THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. V. JOHNSON. Editor and Muuuget ? TA$ DBOPS? MEREDITH GLEE t'Ll'B One of the finest perfurjmmces of the season was given In the Graded School auditorium Tuesday evening, March 25th, by Meredith College Glee Club. Seventeen young ladles "iang during the evening and the numbers given were of the choicest selection. They brought splendid talent with them and showed the result of the moal -careful training. It was Indeed a rare treat for those who love good music. The ease of manner and sim plicity of dress showed the club to a decided advantage and Meredith Col lege Is to be commended upon the high tone of this excellent program. It was greeted by a crowd of enthusias tic hearers, who received them with much applause. MlsseB Holoman, Pat ton, Harvllle and White's solos were especially attractive and they were enchored tor a second and third num. ber. Miss Ruth Goldsmith, a member of the Music faculty of the College, ac companied them and proved a skilled musician, she being a recent graduate of Meredith and Bhowlng so$h ability as to be selected an Instructs there. The Graded School and jjtoulBburg were very fortunate to have this com pany of young ladles in their midst, and we hope they'll retura~. another season. Among those Ringings was Miss Annie Harris, a LoulffTU'rg High School graduate, who Is continuing at Meredith, the splendid record made here and whom Louisburg wag proud to welcome as a member oi the- Glee Club returning ,to her Alm\ Mater. After the concert the Glee Club was delightfully banqueted by Miss Annie Harris, at the home of her aunt, Mrs. S. T. Wilder. OPERETTA BY THE LOUISBl R? COLLEGE GLEE t'Ll'B The Louisburg College Glee Club scored a great triumph when on Tues day evening, March 18th, u*4;r the di rection of Mrs. A. W. Mohn they gave their operetta, "The Gypsy* Rover," The overture was played while a large grdjui bf gypsies lay asleep on beds of leaves In a camp. A tripod under which fagots were aflame added greatly to the reality of the scene, while the brilliant costumes, spangles, tambourines and castarets lent gypsy flavor to the decorative scheme. Ora Holdflrl as Slnfo ^nd Belvln Pinch asAtajto brought mqgh merri ment to tjlBSAobben' song njd skit. Lois CrflMgty as .Meg. the qld Gypsy mother, us-a*tlvld clyWacterlza tlon. Eleanor Edwards, as Zara the Belle of tie- camp, ln_ her love affairs with Slnfo ?as most bewitching. ? The llttlf scene befwee#*Nlna and Capt. Jerome was delicate^ handled by France# _?axter and Anna Shaw. Lord Craven.. th? comedy character of the Gyxfj|E#W*Wr. was thoroughly enjoyable a% sustained by Mildred Waters, with his ^b^ogjcterietlo, "Don cha Know ! " ' ' Mary Lee StarllnjMjg thfctchgtacter of Sir George Marten&le, an English country gentleman, w-aR father of Lady Constance, the heroine. Lady Constance was delightfully handled byfKatle Richardson, whose platform presence and Inherent na turalness lent themselves to a grace of movement In addition to. a voice, mellow and clear even under the dif ficulty of filling the large auditorium. Bettle Holden in the title role of Rob, the Gypsy Rover, dashing and gay In the |fypsies camp was none the less polished gentleman of English Society. Her strong, full voice link ed with a self posesslon and spirit of pep made possible a most delightful hero. Together with Rob, Ora Hotdeli as Slnfo gave us several duets of fine quality, each voice complementing the other most favorably. The enseble work of the opera was admirable, and the story told in spir ited song proved the enthusiastic ef. fort and training of student and direc tor. Col. Fred A. Olds, of Raleigh, North Carolina's greatest Historian, spent Sunday In Louistiurg guest of Dr. D. - T. Smithwlck. AMONG THE VISITOBS SOME \OU ?J(0W ISO SOME 101 DO JtOT KNOW. Personal Items About Folks Aut Their Krlends Who Travel Hen And There. Dr. D. T. Smlthwlck visited Rocky Mount Tuesday. Mr. J. R. Collie, of Raleigh, was a visitor to Lidlsburg Saturday. Miss Mary Spencer left Monday to visit her people at Greensboro. Messrs. W. F, Beasley and Paul Beasley went to Raleigh Saturday. Mr. ? . ? Blacknall, qf Kittrell, was a vlsttoi