Some Ways of Using Milk Milk k a food as well as a drtnk. It Is a food to be compared with meat, bread, and potatoes. Of course, every child scould have milk to drink with his meals as well as prepared dishes containing It. Whet^the ehlld tires of n^lk, the occasional addition of a small amount of cocoa to milk will change the flavor and increase the use of milk. Cereals such as oatmeal, rice, cornmeal and hominy grits may be cooked in milk instead of water. A double boiler la used In the cooking. A creamy, healthful dish is the result. Milk combined with vegetables makes excellent soups, creamed ^nd scalloped dishes, souffles, and croquettes. Creeme dtoast and gravies also require the use of milk. Healthful, nutritious desserts for children usually have whole nilk for their foundation. Ice cream, corn starch, bread, tapioca. ?nd junket puddings contain much milk and cream. Cheese dishes furnish the adult with the body-building protein of milk. Of course, these belong largely In the diet of the older child and the grown person. Milk is a safeguard in their diet and they r:an use many milk products. To the young child, however, milk is a necessity if he is to proper health, strength and energy. Yours to serve, LET ME SAVE YOU MONEY IN 1 will have a full line of the choicest groceries and feed stuffs at all times and can save you money on your purchases if you will call and see me. Wishing you a Happy and Prosper ous New Year and thanking you for your past patronage. J. Allen Harris LOUISBURG, North Carolina Clean Cook'Stoves Give Better Service ? Longer Wear T^Oyou really know ^ how to clean stoves, racks, drip pans and other kit chen utensils ? The quickest and / most effective way is with Red Seal / Lye. Clogged stoves are easily c*c*rea ox oDtitrucnona ami the an noyance of feeble flame and escaping gat done away with. Stout today to uae mit tvonder cleaner 1 Be Sure and Buy I only the genuine | Red Seal Lye Write for FREE booklet, "Home Help," HOUSEHOLD HINTS Thing* Our RhuUtb Wmnt to Know Housewives know Bed Real Lye to be the most dependable cleanser for eloseta, cuspidor*, floors, gar bage cans, dishes and clothes. Nothing else, clean n so quickly, thoroughly and at such a trifling cost. ? ' ? ? ? By saving the grease and meat scraps that are ordinarily thrown away, and adding the correct amount of Red Beal Lye, better than-bonght soap (eithsT hard or soft) may be made at a cost of About one cent a cake. * 4 ? (LEGAL ADVERTISING) TKUSTEES SALE OF LAND , By virtue o( the power ot Bale con. tallied In that certain deed of trust made by J. Matthew Sykea and wife Lillian L. Sykea, to 0. B. Mobs, Trus tee, dated May 23, 1921, and recorded ^Book 241, pace 457, Franklin Reg Wiry, default havhig been made In the payment ot the Indebtednesa thereby secured, and demand for foreclosure having been mado on said trustee by the holder ot said Indebtedness, the undersigned will on TUESDAY, APRIL 1. 1924, at about the hour ot noon at the court house door in Louisburg, N. C. otter for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land, described in said deed of trust as follows: Third Tract. Containing 26.7 acres, bounded on the North by the Ross es tate, now owned by PeUiford, on the South by the lands of Arthur Strick land, on the East by Cypress Creek and on the West by Anderson Bridge Road, situate In Franklin County, N. C. This February 22, 1924. O. B. MOSS, Trustee. Wm. H. & Thos. W. Ruff in, J Attorneys. 2.29-5t ? NOT1CB OF SALE By virtue of a Deed ofjrnst execu ted to me as Trustee 0" April 13th, 1921, and recorded in Register of Deeds office Franklin County in Book 254 at page 251, demrLd hr.vinc been mrde by the holder of the Note "ecur ed by said Deed of Trust and default having been made in the payment thereof, and by the request of the holder ot the said Note I will sell at public auction at the courthouse door in Franklin County to the highest bid; der for cash, on MONDAY. APRIL 7. 1924, it being the first Monday in April, 1924 the following described lands situated 'in Dunns Township, Franklin County. N. C. commencing in Hagwoods and Glovers corner; thence N 3d E 114 poles to tv.-o pines. Glovers corner in tl:e Bell line; thence S 86 l-2d E 23 4-5 poles to a Pine root; thencc N 2 1-2d W 28 poles to a stake; thence S 3d W 174 poles to a str.k? in Hagwoods lir.e; thence N 81d W 49 poles to the beginning, containing 43 3-4 acres. Tinle of sale on or about the hour of Noon and Terms Cash. This February 22nd. 1924. 2-29. 