THE UNIVERSAL CAR Make Delivery Certain! V^TTTH the entire factory output of Ford Cars " being abtarbed as rapidly as the cars can be produced, it is certain that plant capacity will be greatly over-sold when spring buying reaches it highest point. e We advise that you place your order at once, taking advantage of your?deaier'8 first oppor* . tunity to make delivery. Detroit, Michigan Ii you do not wish to pay cash for your car, con venient installment terms can be arranged. Or you can enroll under the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Don't let that cough run on IPS much easier to check it now than nftcr serious complica tions develop- Nothing like Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar to stop coughing quickly. Just those medicines that up-to-date doctors prescribe for loosening heavy phlegm and soothinu throat tis sues arc in it ? combined with the old reliable remedy? pine-tar honey. Keep it on hand for all the family. All druggists. Be sure to get *? the genuine. DR. BELL'S Pine-Tar. Hcfhey FOR SHERIFF I herewith announce myself a can didate for the office of Sheriff of Frank lin County subject to the action of th< Democratic primary to he held on thf 7th of June, and will greatly appre. elate the support of the voterB of th< county, assuring you that if I am nom inated and elected I will give this of fice an efficient business administra tion. 3-28. lit FRA5JK W. JUSTICE. JAMES J. LANCASTER FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce to the voters of Franklin County that I am a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Frank lin County and solicit your vote and assistance In the coming Democratic primary. I promise faithful service to the whole people If nominated and elected. Thanking you for your support, I am Respectfully, 2-22-tf JAMES J. LANCASTER. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Frank lin County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary to be held June 7th. I shall appreciate your support and anything you may do for me, and if elected I will use my very best ef forts to handle the office In an effic ient way, and make the very best Sheriff possible. 3-14-l.1t W. NORWARD FULLER. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce to the voters of Franklin county, that I am a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Frank lin county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held June 7th. I shall appreciate your support. I promise faithful service to the peo ple If nominated and elected. 8-21-12t PETER E. DEAN, No Worm* in a 'An rhOdnn beelthroofer. nla, there la mote or l< GROVES TASTELESS eh ftr two or three weeks wl grove the dlfeatlon, and a4 s/a Oeaerel Strength en in ? Toeki to the whole fydm. throw off or Aseel the wifcfe, ewl theChIM will be b perfect health. Ptoaeeot to take. ?o per bottle. FOR CORONER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Coroner of Frank lin County, subject to the actcion of | the Democratic primaries to be hold !ln June, and will appreciate the sup port of my many friends. 3-14-13t J. C. BALL. Hnbltuai Constipation Cored in 14 to 21 Days ? "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially- \ prepared Syrup Tonic-laxative for Habitual Constipation. It uHevee promptly but should be taken wfularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regula^ action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Iwry Pleasant to Take." 60c per bottle. ALL PERSONS OWING THE Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated Louisburg, N. 0. ARE NOTIFIED TO PAY THEIR ACCOUNT AT ONCE, AS THE COURT HAS PLACED THE AY COCK DRUG COMPANY IN THE HANDS OF A RE CEIVER. AND UNLESS THE SAME ARE PAID DUE PROCESS OF LAW WI^L BE INSTITUTED. S. P. Boddie, Receiver Ignorant ? "What can I do to avoid falling hair?" Advisor ? "Jump out of the way." Thin is a joke taken from "Judge," but if you have that problem yourself we would give you different ad vice: Go to the SERVICE DRUG CO. Wood, N. C. and get a sQpply of Hair Tonio, by measure, or if you have a favorite brand get supplied with that. That is also a good place to get your prescriptions filled or to get anything in the way of drugs. 1 ,000 PAIRS SHOES To be Sold at a Sacrificc The next few days. We represent the biggest Shoe people in the world. The Hudson Store Co. NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Louisburg, IN. C. W. D. FULLER , ... C. B. KEARNEY WE HAVE 0(1 Hand Guano and Cotton Seed Meal for Plant Beds WE ARE HAVING A SPECIAL FORMULA MADE WITH A HIGJI PERCENTAGE OF PHOSPHORIC ACID AND AMMONIA. As a special for cotton to beat the boll weevil. And will have our usual standard brand of guano. Let us know your wants. We want to do busi ness with you. W- D. Fuller &, PHONS 1606