New Year Is the wholehearted wish we entertain for eaeh and every person in franklin and adjoining counties. When the Christmas holidays have passed and you hate enjoyed every second of them, we wish to pause for a moment and thank the gobd people of Franklin and adjoining counties for the business with which they have favored us, and Sincerely hope ?that the service we have ren dered and the merchandise which we have sold you have proved us worthy of your continued patronage . r ~ ? Again thanking you for your patronage in the past and wishing you a most Merry Christ mas, we are Sincerely, LOUISBURG, North Carolina F. A. ROTH COMPANY LOUISBURG, North Carolina COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LOUIS BURG LANDS Under and by virtue of the order of re-sale of the Superior Court of Frank lln County, dated Deo. 4, 1923, made in that special proceedings entitled J. J. Murray and C. B. Brantley, adminis trators x>f J. C. Brantley, deceased, vs. Mrs. Mavis Brantley, wodow of, and C. E. Brantley, et al, heirs at law, the undersigned will on. MONDAY,. JANUARY 7, 1924, at about the hour of noon at the Court House door in Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidders for cash the following de scribed tracts of land situate in Frank lln County, N. C., and more particu larly defined as follows: FIRST TRACT? The lands lying on the LouieDurg R. ad bounded, accord ing to said survey as follows: Be ginning at a stake,. Ransom Dodd's corner on said road, thence N 3 46 K 13.44 chains to a stake; thence N 87 30 W 8.62 chains; thence S 230 W l.Bl chains to a stake; thence N 87 30 W 25.16 ohaMia to a stake. Ransom Dodds corner; thence N 3 30 E 11.34 chains to a stake, corner, for Lot No. 2 of Do.ver; thence S 87 30 E 13.66 chains to a stake, corner for said dower lot; thence N 8 30 E 8 chains to a staV.e, tho corner for said dower lot; thence 8 87 SO E IS. 34 chains to a stake; thence N 8 E 3 chains to a stake In Henry Jones line; thence 8 83 E 7.1 n chains to a stake, corner for Henry Jones and the Dower lot No. 1; thence 8 87 E 5.44 chains to a stake On the road, 'corner for Dower lot No. 1 on said ft>art; thence along said road N 26 E 2.25 chainB to a stake in said road;: thence N 66 W 1 chain to a stake; thence N 19 E 5.30 chains to a stake; thence S 87 E 5.44 chains to a Btake corner for said Dower lot No. 1 In Baldy Rice's line;, thence S .3 45 W 41 47 chains to a stake; thence N 84 W 12.60 chains to the point ot begin ning, containing 110 acre*, more or less, by survey of Plttman Stell, Sur veyor, Nov. 15, 1922. But from this Tract there was sold under a Mortgage made by said intes tate, dated Jan. 1, 1922, and recorded lln Book 242;>page 629, Franklin Reg istry, to Spring Hope Bupply CO., ? 42.50 acres which is not in said mort I gage described by metes and bounds but which is correctly defined by met M and bounds as follows: reference feeing had to deed of Isaac Jones to Job It Jones, Book 117, Dago 27: "Beginning at a corner Hickory ?tamp on the East side of the Louls {?rg road said Ransom Dodd's cor Jer; thence with his Uns N 87 1-2 W 48 poles to a stake; th?nce N 2 3-4 ? 45 1-2 poles to a stake; thence S rr 1-J B 148 pole* to ?' stake, W. H. Brantley's corner; thence with 61s line 8 2 1-4 W 46 1-2 poles to the be ginning. containing 42 1-2 acres, more or less, > ?? And tterefoc* there is aow Hft available for sale in tills proceedings only 67 1-2 acres, more ot less In said "T ? ?? gscONX) TRACT ? Situate on Qrodk jd Creek and bounded as follows: Be ginning at a stake, corner thence N 5 E 27.80 chains to a stake and stump; thence N 44 W 1.25 chains to a Holly; thence N 76 W 77-100 chains to a stake; thence N 85 E 2. 20 .chains to a stake; thence N 75 3.60 chains to a stake; thence N 35 E 2.20 chains to a stake; thence N 40 E 1.80 chains to a stake; thence N 82 E 1.20 chains to .a stake on Crooked Creek; thence crosB Ing said creek S 15 E 30.12 chains to a stake; thence S 70 30 W 19 chains to the point of beginning, containing 35 1-2 acres, more or less. And also the reversion lft? Dower of Mrs. Mavis Brantley, her?