tor we know some times he can not help but laugh at our efforts but we teel he knows that our hearts and Intentions are good. Again we thank you for what you have done to help us and ask that .you continue to give us any helpful .sug gestion, news contribution you feel disposed to, for we are unable to know of all the happenings in our community unless some one tells or writes them up for us. So we thank you to tell us when you expect to . .uite a visit, have visitors or know of ws item. THA>K YOU! Ai Superintendent of our Sunday Sclic? . .ake this means to thank 1st. ue officers and teachers. inc. i ue class officer*. ? 3rd. The pupils. 4th. The well wishers ? for vliat you have done to help us make our Sunday school as good as can be found In any locality with the same conditions. I say, as good, I mean better, for I do believe we have as good as can be found In that, it has only boen organizedso short a time. It is only -1 months since we j started with a small attendance and . not near as large enrollment as we ' wished. It has not been due to my ' efforts but to every one of the officers, I tcachers and pupils ? all pulling and . co-operating together. Co-operation! I That has been the slogan ? and must be from now on to make a further success of our Sunday school. Just to recapitulate what we faced August 5, 1923. 1. Loss of our pastor, Mr. Corpen ing, a man whom every one loved and revered. 2. Loss of two of day school teach ers, also teachers in the Sunday Bchool Misses Boone and Harper. All know what they meant to the Sunday school. 3. Loss of our S. S. Superintend ent, Raymond Shearln ? he did won derful work. 4. Loss of our able Secretary, Ed die Gupton. In fact a complete loss of Pastor and leaders in Sunday school ? but we had left material which did develop results and I thank you. You, facing this ? without the aid of a pastor, we went to work and now see what you have done?In 4 months: 1. Qot the Wood Department in the TIMES as a means of booster. 2. Furnished your own sheets as curtains, ropes to hang them on. 8. Established weekly teacherB meetings. 4. Bought curtains and rods ? made the curtains and put them up. 5. Made up money for curtains ? Manless Wedding. 6. Enthused Mr. H. R. Waters so that he presented stone steps to the church. You brought them here and helped him place them at the proper place. 7. You darkened the church win dows ? painted them. 8. You established Graded Lessons. 9. You Installed the SI* Point Re cord System. 10. Organized Cradle Roll Depart ment. ? ? vs?| 11. Organized Home Department. 12. Yon organized each class ? giv ing each class a name. 18. You began to brln* your bibles ? averaged 42 each Sunday. 14. You Increased your enrollment from 166 to 801. 16. You Increased your average at tendance from 47 for the same time one year ago to 160. 15. Increased average collection each Sunday from 88c to $8.81. 17. You have made many a heart ?l?d and cheerful each Sunday for ffne hour at least. 19. And to "cap the climax" you "got your pictures took" and put In the FRANKLIN TIMES! Well, now dont you think I or we ought to thank you and feel grateful to you for what you have done. I realize that we had the material but. as I must say, If all of It was as I, It was "as green as grass" when It comet to Sunday school methods but what we have relied upon was EN THUSIASM! Yes ENTHUSIASM! That's It, Say It again? ENTHUS IASM v Wall, its what got us where ws are and It will take us further if -we allow It. JLfaln, I can not help but say that we have as able staff of officers and teachers as can be found. Without these we would be at a lose | Indeed, and In regard to tile mothers | and fathers and pupils, It makes me I rejoice each time I look Into your face? for when I see what you are do ing to help and what smiles you can give and what possibilities that lie In you who can but give thanks that his lot has been cast with you. So. again, I thank you one and all for yqur co-operation, your sugges tions and willingness to help us make our Sunday school the equal of any, and I exhort you every one to put on added zeal and arder to make a grand wind-up of this year's program ? bet ter attendance, collection, prepared lessons and more bibles and a Christ mas tree! I thank you. 81ncerely, H. M. BEAM. ? ? The Spot 9x4 feet In the roof of the school wood house hasn't been re paired yet. ? * PERFECT ATTENDANCE BOLL WOOD ELEMENT A UY SCHOOL 1st Grade ? Russell Leonard, Lorlne Gupton, Pattle Jane King, Evelyn Sturges. 2nd Grade ? Rufus Denton, Llnwood Gupton, Roland Grey Gupton, Paul Griffin, Robert Griffin, Sidney Perry Hamlett, Martha Lynn Denton, Betty Ruth Leonard, Rutty Leonard, Anna Mae Sturgess. 3rd Grade ? Ollie Marce Denton, Ned [ Gupton, Marshall Gupton, Preston : King, Cooper Leonard, Vera Gupton, j Mamie Johnson. 