Moved I have moved my stock of General Merchandise from the Strickland store on Nash street to th? store on Nash street next to Freeman & Co., where I will be glad to welcome all my friends and customers. Remember my prices are always * attractive. A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE That Is my motto. FIRE AJiD LIFE INSURANCE pleasant every morning until eleven o'clock, and the rest of the (lay will take of Itself. Place your Fire and Life Insurance with this Agency, and I will take care of YOUR INSURANCE TROUBLES FOR YOU. This Agency is the OLDEST IN FRANKLIN COUNTY. T. W. WATSON, AGENT When yon think of INSURANCE, think of W? A? T? 8? 0? N Try F. R. Pleasants For Pure Drugs Properly and Carefully Compounded Oldest Drug Store In Town We Can Save You Money P. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-3. " LOUISBURG, N. C. January Prices on Beds and Fittings One of the greatest opportunities you ever had to buy a new Bed or fittings for the old one at prices as low as these. Our usnal guarantee of qual ity and service is a part of each sale made. Our Undertaking Department is al ways at your wrvice. W. E. White Furniture Co. FLAT K0( K B. V. I'. I'. Ill apltu of bud weiither we had an I attendance uf 20 at our B. Y. P. U. Sunday eveuing We ? appreciate tile fact that those young people were, willing to make such a. sacrilice In couilng out on such a cola rainy even lug to worship together and to be trained for better l.'hrlBtlan service. Below is our program for Sunday "CVSnlng. Feb. 2. 1924 : Subject ? God's Estimate of Chris, thins. Hymn ? 106. Prayer. Hymn ? 325. Bible Reader's Quiz ? conducted by Ray J. Harris. Prayer. Program presented by Group No. 1, Fred Holmes, Captain. Scripturc Reading, I Peter 2:5-10 ? Claude Frazler. Introduction ? Fred Holmec. What Our Scripture Text Teaches ? Joseph Hart. . A Chosen Generation? Mrs. H. O Hill. Born of God ? Howard Cook. A Royal Priesthood ? Ray Harris. Saved to Win Others ? Richard Hill. A Holy Nation ? Mr. David Wheeler. A Peculiar People ? Mrs. Davis Pierce. Conclusion ? Carl Harris. Recitation ? Gwendolyne Hill. Loyalty ? Campaign Song. Open discussion. Business. Secretary's report. Song ? 304. Dismissal. We Invite you to be with us. REPORTER. RILEY NEWS ITEMS. I guess that you all will be surpris ed to hear from old Rileys. The death angel visited the home of Mrs. Frances Pulley last Monday morning, Feb. 18, 1924, at 4:10 o'clock and took away her daughter, Mrs. Alma Page. The burial service was held Tuesday evening in the cemetery near Mr. Henry Richards. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Richardson, o( Raleigh, were the gueBt of Mr. and, Mrs. C. E. Richards Sunday afternoon. Miss Margie Richards visited her sister at Pearce's Sunday afternoon. We are glad to have Miss Mary Sue Bridges back at school after a few days of Illness. Our school society is improving very much. Messrs. C. E. Richards and Willie Prlvette went to Wake Forest Mon< day morning on business. Mr. W. E. Harris and family went | to Loulsburg Sunday evening. Mr. Dave Hunt and Ben Harris from Alert made their weekly call at Mr. J. R. Johnson's this week. Messrs. Horace Perry and George Bridges from Youngsville, called at Mr. J. R. Johnson's Sunday night. Miss Bettie Florence Harris Is try. ing her best to learn how to drive a Ford. BROWN EYES. Two Authorities "Lightning never strikes twice in: the same place," said the electrical wlz. "Nonsense!" sputtered the man from New York City. "I've seen it strike at least seven times In Manhattan.". ? American Legion Weekly. So Kick, But a Kick Doctor: "Yours is a peculiar case. I'm not sure what I'd better pre scribe." Patient (hopefully) : "Oh, I'm not a bit particular any more, Doc." NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of a Deed of Trust execu ted to me as Trustee o:. April 13th, 1921, and recorded In Register of Deeds office Franklin County in Bo jk 254 at page 251, demrcii hr.ving been by the holder of the Note secur ed by said Deed of and default hr.vlirg been made in the payment thereof, and by the request of the holder of the said Note I will sell at public auction at the courthouse door hi Franklin County to the highest bid. der tor cash, on MONDAY. APRIL 7, 1924. It being the first Monday li April, 1924 the following described lands situated in Dunns Township. Fr;.nklln County, N. C. commencing in Hagw&oda and Glovers corner; thence N 3d E 114 poles to tv/o pines. Glovers corner In the Bell lino; thence 8 86 l-2d E 23 4-5 poles to a Pine root; thenc.o N 2 1-2d W 28 poles to p. stake; thence S 3d W 174 poles to a In Hagwoods linn; thcnce N 81 d W 49 polos to the beginning, containing 43 3-4 acres. Time of sale on or about the hour of Noon and Terms Cash. This February 22nd, 1924. 2-29. 