5t J. L. PALMER, Trustee. SALE OF VALOABLE LAND AND PERSONAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power ot Sale contained in the Deed of Trust executed on the 17th day of June, 1920 by L. C. Perdue and Vife to Ben T. Holden. Trustee, and duly registered in book 234 at page 105, office of the Register ot Deeds for Franklin Coun ty, default having been made In the 1 payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and demand made upon me to foreclose, 1 will on MONDAY, MARCH 3i3t, 1924 at about the hour of noon at the court house door of Franklin County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, that tract of land situate in Louisburg Township, Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, bounded as fol lows, viz: On the North by the lands of Joe Terrell ; on the East by the lands of W. E. Strange; on the South by the lands of J. M. & W. H. Allen; on the West by the lands of J. M. & W. H. Allen, containing 105 1-2 acres more or less, and being the home place of the said L. C. Perdue. AIbo the following articles of per sonal property. Two Bay Mare mules 7 and 8 years old bought of Allen Bros One Roan mare bought of Allen Bros. One bay horse mule 2 years old, one bay mare mule 2 years old. One two horse wagon (Buckeye), Two black Jersey milk cows and Increase. One top buggy (Washington). This the 27th day of Feb-, 1924. ' 2-29-5t BEN T. HOLDEN. Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF AUTOMOBILE UNDER MECHANICS LE1N James Davis will tase notice that I under and by virtue of Section 2017 of | the Revisal of 1915 of North Carolina land the lein thereby given to mechan ics for repairs on personal property, the underBignet^ will on Monday, April 7th, 1924 In front of the courthouse In Louisburg, N. C. at about the hour ot noon, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash that Ford two passenger roadster car 1921 model placed by him for repairs with tbe undersigned and that sale will be made to pay the re pairs thereon made. This March 14th, 1924. HUDSON'S OARAGE, 3-14-4t R. W. Hudson, Prop. NOTICE , Having qualified an Executor of the estate of J. T. Lancaster, deceased, late of Franklin County, notice la here by rl?en all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the let day of March, 1926, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Im mediate settlement. his Feb. 28th, 1924. 2-29 ?t S. C. EAVES, Eitr. FRANKLIN IN8. * REALTY CO. LOANS ANI? INSURANCE 7-21tf To Stop a take HAT Ick HONEY. _ the coutfh by itated tlasoea. O-PEN-TRATR Head Cold* and every bottle of *Y. The salve cheat and throat a Cold or Croup. 3?2 *"Ju?t ask your druggist for HAYES' HEALING HONEY. flabacribe to The Franklin TtaMa (LEGAL ADVERTISING) NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE North Carolina. In Superior Court. Franklin County. JTarmuri Guano Co. Vs. I. H. Kearney. Under and by virtue of an execution directed to ttw? uadanlgnad from the Superior Court of Wake County In the above entitled action. I will on MONDAY. THE 7th DAY OF APRIL. 1924, at or about the hour of noon at the Courthouse door In Loulsburg Franklin County, N. C.. sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy the said execution, all .the right title and interest which the said I. H. Kearney hag In the following described real es^ llite All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 362r3B^?cres. more or less, and being described as first Tract In that mortgage deed of !. H. Kearney and wife to the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, dated Sep tember 18th, 1919, and being recorded in Book 223, page 36, Registry of Franklin County, to which reference is here made tor a more complete de. scriptlon. Also, all of the excess and reversion of homestead In and to the following taRM 4WWU or parcels of md, 1 t 'teat 'J In Fran:-!inton Tow; hip, Kni ll!! County, North Carolina, and beicj dMcribed as follows: 2. Oaa lot on Hllliboro Road and College Street, .bounded on the North by College Street, on the East by Mrs. O. D. Kearney and Dr. J. H. Harris, on the South by Dr. J. H. Harris and on the West by the Hlllsboro Road, containing about 1-3 acre. 2. One lot on Hlllsboro Street, bounded on the North by Mrs. H. E Pearce, on the East by Mrs. O. D. Kearney, on the South by May Kear ney and on the West by Burley Fuller, containing about 1-4 acre. 3. The old Foundry lot, being part of the T. J. Wright land, bounded on the North by W. H. Hester, on the East by Street, on the South by the old Oxford Road, and on the West by Mrs. J. C. Warmouth. contain ing about 1-4 acre. 4. One lot on the S. A. L. R. R. Just out of the corporate limits of the town of Frankllnton, bounded on the North by W. F. Joyner, on the East by the Henderson Road, on the South by N. A. Black, and on the West by the S. A. L. R. R? containing about 1-4 acre. 5. One lot In the Town of Frank linton, situate on Pearce and Winston Streets and S. A. L. R. R., hounded on the North by Pearce Street, on the East by Winston Street, on the South by the Emmitt Edwards lot. on the West by the S. A. L. R. R., containing about 1 acre. This 2Sth day of February, 1924. H. A. KEARNEY. 