-to-fore al lotted, which Is bounded as described as follows: Lot No. 2 ? Beginning at a stake and pointers in the Dodd line, corner of William Evans; thence along the Dodd line S 3 1-2 W 8 chains t^> a stake in said Dodd's line; thence S 86 1-2 E 13.66 chains to a stake in a drain; thence N S 1-2 ES chains to a stake in William Evans' line; thence along said Evans' line N 86 1-2 W 13.66 chains to "the Beginning, contain ing 11 acres, more or less, including the dwelling house known as the Ed. Holland Place and other buildings and Improvements thereon, and remainder of which after the life estate or dower of Mrs. Mavltf Brantley expires Is of fered for sale. This Dec. 7, 1923. 12-7-5t WM. H. Itl'FFIN, Com'r. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF FARM LANDS By vlrtuo of the power of sale con*, talned In that certain deed of trust made by Dave C. JSvans to W. H. Per nell, Trustee, and recorded in Frank lin Registry In Book 234, page 244.: dated March 29, 1921, default having, been made In the payment of the In debtedness thereby secured and de-i mand for foreclosure having bean' mads on said trustee by the holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned will on i !< MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1924 i at about the hour of noon at the Court house door in Louisburg, N. C., offer for sate at public auction to the high est bidder for cash that tract of land situate In Sandy Creek townslm^ fn safd dead of trust oonteyed, and there described an follows: Joining the lands of C. P. Thorn e, W. G. Faulkner, Sam Solomon, and othara, beginning at a stone In the C. P. Thorne'S line (?) 11 1-2 Vt ?.1? chalna. to aa oak | thence S 4 3-4 ' W 7.45 chains to a stone; thence 8 4 W 15.12 chains to a stone; thenc* S 87 1-2 W 17.64 chains to an Iron (take: thence N 5 1-2 W 16.25 chains (a an Iron stake; thence N 52 1-2 W 4.70 chains to beginning, containing fifty two and one-half (62 1-2) acres, moie or less. This December 7, 1923. W< H. PERN Eli., Trusts 3. W?. H. ft Tbos. w. Rutin, ' { SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Under and by vrtue ot the power conferred In a certain deed of trust executed to me by L. L. Whltaker, and duly recorded In the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Franklin County, North Carolina, in Book 236, pace 8, and by virtue of an order of re-eale made by the Clerk ot the Superior Court of Franklin county, I will on MONDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1?23 at the hour of noon, sell at publip auc tion at the Courthouse door in Louls burg, 2s". C. to the highest bidder for ca3h, one undivided half Interest in and to the following described prop erly: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situate in the County of Franklin, State o{ North Carolina, and in the town ot Louls^urg, lying on both sides ot Tar Riv^r, apid boun ded as follows: On the North by the lands ot D. F. McKinne. L- P. Hicks and F? N. Egerton; on the. East by Main Street in the said town of Loula burg; on the South by the lands of J. M. and W. H. Allen and Q..W. Ford; and on the West by the lands of G. W. Ford and F. N. Egerton, and con taining seventeen acres, more or less known as the LouiBburg Mill Proper ty, and Including the Blac^sjnlth Shop, Mill Building, grist mills, cot ton gin, scales and all machinery of every description used in connection with said grist mi)!? and cot'.on gin ; also the mllt-pond.'mm.iluiii. .uid all easements, water t;o\i c. ^ and water rghts, privileg e and rights of every klnu . ;iU uencrtpton belong Ing to or ..i!v<ited with the.^bove iloBcrlb. U ;n.i4.orty including all lights and Vtf .. ore reserved by or gra^tfid to the owners of said above described property la a certain agreement . re corded In the offjoe of the Register of Deeds of flVanklln County in Book 34, page tut- This the' 14th day of De cember, 1923. . i\ ... l?