4th Grade ? Ezra Denton, Edgar Fuller, Henry Alex Gupton, L. E. Gup 1 ton, Maurice Wester, Wilmer Gupton, I Iris Gupton, Doris Wester, Edna Wicker. 5th Grade ? Garnold Leonard, Fred die Thojnpson, Mabel Gupton, Leona Raynor. Olh Grade^-FreelanU Green, Jet^le j Gupton, Wilbur Raynor. Ith Grade? Hattia ? B?Ue ? Gupton; ? Thurman Que ton. V ? It will take larger contributions ] the tollowinc Sundays to give the chil dren a REAL CHRISTMAS TREE! * * HONOR BOLL GOLD-SAND HIGH SCHOOL Stii Grade ? Alberta Aycocke, Beulah Burnctte, Maurice Bledsoe, Alice De pile-,1. Georgo Fuller, David Fuller, Oza Faulkner, Klrby Gupton, Annie Gupton, Floyd Griffin, Etta Harris. Clement Harper, Nell Joynor, Henry Leonard, Harold Garbee, Charlla May, Raymond Sturges, Owen Tharrlngf.on, Annie Tharrington, Murice Parrlsh. 9th Grade ? Sue Bledsoe, Austin Ful ler, Irene Gupton, Fannie Gupton, Clyde Leonard, Gorman Leonard. 10th Grade ? Murice Nelma. ? ? PRAYER MEETING PBOGBAM Conducted at Mr. B. B. Burnett's Dec. 5, 1923, held by Bertha Burnette. Song ? 26. Prayer ? Bertha Burnette. Scripture reading. Act 16. Talk ? by Mr. R. O. Thompson. Chain prayer ? led by Bertha Bur nette, closed by Ida Coley. Song ? 61 . Business. Song ? 39. Dismissed by Mr. R. O. Thompson. Prayer meeting will be held at Mr. C. C. Coley's next Wednesday night. OFFICERS WOOD BAPTIST SINDAY JH'HOOL DR. H. M. BEAM Superintendent ALL.i W tJbl Associate Superintendent G. M. RAY NOR Associate Superintendent W. D. FULLER secretary and Treasureer MISS NANCY GUPTON Assi tant Secretary and Treasurer MISS FOGLEMAN Superintendent Home Department MISS WOODBURN Superintendent Cradle Roll MRS. W. D. FULLER Pianist MISS PEARL GUPTON" 1 Teacher Calvin Class MRS. ALEX WESTER Teacher Rebecca Class MISS FRYE Teacher Harper Class MR. R. O. THOMPSON Teacher Raymond Class MISS DAISY BALL ... Teacher Dorcas Class MRS. W. D. FULLER Teacher Willing Workers MRS. M. H. GUPTON Teacher Faithfuls MRS. M. T. GRIFFIN Teacher Bright Jewels MISS ANNIE GUPTON Teacher Sunshine Class ? ??????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????? ? ME. WEIGHT F BEACHED SUNDAY NIGHT Services were enjoyed by a large audlencce Sunday night. And Mr. Wright delighted his hearers with a great and forceful message. One of hia main points In the theme was that a giant physique and beauty are un finished products. Mr. Wright will be here to preach tor us again on Fourth Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock and evening at 7:30. While here then he will give his de cision as to his acceptance of the call tendered him by the church. ? ? The committee has plans nnder con sideration for a "big ChrlBtmas Tree" for the Sunday school children. ? ? B. Y. P. U. PBOGEAM FOB NEXT SUNDAY This promises to be an Interesting program and lets have a large attend ance. Leader ? Miss Nancy Gupton. Scripture by Anna May Sturges ? Phil. 4th chapter 7th verse. 1. Beware the Wiles of Satan ? by Hattie Wilder. 2. Poem, The Game ? by Wilbur Baynor. 3. Purposelessness ? by Jodie Bad ford. 4. Neglect? by Miss Frye. 6. Pleasure ? by Thomas Denton. ' 6. Doubts ? by Austin Fuller. 7. Inactivity ? by Odell Thompson and Geneva Benton. 8. Poem. Be The Best ? by Mable Gupton and Maurice Wester. ? ? A small remembrance, even tho It j costs but little, will certainly cheer some one's heart Christmas. ? ? COLLECTION #1 1.00 SUNDAY Attendance Drop* 17 From last Sun day ? 60 Bibles Brought ? Committee Appointed for Christmas Tree ? Sec retary's and Superintendent's Re ports In ? Half of Officers Absent ? Calvin Class Contributes $7.10. Sunday was aivother beautiful day! Yes and It was a large attendance at Sunday school ? but lacked 17 to make the number equal that ot last Sunday. We understand that sickness kept quite a number away but we are anx ious about those who remained away on other accounts. The Calvin class, always to be coun ted on to do things in a big way, con tributed $7.10 with a view to enter taining the children Christmas. Fine Calvins! We want you to Increase that to about double next Sunday for it is going to take every cent we can get to buy new literature and give ?something to the children. We are giving below the Superin tendents report for November. Please read It carefully and note any change from October. This report shows what we have on hand as $9.45 but as the statement for envelopes and lit erature ordered has not been received thero will be a deficit when It Is. Superintendent's Monthly Report to Church ? Month ending November: Enrollment last month ? 246. New pupils this month? 10. Present enrollment (main school) ? 242. Cradle Roll enrollment- ? 27. Home Department enrollment ? 32. Total enrollment ? 801. Average attendance ? 159. Number on the honor roll? 26. Number of additions to the church ?1. Number of additions to church from Sunday School ? 1. By letter? 