Wonderfully Pretty are these Blouses Only by seeing them can you hope to realize how much one or more, added to your wardrobe, will bring to you both utility and dress harmony. Prices that tell their own story. Our line ot Dry Goods and Notions is complete. Walking Shoes in Latest Shapes Suited for either work or dress wear, these new spring models in Footwear afford a wide range of choice in style, design and leathers. Get acquainted with us and save money on your Shoes. A. S. W1GGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. SERVICE SERVICE That 1b my motto. SERVICE FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE bo pleasant every morning until eleven o'clock, and 4the rest of the day will take cure of Itself. Place your Fire and Life Insurance with this Agency, and I will -take care" of YOUR INSURANCE TROWBLES FOR YOU. This Agency Is the OLDEST IN FRANKLIN COUNTY. T. W. WATSON, AGENT When yon tblnk ol INSURANCE, think of Mf ? A ? T ? 8?0 ? N New Garden Seed I ^have just received a large shipment of Woods Garden Seed, which I am selling for a low price. Come to see me. I can save you 15 per cent on your prescriptions. F. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBURG, N. G. When Choosing New Rugs Be sure to take advantage of the splendid assortment of patterns, colors and kinds which we are now displaying for your ap proval. The values will appeal to you as being much above the usual and the prices represent real economy. w. E White Furniture Co. TRUSTEE'S SALE OK LOUISBURO WAREHOUSE LOT By virtue of the power of aalo con tained In that certuia deed ot trust made by K. P. Hill lo Wm. H. HufTiji. i Trustee, dated March 12. 1912, and re corded in Book 179, page 467, and un Ider and by virtue of a decree Ot the ! Superior Court made on Nov. ? , 1923 In that action entitled Hill Livestock I Co. vs Wm. H. RufTln, Trusteo and W F. Beasley, recorded in Minute Docket No. 10, Book 374, and 375, default hav JinK been made in the payment of the debt by the terms of said decree, and demand for foreclosure having been made on the said Trustee t>y the said Judgment creditor, the undersigned will on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 18, 1924 at the noun recess ot Court at the courthouse door In Louisburg, North Carolina, offer tor sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder lor cash the land and building therein described as follows: Situate on the West side ot the Louisburg lands of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad and more particularly defined as follows: Beginning at W. Hal Mann's East corner Perry Street, 312 feet from the Intersection of Per ry St. and Kenmore Ave., thence along said Mann's lino Southwardly to Mann's Southeast corner in J. B. Thomas' line; thence Eastward along J. B. Thomas' line to his North East corner In W. T. Hiiehen and M. L. T 'Davis line (now Mann'B also) thence S 32 1-2 W along said Thomas' line to a point fifty feet from where a line drawn across Southern end of the W. T. Hughes & Co. Warehouse Intersects said Thomas' line, the Green and Yar boro Co.'s corner In Thomas' line; ? thence S 57 1-2 E a line parallel to end of said Warehouse and fifty feet therefrom to a stake 20 feet from the center of the Louisburg branch of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad, thence along said Railroad line Northwardly to Perry St., thence Westwardly along Perry St. to the point of beginning subject to the rights of way, easements and reservations granted In that cer tain deed to Green & Yarboro Co., re corded in the Registry of Franklin County to which reference is hereby made for fuller description thereof. This Jan. 18, 1924. l-18-5t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties concerned tc Monday, February 26th, 1924, at noon recess of Court. This Feb. 18, 1924. 1-22-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties concerned tc Monday, March 3, 1924, at about the hour of noon. This Feb. 25, 1924. 1-29-lt WM. H. RUFFIN. Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties concerned tc Monday, March 10, 1924, at about the hour of noon. This Mar. 3, 1924. 3-7-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties to Monday, Mar 17th, 1924, at the noon recess of court This March 10, 1924. 3.14-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued fr5 consent of all parties to Monday, Mar 24th, 1924, at about the hour of noon This March 17. 1924. 3-21-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued bj consent of all parties to Monday. Mar 31st, 1924, at about the hour of noon This March 24, 1924. 3-28-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued bj consent of all parties to Monday. April 7th, 1924, at about tho hour of noon. This March 31. 1924. 4-4-lt WM. H. RUFFIN. Trustee. INTERESTED IX ORDERLY MAR KETING. ? Raleigh, March- -IT; ? Th? -cotton?far mers of the Carolinas are becoming more and more Interested in the de. velopment of the orderly marketing system. 1.eaders in the association ir every section of the State tell of in. creasing confidence and tyew memberi are being added to the association daily. The news comes from Columbia. S. C. that Leroy Springs, one of the lar gest cotton manufacturers of thai State and also one of the larger cot ton planters has signed a contract aiu his crop will hereafter go to the asso elation. In North Carolina, the snnu interest is being seen on the part ol largo planters. The Raeford Farms growers of over a thousand bales ol j cotton have signed with the assooin ? tlon and others have done the same thing. Sixty -eight women of Robeson County aided Miss Flax Andrews, homo agent, to carry the message of more milk for better health to the children In 109 schools during a milk campaign recently held In that county. PURINA Poultry a'nd Dulry Feed, In checker board bags 4.4-lt at h. P. HICKS. i Hastings' Seeds , 1983 Catalog Free tl aaad book ?T?r publlab Ini 100 ptfMt plotnrln* Ed oorraotly dascrlbfn? th* boat and ?t popular vacatablaa, Bmtin and ra? &r>rm tor Uw South. What to pi' ta year ye??, C, iji1 field tar ?r?ry purport* Br? ip b at tba boM tmtH. beaa kc*t!% end otbar pasta. Fall natural Mar Clot nraa at tha baat Rnaaa, OfcwV pad OJ othar nowara. How to gat ? paokata of aaad at baanUful flowara fraa. How much aaad la raqalrad to ?* row or aora, wban and how to ?nd oolttrat*. Why It payi to puat good aaad* and how (? *at th?m aa onaap or abaapar thaa aommon or ordinary laeda. J oat wrtta tor tfcla haadaoma d?w lilt Booh. It's a baaottfol hook had you'll bo mlfbtv ?tad to har? It ta roof homa. . It b abaofntaty fra* I Wnta for It today H. (*. HASTINM OO, ,, today for Haattafr oaw 1#?> ton will nead th* Information almoat dally ? tba moat ralu? Atlanta, ti i-J i Blinding Headaches "For about twenty years," says Mr. P. A. Walker, a well known citizen of Newburg, Ky., "one of oar family reme dies has been Black-Draught, the old reliable. . . I use it for colds, biliousness, aour stomach and Indigestion. I was subject to headaches when my liver would get out of order. I would have blinding headache* and couldn't stoop about my work, just couldn't go. I used Thedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT and it relieved me. "About eight yean ago my wife got down with liver and stomach trouble. . . We tried all week to help her, . . . but ?he didn't .get any better. On# day I said to the doctor, 'I helleva I will try Black Draught, it help* my liver.' He said that I might try it and to follow directions. She was nauseated and couldn't eat or rest. She be gan taking Black-Draught and in two days sha was greatly improved and in a week aha was up." Try Black-Draught. It costs only one cant a dose. Sold everywhere. . roo &? SALE OF LAND Under aril by virtue of tho p-.iner and authority contained in tbat Deed of Trust. executed to J. A.. Williams, TruBtee, by J. T. & E. L. Aiken, and their wives, and duly registered In the office of .Register of Deeds for Franklin County, in book 193 at pcge 280. Default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness there by secured and demand made upon me to foreclose, I will on MONDAY. APRIL 28, 1924 at the courthouse door of Franklin County, at or about the hour of noon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, that tract of land sit uate in Youngsvi!le~Townshlp, Frank, lln County, North Carolina, bounded as follows, viz: Being lot No. 5 of map No. 1 of sur vey made of the J. S. 