The Hustling, Saving Bee During tlie time when food is plentiful the Be^ keeps busy laying up a supply of food for th days when he can no longer obtain it. And wise folks will follow this same wise plan, ^putting aside regularly a certain amount in a Savings Account, so when non-productive days of !ofe arrive they can live in comfort as a re ward of their thrift. A number of plans for saving await your cli' lice here, any one of which you are welcome to adopt. LET ME SAVE YOU MONEY IN I will have h full lino of i be. choicest groceries mid feed stuffs at all times and can save you money on your purchases if you will call and see me. Wishing you a Happy and Prosper ous New Year and thanking you for your past patronage. J. Allen Harris LOUISBURO, North Carolina (LEGAL, ADVERTISING) TRUSTEE S 8ALE OF LOUISBURO WAREHOUSE LOT By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made by K. P. Hill to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, dated March 12. 1912, and re corded In Book 179, page 467, and un der and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court made on Nov. ? , 1923 In that action entitled Hill Livestock Co. vs Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee and W F. Beasley, recorded in Minute Docket No. 10, Book 374, and 375, default hav ing been made in the payment of the debt by the terms of said decree, and dam and tor foreclosure having been made on the said Trustee by the Bald Judgment creditor, the undersigned will on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 18. 1924 at the noon recess of Court at the courthouse door In Loulsbnrg, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auc tion to til* highest bidder for cash the land and building therein described as follows: on the West side of the LoaUburg lands of the Seaboard Air Railroad and more particularly * follows: Beginning at W. ' Hast corner Perry Street, I the Intersection of Per 4t?.. thence along Southwardly to k'a Southeast corner In J. B. line; thence Outward along tine to Jtfa, Worth Bait ?W. -ife, and duly registered in the office of I 4he Register -of- Deeds ? ef ? Franklin County in book 234 page 148. Default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness, thereby secured, and demand made upon me to foreclose, I will on ~ __ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1924, at 12:00 noon at the courthouse door of Franklin County sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, (hat tract of land situate In Cypress | Creek township, Franklin County, i North Carolina, bounded as " follows, | viz: On the North by t he lands of W. I. Stallings, on the South by the R. N. Strickland estate, on the East by the lands of John Prlvette and B. S. Rice, on the West by the lands O. T. Moses and W. F. Moj>es, containing 189 acres more or less. There are two prior liens again3t the said lands one In the sum of 12,750.00, with interest, to R. S. Cop pedge and the other in the sum $700.00 to Mrs. Geneva Upchurch. which liens will be paid out of the proceeds of the sale first, so as to convey a Fee Simple title to the pur chaser. This the 29th day of Dec., 1923. l-4-5t BEN T. HOLDEN, Trustee. COMMISSIONER S SALE OF TIMBER - By virtue of an order of sale made by the Superior Court of Franklin County, N. C? in that special proceed ings entitled E. D. Sills and J. E. Sills Admrs. of Littleton Sills, vs. Sallle Sills, widow of and W. B. Sills, et al, heirs at law, the undersigned Com missioner will on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 18, 1924 at the noon recess of Court, It being the first day of the Feb. term of Frank Un Superior Court, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all the tmber now standing or otherwise or which may be stand ing or otherwise during the period of five years from and after the sale measuring eight Inches and upwards In diameter at the stump when cut, up on the lands of Littleton Sills, situate in Franklin County, N. C. excepting and reserving that portion of the tim ber which Is In the pasture and Is re served for plantaton wood and uses. Said lands are fully described In the deeds of L. A. Bobbltt and wife to Lit tleton Sills, the one containing Twenty six acres, by survey of W. N. Fuller, Surveyor, Feb. 27, 1891, and the other recorded In Book 75, page 520, In which the bounderles are given, con taining Sixty acres, more or less. Terms of sale ? Cash upon confirm ation of Bale and five years from the date of confirmation granted In which to cut and remove the same. This Jan. 18. 1924. l-18-5t WM. H. RUFFIN, Com. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Nnanle Bowdcn. de ceased, late of Franklin County, notice Is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or be fore the 18th day of January, 1925 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to Mild estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This Jan. 17th, 1924. 1-18-?t W. G. BOWDEN, Admr. FOR SALE One Edison talking machine. In flrst class condition. Telephone 1005. MISS ANNIE LAURA MACON, 2- 1 -It R 5, Louisburg, N. C. Black eyed Peas 15c quart at A. J. JARMAN'8. (LEGAL ADVERTISING) NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE North Carolina, Superior Court Franklin County. O. W. Lane and P. A. Unell. Receivers of the Pollocksvllle Banking & Trust Co. Vs. J. M. Sykes. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court ol Joues County, in the above entitled action 1 will on MONDAY, the ISth day of FEBRU ARY, 1924, at or about 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door in Louisburg. Frank lln i-miniv North Carolina, oell to the' highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, titlo and In terest which the said J. M. Sykes, has In the following described real estate, Ho-wit: First Tract. All that certain tract, piece and parcel of land containing Three Hundred twenty-nine and five tenths (329.5) acres, more or less, sit uate lying and being on the Northern side of the Anderson Bridge Road about ten miles Southeast of the town of Louisburg, Cypress Creek township. Franklin county, North Carolina, hav ing such shape, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by Juo. J. Wells, C. E? on October 16. 1917, and being bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of S. R. Perry; on the East by Cypress Creek; on the South by the road leading from the Anderson Bridge Road to Seven on the West by the son Bridge Road leading to Louisburg North Carolina. This being the tract of land comprising the tract or parcel of land conveyed to J. M. Sykes by deed of Ltllian L. Sykes and husband J. M. Sykes, dated December 29, 1917, and recorded in Book 217, page 363, Registry of Franklin County, the tract or parcel of land conveyed to J. M. Sykes by the Rocky Mount Insur ance & Realty Company, dated Novem ber 24. 1913, and recorded in Book 216, page 44. Registry of Franklin County. North Carolina, and the tract or par cel of land conveyed to J. M. Sykes by deed of J. S. H o well and wife, dated October 10. 1916. and recorded in Book 217, page 144. in the Registry of Franklin County, North Carolina, ref erence to said deeds and records be lng here made for further description of the same. ,_.Also all the excess and reversion of Homestead In and on the following described lands; Second Tract. A certain tract or parcel of land situate in Cypress Creek township. f"rank!in County, North CaroTtna. It being Lot No. 4 of 4he-J. S. Rosa lando according yo plat and survey of the s?me by M.J-T Dayis Surveyor, made September "17. 1918. duly recorded In Book of Maps 1, page 56, Franklin Registry. Said lot con tains Twenty-five and twenty-seven otie hundredths (25.27) acres and Is the Identical tract or parcel- of land cone'yeyed to J. M. Sykes by W. H Allen. Attorney in fact, by deed- dated June 25. 1923. and recorded In Book 254, page 246. reference to all of which records are hereby expressly made for further description of the same. This 8th day of Jan., 1924. H. A. KEARNEY. Sheriff. l-ll-6t Franklin County. NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina. In Superior Court, Franklin County. Before the Clerk. Commissioners of the Town of , Louisburg, r Vs A. H. Fleming and others; and A. E. Willis. The defendant A. E. Willis, above named, will take notice that a Special Proceedings entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Franklin County by the plaintiff which Is a municipal corporation to condemn lands for public use' to-wit; a filtration plant; and that said de fendant has an interest therein by virtue of a docketed judgment against J. A. Turner, a former owner of said lands, which !b yet a lien on the same; and that the said defendant will fur ther take notice that he is required to appear before the Clerk at his office in Louisburg, N. C., on Wednesday, February 20th, 1924, and answer or demur to the petition now on file in said proceedings, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tne relief de manded In said petition. This Jan. 9th, 1924. J. J. YOUNO, l-ll-6t Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By virtue of power of sale contain ed In a mortgage executed to W. A. Weathersby by J. R. Weathersby, which mortgage Is duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, In Book 226, at page 538, and by .reason of default in the payment of the note secured by said mortgage, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, at the Court House door In Louisburg, North Carolina, on FRIDAY, THE 1st DAY OF FEBRU ARY, 1924, BETWEEN THE HOUR8' OF 12 M. AND 1.00 P. M, the following tract or parcel ot land, lying and being situate In Dunn town ship, Franklin County, State of North Carolina, described as follows; Adjoining the lands of Etta Brant ley, I. B. Gardner, B. 8. Pace, and oth ers, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake In the old Ralolgh Road and runs S across the National High way 90 to Contentnoa Creek, corner ing at an ash In G. W. Pace'a corner; thence E to I. B. Oardner's line; thence N along Gardner's line to the National Highway 90 and across Na tional Highway to Htllsboro and Tar boro road; thence along the Hflln boro-Tarboro road to a fork of the Raleigh Road, thence along the Ral eigh Road to the Iron stake, the be ginning, containing 100 acres, more or less, known as the Home Place of J. R. Wealhershy." This th? 2nd day of January, 1924. Date of Sale: February 1, 1924. Term* of Sale; Cash. W. A. WEATHERSBY. Mortgagee. M. 8. Strickland, Attorney. l-Il-4t (LEGAL ADVERTISING) TRUSTEE'S SALE OF TOWN LOT, LOU1SBURG. By virtue of the powor of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust made by O. Y. Yarboro to Thos. W. Ruffln. Trustee, dated