5t J. L. PALMER. Trustee. Free Flower 8eeds Yon wljl be glad to know that Hea tings' , "The South'* Beadsman." will five away about 1,000,000 packets of aeed of the South'* moat popular flow tn this spring. Thar* li nothing In tba home that can damper* with rloh colorsd flowara. They brighten us all op and make any house attractive. Yon cant plant too many flower* and thia opportunity to vet ghtrlay Porpple*. Bverlaatlng Flow era, Mrmlas, Ooamoe and Mexican Buro ln* Bush absolutely free, 1a certainly to be weloomed by all reader* ot this paper. Tod oan cat them I Just write to Hast'nga' (or the new 1938 Catalog. It tall* yon horw to get flower seeds free. It haa 100 pages of b?autltul photo graphlo pictures and oorreot descrip tions of garden flower and ftatd eaeda, bulb* and plants, and also la full of helpful Information that la needed aim oat dally la every Southern bntn*. It's tike moat valuable seed book ever published and you wffl be mlskty glad you've got It Just write end sit for tha aaw Oatalo*. M. ?. HA?TINM CO, Atlanta, Old Folks' Ailments Ml began taking Black I/raught over fifty years agx> an" my experience with it ttretchea over a good long time," says Mr. Joe A. Blake more, a Civil War veteran and former Virginian, who is 5SW a Prominent citizen of Floyd, Texas. "It is the best laxative I know of for otd people. . . A good many years ?go, in Virginia, I osed to g?t bilioos and I found that Thedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT was the best and quickest re lief I could set. Since I came to Texas I nave these bilious attacks every now and then ? ? man will get bilious any where, you know ? and I find that a Little Black-Draught soon straightens me out. Alter a few doses, in little or bo time I'm all right again." Thedfonfa Black-Draught is a purely vegetable liver medicine, used in America for over eighty yea^a- It acts on the stomach, liver and bowels in a gentle, natural way, as sisting digestion ytd reliev ing constipation. Sold every where. E-l#2 TRUSTEE S SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of 3ale;con. tained in that certain deed of trust made by J. Nf&tthevv Sykes and wife Lillian L. Sykes. to O. B. Moss, Trus tee, dated May 23, 1921, and recorded |in Book 241. pago 457, Franklin Reg istry, deiauit navmg~been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and demand for foreclosure having been made on caid trustee by the holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned will on TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1924, at about the hour of ndon at the court house door in Louisburg, N\ C. offer for sale af public auction to the high est bidder for cash, a certain tract or ! parcel of land, described in said deed of trust as follows: Third Tract. Containing 26.7 acres, bounded on the North by the Ross es tate. now'Siwncd by Pettiford. on the South by the lands of Arthur Strick land, on the East by Cypre3S Creek, and on the West by Anderson Bridge Road, situate in Franklin County, N. C. This February 22. 1924. O. B. MOSS. Trustee. Wm. H. & Thos. W. Ruffin, Attorneys. 2_29-5t * SHOES REPAIRED THE SAME DAT THEY ARE RECEIVED All Kinds of Harness and Fan Belts Made To Order. Ladies Shoes Soled 85c pair Men's Shoes Soled $1.00 pair Goodyear Wlnirfoot Rubber Heels Best on the market 50c pair ALL WORK GUARANTEED Wo make a specialty on Ladies and Gents tine shoes. Mr. J. R. Gantt hns had 30 years ex perience and is considered one of the best workmen in the State, givo him a trial. Try a pair of PAN CO Soles for Six Months Wear. LOUISBURG REPAIR SHOP Julius Lehman, Proprietor 2 doors below F. A. Roth's Store THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. Announce that Mr. B. B. Perry has taken charge i?f its insurance busnessb. Mr. Peiry will be glad to see hla frlendd, and when In need of ANY hIND of Insurance, see hlnv Mr. Perry has had many years ex perience in Insurance, and Is prepared to give the publlo the best of service. For Insurance of any kind, writeT phone or see Bennett Perry THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. 'Way Above The Average The average hen in the United States lay 72 eggs a year. The average Purina fed hen lays"l48 eggs a year. PURINA MAKES THE DIFFERENCE Purina Chicken Chowder and Purina Hen Chow are the result of 30 years' work in perfecting an egg making ration. L. P. HICKS ON THE BUSY CORNER Chowder and Hen Chow are sold under a guarantee oi "More Eggs or Money Back." Jewelry For ALL OCCASIONS I am now receiving a new anil complete line of Jewelry embracing n most complete selection oi the latest and most popular creations. My price* arc surprisingly pleasing. I am making a big faring to my customers on their tarings. I am always In position to give you the best service possible on all your repair work and guarantee the price to be as cheap and cheap er than elsewhere.. . I am fitting and putting on watch crystals at 25 cents each. L. W. PARRISH ?JEWELER? LOUIS^URG, NORTH CAROLINA We Extend Our Heartiest Good Wishes to each of you for a most Prosperous and Happy New Year Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated Louisburg, N. 0. It Seems That Way Dan: "What'll e do tonight ? etay at home?" Nan: "No, I've got a terrible cough. Let's go to the theater." ? American Legion Weekly. Tom Tarheel oays ffiii thorn good seed ha used last y ant helped to mak? the best crop he has ever mad**. He la going to select the best for use a*al? this year. ? ,