-W-0-Q-D- L> E 1? A RJ.- M E N T A Happy, prosperous and Buccess lul New Year to each of you! ? PLEASE GIVX THJK NEWS TO U? As we begin the new year we wish to thank our readers (or their patience with our efforts and ask that they bear -with us as we attempt In our feeble way to boost our village and commu nity and In giving the local news as far as possible each week. We feel that we have met with In the past few months the approval of many and hope that from this on we will knprove as we go. We thank those who have helped us by their contributions, criticisms, sug gestions and words of encouragement to continue this department each week. It Is 1 a matter of Impossibility for us to cover each happening In our community and we depend upon con tributions In writing and verbal state ments from those who are Interested. If you intend to take a trip, give a party, have visitors, give a swell din ner or answer Dan Cupid's call we ?will appreciate highly and thank you very much If you will let us know It either leaving It In writing at Dr. Beam's office or tell us about It. We hope you had a pleasant Christ mas and wish you a Happy New Year, Thank you! LOCAL NEWS It was a great pleasure to have with us during the vacation qur young la dles and boys who have been teaching and attending school In other locali ties. It' seemed like old times to have them with us, We bid them God's speed and wish them much success In their work and hope they will return to us In the spring with a vim and vigor that will encourage us to look higher all the time. Misses Ruth and Pearle Gupton and Messrs. Corbett Cash and Gus Wester visited Wilson Tuesday. Mr. Morris T. Griffin was a visitor of Loulsburg Tuesday. In and around our village there has been a party of some kind almost every evening during the holidays. A'l report amusement galore at each ; ace. Among those entertaining were and Mrs. A. A. Shearln, Mr. and *V. P. Leonard, Miss Minnie Lan Mfc. and Mrs. W. D. Fuller, Mr. ccil '? 3. Geo. W. Gupton and Mr. Pluiv.'.i. !. Raynor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Grfffin and fam ily, Nashville, spent Christmas day wlth Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Shearln. Master Donald Griffin, Centerville, spent several days here i?ith his mo ther, Mrs. G. M. Raynor, last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Joyner and daughters, Mary and Annie Mae, Rocky Mount, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith Sunday. Misses Ruth and Pearle Gupton and Messrs. Corbett Cash and Gus Wester Attended the Shrine Circus, Rocky Mount, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Joseph E. Barnes and daugh ters Mildred and Dorothy, Raleigh, ?were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs, w. D. Fuller and family, Mrs. Annie Drake and Messrs Dew Bachelor and James Stephenson, Castalla, and Miss Mary Coppedge, Red Oak, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Shearln Sunday. Mr. John Heath vtslted his sister, Mrs. Robert Huckstept, Emporia, Va, Jftd brother, Mr. L. R. Heath, Peters burg, Va. during the Christmas vaca tion. Messrs. Stephen* Odom and John Thompson spent the holidays with parents In Aroola. Mr. P . B. Griffin, Loulsburg, was a (Wast of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gupton and Wilbur Raynor went to Loulsburg Ifa&day. I Messrs. J6s?ph Barnes and ? . ? . fWjas. Raleigh, were guest* of Mr. Mm Mrs. W. D. Fuller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norward Joyner and daughters, Annie Mae and Mary, Rocky Mount, were guests of relatives ?M4 friends here last weak. Mr. E. H. Wicker and ton. Irvine. 9? San ford, were guests of his daugh ter, Mrs. w. P. "Leonard last week. J. Puller want to Henderson lllss BonnJ# Dare Poglsman ot tba k?iMar* L. Coleman Denton, who has on the slok list la greatly taa ? Raskin Hunt, Royal, was a visi ble |Mt Tuesday evening. -1 Galloway. It weighed US pounds. 3" Rev. Walter C. Ball. Trtoity College, Durham, spent the holiday* with hie father, Mr. J. B. Ball and family. Mies Aleea Woodburn, of the school faculty, spent the holidays with par- j ents In Ellsabethtown. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Raynor and son, Q. M. Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Shearln visited Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Shearln and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ray nor. Rogky : Mount, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Morris T. Griffin spent the Christmas holidays with relatives In Edenton and Hertford. Mrs. J. S. Shearln and Messrs. Bunn and Raymond Shearln visited relatives In and around Castalla Friday. Master Clinton Gupton accompanied Miss Flora Frye home to spend the Christmas holidays. Mr. Jim Burnett was a guest of Mr. J. B. Burnett, Midway. Saturday. Misses Jesele Mitchell. Henderson, Ruth Burroughs, Robersonvllle, and Mrs. Sallle Lancaster. Henderson, were guests of Miss Minnie Lancaster last week. