Heavy Winter Shoes Winter-time is always hard on Shoes ? so why not safe guard your Footwear expenditures by coming liore and getting a good big value for your money. Solid leath er, through and through. A Good Line of Notions and General Merchandise s. NASH STREET LOUISBORG, N. C. SEX VICE SERVICE SERVICE That Is n."j motto. FIRE AND LIFE IN6URANCE h. pleasant every morning until eleven o'clock, and the rest of the day will take care of Itself. Place your Fire and Life Insurance with this Agency, and I will lake care of YOUR INSURANCE TROUBLES FOR YOU. This Agency 1b tha OLDEST IN FRANKLIN COUNTY. T. W. WATSON, AGENT When yon think of INSURANCE, think of -If ? A ? T ? S? 0 ? 5 Try f. R. Pleasants For Pure Drags Properly and Carefully Compounded f Oldest Drug Store In Town We Can Save You Money P. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBURG, N. C. Januar y V Prices on ' ?? 1 .a ??. ! Beds and Cy?r . <4.'! ' ? > ? * ' I Fitting s One of the greatest opportunities you p?er had to buy a new Bed or fittings for the old one at prices as low as "these. Our usual guarantee ot qual ity and setvice is a part of each sale made. Our Undertaking Department is al ways at your serrice . E. WWtc Inactive Liver _* "| have had trouble with an Inactive Uver," wrote Mrv 5. Nichols, of 4412 Spencer St, Houston, Texas. "When I would get constipated, I would feel a light, dizzy feeling la my head. To get up In the morning with a lightnese la the head and a trembly feeling Is often a sign that the stomach ts out of order. For this I took Thedford'i Black-Draught, and without a doubt can say I have never found Its equal In aay Hvnr medicine. It not only cleans the liver, but leaves yon in such a good condition. I have used It a long time, when food doea not seem to set well, or the stomach Is a little sour." H it isn't Thedford's it isn't BLACK-DRAUGHT Liver Medicine. WOOI> DEI'AKTJIE.NT (Continued from Page Three) trlbuting as they have. We have a*- 1 eraged per pupil for the two Sundays 1 about six cents, being *7.25 Sunday be fore last and *7.00 last Sunday. With the new literature, whlc^ has arrived and the "goodies" for The Christmas Social to settle for we are afraid we will fall short. As yet the statement for the literature has not been received and the cost of the So cial has not been figured out. We hope to make a full report next Sun day as to the standing of our finances and give to you. Please see your teacher or secretary and get your new literature before Sunday so you can have a perfect les son. Next Sunday the monthly reports will be handed out and those on the Honor Roll will be announced. I It was pleasant the see the pictures of the Calvlns, the Rebeccas and the whole school on the wall Sunday. We pride ourselves on them. Next Sunday being The 1st Sunday In the New Year. The 1st Sunday in the 2nd quarter. The 1st Sunday In a new month. We are expecting a 1. Good number present. .. Good collection. 3. Large number of bibles. 4. Great number on the, honor roll. 5. The Superintendents' report for December. B. The Secretary's quarterly report. 7. A good time. We thank every one of our Sunday School for the interest they have man ifested and ask that they renew their efforts and make resolutions for the New Year to be on the Honor Roll every month. It Is miraculous what has been accomplished In our work during the past five months. These results have not been produced by one pf rron but by every one cooperating This is the only way we can do things ? so as we enter the new quarter and new year, we ask each of you not for getting that with all our efforts we nr.:st not leave out prayer, and strive jto make each Sunday better than thev j preceding. And hero, we wish to say, that we I should not forget to oncourage our younger people for It will not be long before they will have to take our plac es ? hence it is our duty to encourage, set example, teach, pave the way for better equipped and trained young men arfd women than we. If we fall to produce young men and women who can carry on our work even better than we, wo will be judged according ly. It is up. to us now to prepare them for emergencies and the