HELP! It is a strong, appealing word ? a word that should be in the lexicon of universal brotherhood. There is a Help that is fostered by this Institution, through its Savings Departments, that will be a benefit to all who become depositors with us, whether it be in the permanent 4 per cent, compound interest Savings Fund or the 4 per cent. Certificates of Deposit. These all bring just the help wanted, when old age, sickness or unemployment confronts us. Start an account of some kind with us now which will be a help to you later on. P. S ? A few school bags left. Free to child making Savings deposit $1.00 or more. After a big Dlnnrr, a heavy Desert Is not desirable either (or health or enjoyment. Nats assorted from the many varieties we hare Jnst received, answers the Desert question easily and economically. A fall and select line of fruits and candles for the holidays. Our lliie of Feed Staffs Is complete and our prices are attractive. COITE AND 8EE *E. J. Allen Harris LOUISBURG, North Carolina TUCKER'S HOTEL and CAFE Main Street LOUISBURG, N. C. |fe:vi ? The best of meals the mar ket affords and prepared In of fashion. Plenty of rooms for the accommodation of all who wish to apend the ntfht, all well famished. J. C. TUCKER Proprietor Free Flower Seeds Yo? wffl ka 0ad to k mm that "*ha Booth'* gtn mj aboot aaad of tha South'* moat popular ara thla ?prln*. Ttan ta Dothlnc la Ota kotna. oaa aorapara with rich oolorad flpwara. Thar brtjhtan na all op and mako aaf honaa attracttra. TH tmfi plant WO many (lonn and thla ospodanter to KM Shlrlay Poppiaa, lWHWB| WW era, Zinnia*. Ooamoa and Ifarrtnan Boa fc? Boah abaolntalr traa, la aartatnt f to ba waiuomad by all naiara of thla Ton cam (at thcml Jut writ* to Bart'np' fortlxu* 111* Catalog. a talla 7 on how to cat Oowar aaoda fraa. It baa 104 papa of baaattfol graphic ptotnraa and oartadt d Uooa oC gardaa Oowar and Bald bulb* and plant*, and ahn la toll of halpful Information that la J ph?to il*anki MnZ alraoat dally In aranr BooUxara keaaa. K'l tha moat raloahU aaad book ?fto publlahad and too wtn ba mlckte gkd CVa got it Juat wrtta anTOkfor now Oatalog. H. a HA8TINM OO, Atlanta, Ok. . _ PMNTINO IE 281 TRUSTEE 8 8 A UK OF FARM LANDS By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of tAst made by Dare C. Evans to W. H. Per nell. Trustee, and recorded 1b Frank lin Registry in Book 234, page 244, dated March 29, 1921, default having been made 111 the payment of the In debtedness thereby secured and de mand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of Bald Indebtedness, the undersl&ned will on MONDAY, JANUARY 7. 1824 at about the hour of noon at the court house door In Loulsburg, N. C.. offer tor sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash that tract of land situate In Sandy Creek township, in said deed of trust couveyed. and there described OB" follows: Joining the lands of C. P. Thome, W. Q. Faulkner. Sam Solomon, and others, beginning at a stone In the-CV P. Thome's line (?) 11 1-2 W 4.16 chains to an oak; thence S 4 3-4 W 7.45 chains to a stone; thence S S W 15.12 chains to a stone; thence S 87 1-2 Vr 17.64 chains to an Iron stake: thence N 5 1-2 W 16.25 chains to an Iron stake; thence N- 52 1-2 W 4.70 chains to beginning, containing fifty two and one-half (62 1-2) acres, moie or less. This December 7, 1923. W. H. PERNELL, Trustes. Wm. H. & Thos. W. Ruffln, Attorneys. 12-7-51 Have yon tried William Tell Flour? It not, ask yoar neighbor about It. 10-12-12t Colds Cause Qrlp add Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUCJTNS Tablets mnm