Nov. 12, 1917, and recorded In Franklin Registry In Book 224, page 7, default having been made In the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for fore closure having been made on said trustee by the holder or the debt so secured, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1924. at about the hour of noon, at the court house door In LoulBburg, N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, the property In Bald deed of trust conveyed and there described as follows: Situate In the town of Loutsburg. and more particularly defined as fol lows: Beginning In the center of WiiiBton's Avenue, A. W. Alston's cor ner and Yates line; thence N 4 W 8 poles 23 links to a stake, tho Yates corner in R, H. Davis' line; thence N 85 and 1-2 W 9 poles 10 llnk3 to a post. J. M. Allen's corner; thence S 1 and 1-2 E about 156 and 1-2 feet to the center of Winston's Avcnuo, corner; thence along the Avenue 159 feet to the beginning, containing about one half an acre, more or less, and being the land bought by D. T. Fuller from J. L. Jackson and wife by deed dated Sept. 22, 1908, and recorded in the Registry of Franklin County, Book 15$ page 516, reference to which Is here by expressly made for a full descrip tion ot the gold lot: being ? lot conveyed by J. H. Wincton to J. L. Jackson, and the same convoyed by D. T. Fuller and wife to O. Y. Yar boro. This Jan. 11, 1924. l-ll-5t THOS. W. RUFFIN, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LANDS IN NASH COUNTY By virtue of the power of saie con tained in that certain deed of trust made by J. H. Culpepper, Z. N. Cul pepper. D. L. Culpepper and wife, and Mrs. Nannie T. Sykes, Doweress, to Win. H. Rnffln, Trustee, dated De cember 23, 1921, and recorded in Nash County Registry, Book 271, page 263; and in Franklin County .Registry, Book 244, pages 112-14, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for fore closure having been made by the hoi-' I der of debt so secured on said trustee land default having been made in the payment of the said debt according to the terms of the decree of the Superior Court of Nash Co In that action entitled Mrs. Nannie T. Sykes. et al Vs. .Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee, et al, and pursu ant to the decree of said court made in said action i, and by virtue of an or der of'Tesale made by the Superior Court of Nash County upon advance bids on the sale 'of January 19th, 1923, the undersigned will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1924 ?t~or abobut the hour of noon in Nash ville, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash those certain tracts or lots of land sit uate in Nash County, in said deed of trust conveyed and further described as follows: FOURTH TRACT. A tract of land situate in Manning's Township, Nash County, which is composed of three tracts, separately described as fol lows: Tract (a). Beginning at a stake In Broedlove's corner in Wm. B. Will iams line; thence S 87 E 148 1-2 poles to a pine stump; thence S 4 W 86 pol es to a Blackgum; thence S 88 E 40 poles to a stake; thence N 4 E 113 poles to a Blackjack on the road; thence along said road to Geo. Bow ell's rock corner; thence N 4 E 153 poles to a stake near Cedar; thence N 88 W 157 poles to a Red Oak; thence S 152 1-2 poles to the beginning, con taining one hundred seventy-three and one eighth (173 1-8) acres, more or less. Tract (b) . A tract or parcel of land conveyed to the late B. N. Cul pepper by J. T. Webb and istfe, by deed recorded in Book 73, page 62, and following In Nash Co. Registry, to which reference Is hereby made for further description, said tract con taining seventeen and three eighths (17 3-8) acres. Tract (c) . A tract or parcel of land conveyed to the late B. N. Cul pepper by J. T. Webb and wife, con taining diirty-six (36) acres more or less, by deed recorded In Nash Regis try, Book 73, page 76, and following to which reference Is hereby made for further description. Out of the foregoing tracts (a), (b), (c), one hundred (100) acres has been conveyed to J. B. Jeffreys by deed re corded In Nash County Registry, Book 102, page 91 and following leaving lands now conveyed, one hundred twenty-six and one half (126 1-2) acres, more or less. Terms of Sale ? Cash, and a deposit of 25 per cent of each bid will be re quired Immediately at the conclusion of the bidding, and If deposit is not satisfactory to the trustee, bidding will be Immediately re-opened and another sale made. This January 24, 1924. l-25-3t WW. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Spencer Pearce, deceased late of Franklin County, notice is here by given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of January, 1925, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This Jan 17th, 1924. l-18-8t JAMES A. PEAKCE, Admr. The QiMm I hat Dm Mot Affect The H?l4 Huy farm tittofiw otrly, imffti A^ron omy workers of the State College. This gives you an opportunity to select a quality product. Subscribe to The Franklin Times (LEGAL. ADVERTISING) TRUSTEE'S SALE OF" TOWN PROP ERTY AND FARM LAND8 By virtue of the-power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust jmade by 0. V. Yarboro and wife, dat ed Jan. 21st. 1921, and recorded In the Registry of Franklin County. Book 234 page 188. default having been made In the payment of the debt thereby se cured and demand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by tho holder of said debt the undersign rri wttt tin MONDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1924, at about the hour of noon at the court rIiou?