THE STORE OF APPROPRIATE GIFTS GIFTS FOR THE WOMEN Silk Stockings In Black, (irey. Brlgc and Brown lisle bol? and tops, all 8 1ms $1.50 White Linen Handkerchiefs are always acceptable, especially these with tasteful embroidered designs 25c to 76c Suede, Chamosette and Kid Gloves Strap style and PK sewn with Parte Point spear backs In practical shades of Bearer, Grey and Black ?1.45 to W.95 Colored Silk Umbrellas With smart handles trimmed with amber and Bakellt stub ferrules *4.95 Bedroom Slippers of silk with pom pom are sure to be appre ciated, In all wanted colors #8c Shaker Knit Sport Sweaters In slipoTer style with roll collar, combina tion collar and caffs, also solid white $4.95 Ooxy Bathrobes of Twy rood quality Blanket! ng, ribbon bound collar, calls and pockets, hare gay designs, all slieo $3.45 Silk Stockings Sheer quality, rery fine quality, all new shades, mock seam back, all 9 lies the A General Reduction Sale of Coats, Suits and Dresses Offering opportunity for substantial econo mies on many smart models. Coats Reduced 1-4 and 1-3 Originally $15 to $65 >ow $?J>5 to $#7.60 Suits Reduced 1-4 and 1-3 Originally $18^0 to $47.50 Now $12.45-$87.50 Dresses Reduced 1-4 to 1-2 Originally $8.95 to $37.50 ..Now $4J>5-$87.45 GIFTS FOR THE MAN and Men's Department Specials Manicure Sets In neat separate boxes handsomely decora ted, colored designs $&95 Silk Neckwear Latest fashion cots, new stripes and de signs 50c and 95c Silk Knit Ties New Knits new designs and solid colors, packed In Christmas bo- es 95^to IB.00 Pajamas FP>e quality Pajamas In heary ontlng fancy designs, silk frog trimmed.. $1.95 to $8.75 Wool Mufflers Wide bar patterns, all new shades, Angora wool i i $1.96 Belts, Buckles and Beltograms Famous HJckock Belts and Buckles Buckles, each Initialed sterlng sllrer any letter 50c, $L00, $1.50 Leather Belts 60c, $1.00 Beltograms, any initial $1.50 Interwoven Sox for Men Hen's Lisle Sox, all colors 40c Men's Ribbed Sox, all colors 50c Men's 811k Sox, all colors ? 75c Men's Wool Sox, all colors 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs Bine, Brown and Laiender borders S for $1.00 Hand Drawn Pongee Handkerchiefs.. $1.00 Men's Suits, Boys' Suits and Overcoats Greatly Reduced Men's Suits Reduced 1-4 to 1-3" Originally $19.50 to $37.50 Now $12.45-$27.45 Men's Overcoats Reduced 1-4 to 1-3 Originally $1&50 to *37.50 Now $12.45-$27.45 Boys' Suits and Overcoats Reduced 1-4 to 1-3 Originally $8.00 to ?18J>0__ Now $L?S-$14.45 L KLINE & COMPANY LODISBURG, ~ NORTH CAROLINA Mr. Sidney Edens visited Haieigh Friday. ? Cotton sold for 34 cents a pound in Louisburg yesterday. Sausage Mills, Refined Salt, Ground Sage, Pepper, Lard Cans, Butcher Knives, and Lard Jars 12-14-lt at L. P. HICKS. Forester H. M. Curran reports a new Industry for the mountain section. A fanner of Cherokee cracks black wal nuts and sella the meats. From 6 to 10 pounds of salable meats are secur ed from each bushel of walnuts and certain dealers are eager tor the pro duct. Farmers of Alamance County saved more than *3600 over tho retail price of explosives by cooperating In the or dering of a carload of Sodatol through the Agricultural Extension Service. They will use this material in blow ing stumps, reports County Agent W. K. Scott. ? Mr. L. G. Turnage, of near Seven Paths, was displaying a cabbage In Loulsburg the past week raised by himself that weighed 10 1-4 pounds and measured 12 Inches across the head. It was the largest home grown cabbage seen on the local morket this year. 8abacnr*> r r The FTnMUm Times $1.60 Per Tear In Advance 4 SALE OF VALUABLE PROPBRTY I Undaf? and by vrtue of the power | conferred in a certain deed of trust executed to me by L. L. Whitaker, and duly recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Franklin County, North Carolina, in Book 236. page 8/ and by virtue of an order of re-sale made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin county, I wilron MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1923 at the hour of noon, sell at publi^auc tion at the Courthouse door in ntnlls burg, N. C. to the highest bidder for cash, one undivided half Interest In and to the following doscribed prop erty : A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situate In the County of Franklin, State of North Carolina, and in the town of Louisburg, lying on both sides of Tar River, and boun ded as follows: On the North by the lands of D. F. McKinne, L. P. Hicks and F. N. Egerton; on the East by Main Street in the said town of Louis burg; on the South by the lands of J. M. and W. H. Allen and O. W. Ford; and on the West by the lands of O. W. Ford and F. N. Egerton, and con taining seventeen acres, more or less known as the Louisburg Mill Proper ty, and Including the Blacksmith Shop, Mill Building, grist mills, cot ton gin, scales and all machinery of every description used In connection with said grist mills and cotton gin; also the mill-pond, mill dam, and all easements, water powers and water rghta, privileges, powers and rights of every kind and descrlpton belong ing to or connected with the above described property Including all rights and powers reserved by or granted to the owners of said above described property In a certain agreement re corded In the ofTlce of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County In Book 84, page 282. This the 14th day of De cember, 1923. 