'ilmberlake es tate by R. G. Ball, engineer, 1920, see Registry of Franklin County, North Carolina, book of maps page 102. This the 21st day of March, 1924. J. A. WILLIAMS. Trustee. Ben T. Holden,- Atty- / 3-2S_5t Piles Cured In 61o 1 4 Days Dnijabtj refund money if RAZO OINTMENT falls to cun Itching, Elmd, Bleerirad or Protruding Plies. Instailiy reUevea ItchinyPiies. and you can act restful sle^n aftfr th?- ftr/t anpliref^o Price GOc. I SHOES REPAIRED THE SAME DAY I THEY ARE RECEIVED All Hinds of Harness and Fan Belts | Made To Order. I.adles Shoes Soled S.ic pair j Men's Shoes Soleu *TLOO pair It'flndjwr W!uk1u?4. "Bibber Be*t ef tke m?r9cw 50e pair ALL. vy Oki< uuAKAXTic.B We make a specialty oa Ladies and Gents tine s>)OCs. Mr. J. R. Gantt hr.s had 30 years ex perience and Is considered one of the best workmen In the State, give him a trial. Try n pair of PANCO Soles for Six Months Wear. LOUISBURO REPAIR SHOP Julius Lehman, Proprietor 2 doors below F. A. Roth's Store THE FRANKLIN INS. AND ' REALTY CO. i Announce that Mr. B. B. | Perry hag taken charge i?f It? I Insurance husnessb Mr. Peiry 1 will be glad to nee his friends, | and when '.n need of ANY KIND ( of Insurance, see hlnw Mr. Perry has had many years ex- j parlance In Insurance, pnd Is < I X'^mr ^ to r the pr at b | iMOt o? Mrrlv j ttor uuurt- of ai itik" write, 'hone Me J Bennett Perry THE FRANKLIN IN3. AND REALTY GO. The Laying Hen is the Paying Hen Purina Chows make layers out of liens. Purina Chows cost little or no more than ordinary feeds, and they produce more eggs tlmn other feeds on the market. That's why we picked Purina, as the chows to sell. Pure, clean, honestly made, they are sold nnd?*r the iron-bound guarantee of more egg s or money back, when fed according to the simple directions. If you want more eggs right now drop in. S- . P, HiCKS ON fHE BUSY OOKNE5 RINGS' FOR BEAUTY Added beauty may be given pretty hands by adcrning them with Rings, properly chosen as to Mountings and Sets. "Joy ip- j choose frjoa ar? c: usually iarre display when you come hers. L. W. PARRISH ?JEWELER? LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA Tires! Tires! Tires! Goodyear, Giant and Auburn Fabrics * 6.00 to Z, 9.00 7.00 " 9.50 Cords 10.00 " 12.50 AIL Weather 22.00 Goodyear Tubes 1.25 Other size Tubes in proportion Spring will soon be here, but why wait? Buy now while we have your size. More people ride on "Good year's" than any other make of tires. "There's a Reason" First grade of Goodyear tires sold in Louis burg only by Cranford Motor Comp j AUTOMOBILE PAI?iTI???, UP-HOL stering. trimming and tArping at reasonable prices. All work guar anteed. Repairing, painting and upholstering furniture also. S. L. OUPTON, near Howells Filling Sta tion, Loulsburg, N. C. S-7-tf The Cleveland Star wants to know about how the weevil survives the winter and offers ten cents each for the first dozen brought In to the Star office with a description of the place In which they were found hlt-ernr.ting. The Star promises a good story tell ing how to reduce the coal bill if one .could live like weevils during the' | winter months. Three prizes of 1100, $50 and $25 its offered In each of (our belts for the best production of cotton by Tarheel club members this year. The eastern Carolina Chamber of Commerce Is co operating with the Agricultural Ex tension Division to make possible this offer of |700. A dish of vegetables Is still the beet spring tonic, say home demonstration workers of the State College of Agrl. culture. Truckeis Favorite, Adams Hfcrly. Snow flake Coopers Prolific and Stow* ells Evergreen Seed Com 4.4-lt at U P. HICKS.

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