Some Ways of Using Milk Milk is a food as well as a drink. It is a food to be compared with meat, bread, and potatoes. Of course, every child should have milk to drink with his meals as well as prepared dishes containing it. When the child tires of milk. IhtJ (KTHSkmal addition of -a ? small ? amount of cocoa to milk will change the flavor and increase the use ? f milk. Cereals such as oatmeal, rice, cornmeal and hominy grits may be cooked in milk instead of water. A double boiler ia used In the cooking. A creamy, healthful dish is the result. Milk combined with vegetables makes excellent soups, creamed ^nd scalloped dishes, souffles, and croquettes. Creame dtoast and gravies also require the use of milk. Healthful, nutritious desserts for children usually have whole jiilk for their foundation. Ice cream^torn starch, bread, tapioca, ?nd junket puddings contain much milk and cream. Cheese dishes furnish the adult with the body-building protein of milk. Of course, these belong largely in the diet of the older child and the grown person. Milk is a safeguard in their diet and they :an use many milk products. To the young child, however, milk is a necessity if he is to have proper health, strength and energy. Yours to serve, CHOICE EATS You are invited to riiake tlie fullest use of my complete stock of the choicest Groceries. Feed Stuffs, etc.. Among my popular brands of flour are Wizard, Vanca, Melrose and William Tell. I will appreciate your business and will shew my appreciations by giving you the best there is at the lowest prices. Call to see me when in town. ! J. Allen Harris I LOUISBURG, North Carolina Softens the Water ? . Whitens the Clothes ? Lightens the Labor A LITTLE Red Seal Lye ?. dissolved in the water before the clothes are put in relieves you of the necessity for rubbing and (crabbing. The Red Seal Lye looaena the dirt, and hard rubbing of the wa?h clothe* la a thing of the paat. 8tart thl? week to wa*h clothei the eaay way. HOUSEHOLD HINTS Thingt Our Rtidtrt Wont to Know Around tho bouse Red Seal Lye him almost unlimited use*. It cleans closets, cuspidor*, floor*, garbage cans, dishes and clothes in a fraction of the time and labor of other cleansers. * ? ? Mjuij boawnriTM am not aware of th? fact that Bed Seal Lye la a wonderful thing to eleaa cook (tOTea. It la remarkable how easily elogged stove* are eleared of ob struction* bj the use of thin power' ful compound. ? ? ? Bweet and Immaculate bath r noma may be made so, and kept that war without everlasting scrubbing, lif Bad Seal I /jre la used as a cleanser. '.??v- ? ? ? (LEGAL ADVERTISING) TRUSTEE'S SALE OP LOUISBURG WAREHOUSE LOTS By virtue of that deed of truBt mads by W. H. and J. M. Allen to Wm. H Ruffln Trustee, dated No*. 1, 1910. and recorded In Book 241. pa*e 115-16. default harlug been maoe in the rai ment of the debt thereby secured, and demand having been made on the said Trustee for foreclosure, by the holder of the debt thereby secured, the un derslgned will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1S^ 1924. at the noon recess of Court at the court houso door in Louisburg. North Caro lina. offer tor sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash that warehouse lot and easements known as the Farmers Co-operative Com pany's Warehouse situate in the town of Louisburg. North Carolina, and more particularly defined as follows: First. That certain lot or parol of land situate on the east side of Llkln street in the town of Louisburg, boun ded and defined as follows: B* the chert and throat lfeom a Cold or Croup. I2x% ?Just HEALING i fiamt h ? packed la M emrtoa mat I tbe I IIWUdm U Mc. ? draUiM for HAYES 4EY. Subscribe to The Franklin Times 11*0 Per Tear ta Ad van or (LEGAL ADVERTISING) NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE North Carolina, In Superior Court Franklin County. Farmers Guano Co. Vs. I. H. Kearney. Under and by virtue ol an execution directed to the undersigned from tbe Superior Court ot Wake County In the above entitled action, I will on MONDAY, THE 7th DAY OF APRIL, 1924, at or about the hour of noon at the Courthouse door In Loulsburg Fvunklln