12-14-8t F. H. ALLEN, Trustee. HELP WANTED YOUNOSVILLE, N. C. Girls and women over 16 years old to work In Shirt Factory. Houre 7 A. M. (o S P. M. Oood pay while learning. Board cheap. Apply H. H. Underwood at Post Office, Youngs vllle, N. C., or V. J. Ttmberlake, Prop. 2-14-2t WANTED Several glass floor cases, show w ? es, counters and store fixtures. Write I stating price, size and condition, J. R. | BILLER A CO., Henderson, N. C. 12-14-2t REMOVED We have moved In the brick build ing at the bridge formerly occupied by Dr. Davis and will be glad to have our customers come to see us. We are better prepared to Serve you With the best the market affords. A cordial welcome and quldk service awaits you at our Cafe. ;.??? *-. .. ... Lffi 12-14-lt . G. 8. WHITE ft SOk. Your Money Back If Rat-S^ap Boesn't Come Up fcTIChese Claims. RAT-SNAP is absolutely guaranteed tor kill rats and mice. Cremates tbem. Rodents killed with RAT-SNAP leave no smell. Rata pass up all food to get at RAT-SNAP. Their first meal is their last. RAT-SNAP comes in cakes. No mixing. Cats and dogs won't touch it Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by CASH GROCERY & MARKET. AdT FOR SALE House and lot in the Town of Louis burg. Situated in a good neighbor hood, convenent to schools and chur ches. Lot is about 80x150 feet. The house has six rooms in addition" \ to kitchen, bath and halls. Two car pa rage, Coal and Wood sheds on the lot. Possession given January, 1924. Have been offered 125.00 per month rent for the house. Price $2,500.00. Part cash. Balance on terms. 12-14-3t M. S. DAVIS. Prunes, Dried Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Cranberries, Dried Beans, Dried Pears and Potatoes 12-14-lt at L. P. HICK8. ?SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE U ruler and by virtue of the author ity contained In the Deed ot Trust ex ecuted and delivered by L. L. Whita ker to G. M. Beam, Trustee, dated April 7, 1920, and recorded In Frank lin County Registry in Book 236 at page 504, and default having been made In the payment of the notes thereby secured, and upon demand and request of the holder of said notes described therein, the undersigned Trustee will on MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1924, at or about the hour of 12 o'clock noon at the court house door in Louisburg, N. C.. Franklin County, offer for sale and sell to the bghest bidder for cash the following described tract or par cel of land situate in Louisburg town Bhlp, Franklin county, State of North Carolina, described as follows, viz: "An undivided one-half interest in and to the following property, to-wlt: A certain tract or parcel situated in the County ot Franklin, State of North Carolina, and in the Town of Louis burg, lying on both Bides of Tar River and bounded as follows: On tke North by the lands of D. F. McKlnne. L. P. Hicks and F. N. Egerton ; on the East by Main Street In said Town of Louisburg; on the South by the lands of J. M. and W. H. Allen and Q. W. Ford; on the West by the lands of O. W. Ford and F. N. Egerton and con taining seventeen (17) aeres, more or less, known as the Loutsburg Mill Property and Including the Black smith shop, Mill building, Qrlst mills, Cotton Gin, Scales and all macnluery or every description used In connec tion with Grist Mills and Cotton Gin; also, the mill dam, and all easements, water powers -and water rights, privi leges, powers and rghts of every kind and description belonging to or grant ed to the owner or owners of said above-described property m a certain Agreement recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds ot Franklin County In book 34, page 282. The undivided halt interest In the above described property being the same which W. H. Allen and wife conveyed to L. L. Whltaker by deed dated April 7, 1920." This the 11th day of Decembar, 1923. 12-14-Bt Gh M. BEAM, TruiteS. THIS FRANKLIN TmtKS J1.60 Per Year In Advance B,LLV ?UNDAY SIX WEEKS FOB $1 y.Tfrjr nermon dellrered by the world's greatest evangelist daring the six week*' rnlr?l ran palgn he will open In Charlotte December MM, will be printed In tnll In the lusoe following IU delivery. Billy Sunday's thrilling phraseology, hln striking gesture* nnd platform antic* nnd the man ner In which hln sermons are received by the thousands who will Jam the specially constructed tabernacle, will be duly recorded by an Observer staff reporter. The fact that The Observer It a morning paper will enable It to (fire a more complete report of the services than any other Charlotte newspaper. In addition to the complete Billy Hnnday report*. The Observer will carry ere^r piece of pews developing In North and Hoath Carolina, the local news handled by a large corps of reporter*, and the world new* gle?ned from a complete Associated Pre** service. Feature*, nam let, spec 1*1 article* of general Interest and an editorial page second to none In the 8 Both, make np a pa per that la more than de?lrahle. ' SPECIAL' RATE OF ONE DOLLAR TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS TOR THE SIX WEEKS IF SENT IN BEFORE DECEMBER 20. J