Heavy Winter Shoes "Winter-time is always hard on Shoes ? so why not safe guard your Footwear expenditures by coming hore and getting a good big value for your money. Solid leath er, through and through. A Good Line of Notions and General Merchandise A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. SERVICE SERVICE That Is my motto. SERVICE FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE b. pleasant every morning until eleven o'clock, and the rest of the day will take ccre of Itself. Place your Fire and Life Insurance with this -Agency, and I will take care of YOUR INSURANCE TROUBLES FOR YOU. This Agency Is the OLDEST IN FRANKLIN COUNTY. T. W. WATSON, AGENT When yon think of INSURANCE, think of TV ? A ? T ? S ? 0 ? N Try F. R. Pleasants For Pure Drugs Properly and Carefully Compounded Oldest Drug Store In Town We Can Save You Money F. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBURG, N. C. January Prices on Beds and Fittings One of the greatest opportunities you ever had to buy a new Bed or fittings for the old one at prices as low as these. Our usnal guarantee of qual ity and service is a part of each sale made. Our Undertaking Department is al ways at your service. W. E. White. Furniture Co. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN * DR. K. H. PATTERSON * * Eye Sight Specialist * * Over Parker's Drug Store * * Henderson, N. C. * ****?#?#** 1-lS-Gt DR. R. K. YARBOROrGH I'll) W RuiCri WV. II. & XHOS. W. RIJFFIN AttnrnejH-at-I.aw Loulsburg, i North Carolina Oeneral practice, both civil and crim inal, In Franklin and adjoining coun ?los, S.ipreme and Federal Courts . Offlcen In First National Bank Building. NOTICE We are glad to announce to our cus tomers and friends that we have first class line of barbers and are in bettor shape to serve our customers than we have ever been. A trial Is all we ask. Thanking your for your patronage. We are yours to serve, 8TEOALL B OS HAVE YOU EVER NOTTCFD THAT THE MERCHANT WHO SENDS IN THE COPY FOR HIS Al? EAKI.V ALWAYS HAS THK NEATEST AIM Hastings' Seeds 1923 Catalog; Free Write today tor Hastings' new 1921 eatajog. Too will need the information It (fraa almost daily ? the moat valu able and useful send book ever publish ed. It oostalna 100 pa?ea, piotnring and correctly deeu Ihlng the beat and Boat popular vegetable#, dowers and term crops tor ths South. How and what to plant In your yard, cardan and field for arary purpoee. Bow to beat the boll weevil, bean baetls and other pasts. Full natural aolor ptotaree of the beat Roses. Olad Joll and other flowers. How to gat I paoket* of seed ot beautiful flowers tree. How much seed 1a required to plant a row or acre, whan and bow to plant and cultivate. Why It pays to plant good seada and bow ts gel them As aheap or obeaper than oommon or ordinary seeds. Just write tor this handsome new ltM Seed Book. Itl a beautiful book and you'll be might* glad to hare ? In your home. It is absolutely frea, Write for It today. H. Q. HASTINQ* OO. Atlanta, SA J Gained Ten Pounds Mn. George S. Hunter, of Columbus, Ga_, says the *uf fered severely with female troubles. "I had to go to bed and stay sometimes two weeks at a time," says Mrs. Hunter. "I could not work. My . . . were Irregular and I got very thin. I went from 126 pounds down to less than 100. My mother had been a user at CARDUI The Woman's Tonic a and she knew what a good medicine it was for this troub le, so she told me to get some and take it. I sent to the store after It and before I had taken the first bottle up I began to improve. My side hurt less and I began to mend in health. I took four bottles in all during the last ten months. CarduT acted as a fine tonic. . . I am well now. I have gained ten pounds and am still gaining. My sides do not trouble me at all and my . . . are quite regular. I know that Cardui will help others suffering from the same trouble." Take Cardui. E-101 DON'T FAIL TO SEE Madame Elizabeth Palmist Helps you in all kinds of trouble. Located in a tent on Main Street. FRANKLINTON, N. C. 1-31 5t ? SHOES REPAIRED THE SAME DAY THEY ARE RECEIVER.. All Kinds of Harness and Fan Belts Made To Order. I.adle? Shoes Soled 8ic pair | Men's Shoes Soled $1.00 pair ? Goodyear Winirfoot Rubber Heels Best on the market uOc pair ALL WORK GUARANTEED We make a specialty on Ladies and Gents line shoes. Mr. J. R. Gantt hr.s had 30 years ex perience and is considered one of the | best workmen in the State, give him a trial. Try a pair of PANTO Soles for Six Months Wear. LOUISBURG REPAIR SHOP Julius Lehman. Proprietor 2 doors below F. A. Roth's Store ? THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. Announce that Mr. B. B. Perry has taken charge vt Its Insurance busnessb Mr. Peiry will be glad to see his frlenda, and when in need of ANY FIND of Insurance, see hin\. Mr. Perry has had many years ex perience in Insurance, and Is prepared to give the public the best of service. For Insurance of any kind, write, phone or see Bennett Perry THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. Subscribe to THE FRANKLIN TIMES THE ONLV IMMEDIATELV AVAILABLE 1 00% NITROGENOUS FERTILIZER. ? Needed by all cr ops] COT TO N ~ Q RAJ N -TOBACCO ? ORDER THROUGH ? PERRY & MORRIS Creedmoor, N. C. OR DIRECT FROM WT2. GRACE?= CO. ?WILMINGTON. N. CAR. Jewelry For ALL OCCASIONS I am now receding a new and complete line of Jewelry embracing a most complete selection oi the latest and m?*t popular creations. My prices are surprisingly pleasing. I am making a big saying to my customers on their sayings. I am always In position to glye you the best serYlce possible on all your repilr work and guarantee the price to be as cheap and cheap er thun elsewhere.. .1 am fitting and putting on watch crystals at 25 cents each. * L. W. PARRISH ?JEWELER? LOUIS^URG, NORTH CAROLINA We Exter.d Our Heartiest G ^od Wishes to each of you for a most 1 rsperei" win a happy New Year Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated Louisburg, N. 0. WHY WAIT TILL TUB I4AST DAY TO SENl) THE COPY IN FOB AN ADVERTISEMENT WHEN TH E At> MAN CAN GIT* YOU A BFT TER JOB IF YOU SI1ND IT IN SOONER' DON'T FOHUKT IT. Without a good local paper, what channel la there tor th? n?*i ot th? town and the ?urrounding eountry? THE FRANKLIN TIMES SI . r,0 Pe- Y?ar In Adrnnee Advertisers aro teaching: lessona which nations might tnko to heart. It they would advertlae to each other we would have no more war. ? Lord Lev erhume. A club m?mhor q! Jones coenty made 85 bushel?* of co/to on one acre at a cost of $35. Hh is investing bin pro fits In pure hr^d Duroc hogs and next year wluW both a corn club and pic clutb-??ber. reports County Agent fv f\ Fletcher. "Neglect taxes" are the taxes paid for not keeping the farm equipment and buildings painted and in repair. Work with tobacco was a new ture of extension activity by agricul tural workers of the State Coltof* last year. At least 36 demonstratiOM in growing hotter tobacco were stage#, by the tobacco specialist working with the county agents.