# 4oiw in Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash the following des cribed farm land and Town property, situate in the County of Franklin, State of North Carolina; First Tract. Known as the Macon tract, being the Bame conveyed by Mrs. Katie L. Yarboro to 0. Y. Yarboro by deed dated Jun. 15, 1913, and recorded In the Registry of Franklin county, In Book 190, page 169, the descriptions of which are hereby adopted and made a part hereof, containing 83 acres, more or less. Second Tract. That tract of land conveyed to the said O. Y. Yarboro by deed of W. E. trange and wife, dated Oct. 1, 1917, and recorded In Registry of Franklin County, In Book 217, page 315, the description of which are here* by adopted and made a part hereof, containing 40 acres, more or less. Third Tract. The Brick Btablea I minding (no\f a garage occupied by 'R. C. Beck) on the South side of Nash Street, In the town of Loulsburg, N. C. adjoining Allen's Ford garage on the West, and a store building of the said O. Y. Yarboro on the East, being that lot conveyed to the said O. Y. Yarboro by deed of the McKinne Bros. Co., Inc dated March 17, 1917, and recorded In said Registry in Book 213, page 494, reference to which Is hereby had for full description. Fourth Tract. The Brick store bull ding, situate on the S side of Nash St. in the town of Louisburg, N. C. ad joining G. W. Ford's building on the E and the brick stables building (now garage) on the W., being that lot con veyed to O. Y. Yarboro by deed of P. S. and K. K. Allen dated Jan. 20. 1919, and recorded in Book 227, page 82, said Registry, reference to which" is hereby made. Note: The above sales will be made subject to all prior liens on the sever al tracts above described, reference being had to the records of Franklin County to astertain the same. This .Jan. 11. 1924. l-ll-5t WM. H. R'UFFIX. Trustee. TRUSTEES SALE OF LOUISBURG WAREHOUSE LOTS By virtue of that deed of trust made bt W. II. and J. M. Allen to Win. Hr~ Ruffin, Trustee, dated Nov. 1, 1920, and recorded in Book 241, page 115-16, default having been maoe In the ray ment of the debt thereby secured, and demand having been made on the said Trustee for foreclosure, by the holder of the debt thereby secured, the un dersigned will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1924, at the noon recess of Court at the court house door in Louisburg, North Caro lina, offer for sale at public auction to the. highest bidder for cash that warehouse lot and easements known as the Farmers Co-operative Com pany's Warehouse situate In the town of Loulsburg, North Carolina, and more particularly defined as follows: First. That certain lot or parcel of land situate on the east side of Main street In the town of Louisburg. boun ded and defined as follows: Begin ning at the corner of the J. F. Jones lot (now Farmers Co-operative Com pany's lot) and the C. B. Cheatham lot, formerly the Boatwrlght Prize House lot (now Allen Machine Com pany's lot) on Main street an iron stake: thence along the C. B. Cheat ham line (now Allen Machine Com pan'ys line) S 58 E 234 feet more or less to the corner of the Tar River Manufacturing Company's lot, former ly the Cooper lot (now John S. How ell's lot) in the line of the S: A. L. Rail way Company; thence along the line of the S. A. L. Railway N 26 3-4 W 279 feet more or less, to the corner of said railway on Main street; thence along Main street S 33 1-4 W 144 feet more or less to the point of beginning, it being the lot upon which is now sit uate an old dwelling house and a part of a brick Warehouse building. And also together with the afore described lot nn descendible, trans ferable and assignable easement In and to and upon that strip of land on the Southwest side or margin of the Depot site of the S. A. L. Railway, more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the foundation wall on Main street of the Warehouse now situate on said land, and running thence along Main street 23 feet to the line of the S. A. 1j. Railway; thence along the line of the said S. A. L. Railway N 26 3-4 E the full length of a Warehouse formerly on said lot 171 feet more or less; thence a line parallel to Main street and the first named line 23 feet to the northeast corner of the founda tion wall of the said warehouse; thence a line parallel to the 8. A. L. Railway line along the foundation wall of said warehouse 171 feet more or less, to the point of beginning, upon which was formerly located somewhat more than one-half In width of the Jones Tobacco Warehouse building and upon which 1s now a portion of said brick warehouse building, said easement being, however, limited to warehouse purposes only by the decis ion of the Supreme Court In the c*ae jof Ruffln vs. Railroad 151 North Car lollna Report, 330, which settled the title to the above described lot and right of occupancy under said ease ment. The said lot and easement be ing the same conveyed by Farmers Co-operative Company to W. H. Allen and J. M. Allen. This Jan. 18, 1924. 1-18-6t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. Rnta Bagas 5c pound at 2-1-lt at A. J. JARMAN B.