-14-3t F. H. ALLEN. Trustee. ? ? *l"' 1 ' ' ; l"'* * ft. ? ' SALE OF VALUABUC REAL E8TSATE Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in the Deed of True* ex ecnted and delivered by L. L. Whlta ker to Q. M. Beam. Trustee, dated April 7, 1920. and recorded In Frank lin County Registry In Book 23< at page 604, and default having been made In the payment ot the notes thereby secured, and upon demand and request of the holder of said note* described therein, the undersigned Trustee will on MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1924. at or about the hour ot 12 o'clock noon at the court bouse door In Loulsburg, N. C.. Franklin County, offer for sale and sell to the hghest bidder for cash the following described tract or par cel of land situate In U>uleburg tewp ship, Franklin oeunty, State of North Carolina, deecrlbed as follows, vis: "An undivided one-half Interest In and to the following property, to- wit: A certain tract or parcel situated In the ('/ounty of IVanklln, State of North Carolina, and tn the Town ot louts burg, lying on both sides of Tar River and bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of D. F. McKlnne, L. P. Hicks and F. N. Egerton; on the East by Main Street In said Town of Loulsburg; on the South by the lands of J. M. and W. H. Allen and G. W. Ford; on the West by the lands ot O. W. Ford and JS\ N. Egerton and con taining seventeen (17) acres, more or less, known as the Loulsburg Mill Property and Including the Black smith shop, Mill building, Grist mills, Cotton Gin, ^Scales and all macnluery of every description used In connec tion with Grist Mills and Cotton Gin; also, the mill dam, and all easements, water powers and water rights, privi leges, powers and rghts of every kind and description belonging to or grant ed to the owner or owner* of sa<d above-described property in a certain Agreement recorded In the oftlca of the Register ot Deeds of Franklin County In book 34. page 282. Tho undivided halt Interest in the above described property being the same which W. H. Allen and wife conveyed to L L. Whltaker by deed dated April 7. 1920." This the 11th day of December, 1923. 12-14-5t G. M. BEAM, Trustee. SALE OF LAND Under the authority contained In that deed of trust executed by C. F. Best and wife on the 1st day of April, 1922 to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, which Is duly registered in Book 234 page 383 office ot Register ot Deeds of Franklin Cpunty, default having been made In the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured and demands made upon to foreclose the said deed ot trust. I will on MONDAY, JANUARY 7. 1924 at about the hoar of noon at the court house door ot Praaklln county sell at public auction to the highwt bidder tor cash that tract ot land fltuate in Frankllntoa Township. Franklin coun ty. North Carolina and lying about five miles Westiot the town of Franklin ton on the Fran Mint on and Hillsboro road bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of the R. R. Holmes estate and W. A Mitchell, on the East by the lands of M. Y. Gul ley. on the .South by the Holmes and Jaokson land and on the West bar the lands of C. C. Holmes, containing 458 aores more, or less, and being known as "Geo. Whitfield Place." I Prior encumbrances will be paid out ' of the preoeede from above sale. This the 5th day of Dec., 19&3. 12-7-Bt BJBN T. HOLDEN. Trustee . - Sauaage Mills, Reined Salt, Ground Sage. Pepper, Lard Cans, Butcher Knives and Lard Jars 12-21 -It at L P. HICKS. N? Worms la a nealtby CUM All ohlMm traabM wit* Wane* kin ??*? b?Nby cnl>r. whty InWrafci poai blood. to* two or three 111 enrich the blood, bn ?nntlN dig irtiA mmJ met ???willllmi<> ?otng Toole to the wh >r?t?m. NetanvUlthaa deswttt oretaaa tuiniw, sad tbeObftM wHl be Kptrlm kaeltU PUaaant is take. Mo pet bottk. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the authority contained In the deed of trust execut ed to mo by J. V. Harper and duly Re corded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin county, North Carolina, In Book 224 page 247, de fault having been made In the pay ment of the notes secured therein, and at the request of the holder ot the said notes, I will on MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1924 at about the hour ot noon, sell at pub lic auction at the courthouse door In I oulsburg, N. C. to the highest bidder for caBh two certain tracts or parcels of land situate in Franklin county, Sandy Creek township, State of North Carolina and described as follows: First Tract: Bounded on the North by the lands formerly owned by P. W. Cupton; on the East by the lands of Mary E. Oupton; on the South by the lards of J. W. Griffin and J. M. & W. H. Allen and ou the West by the lands of E. A. Oupton, containing forty-one and one-half (41 1-2) acres, more or less. Second Tract: Bounded on the North by the lands of W. H. Wood; on the East by the lands of Nancy Gup ton; on the South by the lands of Sal ly Foster and on the West by the lands of Lucy Foster, containing thirteen and one-half (13 1-2) acres more or less. Both ot said tracts being the same lands conveyed to the said J. V. Har per by warranty deed dated June 16th, 1919, from J. M. Allen and W. H. Allen. This the 3rd day of Dec., 1923. 