3-7-5t Sheriff of Franklin County. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed to Edison T. Hicks, Trustee, and duly recorded In Frank lin County Registry in book 194 at' page 497 and also the authority con tained in that certain judgment .made in the ca8e?.dntitled "In Re: Will of John Hogwood," which said Judgment is duly recorded In the Clerk's office of Franklin County Superior Court in Minute Book No. 10 at page 251, and default having been made in the pay. ment of the note securea by said deed of trust, and upon demand and request of the holder of said notes described therein, the undersigned Trustee will on MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1924, at or about the hour of noon, 12:00 o'clock, at the courthouse door in Lquisburg, N. C., Franklin County, of _fer for sale and sell to the highest bid der for cash the following described ' tract or parcel of land lying and be Jng in Franklin county aforesaid and "more particularly described and de fined as follows: Beginning at a spanlsh oak and E. T. AVscue's corner and H. T. Thar. rington's line and run S 22 E 20 poles to a pine; thence S 59 1.2 E 5 poles 8 links to a pine; thence 8 64 EH pelea 19 links to a white oak; thence S 30 E 8 poles 20 links to a white oak; thence S 33.1-3 E 13 poles 16 links to a pine-, H. T. Tharrlngton's and David Wel don's corner; thence S 80 1-2 E 31 poles 15 links to a rock, Weldon's cor ner; thence N 39 E 86 poles 20 links to a stake. Weldon's corner; thence 8, 88 1-2 E 23 poles to a rock, Weldon's corner; S 88 20 poles to a stake and black gum, Mitchell's line; thence N 62 19 links; thence by the lines of Stokes, Frazler, Patterson & Ayscue as per Fuller's survey of Mar. 27, 1895, to the beginning, containing 72 1.4 acres. This land is sold subject to the dow er Interest of one, Dora Kelly, the said dower Interest having been dnly and properly allotted to the said Dora Kelly, which dower proceedings are of record in the Clerk's office of Frank lin County Superior Court. This the 17th day of March, 1924. EDI80N T. HICKS, Trustee. | G. M. Beam, Atty. 3-21-6t NOTICE North Carolina, In the Franklin County. Superior Court. Emma Foster V?. A. C. Foster The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above haw been commenced In the Su perior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute divorce from hln> by the plaintiff on statutory grounds; and the said A. C. Foster. defendant, will further take notice that be Is required to appear at the office of the Clark of the Superior Court of Franklin Co. N. C. at Louis, burg, on or before April 10, 1924, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plalntlft. This Mar. 4, 1924 I. J. YOUNG, Clerk of the Superior Court. yf. H. A T. W. Ruffln, Atty. 8-7-4t Don't ruin your butter trade by al ?owl?? the eowi to aat wild onlona. (LEGAL ADVERTISING) TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LOUISBURO WAREHOUSE LOTS By virtue ol that deed of trust made by W. H. and J. M. Allen to Wm. H Ruffin, Trustee, dated Nov. 1, 1920, and recorded In Book 241, page 116-16, default having been mnoe In tho ray meut of the debt thereby Becured, and demand having been made on the said Trustee for foreclosure, by the holder of the debt thereby secured, the un dersigned will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1924, at the noon recess of Court at the court house door In Loulsburg, North Caro lina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash thaO warehouse lot and easements knows as the Farmers Co-operative Com pany's Warehouse situate in the town of Louisburg, North Carolina, and more particularly defined as follows: First, That certain lot or pared of land situate on the east side of l/i in street In the town of Loulsburg, boun ded and defined as follows: Begin ning at the corner of the J. F. Joaes lot (now Farmers Co-operative Com pany's lot) and the JC- B. Cheatham lot, formerly the Boatwright Priie House lot (now Allen Machine Com pany's lot) on Main street an Iron stakes thence along the C. B. Cheat ham line (now Allen Machine Com pan'ys line) 8 68 E 234 feet more or lees to the corner of the Tar River Manufacturing Company's lot, formor ly the Cooper lot (now John S. How ell'* lot) In the line of the S. A. L. Rail way Company; thence along the line of the X A. L. Railway N 26 3-4 W 279 feet more or less, to the corner of said railway on Main street; thence along Main street 8 83 1-4 W 144 feet more or less to the point of beginning, It being the lot