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Burnett have made our village their homes last week. We welcome them. . Messrs. Ed Parrleh, Red Bud and father, Mr. William Parrlsh. Hickory Rock, were visitors here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Leonard have moved Into the Taylor home. It gives a? great pleasure to know that these good people have decided to remain In our midst this year. Mr. W. D. Fuller and daughter, Eliz abeth, and son, Edgar, visited his mother, Mrs. D. T. Fuller. Moulton, Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Parker, Miss Ruth Parker and Mrs. Cathrlne Fields were Warrenton visitors Sun day. Misses Ruth Parrish, Centervllle. and Beulah Cyrus. Loulsburg, and Mr. John Robert Montgomery. Spring Hope, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Shearln Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith spent Christ mas day with parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Joyner, Rocky Mount. Miss ? . ? . Clark, Enfield, was a guest of Miss Pearle Gupton Monday. Mr. Richard Pullen, near Holllster. visited friends here during the Christ mas vacation. It certainly Is a fine girl at Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dement's, born Tuesday morning, weighs 10 pounds. Mr., and Mrs. Thomas W. Parker, Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Mrs. Catherine Fields, Los Angeles, Cali fornia, who spent the Christmas holi days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Parker returned to their homes Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Denton and family made Wood their home last week. We are glad to have them In our midst. Mr. Corbett Cash, Royal, was a visi tor here several days last week. Mr. W. D. Fuller went to Henderson Monday on business. Mr. Spruill Upchurch waB a visitor here Sunday evening. Miss Irene Gupton who spent the Christmas holidays with parents here returned to her school in Durham Tues day. Miss Vera anearln, uastaua, is vis iting Miss Bertha Hamlett. Misses Minnie, ?laudle, and Lilian Collins and Mlnta Gilliam and Messrs. Clinton Gupton. near Loulsburg, and Bernard Davis, of White Level, were guests of Miss Odell Thompson Sat urday night. Messrs. Cleaey and Harvey Gupto.j and Kenneth Ayescue went to Sklp with. Va., Sunday. Miss Mary Ball, Weldon, visited her parents, Mr. J. B. Ball and family dur ing the Christmas vacation. Mr. L. T. Tucker. Chase City. Va., visited relatives and friends here dur lng the Christmas holidays. Messrs. M. F. Parker and son, Thom as W. went to Warrenton Wednesday. Miss Viola Gupton and Messrs. Bud die Gupton and Charles Burnett vlMt ed Loulsburg Friday. Miss Lucy Bell Denton spent tbe week end with Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Harris, Apex. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galloway spent the Christmas holidays here' with par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Galloway and Mr. end Mrs. C. E. Denton. i Messrs. J. P. Leonard and Elijah Gupton were Loulsburg visitors Mon day. Mr. W. D. Fuller went to LynchWrj, Va., Thursday on business. Mr. Cleveland Gupton went to Ral elgh Monday. Miss Dell .Leonard. CMtalla. Is vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pearce anil family. Messrs. Raymond Shoarln and Ed die Gupton who have been spending the holidays with parents here return led to Mars H1U College Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Parker. Mr. and | Mrs. Thomas W. Parker and Mrs. C. I Fields went to Loulsburg Thursday. | Miss Mary Qalloway, Hamlet, was a 1 guest of parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. iGalloway last week. Misses Nancy and Annie F. Gupton i and Lucy Belle Denton and Messrs. Buddie Gupton and Charles Burnette went to Warrentou Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Harrla and j Miss Lola Harris Tlslted Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denton and family Tuesday. Misses Emma Leigh and Mary Grif fin. Nashville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith during the Christ mas holidays. Lets not forget that when we wish some real music that our Juniors can produce It. We have a right to boost about them when visitors from the Pacific Coast highly commend them. Lets boost and train them. They are justly due the praise we give them. Miss Lucy Gupton who has holiday ed with her family returned to Ral eigh this week where she Is attending King's Business College. Some of our "bachelors" must have become afraid of the New-Year (?). W. X. s. Neva Circle met In the home of Mrs. A. A. Oupton. Dec. 13. 1923. The following program was render ed: Song ? No. 61. Prayer ? by Bertha Burnette. Bible 8tudy, Ps. 103. 19:22? by Pe nola Burnette. The Pioneer Doctor ? by Mrs. B. M. Gupton. The Woman Missionary Doctor ? by Bertha Burette. The Witch. Doctor ? by Leila Coley. Reading. Prom the all skill and science flow ? by Mr?. Charlie Denton. The Doctor Christmas day ? by Mrs. A. A. Gupton. The Doctor prescription ? by Mrs. R. P. Jones. I will watch over them ? by Mrs. J. M. qrlffln. If I be lifted up? by Ida Coley. Song ? No. 11. Prayer ? Penola Burnette. Present 7, absent 9, new members 1. visitors 4, contribution 60 cents. Personal service report: Visits to the sick 20. boxes of fruit carried 4, baskets of flowers 4. Nevp Circle will meet next In the home of Mrs. J. H. Radford, Jan. 17th, 1924. Mrs. Charlie E. Denton, Jr., Chairman. ? ? Our school maintains its pace. In ! the Fall It received the prize for the j i best school parade at the Fair. Re j cently it was awarded the prize of j *11.00 for having the neatest kept | school rooms. Onward Faculty, Pat rons and Pupils! ? ? CHJtlSTMAS SOCIAL The Sunday School was the donor of much merriment and feasting on Christmas nlghfc when practically all members of th?