12-7-St G. M. BEAM. Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LANDS IN FMtNKLIN COUNTY, N. C. By virtue of power of sale contain ed in that certain deed of trust dated Nov. 9, 1917, Book 224. page ?4, made by Thos. Davis to Thos. W. Rutin, Trustee, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby se cured and demand for foreclosure having been made on sale trustee, by the holder of the debt thereby secur ed, the undersigned will on MONDAY, JANUARY 7. 1924 at about the hour ot uoou at the c^urt house door la Loulsburg, X C. offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder, for cash that certain tract of land In said deed of trust describ ed aa follows; Situate to Franklin County, Sandy Creek township. Beginning at the southwest corner of No. 1 In the ol^.Bath; theaeo S 88 1-2 E 99 poles to a corner of No. 1, Ingram's corner; thence 8 72 W lit poles 10 links to the center ot flat Rock Oeek; thence along the creak nearly North about 51 poles to a stake; thence along thf old line 8 9 H * 10 poles, 14 links to the center of the old path, where It crossesvt(ie old line; thence along the o(d path Snarly North about 45 poles to the b*r>nhlAg, con taining forty-eight and 2-10 acres. It being Lot No. 2 In the division ot t?e lands of Jacob R. Debnara by will t*1 said W. A. and Addle Debnam. This December 7, 1323. 12-7-6t THOS. W. RtTFFIN, Trustee. SALE OF DWELLING AND LOT IN LOUISBURG, N. C. By virtue of power of Bale contain ed in that certain deed o? trust dated Jan. 21, 1921, recorded In Book 234, page 222, Franklin Registry, made by J. B. Davis and wife to Thos. W. Ruf fin, Trustee, dofault having been made In the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made on the said trustee by the holder of the debt thereby Se cured, the undersigned will on MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1924 at about the hour of noon at the court house door In Loulsburg. N. C. oiler for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, that certain lot of land and dwelling thereon, situate on Main St., in the town of Loulsburg, N. C., described In said deed of trust as follows: Beginning at the corner of Main Street and River Road In town of Loulsburg, N. C., thence along Main Street in a Southerly direction to Zol lle Wilkins corner on Main Street, thence In a Westerly direction along Zollie Wilkins line to Wilkins corner In J. M. Allen's line, thence at right angles to the last line in a Northerly direction a straight line to the River Road, J. M. Allen's corner, thence in a Narth- aaterly direction along the River Road to the beginning, contain ing about one-flfth of one acre, It be ing the land conveyed by J. B. Deb nam and wife to J. B. Davis, by (toed dated Oct. IB, 1917, duly recorded In the Registry of Franklin county. In Book. JH. page 348, reference to wtttch is hereby expressly made for further description. The said sale to be made subject to a first lien deed of trust made to Vm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, recoraed In Book 210. Franklin Registry. This December 7, 1923. 12-7-5t THOS. W. RUFFTN, Truatee. 1 LOST , A small cedar trunk, with D*$er covering wain, cont*b)lng girls Cloth ing, tnclu<Mqir a blue middy suit, lost between Loulsburg and wood on Men day Reward for Ita return to MARY DAt. 12-14- tt Lotttobtrtf, N. a Tear Wu*rj Batk If ~ta?-S*?p DmhI C?m Up to These Ctotoss RAT SNAP to Absolutely guaranteed to kill rata and- mice. Cremates tSfcs. Rpdeots killed with RAT 8NAP to?ve As Smell. Rata psaa ap all food . to cat at RAT-SNAP. Their first jtoMl H&r won't touch tt Three alas Bold and guaranteed by OROCWtY dT MARK ST. for mn MMfe

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