rapid changes of our modem life. Our children can and are eager to be trained for these things and unless we let them kno'w that w? are Interested In them and unless we let theiu knpw that the world Is looking to them for leaders they will In the future look upon as as incompetent parents and leaders. So with this uppermost In our minds may we determine within our hearts and minds to as near as possible pre sent things to our bright children which wtll encourage them to look op to the things that are reel and ever lasting but not temporary. All together from the sound of the last bell next Sunday morning to the closing of the Sunday School hour the last Sunday In December 1924. Your cooperation la asked. Thanks. Contented report for Sunday. Dec. 23rd: General officers present 10, scltol ars 76, visitors 7, total present 92, col lection $7 bibles 43. tteport for Sunday, Dec. 30. ' Calvin class ? Miss Pearl* Gupton teacher present, scholars present 31. bbftent 23. collection (2.21, bibles 13. Rebecca class ? Mrs. Alex Weater teacher present, scholars present IS, absent 17, visitors 2, collection 84c, bibles 8. Harper class ? Miss Frye, teacher absent. scholars present 9, absent 9, visitors 8, .collection 25c, bibles 7. 3'R*yM?M class? R. O. Thompson |Mcher ore sent, scholars present 13, absent 3, yjsltors 6, collection 36c, bi bles ?. XT VXWfas class ? Mrs. May Parker tea cher absent, scholars present 12, ab sent IS. collection 7c, J>lbles 5. Willing Wor*er?? lfr#. WV T? FMl In I -Any Local __ Fain. hmmt emJLLCOCr& 1 ler teacher present, scholars present [ 15, absent 6, new scholars 1, visitors 1, f collection 50c, bibles 8. j! KaithfUl class ? Mrs. M. II. Gupton \ teacher present, scholars present 14. j: absent 3, collection 20c, bibles 8. Bright Jewels ? Mrs. M*. T. Griffin j teacher absent, (icpcrl l-L.aueu will: Rosebuds). Rosebuds? Mrs. W. 7. J^eonard j teacher present, scholars present 1^, ? absent 12, new scholars 1, cc.lect?u:i . 13c. Sunshine class ? Miss Annie Guptor. teacher present, scholars present 8, absent 6, new scholars 1, collection 6c. ? General officers ? present 11, ab sent 6, collocetion $2.58, bibles 4. Totals ? scholars present 145, ah- , sent 100, new scholars 4. visitors 13, total present 162. Collection |7 .00, * Stop a Cough Quick tak? HAYES1 . HEALING MONEY, cost of th? combined treatment Is ftfc. ?'Jn?t aak your druggist for HAYES' HEAXJNG HONEY. F RAN KLIN INS. ? EE ALTS CO. LOANS AND INSURANT 7-21tf furs WANTED All Kinds at Highest Market Prices LOUISBTJRG REPAIR SHOP Julius Lehman. Proprietor Next door to J. W. Perry's Store THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. Announce that Mr. B. B. Perry has taken charge i't Its Insurance busnessb Mr. Peiry will bo glad to see his frlendi, and when in need ot AMY hIM? of Insurance, see him. Mr. Perry has had many years ex perience In Insurance, and Is prepared to give the public the best of service. For Insurance of any kind, write, phone or see Bennett Perry THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY 00. MONEY TO LOAN on CITY PROPERTY or FARM PROPERTY EASY TERMS Address P. O. BOX 356, I.ouiaburg, N. 0. PLANT BED GUANO We have received our first shipment of Guano and expect to keep a supply in stock from now till the close of the season. Don't wait till you are ready to^ow your plant bed. but take a bag home next time you come to town McKINNE BROS. PAY CASH and PAY LESS May Yours be a Happy and Prosperous New Year and with the wish that we may be able to serve you and save you money on your groceries and feed stuffs throughout the Hew Year, I am . Sincerely, F. N. S P I V E Y NEAR THE BRIDGE Phone ;? 22 Louisburg, N. 0. ?PROMPT DELIVERY? We Extend our Our Heartiest Good Wishes to each of you for a most Prosperous and Happy New Year Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated r Loaisburg, N. 0. '/ ( _ WHY WAIT TUX TH* LAST DAI TO SEND TflK COPT IN FOB AN ADVERTISEMENT ITHKN TUK AD MAN CAN em TOP A IV1II BFT. TF.R JOB IF TOD SEND IT IN SOOHUM DON'T FOWBT1T. * without ft rood local m channel is thar* for tkft M town MM th* i?rra?Mlta# 1 THB n.n i

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