1. Total offering ? $37.00. Balance on h*nd $92.45. Total *129.46. Disbursements ? $100.00. Balance on hand ? $29.45. H. M. BEAM. General Superintendent. The Star Classes for Sunday were: 1. Attendance ? Faithfuls, 87%. 2. Collection ? Calvin class, an aver age of 20c per capita. 3. Bibles ? Harpers, 91%. We are gracious for these classes. It Is miraculous to see these classes vie with each other. Keep It ap. Folks, don't you like to see your name on the honor roll ? In big type too? "To be sho" you do. We are extremely anxious ? yes, al most to the point of desperation ? for our attendance to be larger next Sun day than before, also our eocllectlon. Get to work folks. You have shown what you can do, now Just be your self and bring the folks out next Sun day ? bring your pocket books with the strings untied and money ready ?to roll out Into the collection box, bring your bibles and know your les sons. We can easily do It. You know It. So make your mlnas up now to GIVE A LARGE CONTRIBUTION. GIVE A LARGE CONTRIBUTION. GIVE A LARGE CONTRIBUTION. GIVE A LARGE CONTRIBUTION, next Sunday for our Christmas Treport General officers ? enrolled 16, absent 8, present 8. on time 8, No. contribu ting 8, offering $2.97. Adult Dept. ? absent 28, present 46. bibles 22, No. contributing 45, prepar ed lessons 28, offering $7.70. Young People's Dept. ? enrolled IS. ' absent 7, present 11, -.fi time 10, bi bles 10, collection 27c. Intermediate Dept. ? enrolled 37, ab sent 12. present 25. on time 23. No. contributing 19. offering 91c. bibles 14. attending preaching 25. Junior Dept. ? enrolled 38, absent 9, present 29, on time 29, collection 71c, prepared lessons 19, staying for preach Inj 29 Primary Dept. ? enrolled 28, absent 6, present 22, collection 32c. Beginner's Dept. ? enrolled 14, ab- ? ?ent 6, present 8, on time 8, offering Lie. Totals ? enrolled 223, absent 69, present 154, collection $14.00. ? ? It wouldn't take gonio one long to repair the school wood house roof. ? ? LOCAL SEWS We wonder if any one ttiinks of stopping the leak In the school wood house roof. Mr. Corbett Cash, Loulsburg, was st visitor here Sunday. Mrs. Nancy Lancaster and son, Jim Lancaster, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Shearln Sunday. Miss Susie Radford, Washington, D. C., is visiting her father, and moth er and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rad ford. It must have been some feast that Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lanier had Thanks giving ? from all reports ? in particu lar from exclamations made by Mr. Joe Shearln when his eyes rested up on repast. Misses Fannie, Beulah. Lela Mae and Ida B. Coley, Messrs. William and Lawrence Coley were visitors of Miss Eugenia Boone, Castalia, Sunday af ternoon. Mr. C. C. Coley and son, William, were in Warrenton Monday. Messrs. J. S. Shearln, George Coley and Martin Gupton went to Warren ton Sunday. Christmas certainly Isn't far off. Look at the Sale of gifts. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fuller end family and Mrs. Mattle Gupton went to Cedar Rock Sunday and returning were ac companied by Mrs. Mollle Fulghum, who is the guest this week of Mrs. Gupton. Mrs. J.'J. Smith and Miss Daisy Gupton went to Rocky Mount Tues day. Mr. Townsend of Wake Forest, was here with Mr. Wright Sunday night. Mrs. Emory Denton and son, Wen dell, were visitors of Loulsburg Tues (ontlnued on Page Seven) THE GIFT PROBLEM. LET THE Service Drug Co. SOLVE TOURS Fountain Pen* I1JO-WJO. Enr Keadj Pencil* !>0e-t8.00 Tnnltj Cases Manicure Tools Stationery N Safety Kasors and Straight Raiors Cigars Pipes Candles II I If line of Face Powder, Cold Cream, etc, and also combination boxes. VOCES FOB MKRVICK, SERVICE DRUG CO. Wood, N. C. W. D. FULLER C. B. KEARNEY We Wish to Invite You To Our Store Where you will find the most complete and prettiest line of Dry Goods that we have had in a number of years and priced so low that a bale of cotton will buy them all. Ask any visior we have had. Come and make your selection before they are picked over. We are having customers daily that have visited other places and then come back to purchase of us, and are frank to tell us that we are selling Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Shoes, Dress Goods, Notions, Flour, Meat, Lard- in fact our en tire stock at prices sufficiently low to cause them to come back and trade with us.. Our merchandise was purchased at the right time and price and we are giving our customers this advantage. Our Cotton Gin is in that same good condition to handle your cotton and seed. We have in hand a large stock of cotton seed meal and hulls. Our Blacksmith Shop is open to the public six days in each week with a good Blacksmith always there to do your work promptly and properly. Whether it bo Bhoeing your animals or rc j:: iiing your wheels. We invite your visits and inspection whether you purchase or not. W. D. Fuller ^ Cad PHONE 1505 , _ : ,, dj