*^unday School, and quite a number of visitors enjoyed a J Christmas Social. This was an event ; next to Santa Claus' visit of the night , before. And Santa was not lacking, here, for there he was in all his glory J accompanied by Mrs. Santa Claus, and i four little Santa Clauses who were kept quite busy for awhile delivering goodies to-fevery one present. Mr. and Mrs. Galloway and Mr. Leonard were so very generous as to cut, bring, put up, and decorate a beautiful Christmas tree which added much to the splendor of the evening. The children were entertained first by a Christmas story by Rev. W. C. Ball, of Durham, then under the di rection of Miss Pearle Gupton we en Joyed a selection by the Wood Mixed Quartette, and a silhouette guessing game which was entered Into with a vim by the children, as each picture was one of a familiar person. Then the children were taken In charge by Mrs. A. A. Shearin, of Cen terville, and entertained with stories while the grown people engaged In a contest ? naming Bible characters, the highest score being won by Mr. W. C. Ball and Mrs. Alex Wester. They how ewr, left the prize to be won by the We are wishing a most pleasant and prosperous year to all and while the year of 1924 is quite new let us resolve to make each day count for good in some life. Remember the SERVICE DRUG CO. is always at your service with a full line of neces sities in Drug Supplies and Groceries. TOURS FOR SERVICE, SERVICE DRUG CO. Wood, N. C. Sunday school scholars wbo?inade the highest which was Raymond Sturges . t .fi Miss Bertha Burnette. The enlarged pictures of the Calvin Class. Kttboica Class and whole*Sun-' day School were presented to each i respective group by Dr. Beam to be I hunx on the walls of their class rooms. Among the gifts one of Interest was awatermelon grown by Mr. J. M. Wil der. and given by him to Dr. Beam. Miss Pearl? Gupton was the recip ient of a beautiful token of esteem from the Calvin Class, which was pre sented by Mr. Galloway with a very appropriate speech which followrelse I where. Miss Gupton also accepted It with very timely words of appreciation. After the delivery of goodies the benediction was pronounced by Mr. A. A. Shearln. It was very gratifying to see the children behave so well, for that part of the program was just as good as anyone could expect JTr. Galloway's Speech of Presta tion \rtss Pearle. I have been chosen by the Calvin Class of the Wood Baptist Sunday School to present you with a little token of our love and esteem, and for the faithful and efficient ser vice which you have rendered, and we hope that you wilt accept It ? not for Its Intrinsic worth or value ? but with the same spirit In which It Is gold. It Is yours to wear throughout an honorable life and It it Is your re quest. at your death to be placed In the casket with your earthly remains, ajid with them to be laid beneath the silent clods of the valley. May Its purity be to you an ever present re- 1 minder of nobler deeds, of higher thought and greater achievements, and when at last, your weary feet shall come to the end of their toilsome ' Journey and when from your nervous I grasp shall drop fo"rever, the book of the word of God. May your life and conduct be as pure as this little em blem which I place In your hands to night ? and when your soul shall stand naked, and alone before that great white throne. May It be your portion to hear from Him who sits, as judge supreme. "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter thou Into the Joy of thy Lord" we the Calvin Class thank you. ? ? All together now for a good school term this year. Parents lets send our children from the very first to the last day and help our Faculty keep up our excellent record. * * Christmas Witnesses Two Accidents On State Highway Early Tuesday morning as a party consisting of Messrs. Esse and Clyde Gupton and John Leonard were re turning home from Centervllle on the State Highway between Centervllle and Castalia they met with what at first seemed to be a very serious ac cident. The party were riding in a Ford touring car, Mr. Esse Gupton driving. When going up the hill after crossing Sandy Creek bridge toward Castalia they met a large car which took the left side of the road. In try ing to avoid a collision Mr. Gupton got too near the edge of the fill, the car after the left wheel striking a large bonlder turned somersault, de molishing the front wheel top and other damage to the ear. Mr. Esse Gupton received a severe cut on his right band which required several stitches and minor bruises. Mr. Leonard received a scalp wound of an inch or two In length, while the other occupants received minor bruis es and a general shake up. The following morning a similar ac cident happened at the same place but on