County, N. C., sell to the highest bidder tor cash, to satisfy tbe j said execution, all the right title and interest which the said I. H. Kearney has in the following described real es tate. All that certain plecu, parcel or tract of land containing 362.32 acres, more or less, and being described as first Tract In that mortgage deed of I. H. Kearney and wife to the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, dated Sep tember 13th, 1919, and being recorded In Book 223, page 36, Registry ot Franklin County, to which reference is here made for a more complete de scription. Also, an ot tne excess and ivverslou of homestead in and to the following du-mnbtm tracts or parcels of lua, rSiaifo In Franlr'Jnton Tqwi itp, County, North Carolina, and btlue daocrtfced as follows: L One lot on Hlllsboro Road and Co!!?*s Street, bounded on the North by College Street, on the East by Mrs. O. D. Kearney and Dr. J. H. Harris, on the South by Dr. J. H. Harris and on the West by the Hlllsboro Road, containing about 1-3 acre. 2. One lot on Hlllsboro Street, bounded on tlie North by Mrs. H. E_ Pearce, on the East by Mrs. O. D. Kearney, on the South by May Kear ney and on the West by Burley Fuller, containing about 1-4 acre. 3. The old Foundry lot, being part of the T. J. Wright land, bounded on the North by W. H. Hester, on the i East by Street, on the South j by the old Oxford Road, and on the ' West by Mrs. J. C. Warmouth, contain- 1 lng about 1-4 acre. 4. One lot on the S. A. L. R. R. Just ! out ot the corporate limits of the town | of Franklinton, bounded on the North I by W. F. Joyner, on the East by the ' Henderson Road, on the South by N. ! A. Black, and on the West by the S. j A. L. R. R.. containing about 1-4 acre. 5. One lot In the Town of Frank- j llinton, situate on Pearce and Winston I Streets and S. A. L. R. R., hounded on I the North by Pearce Street, on the East by Winston Street, on the South jby the Emmltt Edwards lot, on the West by the S. A. L. R. R? containing about 1 acre. j This 28th day of February, 1924. H. A. KEARNEY, ;3-T-5t Sheriff of Franklin County. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed to Edison T. Hicks, Trustee, and duly recorded in Frank lin County Registry in book 194 at page 497 and also the authority con. talned in that certain judgment made In the case entitled "In Re: Will of John Hogwood," which said Judgment is duly recorded in the Clerk'?- office of Franklin County Superior Court in Minute Book No. 10 at page 261, and default having been made in the pay. ment of the note securea by said deed of trust, and upon demand and request of the holder of said notes described therein, the undersigned Trustee will on MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1924, at or about the hour of noon, 12:00 o'clock, at the courthouse door in Loulsburg, N. C., Franklin County, of fer for sale and sell to the highest bid der for cash the following described tract or parcel of land lying and be ing in Franklin county aforesaid and more particularly described and de fined as follows: Beginning at a spantsh oak and E. T. Ayscue's corner and H. T. Thar, rington's line and run S 22 E 20 poles to a pine; thence S 69 1.2 E 5 poles 8 links to a pine; thence S 64 E 11 poles 19 links to a white oak; thence 8 30 E 8 poles 20 links te a white oak ; thence 8 33 1-3 E 13 poles 16 links to a pine, H. T. Tharrington's and David Wei don's corner; thence 8 80 1-2 E 31 poles 15 links to a rock, Weldon's cor ner; thence N 39 E 86 poles 20 links to a stake, Weldon's corner; thence 8 88 1-2 E 23 poles to a rock, Weldon's corner; 8 88 20 poles to a stake and black gum, Mitchell's line; thence N 62 19 links; thence by the lines of Stokes, Frailer, Patterson & Ayscue as per Fuller's survey of Mar. 27, 1895, to the beginning, containing 72 1.4 acres. This land Is sold subject to the dow. er Interest of one, Dora Kelly, the said dower Interest having been duly and properly allotted to ths said Dora Kelly, which dower proceedings are of record In the Clerk's office of Frank lin County Superior Court. This the 17th day of March, 1924. EDI80N T. H1CK8, Trustee. O. M. Beam, Atty. 