DIRECTORS: 0. P. Harris, M. S. Clifton, J. W. Ring, L. L. Joyner, J. P. Timberlake, W. R Young J. O.Wilson, F. W. Wheless, J.B.Thomas OFFICERS: C. P. Harris, President, M. S. Clifton, Cashier, Jas. B. King, Asst. Cashier, Misses Lola Jackson and Marguerite Harris, Bookkeepers, il. H. Malone, Attorney. 1895 1924 Over 29 years of SERIYCE to the people of Frank lin County is the record of which we are justly proud. Organized in 1S95 with total resources of less than $20,000 we have grown today to an institution of over $600,000.00 resources. Each year has marked a steady increase in our ability to help those who needed help. We sol'cit your business (oday on the basis of sound banking principals. If you need money, and can fnr nish good security, we will help you. If you need ad vice on any business matters, it is gladly and freely given Trusting 1924 may be as prosperous to you as you wish, we are LET ME SAVE YOl MONEY IN I I will have a full line of the choicest groceries and feed stuffs at all times and can save you money on your purchases if you will call and see me. Wishiug you a Happy and Prosper ous New Year and thanking you for your past patronage. J. Allen Harris LOUISB U KG, North Carolina HOUSEHOLD HINTS Thing ? Our R*ad*ri Want to Know In homes where vegetables, pre serves and canned goods of all kind? aro kept in the cellar, Red Seal^ye will help a great deal in keeping thin part of the house free from odors, moldy air and fermen tation. ? ? ? Motorists use Red Seal Lye to clear radiators of scale and to clean up oil-soaked floors. Oar owners should note, however, that the Red fteal Lye solution should not touch the car, as it injures the paint. Parts made of aluminum should not be cleaned with lye. ? ? ? (LEGAL ADVERTISING) TRUSTER'S SALE OF FARM LANDS By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust made by Hummer Green and wife. An nie Green to Will. H. Ruffln, Trustee, dated Sept. 12, 1919, and recorded In Franklin Registry, book 224 page 262,1 default having been made in the pay ment of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made by the holder of the debt so se cured. the undersigned trustee will on MONDAY. MARCH 24. 1924. at about the hour of noon at the court house door In Loulsburg. N. C? offer for tele at public auction to the high, est bidder those certain tracts or par cels of land, Bituate In Franklin coun ty, North Carolina, and In said deed of trust described as follows: First Tract. Beginning at a stake. Mrs. Breedlovc's corner In Z. T. Ter rell's line; thence N 1 1-2 E 48 poles 14 links to a rock. J. O. Davis' corner I in Breedlove's line; thence E 82 poles 21 links to a rock. Joseph and Frank Jones' corner In Terrell's line; thence S 51 poles 5 links to a rock. Jones' corner in Terrell's line; thence N 88 1-2 W S4 poles to the beginning, con. mining 26 acres, more or less. Second Tract. Beginning at a stake Sam Hawkins' corner in Harris' line; thence E 54 poles to a rock Joe Jones' corner; thence N 58 poles to a rock in Jones' corner; thence W 7>4 poles | to a stake Hawkins' corner; thence S| 5S poles to the beginning, containing 19 1-2 acres, more or less. Both tracts being fully described in a deed of trust from Plummer Green I and wife Annie Green to Wm. H. Ruf-j fin. Trustee, dated Jan. 11. 1919 and I duly recorded in Book 224 "page 1SS, Franklin Registry, reference to whlcch is hereby made. Third Tract. Beginning at the cen ter of? Hie- Sims Bridge ruad near ? :r large oak, the C. G. Ellington corner: j llii'Mue S 2 W 40 poles 10 links to at stake and pointers. Ellington, Frank Collins' and Jos. Jones' corner; thence West S6 poles to a rock In an old stuniji. the W. L. Vnngtian corner; thcr.ce X S E 43 poles 21 links tn the center of tlie Sims Bridge road, two sycamore pointers on the South side | of *\ie road; thence niongsaid road N 73 K "0 poles 6 links to a Sweetgum. I Wfcitmel Diekerson's and C. G. Ellii.g- j t.on's corner; thence along the road N ' 67 1.4 K 2"? 1-4 poles S 56 E 3 poles, S | 69 1-2 E 12 poles. S 55 E 6 poles 26 1 links. S 31 1-4 E 7 poles, 2 links, S 65 E 3 poles 11 links to the beglnnlns ' containing 26 2-5 acres, more or less. : Terms of Sale ? Will be announced | at sale. - This 22nd dsv of Feb.. 1924. 2-22-5t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee, j NOTICE OF SALE Ey virtue of Deed of Trust execu ted to me ?3 Trustee o". April 13th, 1P21. and recorded in Register of Deeds office Franklin County in Book 254 at page 251. demrr-J Ur.vins been m:de by the holder of the Note : eccr ed by said Deed of and defautt having been made .in the payment thereof. ; nd by the request of the holder of the said Note I will sell at public auction at the courthouse door In Franklin L'onnty to the hightst bid. der for cash, on MONDAY, APRIL 7. 1924, it being tf.e first Monday in April, 1924 the following described lands situated in Dunns Township. Franklin County. N. C. commencing in Hagw&cds and GloverB corner; thence N 3d 5! 114 poles to tvro pines. Glovers corner in the Bell line; thcnce S 86 l-2d E 23 4-5 poles to a Pine root; thenco N 2 1-2d W 28 poles to a stake; thence S 3d W 174 poles to a stake in Hagwoods line; thence N 81d W 49 poles to the beginning, containing 43 3-4 acres. Time of sale on or about the hour of Noon and Terms Crtsji. This February 22nd, 1924. 2-2S.5t J. L. PALMER, Trustee. rai.f: of valuable land a,\d PERSONAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in the Deed of Trust executed on the 17th day of June, 1920 by L. C. Perdue and wife to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, and duly registered in book 234 at page 105, office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin Coun ty, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and demand made upon me to foreclose, I will on MONDAY, MARCH 3i3t, 1924 at about the hour of noon at the court house door of Franklin County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, that tract of land situate in IiOuisburg Township, Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, bounded as fol lows, viz: On the North by the lands of Joe Terrell; on tht East by the lands of W. E. Strange; on the South by the lands of J. M. & W. H. Allen; on the West by the lands of J. M. & W. H. Allen, containing 105 1.2 acres more or less, and being the home place of the said L?. C. Perdue. Also the following articles of per sonal property, 'two Bay Mare mules 7 and 8 years old bought of Allen Bros One Roan mare bought of Allen Bros. One bay horse mule 2 years old, one bay mare mule 2 years old. One two horse wagon (Buckeye), Two black Jersey milk cows and increase. One top buggy (Washington). This the 27th day of Feb_, 1924. I 2-29-5t BEN T. HOLDEN. Trustee. To Stop a Cough Quick take* HAYES" HEALING HO|(EY, a coafh medicine which atope the coufth by healing the InflaiWd and Irritated tluoea. A box of GBpVrS O-REN-TRATE SALVE for Cheat \Cold?. Ileafl Coida and Croon la enclosed with frri ry bottle of HAYES' HF.AIJNG HOMEY. The talve should bo robbed V