upon which Is now sit uate an old dwelling house and a part of a brick Warehouse building. And also together with the afore descrlbed lot an descendible, trans ferable and assignable easement In and to and upon that strip of lanu on the Southwest side or margin of the Depot site of the S. A. L. Railway, more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the foundation wall on Main street of the Warehouse now situate on said land, and running thence along Main street 23 feet to the line pf the S. A. L Railway; thence along the | line of the said S. A. L. Railway N 26 1 3-4 E tfie full length of a Warehouse formerly on said lot 171 feet more or less; thence a line parallel to Main [street and the first named line 23 feet to the northeast corner of the founda tion wall of the said warehouse; thence a line parallel to the S. A. L. Railway line along the foundation wall of said warehouse 171- feet more or less, to the point of beginning, upon which was formerly located s mewhat Jones Tobacco Warehouse building and upon which Is now a portion of more than one-half in width of the said brick warehouse building, said easement being, however, limited to warehouse purposes only by the decis ion of the Supreme Court In the ca3e of Ruffin vs. Railroad 151 North Car olina Report, 330, whjch settled the title to the above described lot and right of occupancy under said ease ment. The said lot and easement be ing the same conveyed by Farmers (LEOAL ADVERTISING) Co-operative Company to W. H. Allen ?nd J. M. Allen. ThU Jan. 18. 1924 l-18-6t WM. H. RUFFITT, Trustee. The above Bale wag continued by consent of all parties concerned to Monday. February 26th, M24, at noon recess of Court. This lTeb. 18. 1924. 1-22-It 17M. H. RUFFIN. Trustee. The above Bale was continued by consent o( all parties concerned to Monday, March 3, 1924, at about the hour of noon. This Feb. 26. 1924. 1-29-lt WM. H. RUFFIN. Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties concerned to Monday, March 10, 1924, at about the hour of noon. This Mar. 3, 1924. 3-7-lt WM. H. RUFFIN. Trustee. The above Bale was continued by consent of all parties to Monday, Mar. 17th, 1924, at the noon recess of court. This March 10, 1924. 3.14-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties to Monday, Mar. 24th, 1924, at about the hour of noon. This March 17. 1924. 3-21-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trusteo. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties to Monday, Mar. 31st, 1924, at about the hour of noon. This March 24, 1924. 3-28-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received l>y Board of County Commissioners of Franklin County, and architects, at office of the said commissioners at Louisburg, North Carolina, until 2:30 p. m. Tuesday, April 1, 1924, for the erection and completion or alterations and additions to the Franklin County Jail, Louisburg, North Carolina,- ac cording to plans and specifications prepared by Benton & Benton, Archi tects, Wilson, North Carolina. Plans on file at office of Register of Deeds, Louisburg, North Carolina, and at office of Benton & Benton, Archi tects, Wilson, North Carolina', and can be obtained from architects on deposit of $25. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check of $500. Checks will be returned to unsuccessful bid ders. I All rights reserved as stipulated in specifications. (Signed) ARTHUR STRICKLAND, Chairman County Commissioners. S. C. HOLDEN, Clerk. 3-14-3t SPBIJifi IS ALMOST HEBE Now is the time to let ua make your car look new with a flrst.class paint and upholstering job, also new top. Have your work done by experienced workmen. One of our upholstery men has had 20 years experience and one 12 years. Our foreman painter has had 25 years experience. Come to see us before you have your work done. W. D. MAY & SONS 324 N. Garnett St. Phono 404 HENDERSON, N. C. 3-21-2t .v - I \ / The Quinine 1 ba I Mcs Not Affect The Head Because of Its tot wand laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QU Sine (Tablet?) can be taken by anyone withoul fcausinft nervousness or ringing in the head. E. WypKOVE'S signature on box 30c. Mules! Mules! Mules! Just arrived in Louisburg 3 car loads of Kentucky bred horses and mules, all young, good broke, single or double and ready to go. This stock must be as repre sented or your money refunded. I will trade or sell you and take part notes if neces sary until the Fall. Before buying your stock come to see me. I have got the horses and mules and can make the pr'ces and terms. I am no stranger in Franklin County. I ha^re had 20 years experience in the horse business and none beats the K< atucky bred. Yours to serve, J. H. Southall Nash St. LOUISBURG, N. C..