3-21-5t NOTICE North Carolina, In the Franklin County. Superior Court. Emma Foster Vs. A. C. Foster The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commonced In the Su perior Court of Franklin County" North Carolina, to obtain an absolute! divorce from him by the plaintiff on statutory grounds; and the said A. C. Foster, defendant, will further take ootlce that he Is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin Co. N. C. at Louls burg, on or before April 10, 1924, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff. This Mar. 4, 1924. J. J. YOUNO, Clerk of the Superior Court. W. H. * T. W. Rnffln *?v t.t.n (LEG AX, ADVERTISING) SALE OF LAND Uadar and by virtue of the pow?r and authority contained In that Deed of Trust, executed to J. A. Williams, Trustee, by F. J. Tlmberlake and duly registered In the office of the Register of Deods for Franklin Coun ty, in book 193 at page 271. Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and demand made upon me to foreclose, I will on MONDAY, APRIL 28. 1924 at the courthouse door of Franklin County, at or about the hour of noon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, that tract of land sit uate In Youngsville Township, Frank, lin County, North Carolina, bounded as follows, vi?: Being lot No. 6 of map No. 1 of the survey of the J. S. Tlmberlake prop erty made by R. G. Ball. C. -E.. Jan. 1920, see Registry of Franklin County, book of maps page 102. This the 21st day of March, 1924. J. A WILLIAMS. Trustee. Ecn T. Holden, Atty. 3-28.5t SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue~of the power oi sale contained in the Deed of Trust, executed on the 14th day of May, 1923, by R. E. Debnam and wife to Ben T Holden, Trustee, and duly registered in book 232 at page 69, office ot the Register of Deeds for Franklin Coun. ty, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and demand made upon me to foreclose, and by order of re-sale made by the Clerk of the Superior Court, I will on MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1924 at about the hour of noon at the court house door of Franklin County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, that tract of land situate In Franklin County. Hayesvllle Town ship, North Carolina, known as tract No. 1 in the above mentioned Deed of Trust and bounded as follows, viz: On the North by the lands of C. B. Kearney; on the East by the lands of R. W. Fuller; on the South by the lands of R. Q. Person; on the West by the lands of W. A. Reavis, containing 116 acres, more or less. * 3"his the 24th day of March, 1924. 3-28.3t BEN T. HOLDEN. Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF AUTOMOBILE j UNDER MECHANICS LEIN James Davis will tase notice that under and by virtue of Section 2017 of the Revisal of 1915 of North Carolina j and the leln thereby given to mechan- I ics for repairs on personal property, I the undersigned will on Monday, April I 7th, 1924 In front of the courthouse In ' Louisburg, N. C. at about the hour of i noon, offer for sale to the highest bid- | der for cash that Ford two passenger roadster car 1921 model placed by him for repairs with the undersigned and that sale will be made to pay the re. pairs thereon made. This March 14th, 1924. HUDSON'S OARAGE. 3-14-4t R. W. Hudson, Prop. , Dr. Hess Poultry and Stock Tonic 4-4rlt at L. P. HICKS. (LEGAL ADVERTISING) SALE OK LAND Under and by virtue of tho powvr and authority contained In Uiat Deed of Trust, executed to J. A. Williams, Trustee, by J. A. Keith and wife, and duly registered In the office of the Register of Deods for Franklin Coun ty. In book 193 at page 272. Default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and demand made upon me to forecloce, I will on MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1924 at the courthouse door of Franklin County, at or about the hour of noon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, that tract of land sit uate In Young8vllle Township, Frank lin County, North Carolina, bounded as follows, viz: Being lots number 23 and 24 of map No. 1 of sunrey of the J. S. Tlmberlake property ma