the other side of the road. It seems that Ford car o?cupled by Messrs. Charles Burnett e and Jesse Williams In coming down the hill from the bridge had to pass between several cars parked on either aide of the road where the former accident happened and breaks falling to check the speed of the car in some way turned ov?r the All pinning the occupants beneath. They were soon rescued by onlookers. Mr. Williams was the most serious in jured, receiving several Injuries and bruises about tbe head, including a scalp wonnd requiring three stitchM. Mr. Burnette was bruised slightly about the right shoulder. If you attended the Sunday School social we know you will truthfully say that you had one of the best times In your live*. ? Didn't you? ? ? We had a very pleasant Christmas thank you. Hope you did. ? ? b. t. p. r. Sunday evening the program for the B. Y. P. U. was set aside on account of absence of leader and a social for the younger people was enjoyed. The main feature of the evening was a distribution of two boxes sent to those of the Sunbeams xho had so gladly entertained Mrs. Davis and I Mrs. Body Upchurch of Red Bud on various Sunday afternoons by songs, prayers and talk. These Sunbeams greatly appreciate the thoughtfulness of these people. Their hearts were made extremely glad when they learn ed that they were remembered at Christmas by these ladles. This evening closed the quarter. It will be decided soon which group re ceives the honor of having their pic ture In the FRANKLIN TIMES and who shall receive the Recorder and TIMES. New officers will be chosen next Sunday evening. With the beginning of a new Quarter If Miss Harper could tell you what she desires, we are sure the Union would renew their zeal for a Standard Union. ? * BALL-GrPTO* Again the wedding bells rung dur ing the holidays. 'Twas only one week since It ceased ringing for our village. This time It was when Miss Wheless Gupton became the bride of Mr. Luth er Ball. And it was Friday of last week. The party consisting of the bride and groom. Miss Viola Gupton, sister J of the bride, and Messrs. Buddie Gup ?on and ChirlM BwpRtti iMutd to Loulsburg where the aaptlal tow* ?rare taken la the prwnce of -Mr . A. W. Alston. The bride la the accomplished daa Shter of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Quptoa here and Is a popular and charming member of our younger social set. The groom, a son of Mr. John B. Ball, Is an ex-service man and en)oy? a responsible position with W. D. Ful ler and Qd. here. As these young people enter upon ? new life best wishes and congratula tions are theirs from their hosts of frianda here and elsewhere. ? ? The roof of the school wood house has bean repaired. Thanks to Messrs. Major and Elijah Gupton and W. D. Fuller. M ? O you Leap Year! Look out Bach elor* 1 ? * PA B&ER- BALL Friday evening, December 2lBt quite a surprise was sprung upon our vil lage when It was learned that Mr. Maa Parker and Miss Daisy Ball, two of our popular younger set had slipped away to Magistrate Shearln at Center ville In. answer to an urgent call of Little Dan Cupid. Some hint of Dan's work had been gained by a few Inti mate friends so these contracting par ties hastened the appointed time from Sunday to Friday evening. They wera accompanied to Centerville by Miss Bertha Burnette and Mr. John Heath. Miss Ball Is one of our most popu lar and charming set, being the daugh ter of Mr. John B. Ball. Attesting her popularity is the fact that she Is the teacher of the grand class of Dorcaa In our Snnday School. Mr. Parker has been one of as dur ing the past few years and he seems one of our own young men. He holds aresponalble position with the Hol ltster Lumber Co. To this excellent young couple our best wishes for a long, successful. happy and prosperous life we extend. ? ? IMPLEMENT WEATHER LOWERS ATTENDANCE SUSDAY SCHOOL DECEMBER 2S. Last aunday Closed 1st Quarter ? 162 Present ? Collection $7.00 ? Bibles 4S ? Star Classes, Attendance, Ray moid Class; Collection, General Of ficers;. Bibles. Harper ? Nerw Litera ture Has Arrived ? Monthly Reports Next Sunday. Sunday behig a beautiful day brought quite a number out to Sunday School. There were 162 who gathered at the church to enjoy the Christmas spirit and the last suilday-in the first quar ter and old year. This was quite more than gathered the preceding Sunday ? about seventy more. We are glad that this many attended the last Sunday In the year ? but we are .extremely anx ious for at least 200 to attend next Sunday. The collection the last two Sundays has fallen short of our expectations but jcavare glad that our people are con (ontlnued on Page Seven) W. D. FULLER C. B. KEARNEY WE HOPE YOU HAVE Had a most enjoyable Christmas and a Happy New Year and that this may be your best year in health and finances. Come to see us and we will prove to you that we can save you money by doing business with as. Our stock of merchandise inventoried too many goods on hand and we want to give yoa advantage in both price and quality. Remember we have a complete line and can fur nish yoa with almost anything yoa wish to pur chase. W. D. Fuller & \ ?*r? < m m PHONE 1605 , . ; v-. ^-^WOOD, V. O